Chapter Seventeen

Time Lapse

C h a p t e r   S e v e n t e e n .

M i   H o

I hurry with Sejoon to Sehun’s apartment. I am worried that he is still ill because he hasn’t come to our house ever since that day. I let Sejoon ring the doorbell but Sehun’s not answering so I decided to go inside instead.

“Sehun?” I called and put down our things at the kitchen.

“Mi Ho?” Sehun appears from the bed room. He looks stressed and he’s still in his pajamas. Seems like he didn’t have plans on getting up after all.

“Uncle!” Sejoon ran to his direction and hugged him. “Mommy said that you’re sick. Are you still sick?”

He smiles and carries Sejoon. “Not anymore. I feel much better that you both are here.”

Sejoon smiles and hugged him back. I walk to the kitchen to cook us lunch and started working. I hear footsteps behind me and felt his arms wrap around me. “You’re not mad for me telling him?”

I smile shaking my head. “Not really. I know you did it for my sake.”

“Mi Ho...” his arms that are holding me slipped away. I face him and stare. “You’re too kind. You don’t even get mad. You’re just too kind.”

I chuckle and hold his cheek. “I know you don’t mean harm. And besides, I know that he’ll find out sooner or later the moment I met him again.”

“Is that why you agreed on leaving in a year?”

I smile as I grab the utensils that I need. “For a second, I thought things might change, but I don’t think they will.”

I felt a pang on my chest at the thought. But after everything that happened yesterday, I guess I have to let Baekhyun go. I gasp as Sehun grabs me. “Sejoon, just stay there and watch TV. I’ll have to talk to your Mom a bit.”

“Okay!” He pulls me to his room and shuts it close then walks over to his closet as he starts to find something.

“What are you doing?” I take a seat beside him as he continues to search. He stops when he finds a small box and sits on the floor facing me. “That’s-“

He smiles and placed the necklace on me. I hold on the necklace with the sun pendant on it. This is back when we’re still in high school. He asked me to find a gift for the one that he likes- I look at him and he smiles at me warmly. My hand finds its way to my mouth in shock. Ever since then... Sehun.. “You finally figured it out.” He sighs and rested his hands behind him. “Goodness, that took me years to be able to give it to you.”

“Sehun, I still-“ My eyes widen when he suddenly pulled me towards him. His arm wrapped on my waist as he looks up on me. “Wha-!”

“I can’t help but to feel this way when you’re giving up on him.” He pulls me closer but I shut my eyes closed before our lips even met. I felt something. Warm on my cheek. “But even if you’re giving up on him, I still can’t take his place huh?”

“Sehun...” his forehead meets mine and he smiles.

“I’ll see how things will fall into place then.” His fingers touched my lips. “But until then, you’re mine Mi Ho.”

»« »« »«

I open the music box as I lull Sejoon to sleep and slowly pat his shoulder. I smile listening to the nostalgic music. It always drifts me to the time when Baekhyun first ever played the song. I told him that I loved it so he had a music box made for me. I didn’t realize we felt the same way back then already.

“Sejoon? Are you asleep already?”

“...not yet.” I smile at his drowsy reply.

“Do you want to meet your Dad?”


“I think I can let you meet him.” He suddenly sits up and hugs me as he looks at my eyes.

“Can I really?!”

I nod and caressed his hair. “But I can’t give you any assurance that he’ll be with us after that. Just you meeting him will be sure though.”

He smiles. “Will Mommy be always with me?”

I chuckle kissing his cheek. “Of course I will always be with you. Forever.”

He hugs me and lies back to his pillow. “Then that’s fine with me. As long as I have Mommy, I can just meet Daddy and tell him that I will take care of Mommy while he is busy.”

I hug him tight. I don’t understand back then how much a child mean to a mother. Why is it that whenever I smile, my Mom always smiles back? Whenever I cry she still smiles and despite how I think everything is going hard for me she still believes in me that I can get through it? My Mom was like that. Everyone around us always smile whenever she’s around. They tell me that her smile is like a virus that even though everything is so hard and messed up they can feel good again as long as my Mom is there. Because she turns everything well. She’s a very optimistic person. I think that’s where I learned to be one too. Before she died, she asked me a very hard question.

