Chapter Nine

Time Lapse

C h a p t e r   N  i  n  e .

B a e k h y u n 

It’s finally here. My long waited weekend! It’s always exciting when Friday ends and then come along Saturday. I have all the things that I wanted to do on a weekend planned. I get dressed with my work out clothes that Chanyeol prepared beforehand. Oh right, he’s on a trip today. After putting on my clothes I head to get my shoes but I don’t find them anywhere.

“I know I placed it around here before, did I misplace them?” To other people, the first person that they call on times like these are their moms but in my case, it’s Chanyeol.


“I can’t find my running shoes.”

“Oh that-“ I was first listening to him and him alone when I hear another voice.

“Chan! We’re going out to the pool. Aren’t you going?” That’s Mi Ho’s voice!

“Yeah, be right there.” He replies. “Your shoes might be at the dressing room. I thought you might use it today so-“

“Is Mi Ho with you? I thought I heard her voice. And isn’t she not coming?!”

“Oh, she agreed just the other day. We sort of fixed it so that she can come-“

I hang up running to get my shoes and then a luggage to put my clothes on. I grab anything that I can wear for two days and headed out. How can she go without even telling me?! That stupid girl! I ran to my car tossing my luggage at the back seat and drove my way to the water park.

»« »« »«

“Here it is sir. If there is something that you need, please don’t hesitate to call us!”

Entering the cabin that my employees are staying at, I look around leaving my luggage at the living room. I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten anything since my whole schedule is ruined! Damn it. I rummage through the fridge and only find some uncooked food. “Ugh.”

I hear the door open so I rush to the living room. “Took you long enough! I’m starving! Oh! That kid is here too?!”

“M..Mr. Byun!” “Oh, it’s the car ahjussi.” Mi Ho and her kid said in unison as they point at me. The door suddenly opens and came Chanyeol as he chase his breath. What’s wrong with him?

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” He exclaimed grabbing both of my shoulders. Ugh, he’s on friend mode since we’re not at the company.

“What else? My employees are on a trip so I should be here too right?” I reply.

“W..What?” He grabs my wrist pulling me to the corner. “Are you stupid or something?”


“Oh! Did Mr. Park just call the CEO stupid?”

Mi Ho chuckles. “Chan’s not in work mode. They are childhood friends that’s why they’re close like that.”

“Oh, so you knew them before?”

“Mm. I went to the same high school as them.”

“Really?!” While they go on their own world I am left with Chanyeol’s nagging.

“This is a company outing! And you rushed here just because Mi Ho’s here did you?!”

I flushed. “I..I did not! I just felt that it’s not unfair that you all are making use of my money while I am not here!”

He sighs in defeat. “So? Where do you think you’ll stay now? This cabin is just enough for us here.”

“Where else? I’m just going to stay where you are staying.”

“Ha?” He looks at me in distaste. Sometimes I really prefer him in work mode that this. “You just hug people in your sleep. There’s no way I’ll let you sleep in the same room.”

“Then shall I give you the hassle to arrange on finding me one? I can always call for help you know?” I notice him glare at me for a while and sigh in defeat. “I’ll take that as a yes in letting me in your room then. Where is it?”


“Oh, look here’s my phone dialing and now I pressed my contacts-“


“Now we’re talking.”

I hear chuckle and saw Mi Ho smiling. It’s nice to see her smile these days. “I’ve never seen this kind of Mr. Park and Mr Byun before.”

I smile nodding. “Well, we can act freely outside the office so feel free to call me by my name okay?”

“Yes!” They all replied.

“But I won’t let it slide once we’re in the company.”

“Y..Yes.” The mood became gloomy all of a sudden. Did I even say something? I just want them not to be awkward around me and now we’re on it.

“Aren’t we eating lunch yet Mom?”

“Oh that’s right! We’re on our way to have barbecue for lunch. Will you join us Mr. Byun?”

Mr. Byun. She isn’t going to cut that off is she?


I follow them to the backyard and they told me to just sit down while they grill the food so I just did as told. “Mr. Byun we are surprised that you suddenly decided to come with us! What made you change your mind?” If I remember correctly he’s name is Kei and he’s under Chanyeol.

“Nothing specific. I just want a change of pace that’s all.” I watch Mi Ho as she help Chanyeol set up the grill with her kid. That scene looks like- “Damn it.”

“Ah-“ I walk to Chanyeol grabbing the gloves from him as he looks at me in surprise. “What now?”

“Teach me how to do it.”

“It’s fine Mr. Byun, we’ll do it. You came here to relax after all right?” Mi Ho smiled.

“Mr. Byun huh?”


