Kitchen Mess

B.A.P Reactions

Request: Can I request a reaction to BAP or BTS finding the kitchen and yourself a complete mess after you've tried to make a meal?

Yongguk: Coming home from a long day at the studio, this boy would be looking forward to some nice chill time once he gets home.  Unfortunately for him, you had laid disaster to the kitchen… and yourself while trying to make a nice meal for him to enjoy.  Upon walking in and finding the room completely destroyed, he would initially be confused as to how you could have possibly made such a mess.  He’d take a moment to let it all sink in before sighing and deciding to worry about it later.  The last thing he’d want to do is upset you after you had tried so hard to make a meal for him, even if you had apparently turned into a hurricane in doing so.


Originally posted by luunalou

Himchan: At first, this guy would try to pretend to be upset about the mess to get a reaction out of you, but his smile would quickly prove how he really feels.  “How can one person even create such a disaster?” he’d tease before wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace, not caring about the amount of flour he’s getting all over himself.  “Let’s just call in a service to clean this mess, okay?”


Originally posted by berrytotomato

Daehyun: Dae would be the most amused. He’d announce his arrival would a loud laugh as soon as he sees the absolute disarray of his favorite room.  The surprised look on your face and the pout you give him when you realize just how bog of a mess you made would be too cute for him to handle. “Jagi…” he’d coo, walking in and hugging you tightly before kissing away the smear of powdered sugar from the tip of your nose.  “Only you could make such a delicious mess.”  Unfortunately, it’s hard to say if or when the kitchen will even get cleaned because he’ll probably start a little playful food war with you and only add to the mess you’ve already created.


Originally posted by daesbulge

Youngjae: He has ‘nope’ written all over him as soon as he sees the mess.  “I appreciate the gesture, but there is no way you’re getting me to help clean up this mess!”  Shaking his head he’d just look at all the food tossed about the the dirty dishes covering every inch of countertop, not to mention the splatter of… soup? on the ceiling.  ‘How does that even happen?’  He would also take a moment to question his life decisions and how he ended up with a woman so eerily similar to his best friend.  But let’s face it, at the end of the day he’d end up helping you clean it up anyway.


Originally posted by kpop-kdrama-kvariety

Jongup: There’s definitely a long, awkward moment of silence as this boy stands in the doorway of the kitchen, trying to process what exactly it was he was seeing.  At first he’d wonder if something exploded and if you were alright, but he’d eventually realize you were the cause.  He’d smile sympathetically at you before kissing your cheek and becoming all squishy over the amount of work you had put into cooking a meal for the two of you.  He would make sure to eat heartily and compliment the food whether it was good or not.  And that night after you’d gone to bed, he’d stay up and clean the kitchen until it was once again spotless to show how much he really appreciates you and the things you do.


Originally posted by jongupmybae

Zelo: This not-so-little ball of fluff wold be absolutely amazed at the mess you created.  He’d laugh at your reaction to being caught in such a situation, then give you a hug before starting to help you clean.  “Maybe from now on we should just order in, ya?” he’d suggest; though, he’s still more than flattered at the amount of effort you had put in to your cooking.


Originally posted by thefunctionofme

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