“Mi Ho dear, I know that Mom is being selfish...but can you hold Mommy’s hand until the end?” That’s when I knew she will be leaving us. My brother was very much like our father. I know that he’s hurting but he can’t show Mom. Because he promised her that he’ll protect me in her place. I held her hand back then not knowing why she asked that. I was just a middle school student but I still did what my Mom asked because I know that it will be her last. Then her last words actually strike me the most which is why I think I am a person like I am right now. “Mi Ho, even though Mommy’s gone, I want you to smile a lot okay? Even though I am leaving, I want you to smile.”

I wept back then because I think that was an impossible thing to do. “How can I smile when you’re leaving us? I can’t do that!” Even though her hands are weak and trembling she wiped the tears in my eyes and she smiled.

“Because if you do, then everyone will hurt. So you have to smile. For yourself, for the people around you, for your brother and also your Dad. You see, people have their own way of protecting themselves from being hurt. No one wants to hurt which is why we unconsciously turn our backs and pretend to be fine. Which makes it look like we’re running away from what’s hurting us. But when you smile, it means that you believe in yourself that everything will be fine. That you can do it. You don’t have to force yourself to do it in a day because miracles don’t happen overnight right? Give yourself another day. And if it doesn’t work again, smile again because another day will arrive for you and eventually you’ll get over with what’s hurting you. You won’t notice that you’re much stronger than before.” She holds my cheek and nods. “I know that you can my dear Mi Ho. Because it’s you. Mi, a beauty, and Ho, a great one. We named you Mi Ho because I we know that you’ll be a beautiful angel who’ll bring great happiness to people around you. That’s you Mi Ho.”

Ever since then, I’ve always loved my name and I smiled the way my Mom did. Because I know that’s what she wanted me to be.

»« »« »«

The next day, I decided to do what I have to do for Sejoon so I headed over to Baekhyun’s place only to find a familiar figure in front of me. She turns noticing my presence. She was surprised at first but managed to smile at me. Walking towards me she gave me a hug.

“I haven’t believed it at first that you’re back Mi Ho. But after seeing Baekhyun smile suddenly like back then, I guess it’s true.” I smile hugging her back. I missed her presence. She’s been there for me ever since she found out about Dad’s  death. “I’ve missed you.”

I nod feeling the same way. She releases me and smiles staring at my face. She’s still beautiful as ever. “Are you here for Baekhyun?”

She nods. “I was worried since tomorrow is his father’s death anniversary.”

“Oh.” I didn’t realize that it was already that time of the year. It’s been a while since Mr. Byun have died. I haven’t even gone to his funeral. I don’t think this is the best time for this.

“Mi Ho? Can I ask what are you doing here?” I smile shaking my head.

“Oh no, it’s nothing. But would it be alright if I go with you tomorrow for his death anniversary?”

She smiles nodding. “Of course dear. I’m sure my husband would be delighted having you there.”

“And you wouldn’t mind if I bring two people with me won’t you?” She chuckles nodding.

“The more the merrier.”

With that, I left the house and headed to my brother’s place. Sejoon runs to me when he hears my return. “Have you been a good boy?”

“Yes! Yoon Bi and I got ourselves ice cream Mommy! We bought it ourselves!”

“Really? Aw, I wish I could’ve seen that.”

I hear a chuckle. I turn seeing Joohyun unnie from the corridor. “They really had fun when I took them at the park.”

“Thank you Unnie. I really owe you a lot for taking care of Sejoon most of the time.” She smiles hugging me.

“It’s nothing Mi Ho. I always wanted to be of help to you.” I smile. Footsteps approached us and I see my brother. “Oh, he came in earlier.”

“Oppa!” I walk over and hugged him. Oh how much I’ve missed seeing him.

“I have troubles thinking whether you’re really a mother whenever you act like this.” I hear Unnie chuckle.

“Well, Mi Ho really cares about you. She is your sister.”

I smile. “Oppa, I want to ask you a favor.” He looks at me in curiosity. “Can you go to with me tomorrow somewhere? I was thinking of taking Sejoon with me. Oh, and wear your black clothes.”

“Sure, I don’t mind. But, are we attending a funeral or something?”

“Mm.” I nod smiling. I know he won’t like the next thing that will come out of my mouth but I’m sure he would like to go with me too. “To Mr. Byun’s grave. Tomorrow is his death anniversary.”

I look as his expression changed. “What did you just say? Who’s grave?”

“I met Baekhyun’s mother today and she told me all about it. I was thinking of going.”

His look changed into a glare. “I thought I already told you not to have anything to do with that family after what happened to you?! Mi Ho are you plain stupid or what?!”

“Minseok-“ Unnie tried to stop him but I shake my head no. She sighs in defeat leaving us both in the room taking the kids with her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t told you sooner. I am working as Baekhyun’s secretary.”

