OH ... shoot!

I'm in LOVE with a BOY?!

Hae Ryung is now pretending to be a boy with the name of her brother; Tae Gyun.

Hae Ryung P.O.V

This school is huge. Although it’s a bit different from my past school in U.S, it’s good. It is pretty nice except the fact that it has boys all over the place, Okay, so since I practically lived with my brother for at least half of my life, I’m used to them, and I’m pretty much not interested in them.

I’m not homo either.

I just can’t figure out this whole love-thing with strangers you just met and gotten know of. Wait… IS EVERYONE STARING AT ME? OR IT’S JUST, MY IMAGINATION?

Is my cover blown?! Please God! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I prayed in my head screaming. And when I looked down…

There was a pair of big arms surrounding me into a hug. ‘HE’ was the cause of all those eyes on me. I’m freaked out. Who the hell could this maniac be?

I slowly turned around to see… MINHO-sshi?!!!

“M-minho?” I stuttered

He hugged me even tighter.

“Hae-sshi!!! I missed you!”

He hugged me again. This guy is clearly brain-washed by my brother. He might have been with him for too long that he got infected by his idiocy.

Before he could realize I’m wearing boy’s clothes I pulled him outside.

“Hi Minho! Long time no see huh? How are you?” I asked him first

“It really has been a while. Hey what are you--- why are you wearing our uniform? And did you cut your hair? What are you doing here???” he said finally realizing my situation

I gave him a big grin.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked firstly avoiding all the questions

He raised an eyebrow.

“I could recognize you anywhere. I could tell the difference between you and your twin. We grew up together. Right? Your turn to answer”

He’s serious now. Gosh. How do I start...?

“Uhmm… I’m pretending to be him? Is it obvious?”

“Hae Ryung-sshi”

“Okay-okay. I couldn’t stay put about his situation and something kept playing in my mind. So I decided to stay here a little longer and take the year to study. Mom and dad don’t know about this and their busy with how the company works so I doubt they’ll find out unless, of course, you say something”

“There are dorms here”

“So? I won’t be found out and I’m Hae Ryung remember? My brother and I used to switch places when we were kids, its going to be fine”

“Aissshhh! Just get my point! You switch places back then because you were still kids. Not anymore. You can’t stay here. You’re a girl. And if it’s about your brother I’ll be finding out the reason behind that. Leave it to me”

“He’s my brother. My twin. I won’t leave until I find out why he attempted suicide! Please… let me do this.”

Minho’s P.O.V

She comes back like this and brings trouble? Ugh! How could she do this? I understand she loves her brother… but I can’t let her be alone. If anyone finds out about this she’ll get into trouble and probably be sent to some far away country by her parents. Again.

I let out a big sigh.

“Alright. But I won’t let you be alone in the dorms with some other guy. He might find out who you are. I’ll try to change rooms. Are you gonna be fine for the first class?”

She gave me a big smile. *thump* *thump* *thump*

Calm down Minho… its just Hae Ryung…just her…

Oh what am I saying?! It’s Hae Ryung! I’ve always wanted to see her again!

“Thanks Oppa!” she said and waved goodbye.

T-that’s the first time she called me Oppa! She called me Oppa! I’m… really happy!

Calm down Minho. Calm down.

The heck?! I’m happy!

Author’s P.O.V

Minho started jumping up and down like a crazy man who just won a girl’s heart.

Everyone was looking at him and he isn’t even bothered by it.

Hae Ryung went into her first class. On the way to her room, she bumped into two guys who were blocking her way.

“Watch your way wimp.” said the guy with the brown hair

“Kwangmin” warned the guy with the blonde hair

Hae Ryung looked at them and apologized. She took a second glance.

“What? Never seen twins before?” said the brown haired guy

“Sorry about my brother. He’s actually nice. I’m Jo Youngmin. This is Kwangmin. I’m his older twin. Nice to meet you classmate” said the blonde guy

Hae Ryung smiled.

“I have a twin too!” she unconsciously blurted out.

She quickly covered . The twins looked at her confused.

“I’m Lee Tae Gyun. Nice to meet you too” she bowed and went inside.

(Don’t be confused, Lee Tae Gyun is the name of her twin brother ^^)

Hae Ryung went to an empty seat at the back.

‘That punk! If only I could beat him up! What a rude guy!... oh well, at least that might be the last time I’d be talking to him’ she thought.

The bell ringed. It’s time for classes.

Everyone took their seat; Hae Ryung was relieved that no one took the seat beside her.

Suddenly, Kwangmin went beside her.

“Yo” he said to her and took his attention at the front

Hae Ryung gulped. ‘Why him?! It could have been his twin!’ she thought

“Seems like we’ll be seatmates until the end of the year huh? Let’s get along well” he smiled. But Hae Ryung knew it won’t be easy. She could see the other side Kwangmin hid well in his smile.

She took a deep breath. ‘It’s just seats. Yes. Just seats.’

After classes, Hae Ryung went to look for her room in the dorms. She thought that Minho might have switched places with her room mate already.

When she opened the door…

“Hey Minho-opp—eek!”