“Oh! We should get some cola and juice. We forgot to buy some earlier.” Hye Joon closes the fridge as she shouted from the kitchen.

“Oh then here Mr. Byun, you can grill this with Chan. Sejoon! Let’s go and get the drinks for everyone shall we?”

“Okay! Let’s get candy too Mommy!”

“Shall we?” Mi Ho hands me the tong and leaves.

“You, I don’t get you sometimes. You know I only see her as a sister.” Chanyeol takes the tong from me and sighs. “Go, she can’t carry all of those by her own.”

“She got that kid with her- ah! Hey! You’re being too much today!”

“You’re seriously making a kid carry bunch of drinks that’s heavier than him? Go now!”

Ugh. I hate too much work and what I hate the most is that guy ordering me around. I know Dad hired Chanyeol to assist me but geez he only does that on work hours. Outside the company that contract is useless. I can’t hold him by his neck. I manage to catch up with Mi Ho. She finished placing a cap on her kid.

“Oh! Ahjussi!” The kid waved at me. Mi Ho turns seeing me and stands.

“Mr. Byun!”

“That punk told me to go with you. I’ll drive.” She chuckles. “What?”

“There’s no need. The convenience store is nearby.”

“So... we’re walking?”

“You can just stay if you don’t want to exhaust yourself Mr. Byun. I’ll just tell Chan that-“

“Let’s go.” I walk ahead and I felt a hand on mine. I look down seeing the kid holding it. “What’s your deal?”

“Ahjussi, do you not hold hands with people much?”

“There’s no reason for me to hold people’s hands is there?”

“Mom told that if you’re friends with people you hold their hands so you won’t lose them forever.” I freeze looking at the kid then to Mi Ho. Those words, I said that to her back then. She flushes and takes Sejoon from me.

“L..Let’s go?”

“But Ahjussi!” Sejoon goes running back to me and takes my hand again. “I want to be friends with Ahjussi!” I smile and outstretch my hand to him. He smiles seeing what I just did and held my hand tight. I look at Mi Ho and she’s looking at us with that bitter smile again.

“Mi Ho.” I call her name and she snapped out of whatever it is that she’s thinking. Sejoon stretched his other hand to her and smiles. “We have to go and buy those drinks right?”

She smiles walking over to us and holds Sejoon’s hand. I smile at the sight. She looks happy right now. When we reach the store, Sejoon immediately runs to the sweets section and I told him that he can get whatever it is that he likes. I actually don’t know how to interact with kids but Sejoon seems to be an exception to that.

“Is this all?” I ask Mi Ho.

“Mm. I think this would be good.”

“Alright then. Let’s go-“ I noticed Mi Ho is staring at Sejoon. Is it like that? When your kid’s happy it’s like a virus that you get it too? Because that’s how she is right now. It’s like just by watching her son laugh in joy with all the sweets I bought him made her so happy. She’s happy right now that I am forgetting the hatred that I have for her. I am forgetting where my brain is directing me and I am making my heart win again.

“Mr. Byun!” I look at Mi Ho as she stares in worry. “Are you alright?”

“...Yes.” I walk ahead. I can’t go soft. If I do, I know I’ll be hurt again. It’s just a spur of a moment thing. It doesn’t last.

»« »« »«

On our way to the pool, I noticed that Mi Ho’s looking at the sky again. I wonder why she keeps on checking it. Is she worried that Sejoon might catch a cold with the rain? But this is a waterpark. You will definitely get wet and it doesn’t matter if it rains or not. Everybody starts on playing at the pool but I stare at Mi Ho. She keeps on acting weird that it bugs the hell out of me.

“Chan-“ Now that I look at Chanyeol, he’s looking at Mi Ho in worry. He walks over to her so I watch him. He says something that makes Mi Ho show that smile that says she’s okay and not to worry about her. I know it. She may be always smiling, but her smiles have meaning.

“I’ll take care of Sejoon so go back now. It’s getting cloudy.” I overhear what Chanyeol is saying.


“Mi Ho.” She hesitates for a while and looks at Sejoon. She calls him and tells him that she’ll go back first. Sejoon nods and stays with Chanyeol. Is she feeling ill? As much as I told myself to stay out of it, I can’t. No matter how much I tell myself not to care, I still do. So here I am. Following her back to the cabin. She notices me so she stops.

“Mr. By-“ the cloud gives us thunder and she suddenly freezes. She looks at the sky again as we feel raindrops. “O..Oh no...”

“Wait! Mi Ho!” I call her but she doesn’t stop and runs to the cabin. She keeps on running and I saw her stuck at the door which she can’t open. “What are you doing-“ her hands are shaking. It’s raining hard now. “I’ll do it. Move.”