“What?! MI HO ARE YOU CRAZY?!” I smile.

“I know. But I will leave as soon as this year ends. I only signed a contract for a year. Just enough to sustain Sejoon and I. We can’t always depend on you Oppa.”

“Mi Ho!” I smile as he gets angry. But I can only do this to ease his feelings a little bit.

“But you’ll go with me tomorrow won’t you? I know Mr. Byun would like to have you there too.”

I see him ball his hand to a fist. I know that he’s still sad about Mr. Byun’s passing like Baekhyun. After all, he took care of us after our father’s death back when I was still in high school and he’s in college. Oppa treated him as his real father which made us closer to the Byuns. But after what happened to me, he lost contact with them and cut ties.

“I can’t. After all these years, we’re good. We can’t go back to having ties with that family.” He holds me hand. “Mi Ho, you’re the only one that I have, you know that right?”

I nod and hold his hand back and bring it to my cheek. “I know that. And I also know that you’ve wanted to go to him ever since that day. I’m well now Oppa. You don’t have to hold back.”

“Mi Ho.” I stand and smile.

“I really hope you can go with us tomorrow.”

I said and left. I just hope that what I said was enough for him to be convinced to go with us tomorrow.

»« »« »«

I finish fixing Sejoon’s tie and smile. He looks so adorable. “You look handsome Sejoon.”

He smiles. “Where are we going Mommy?”

“I want to introduce you to some people. They’re important to Mommy.” I stand handing him my hand and he took it. We head out and saw Oppa sitting on the stairs. “Oppa.”

He stands. I smile seeing him in here. “You’re late. I thought we’re going out by eight.”

I chuckle. “I had troubles fixing Sejoon’s tie. Sorry!”

He sighs and carries Sejoon. “Let’s go.”

“Mm.” I nod as we head downstairs. My brother was silent all the way to the Byuns. I guess he was worried about what will happen since he hasn’t met them for years. I ring the doorbell and Mrs. Byun opens the door for us.

“Oh! Minseok! Look at you! You’re a fine man now! Oh I’m so happy to see you!” Mrs. Byun smiles in joy and hugged my brother.

“Oh I... It was a pleasure meeting you again too.”

“Why are you being formal dear? Let’s just talk as how we usually do okay?” She chuckles. Her eyes landed to me then to Sejoon. “Oh, hello.” She smiled warmly and looked at Sejoon. With him being shy, he hides behind me and stare.

“Sejoon, say hello. She’s the one I told you about. She’s Mrs. Byun. She took good care of us back then.” I say. He looks at me then to Mrs. Byun.


“He’s adorable Mi Ho.” She smiles at me warmly and hugs me. “I’m so proud of you.” I nod and smiled. We make our way in when Seulgi notices us.

“Oh my gosh! UNNIEEEE!” She runs to my direction and hugs me. “I’ve missed you!”

I chuckle hugging her back. “Me too.” Her eyes dropped to Sejoon and gasps.

“Oh my, is he?” I nod. She crouches down and pats Sejoon’s head. “Well hello! What’s your name?”

“Sejoon...” I wonder why is Sejoon’s being awfully shy today. He always smiles in front of other people. I wonder why he’s acting different today.

“That’s a nice name.” She said warmly and looks at me. Sejoon smiles seeing a familiar figure and runs to Chanyeol.

“Uncle Chan!” Chanyeol sits with his arms spread open and welcomed him.

“Well hello. I wasn’t expecting to see you here little guy.”

I smile. “I hope it wasn’t much of a trouble. I just want him to meet Mr. Byun after all.”

He smiled back and shakes his head. “Not at all.”

“He met him already?” My brother asked so I told him all about the trip I had with my other co-workers. I know he’s disappointed but I’m surprised when he did not elaborate on the subject much. I look around not seeing Baekhyun anywhere.

“He’s in his room. He’s usually like this Unnie. He hasn’t gone to Dad’s grave even once.”

“Ever since Mr. Byun died?” Seulgi nods. Oh, so Baekhyun haven’t gone there ever since huh? I thought he was fine already but I don’t think he is.

“Would it be okay for you to talk to him Mi Ho?” Mrs. Byun asked.

“That’s-“ Oppa hold on to me and I smile.

“It’s okay. He knows everything already.” I walk over to Baekhyun’s room and knocked. “Baekhyun?” I called but there’s no answer. “I’m coming in okay?”