She closed the door after seeing a shirtless boy in the room.

“I-is that Minho-oppa?” she thought. She opened the door again and apologized.

“I’m sorry. I thought this was room 203”

“This is room 203” he said while putting a shirt on

Hae Ryung took a close look at the guy.

“Y-you?!” she blurted out

“Yo. What a coincidence, we’re seatmates AND room mates. Let’s get along wimp”

“H-how?! I thought Minho-opp--- I mean Minho-hyung is my room mate?! And I am not a wimp!”

“Well, I thought I’d be room mates with my twin but, the names got messed up and I ended up taking this room”

Youngmin peeked through the door.

“You done yet? Let’s eat already” Youngmin said

Hae Ryung looked at him.

“Oh! Tae-Gyun-sshi! You’re room mates with my brother? Hmm… take care of him, okay? Thanks a lot! Kwangmin! Faster” he said

Kwangmin rushed outside.

“I’m done already. Hey wimp, don’t mess my things up, kay? Bye” said Kwangmin and left together with Youngmin

‘As if! Ugh! The day just got worse! Plus! We met 3 times today! That isn’t coincidence anymore! Waaaaaah!!! They say that if you met a person 3 times a day then… its… fate?!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!’ Hae Ryung screamed in her head.

Minho was running towards Hae Ryung.

“Hae Ryung-sshi!!!” he stopped when he saw Hae Ryung with an angry face welcoming him.

“I’m dead” he whispered and started running backwards.

Hae Ryung pulled him by his collar to the room.

“Can you explain this?” Hae Ryung smiled. But Minho knew it was an evil smile.

“Well… the names got messed up at the office but they said its only temporary! Don’t worry! And I’m sure you can make it out of this one! You’re Hae Ryung remember?!” Minho smiled

“Oh shoot…” Hae Ryung sighed

~ ~ ~

1st chapter :) thanks for the subscribers! :) hope you like it!

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Update soon plz!! It's daebak!!
chibiiELF #2
Daebak! hahaha yeah! janus was so cool nae?! haha more updates! what happened with key and taemin? i'm curious... fighting! update soon!
Chapter 6: I was literally laughing at the first chappies xD
and what happened to key?
so much FLUFF *^*
update soon~
shanaxyuuji #4
Omo ! KwangMin do Handsome !! Kyaaahhhh ~~~
I really like your story ^-^
Keep up the good work ^^
Update soon~~
Whoa your story is awesome :D
Update soon I wait to read ^^
I tend to pay cose atention to details when I read. When I get ino something, I can be really focused on it. I's a habit of mine.

IU and Haeryung do act like sisters in this chapter. Having a girls' day out sounds like fun. It helps the two to bond. I wonder what the complications are that makes Taegyun and IU want to keep their relationship a secret from everybody. Baro is prety sharp, so he's the one that Haeryung needs to look out for in order to keep her secret identity from being exposed. Now it looks like she's busted since Kwangmin has walked in on her before she can finish getting dressed into boys' clothes. He's bound to have questions going through his mind since he's just found out about her.
Ch. 4 mistake:

1. So here i am!
Correction: I
* This ponoun is always capialized no mater were it is in te sentence.

2. I didn't recognize her at first but her cute dress draw me in.
Correction: drew

3. And we kept our relaionship because it's a litle complicated.
* The terms "a secret" is missing after "relaionship."

4. I wonder how he got a pretty girl like you fall for him?
Correction: to fall

5. And because his hyungs were teasing him that he scared her, so he caught up to her.
Correction: Because his hyungs were teasing him that he scared her, he caught up to her.

6. Tae Gyun-sshi has a twin sister Baro.
* Comma after "sister"

7. After that unexpected meeting, Hae Ryung sighed of relief again.
* The preposition "out" must be inserted ater "sighed."

8. They both went home, when they reached IU's dorms...
Correction: They both walked back. When they eached IU's dorm...

9. I'll change in the dorms, its weekend anyways.
Correction: I'll change in the dorms. It's the weekend anyways.

10. But Kwangmin popped into her mind.
Correction: However, Kwangmin popped into her mind.

11. She quietly opened the door and peeked in, when she saw no one in; she came inside and closed the door.
Correction: She quietly opened the door and peeked in. When she saw no one in the room; she went inside and closed the door.

12. I’m extremely lucky for today, I’ve bumped into Baro and I walked inside the dorms with girl clothing’s…thank you dear god!”
Correction: I’m extremely lucky for today. I’ve bumped into Baro and I walked inside the dorms with girls' clothing… Thank you, dear God!”

13. Hae Ryung felt uneasy and began changing faster as she could.
Correction: Hae Ryung felt uneasy and began changing as fast as she could.

14. Hae Ryung froze, she couldn't think of anthing right now.
Correction: Hae Ryung froze. She couldn't think of anything right now.
* Separae sentences

15. And that's when both their world froze.
Correction: their worlds
Cimari #9
please moore!! *O* i'm so into this story right now jajaja
cielnek066 #10
@263WhiteMaskedBunny: its alright , and wow , you really searched this?! hahaha thanks for subscribing and yes i hope this writers' block would end already , ^^