Chapter 6

Reminisce (3rd of YunJae Trilogy)

Chapter 6

Few days before I lost my memory…

“Then, see you tomorrow,” I heard he spoke with someone at the telephone.

“Who’s you speaking to?” I asked.

“Is my Yunnie getting jealous?” he teased me with his pouty lips. He had no idea how his lips tuned me on. I sat on the bed next to him. Slowly, I touched his lips with mine, tasting every each of it. Eventually he ran out of breath and I let him go.

“Yes, because Joongie always my property,” I said jokingly, he smiled as he pulled me closer. Once again, I could feel that lips. They’re mine.

I began to push him down to the bed as I got every piece of his cloth on the floor. He was smiling playfully as he let me kissed every each of his body. His moans were driving me nuts.

I could feel how hard he was by the things that poking near my thigh. Like always, I tended him first, making him felt the heaven once again. I pumped a little faster as he moaned my name ily.

Slowly, I went in him, I knew it’s painful for him everytime I did this, but he never complained because he knew he would get the pleasure soon.

“Aaahhh…Yunnie ah…” I kept ing until I hit his sweet spot. I heard he begged me faster and I gave it. We reached out .

I laid beside him as securing him on my arm. I closed my eyes, but then I heard he mumbled,” Everything will be fine, because I’m here for you…”

But I was too exhausted. I drifted to my sleep.

The next morning, I found empty space on my side. Joongie wasn’t anywhere in my apartment. He must be working for that ing company, I cursed. I knew the new company Jae worked at always liked this, pressuring Jae a lot. And until now, he still didn’t tell me why he didn’t stop working at that company and why he left me in the first place.

I decided to not think about it, I trusted Jaejoong, I thought. So, I went up and took quick shower.


Present time…

“Sungmin ah!”I rushed to my doctor office, luckily there’s no patient there, or else I would already disturb him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I…I had weird dreams…It’s horrible…I don’t…” 

“It’s OK, take a breath and talked slowly,” Sungmin gave me a glass of water.

And so I told him my dream…

“ I was in an old building. I heard screams. I was like running, like searching something. Then…then, I found him, laying with blood all over his body…”

“Who?” Sungmin asked.

“Jaejoong…” I answered.

”Then, I tried to help him, but everything went blank. What the hell was that?” I asked.

“Finally!” Sungmin cheered,” You remember something!”

“Eh?” I was dumbfound.

“Then, then?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, I woke up,” I answered.

Sungmin stayed silent for a while, he was thinking deeply, I knew. I was about to ask him more, but then, something big hit me.

I held my head as the headache attacked me once again. The headache already became better from the day I woke up, one month ago, after having my second coma for one week. Now, it’s on again.

“Yunho!” Sungmin called for help, he was about to inject me with the drug but I stopped him.

“Don’t! I think…I remember something!” I said while hanging in the pain. Bunch of pictures and feelings attacked my limp body as I fell on the floor, sweating.

I couldn’t believe what I saw, that’s too much for me to handle. Too much...

The next thing I knew was I ran out from Sungmin’s office, heading to certain place.


“Chullie, do you think this’s the best?” Siwon asked his lover, they’re sitting near Han River, on their car cap.

“I…don’t know…” Heechul answered.

“Aaaarggg!” Siwon was frustrated,” It so damn complicated!”

Heechul wanted to chuckle at Won’s behavior, but he knew it’s not the time. They’re about to go back to their car when they saw a figure they knew.

“Yunho!!!” both of them gasped. They called me, who’s still on my hospital robe.

“Siwon! Where’s Jaejoong?!” I asked as I tried to catch his breath.

“Yunho, why are you here?” Heechul asked.

“Just tell me where the is Jaejoong!” I was more than desperate. My heart beat so fast like it would just stop at one time.

“He’s in the airport…” Siwon answered,” He’s leaving tonight Yunho…”

“WHAT?” I couldn’t believe what I heard,” Take me there, now!”


“So, I guess, this’s farewell. Behave yourself OK, Min?” Jaejoong caressed his dongsaeng’s cheek. He hugged him as he wiped his tears.

“Hyungie…don’t leave,” Min mumbled softly.

“We have through this, come on,” Jae said as he looked to the others,” I’ll miss you guys a lot…”

“Take a good care of yourself OK?” Yoochun reminded.

“I’ll miss you hyung!” Junsu said in his dolphin voice.

“Hyung, don’t worry, I’ll take care of this…crybaby!!!” Kibum was crying too, but he didn’t care. To him, Min was the crybaby.

“Thanks,” Jae smiled weakly. He bid farewell as he waved and walked away.

Every step he took seemed so hard for him. His tears started to form out, he hated to be this weak. But he knew, sooner or later, he’d need to move one. He couldn’t stuck at this point forever.

While walking heavily, he caught something. A new facility for skiing was opened just across the street. He could see it from the airport window. 

He burst out into tears, he didn’t want to leave, but he must. Hardly, he stopped crying as he walked the step once again.

The memory was tearing him apart. He remember the day he had the first date with his precious person, it’s skiing. He missed that, he wished played longer, but he couldn’t because he was afraid back then, afraid of the frozen river.

He could see an officer in front of him, he gave him his passport and after quick checking, he could go in, waiting for the plane.

Slowly, Joongie closed his eyes and prayed…

God, please…just let me see him one more time…I miss him already…

I knew this’s impossible, but I really begged you…

Jaejoong opened his eyes. Nothing, he couldn’t see him. He smiled bitterly as he finally admitted that he really had lost him. He got up as he heard the plane call for passenger.

Maybe…everything should end like this…

This whole thing, whether bad or good…

Will be just a part of my memory…

Good bye, Yunho…

My Love…

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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 2: it hurts to see Yunho's heart slowly turn to another side like that T_T please T_T i just can't bear it so please get your memory back soon :(
anyway i really like this chapter. the pain feels so real. i've kind of missed reading angsty fic :(
Chapter 11: Yay~ I finished reading this story~ IT WAS WORTH IT XD I didn't regret reading it. Kekeke~ :3
Chapter 10: awww :'] I'm happy for them.
Chapter 3: JAEEEEEEE :'((((
awww~ at first i had a difficulty understanding this fic because each part has different stories. and it skips from one to another. they have big gaps. but then i understood in the latter part. hehehe.

this fic is awesome. they went through a lot.

thank you for writing~! ^^ /claps/
yo_yunjae #6
Chapter 11: I love this yunjae trilogy this part 3 was angst...
But finally in the end Yunjae together again n live happily ^^
Chapter 11: i read all three stories,,
sooooo awesome,,
kyouya3 #8
@BubbleCutie awww, thx u for reading my yunjae trilogy^^