“Ah!” She screams when a thunder growls and she fell on the ground as she cover her ears. She’s shaking. I’ve never seen her like this before. When I opened the door she runs inside and just disappeared. What’s going on?

“Mi Ho? Where are you?!” I ran to check the rooms but she’s not answering. “Mi Ho!” I called and can’t find her anywhere. Where the hell is she? “Mi H-“

I approach the bathroom seeing the light on. There she is. She’s in the tub covering her ears with her eyes shut as she cries while shaking. “Mi Ho.”

“Don’t look...” her voice is shaking and I don’t like this feeling I get. My guard is all broken down and I am going soft. I always hate it when she cries. I thought after all the hatred I got for her leaving me, I won’t manage to care for her now but what am I doing? “I...”

I step in the tub putting my arms around her and pulled her close. “Is the rain making you shake like this?”

“M..Mr. Byun-“

“Baekhyun. Why can’t you call me that? I already said that it’s fine.”

“I can’t..” she bit her lip and cries. “I can’t call you by your name after what I did to you... I can’t..”

I hold her tight even though my chest hurts. “Then, why did you leave me?” She holds me pushing me away but I can’t let her go now. I won’t. I need to know. “Please, can’t you tell me why you left me?”

“Please let go of me-“

“Whoa, that rain poured hard all of a sudden! Way to spoil the fun!”

“Oh? I thought Mr. Byun and Mi Ho returned already. Why is the cabin empty- ah, the bathroom’s open.” I grab the curtain and pull it towards the other and open the faucet. “Oh my! Is someone using it?”

“I forgot to close the door. Can you lock it instead? I was cold and I showered.”

“M..Mr. Byun! Oh yes! I’ll lock it for you!”

The door closes and I look back at Mi Ho as she flush. “Please let go of me! You’re going to get wet!”

“Are you worrying about that now after getting in this situation Mi Ho? If you talk too loud they’ll hear you. Not that I mind.”

“Wha-“ She gets even redder and I find this entertaining.

“Now you stopped shaking.” I reach over to her wiping her tears away. I stand and let go of her gently. “Finish showering. I’ll get you a towel.”

I get out of the bathroom and locked it. Mi Ho, she’s not like that before. Why is she so scared of the rain now to the point that it made her shake in fear?

UPDATE! I also made a new cover for the story haha! I just enjoy making covers right now :)) Did you guys just had the feels because I do while I am writing this >.< Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Leave your comments okay and let me know what you think ^^

- Cheonsabyul <3

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Hello y’all! For all those who haven’t know yet, just wanna share ^^ I’ve made a sequel about Chan and Seulgi <3 so if y’all wanna read just look it up on my story list okayyy? A little thank you gift for liking this story ^^


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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 25: Thank you for this story i love it so much
Chapter 25: Oh, oh,.. this is so beautiful. Such a lovely story. I really loved Sejoon's pov in last chapter. Its was so cute, how he was giving daisies to Yu Ki, and him being such a responsible son to Mi ho and Baek, and responsible older brother.
Wow,.. I really want a family like this. *dreamy sigh* :') <3
outoften #3
Chapter 25: this is super amazing! thank you for writing!
Chapter 25: Aw this story is so beautiful :") it has been a rollercoaster ride, that i thought i'm going insane. I feel so hurt for baekhyun at first, cause it seems like other people accused him for something that he didn't do, something he didn't know.. i cried at 1 am you know how scared i'm to have a bloated face in the morning. But, fortunately they get what they deserved.. i wish i could meet someone like baekhyun in my life, someone who knows me so well, cherish me, and love me for all of his being :")
Chapter 25: that was really a beautiful and emotional ending T_T Sejoon is a little man now. I feel like a proud mama. He has been in Miho's worst moments and now he's a loving brother and amazing son to his parents. Miho and Baekhyun did a good job raising him :)

I wonder if Sehun found his happiness. Anyway thank you for this amazing story. I will miss them :(
Chapter 25: It’s a cute ending!!!
I like how their family lives.
It would be great if you could make an special chapter with Chanyeol and Seulgi , please.

Have a great day!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 25: I'm happy that you ended this with Sejoon's POV.
But can you please make an epilogue so we know how's everyone doing? I mean, ChanyeolxSeulgi and Sehun. I hope everyone get happy ending. Thankyou for this story. You've worked hard. ♥
Chapter 25: Omo i am crying over this cute little love story.
Chapter 24: It’s a beautiful chapter. Baekhyun and Miho are so cute.

Have a great day