Chapter 1

Reminisce (3rd of YunJae Trilogy)

Chapter 1

Usually people would ask where they were when they woke up. Or maybe called for the names they missed and cared; their family and friend. But I didn’t. I just…simply staring at the ceiling, wondering what happened to me till I ended up on hospital bed, in hospital robe. Nothing, I got nothing.

It’s like a sea, so wide, yet nothing was there. It’s like the blue sky, stretched far away, yet blank. I couldn’t think of anything, it’s just plain white and empty.

The glasses kept me in cage, and I saw a nurse in white came into my room. She looked a bit shock when she saw me, then, she ran out and called a man in white cape, a doctor I guess.

“How’s your feeling?” he asked. I just stared blankly, didn’t know how to answer. I felt slight pain on my forehead and my palm immediately had it checked. It was banded with a soft and thick fabric. Wait a minute, did I get into incident? I couldn’t remember…

“How’s your feeling?” the doctor asked again, I could barely answered,” I…don’t know…I don’t remember anything…”

“You don’t? What your name?” he asked. I thought deep and deeper, nothing came out. That’s when I panicked and realized I had lost my memory! No! I didn’t want this, this was too much. I was blank like white paper, I felt empty, like the precious thing had been robed from me; my memory.

I struggled like a crazy man, the nurse and doctor gained their strength to hold me. One of them took a bottle and injected me with the drugs. I could feel my tears went into my cheek, I was so miserable. I couldn’t stand it. I wanted my memory back, I didn’t want to be the person that didn’t even know who he’s.

My sight blurred as I lost my consciousness. I just could pray that I’d remember everything when I woke up, I wished.


“No, he won’t recognize you!” a voice echoed.

“But, I want to see him! I need to see him!” another one echoed, this time it’s like he’s sobbing.

“Calm down! Both of you! You’ll wake---“the group of people stopped shouting as I opened my eyes. I looked at them and as I expected, I didn’t know their faces. I couldn’t remember.

“Yunho…” a man with a-bit-long-and-messy-hair-or-maybe-it’s-his-hairstyle called.

I stayed silent.

“Yunnie, it’s me!” a man-who-look-so-damn-beautiful-and-made-me-felt-a-strange-feeling called as he sobbed into my arm. I was shocked, but well, maybe they’re my family? Or maybe my friend, since they’re not that old to be my mother or father.

“Yunnie, it’s me, call my name…Prove it to them that you remember me…” he sobbed like a child. I didn’t know what to do, but I decided to prove the bitter truth to them,” I…don’t remember anything and any of you…”

“…Yunnie?” the man on my arms looked at me with his teary eyes. It’s sparkling and I…somehow, didn’t really like it. My feeling was just mixed up.

“Is…Yunnie my nickname?” I asked, I didn’t think whoever my parent would name me like that, it’s must be a nickname.

“Yes, your real name is Yunho, Jung Yunho. The founder of Dong Bang Entertainment Company, my best friend and partner,” the man with a-bit-long-and-messy-hair-or-maybe-it’s-his-hairstyle said,” I’m Park Yoochun, we knew each other since the same nanny changed our diaper.” 

“Yunho…” the man on my arm got up as he wiped his tears; I asked him,” Who are you?”

“I…” the man who-look-so-damn-beautiful-and-made-me-felt-a-strange-feeling struggled with his word.

“Yaaaa!!! Jung Yunho! How could you forget my hyung’s name when he had done so much for you?!” a man with tidy-hair-and-cloth-who-look-kind-of-smart interrupted.

“Min, calm down,” a man who-look-cute-but-not-my-type tried to calm him.

“But he---“

“Min, it’s OK,” the man who-look-so-damn-beautiful-and-made-me-felt-a-strange-feeling said,” I’m Kim Jaejoong.”

“Kim Kibum…” the man who-look-cute-but-not-my-type introduced himself.

“Shim Changmin…” the man with tidy-hair-and-cloth-who-look-kind-of-smart followed.

Before they could tell more about themselves and me, a figure went into the room, a doctor followed him.

“I brought the doctor…” the man with-high-voice-like-a-dolphin said.

“Well, since Mr. Jung already calmed down, I’ll need to examine him,” the doctor said as he gave signal to the others, the group left me there, alone with the doctor. He began to ask me easy question, but I couldn’t answer almost all of it. I just didn’t remember. Then, he examined my forehead, I could see few stitch there. Then, he warped it with the new fabric.

