Chapter 10

Reminisce (3rd of YunJae Trilogy)

Chapter 10

The sun was shining beautifully as the light went inside from the window, appealing such beautiful reflection on his sleeping face. I wondered how this beauty ended up on my arms.

All I remembered was I gone back again, to my homeland after I met my love once again.

I stared at those beautiful eyes, how hard I wanted to stay but I knew I must get up. Slowly, I got up as I did what I needed, doing my plan.

After dressed well, I took my jacket and left, heading to certain place, leaving the beauty sleeping on my bed.

“Hmmm…?” the beauty finally awake as he looked around, searching for my presence.

“Yunnie?” he called,” Where are you?”

Didn’t get my answer, he decided to get up and used the blanket to cover his body. Last night activity was still replaying on his mind as he smiled. He went outside the bedroom and he found a red big book on the living room table.

He decided to open it and take a peek. He could read some sentences on the first page.

My lovely Kim Jaejoong…

I, Jung Yunho with love…

Presents you with this book…

Reminisce of our life…

Jaejoong smiled at the sentence because he was too happy. He opened the next page as he saw a photo of him and me under the big Christmas tree, and a sentence said ‘my first going-out with my Joongie, we ate at the sushi restaurant. I could never forget his cute face when he ate; he’s such my adorable Joongie…’

Then, he opened the next page, he saw a photo of him sleeping and a sentence,’ Joongie cried so badly, I wished I could take his fear of the lightning…At least, I stole his first kiss…’

Jaejoong’s face redden as he read the sentence, he remembered all it, our first kiss. Then the next one was a photo of him making salad, it said,’ My lovely Umma was making breakfast for me…Haha, kidding! The salad was delicious Joongie! Just like you~ *seductive voice’

Jae became redder, he could feel his heart raced up, he was so happy. Photo by photo, words by words he saw as he realized how much things he and me had did together, it carved on our memory but also our heart.

But then, he stopped, when he saw one photo, it’s him at his debut, singing his song for me,’I was so happy when I heard he sang for me…I really loved his voice…’

Then another photo showed up, it’s him singing his debut song once again, after we separated in a tv show,'I wished you still sing for me…’

Jaejoong could feel his tears escaped his eyelids, he couldn’t bear the fact he was the one who left his Yunnie first. But he knew he couldn’t change the past. He moved on to the next page.

It’s him, sleeping on hospital bed,’I was dead worried when I knew my Joongie got into incident and lost his ability to walk…I cried, hoping he would fine once again. I thought it’s fine if he left me as long as he was happy…I was so selfish’

Then it’s a picture of him and me, I was kind of hugging him from behind,’I remember how hard Jae struggled to keep his therapy, he wanted to walk once again…I would always pray for him…’

Jae was sobbing when he read all of it, but he kept moving, looking at each picture of their memories.

But then, a page was blank without a picture just words,’ I wished I had this photo, the way he slept beside my hospital bed, waiting for me to gain my memory back, but I was too coward to admit my feeling for him…I’m sorry, BooJae…’

‘I wished I never did this, kissing the wrong person in front of him. I tore his heart into pieces, I knew. I would kill myself if that would change everything…Joongie…I hoped you knew, that’s a misunderstanding, my heart only belonged to you…’

‘Joongie ah, I remembered everything, guess what I did? I rushed to the airport to stop you from leaving, but I was too late, I’m sorry…’

‘But I would search for you. Even though I needed to get Changmin’s punch and yakuza almost killed me…I didn’t care…And I found you once again, I really really loved you, Jaejoong…Jung Yunho, really fell too deep for Kim Jaejoong…’

Jaejoong was crying so badly, tears of happiness and sadness mixed; he couldn’t describe his feelings. Our memory kept replaying on his mind. That’s when a securing arm reached him from behind.

“You haven’t bathed?” I asked. He was still crying so badly, I cuddled him as he finally realized I was on my tuxedos.

“What’s…going on?” he asked.

“I thought you already read the last page…” I said. Joongie wiped his tears as he opened the last page.

There’s no photo, just a word,’ I want to fill this page with our wedding photos…Would you marry me, Kim Jaejoong?’

I could see mixed emotion on his face, I expected an answer, but then all I knew was he pressed his lips into mine. I tasted the sweetness of him again.

“I love you Yunnie,” he said between his sob,” I do…I do, Jung Yunho…”

“I love you…” I said as I tried to calm him down,” Joongie, you’re so cute when you’re …”

He flushed as he finally realized, the blanket just the one which covered him. He rushed to the bathroom as I chuckled.

“I’ll wait you here, Joongie…”


The flower decorated each age of the room, it’s so beautiful, I knew he would like it. But it’s still empty big room.

“Yunnie ah, what are we doing here?” he asked. He looked so cute when he wore his cream tuxedos.

“We’ll do rehearsal for our wedding next week…” I said as I saw his round eyes, shocked.


“I thought you said ‘I do’…” I teased,” Or maybe I should get married with Kibum or Junsu or Sungmin or Heechul if you don’t want me anymore…”

“YAAA!” he hissed,” I, Changmin, Yocchun, Kyuhyun, and Siwon will kill you!”

“Haha,” I laughed as I pinched his face,” You know I only loved you, now…let’s start by choosing the color and---“

I and he ended up doing preparation for our big ceremony. He smiled all the time, I just loved it.


“Ladies and gentlemen…The couple had gone through so many hardship, but true love always found its way, let’s welcome, Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong!!!” the MC said.

I could hear the people screaming and happy for us, but that didn’t really the point I thought important. I couldn’t help but to stare at Jaejoong’s beautiful face. He was wearing white pure tuxedos, and mine was black. I liked the way we held our hands.

We walked to the priest direction, and he began…

“Today we will bring this couple to be the real couple who will make their own family, together…Bounded by love and will always be there whenever they need each other, won’t be separate forever…”

And now the time for us saying or vows…

“I, Jung Yunho, take you, Kim Jaejoong, to be my other half, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

I smiled because he smiled and blushed when I said that…

“I, Kim Jaejoong, take you, Jung Yunho, to be my other half, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

The crowd cheered, as the couple shared their kiss passionately.

Finally we bounded to each other for eternal. I, Jung Yunho, from now on, just belonged to Kim Jaejoong, like you belonged to me.

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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 2: it hurts to see Yunho's heart slowly turn to another side like that T_T please T_T i just can't bear it so please get your memory back soon :(
anyway i really like this chapter. the pain feels so real. i've kind of missed reading angsty fic :(
Chapter 11: Yay~ I finished reading this story~ IT WAS WORTH IT XD I didn't regret reading it. Kekeke~ :3
Chapter 10: awww :'] I'm happy for them.
Chapter 3: JAEEEEEEE :'((((
awww~ at first i had a difficulty understanding this fic because each part has different stories. and it skips from one to another. they have big gaps. but then i understood in the latter part. hehehe.

this fic is awesome. they went through a lot.

thank you for writing~! ^^ /claps/
yo_yunjae #6
Chapter 11: I love this yunjae trilogy this part 3 was angst...
But finally in the end Yunjae together again n live happily ^^
Chapter 11: i read all three stories,,
sooooo awesome,,
kyouya3 #8
@BubbleCutie awww, thx u for reading my yunjae trilogy^^