When I got in, it was unusual for his light to be shut off. He normally had them on. I look around and can’t find him anywhere. The bathroom door opens and he looks surprised seeing me. I gasp turning around seeing him half . I hear a chuckle. “Why are you so flustered? It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve seen me like this.”

I flush. “Um, we’re going to your Father’s grave.”

“I know. But you can go ahead, I’m not going.”

“Baekhyun-“ he smiled but I know he’s hurting inside. “I brought two people with me.” I smile. He looks at me confused. “Sejoon and my brother. They’re with me.”

His eyes widened and he dropped the shirt that he’s holding. I walk over and took it for him and smiled. “Sejoon? Sejoon’s here?”

I nod. I know he wants to see him after everything that has happened. Even though I am still not sure if he’s really Sejoon’s father. “Hey Baekhyun? I’m not sure if this is the right time to talk about this but, I was thinking of running a test to know who Sejoon’s father really is.” He looks at me in shock and handed him his shirt. “And I need your help for it so I want you to think about it.”

He took the shirt and I smile. “Mi Ho.”

“Get dressed okay? We’ll wait for you outside.” I walk out of the door and lean on it. My hands are still shaking from what I said. I wonder if Baekhyun will agree to do it. I sigh and walk back to the living room. I see Sehun and smile. “Oh, you’re here too.”

“Why are you here? And hyung, if they see each other-“

“Don’t worry. I already told Oppa everything. I think he wants to see his grave too.”

Sehun puts on the painful face. I know a lot has happened these past years but I didn’t realize how much each of the scars still lingers with each one of us despite of the hatred and the loss we all have gone through. I turn hearing footsteps and see Baekhyun in his clothes. I smile. I’m glad he’s coming.

“Oh, Baekhyun dear!” Mrs. Byun walks to his direction and hugged him as she cries. I smile at the sight. I’m glad, really.

“Mom, quit whining already. Aren’t we going?”

“Oh, yes! Let’s go!” Everyone headed to the car when his eyes dropped to me then to the person behind me, Minseok Oppa.

“Long time no see hyung.”

My brother gives a slight nod. “Yeah, long time no see.” I smile seeing them both as they look at each other. I can see how much they longed for this but there’s something that’s making them hold back going to how they are like before. Me.

UPDATE! This is such a touching chapter for me ^^ leave ypur comments for me to read okay?? And I will never get tired of saying this but, Thank you all for reading this fanfic! ‘Til the next chapter everyone!!


- Cheonsabyul <3

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Hello y’all! For all those who haven’t know yet, just wanna share ^^ I’ve made a sequel about Chan and Seulgi <3 so if y’all wanna read just look it up on my story list okayyy? A little thank you gift for liking this story ^^


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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 25: Thank you for this story i love it so much
Chapter 25: Oh, oh,.. this is so beautiful. Such a lovely story. I really loved Sejoon's pov in last chapter. Its was so cute, how he was giving daisies to Yu Ki, and him being such a responsible son to Mi ho and Baek, and responsible older brother.
Wow,.. I really want a family like this. *dreamy sigh* :') <3
outoften #3
Chapter 25: this is super amazing! thank you for writing!
Chapter 25: Aw this story is so beautiful :") it has been a rollercoaster ride, that i thought i'm going insane. I feel so hurt for baekhyun at first, cause it seems like other people accused him for something that he didn't do, something he didn't know.. i cried at 1 am you know how scared i'm to have a bloated face in the morning. But, fortunately they get what they deserved.. i wish i could meet someone like baekhyun in my life, someone who knows me so well, cherish me, and love me for all of his being :")
Chapter 25: that was really a beautiful and emotional ending T_T Sejoon is a little man now. I feel like a proud mama. He has been in Miho's worst moments and now he's a loving brother and amazing son to his parents. Miho and Baekhyun did a good job raising him :)

I wonder if Sehun found his happiness. Anyway thank you for this amazing story. I will miss them :(
Chapter 25: It’s a cute ending!!!
I like how their family lives.
It would be great if you could make an special chapter with Chanyeol and Seulgi , please.

Have a great day!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 25: I'm happy that you ended this with Sejoon's POV.
But can you please make an epilogue so we know how's everyone doing? I mean, ChanyeolxSeulgi and Sehun. I hope everyone get happy ending. Thankyou for this story. You've worked hard. ♥
Chapter 25: Omo i am crying over this cute little love story.
Chapter 24: It’s a beautiful chapter. Baekhyun and Miho are so cute.

Have a great day