“Well then, just call me whenever you feel something wrong with your body, OK?” the doctor said before he went out,” My name is Kyuhyun by the way…”

“Thank you, Doc…” I said.

“Oh, and the doctor who’ll take care of you about your memory lost isn’t me, he’ll see you later, OK?”

And with that I was left alone. It’s so quite…I didn’t know how to describe it. I decided to examine my body (not because I’m a ert or something, it’s just I think I got to an incident so that I lost my memory), I found nothing wrong with me. Just the big plaster on my head, guess I just damaged me head?


“How’s he?” Jaejoong asked to the doctor who just went out.

“His body condition is fine and his wound on the forehead is showing some improvement,” Kyuhyun answered,” Anyway, the only problem he has now is the memory lost, the other doctor will check on him after this. I suggest you guys grasp something to eat, it’s almost 11 o’clock.”

“Thanks, Doc…” 

With that the doctor left.


“Hmm…” the man with-high-voice-like-a-dolphin, in front of me, looked at me. He said the others went to eat breakfast,” Yunho, I’m Kim Junsu…”

He talked a bit about him, but literally he talked about me because I asked him what kind of person I was.

“OK, so my name is Jung Yunho. My parents died in a car accident when I was a child, I was just 5 back there. All you guys are my friend. Yoochun is my partner in business. You’re one of my stars or I rather say employee...” I pointed all the main point of his explanation.

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“What about the others? What about the guy who cried in my arms?” I asked. Junsu just smiled and he answered,” It’s not my share to tell, they’ll tell you…”

“Alright…” I agreed for no reason. Somehow, I got tired and leaned my body on the bed.

“Yunho…It’s OK, we’ll be here for you. It takes time to recover,” Junsu tried to cheer me up.

“Yeah,” I said shortly before I rest my eyes, my head felt like boiling because I had been trying to think so hard to remember, yet nothing came out.

A sudden knock could be heard from the outside, and a nurse went in,” Mr. Jung, are you ready to see the doctor that will help you with your memory lost?”

“Yes,” I answered and then we left my room, Junsu said he would wait there and I just agreed.


It was plain white, no stain was there. Everything was the same, flawless pale cream, from floor till wall and even ceiling. Glasses table was at the middle as a seat was accompanied by the man, right in front of me. This wasn’t hospital, was what I thought, but then this was a hospital.

“So, do you remember your name?” the figure in front of me asked. He was wearing glasses as his sparkling eyes shone behind it. His hair was dyed dark brownies, somehow I felt like…I knew him.

“Ehm, hello?” he asked again as I snapped to reality. I answered,” I didn’t remember but I know my name is Jung Yunho from my friends.”

He asked me questions and I answered, it’s just basic question and I could answer most of it. After a few minutes of talking, he said I could go back to my room.

“Just don’t push yourself too much OK?” he said.

“Thanks, Doc,” I replied.

“Don’t call me ‘Doc’, it makes me seems old. Just call me Sungmin,” he said as he smiled. 

Strange tense could be felt in my heart, I didn’t know why; I excused myself as a nurse took me back to my room. Everything was just devastated and confusing.

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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 2: it hurts to see Yunho's heart slowly turn to another side like that T_T please T_T i just can't bear it so please get your memory back soon :(
anyway i really like this chapter. the pain feels so real. i've kind of missed reading angsty fic :(
Chapter 11: Yay~ I finished reading this story~ IT WAS WORTH IT XD I didn't regret reading it. Kekeke~ :3
Chapter 10: awww :'] I'm happy for them.
Chapter 3: JAEEEEEEE :'((((
awww~ at first i had a difficulty understanding this fic because each part has different stories. and it skips from one to another. they have big gaps. but then i understood in the latter part. hehehe.

this fic is awesome. they went through a lot.

thank you for writing~! ^^ /claps/
yo_yunjae #6
Chapter 11: I love this yunjae trilogy this part 3 was angst...
But finally in the end Yunjae together again n live happily ^^
Chapter 11: i read all three stories,,
sooooo awesome,,
kyouya3 #8
@BubbleCutie awww, thx u for reading my yunjae trilogy^^