Chapter 7

Reminisce (3rd of YunJae Trilogy)

Chapter 7

The ices went shrunk into the deepest of my glass as I stared at it with my half blurred eyes. I felt so cold, like the air froze me. I wanted to embrace him so much, but I knew I couldn’t anymore.

I took another sip of my vodka; I didn’t care if I died of drinking or what. To be frank, I didn’t feel alive, it’s like the world kept spinning without cared about me; not even my friends.

And my last conversation with my doctor still echoed in my mind. Tears started dripped from my eyes, but I wiped it in a second. I shouldn’t cry. I was the one who cause everything. I was the one who hurt him after all.


“WHY?!” I screamed as I entered Sungmin’s office,” WHY DID YOU ASK JAE TO LEAVE ME?!”

“Yunho, please calm down, I---“ before he could finish, I dragged him out. My feeling was just mixed up; I didn’t know whether I was angry or sad.

But then, a hand stopped me.

“Let him go,” Kyuhyun said in a stern voice.

“BUT HE MADE JAE LEFT ME!” I shouted, making the people around us looked at us, I didn’t care though.

“He didn’t. You’re the one who made Jaejoong-sshi left…” Kyuhyun said as he pulled Sungmin next to him. I couldn’t believe that.

“Let’s…have a private talk shall we?” Sungmin suggested,” It’s too many people here…”

And so we went to somewhere quieter, it’s the hospital park.

“So what now?” I asked with bitter voice. The pain for not being able to catch Jae’s plane left deep scar on my heart. And hell, all of my friend wouldn’t tell me where Jae headed. Not only that, I felt so bad right now, the guilty really ate me. I could kill myself if that would change everything.

“Yunho, your condition made it’s impossible that Jaejoong-sshi stayed next to you,” he started,” You still loved him so much and your heart searching for him every second, but you wouldn’t remember. That’s why your body took the impact. Your second coma came and I told Jae everything.”

“I asked him to leave you, at least until you recovered…But he decided that if you didn’t remember till the end of the year, he would let you go…” Sungmin said.

I couldn’t believe it. No, this’s wrong and impossible! How I supposed believe in that?!

“Because of that, you kissed MY boyfriend, you thought Sungmin was the one on your heart, but you’re wrong…” Kyuhyun ended the explanation.

I stayed there, not moving at all. I eventually told them to leave me alone.

I looked around, it’s dark…and no one was there.

I looked at the star wondering where he was…

Wondering how much pain he had been through for me…

Tears started to fall from my eyes. I couldn’t bear the pain, I sobbed hard, screamed hard. I didn’t know what to do because I knew I had lost my light forever. I was broken…


I closed my eyes as tears kept flooded. I remembered everything, every damn thing he had done for me. Every sacrifice he made for me, every tear he spilled for me, every pain he felt for me. 


The night before I lost my memory…

I went back and front, Jaejoong still not home. Where could he be? After last night making love activity, he liked vanished into thin air. 

I sat on my bed as I felt how empty was my bed. Suddenly, my phone rang, and I heard Siwon’s voice, panting hardly.

“Yunho! Please save Jaejoong!” he said in serious tone,” They took him! I don’t know where!!!”

I didn’t have any idea what’s happening. But then, all I knew was I rushing into the police station like Siwon told me to.

When I arrived there, I could see my entire friend, looking at me with those eyes; worried.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Yunho, do you remember the day we built our company together? And you borrowed some money from your sources…” Yoochun said.

“Of course, but what’s going on with Jaejoong?” I asked, completely didn’t know what’s happening.

“Do you remember his name?” Yoochun asked.

“My source’s name?” I asked,” It’s Shin…I don’t know what his full name though…”

“And guess what, the president of the company Jae hyung worked now named Shin Kang Dae…The same one you borrowed money from,” Junsu said.

“That ,” Min cursed as he gave a file of paper to Yunho,” He made fake documents and it could cause your company in lots of trouble, even bankrupt…”

“Wait a minute,” I started to get to the point,” Are you saying, Jae went to that company because he was blackmail by these document?”

“Yes,” Kibum said.

I couldn’t believe what’s going on. My mind wasn’t that dump, I knew Jae was in great danger. If the documents were on my hand now, Jae must be the one who took it. And now, Jae was nowhere to be seen.

“So, where’s Jaejoong now?” I asked, my heart started to pump fast, I was death worried.

“We…don’t know…” 


“Get him! Don’t let him go!” a man shouted as his men chased a fragile figure, who’s bleeding and hurt badly.

Yunho…help me…

He was so scared and he couldn’t think straight, all he knew was he needed to escape, but the pain on his leg kept him from running much. All he knew was he was pushed down as the ground hit him. He lost his consciousness.


“WHERE THE HELL IS JAEJOONG?!” I shouted when I saw Siwon went into the room. He just arrived at the police station.

“Yunho, please calm---“

“ with that! Where’s Jaejoong?!’ I asked once again.

“He supposed to meet with me after I sent the file to Yoochun, but a bunch of people got him. I tried to follow, but I lost track…” Siwon was in his deep frustration when he said that. I couldn’t blame even though I was so mad at him. Why he didn’t tell me about all of this? Why Jaejoong didn’t?

I rushed out from the police station as the other asked me where I was going. I didn’t know, all I knew was I must search for Jaejoong. I started my car engine as I drove as fast as I could. I tried to look for Jaejoong at the place when Siwon lost him.

It’s near an empty warehouse. I got out from my car as I looked around. I rushed checking every warehouse. I couldn’t find him!


I ran like a crazy man as I finally arrived at an old building. That building was different from the rest of them. I got in slowly, didn’t make any noise.

That’s when I heard his screaming voice…

“NOOOOOO! AAAaaaaaa….” He cried, I couldn’t bear it anymore. I rushed to the way his voice came.

I could saw some people around him, hitting him with things. I kicked one of them as I punched the other. I could feel my arm was hit by something, but I didn’t care. 

I kicked their . I hit so hard, but their attack never ended.

I could feel my body bleed, but it didn’t matter because I needed to protect my precious one.

Finally, the last man fell on the floor; I took a deep breath as I turned to his view.

The view was killing me…

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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 2: it hurts to see Yunho's heart slowly turn to another side like that T_T please T_T i just can't bear it so please get your memory back soon :(
anyway i really like this chapter. the pain feels so real. i've kind of missed reading angsty fic :(
Chapter 11: Yay~ I finished reading this story~ IT WAS WORTH IT XD I didn't regret reading it. Kekeke~ :3
Chapter 10: awww :'] I'm happy for them.
Chapter 3: JAEEEEEEE :'((((
awww~ at first i had a difficulty understanding this fic because each part has different stories. and it skips from one to another. they have big gaps. but then i understood in the latter part. hehehe.

this fic is awesome. they went through a lot.

thank you for writing~! ^^ /claps/
yo_yunjae #6
Chapter 11: I love this yunjae trilogy this part 3 was angst...
But finally in the end Yunjae together again n live happily ^^
Chapter 11: i read all three stories,,
sooooo awesome,,
kyouya3 #8
@BubbleCutie awww, thx u for reading my yunjae trilogy^^