Chapter 9: Blissful Confession - Pt. 1

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“Oh, Noona. Hi,” Woozi’s voice echoed the apartment as Solar simply waved at him before going back to looking at her phone. The older woman couldn’t really think straight right now. She had run out of her job – which you should never do unless you are friends with the owner - and had gone straight home to wait for the purpled haired boy to come back. Her mind had been questioning the same thing over and over: What was she to Woozi? It was this simple question that had her on the edge from the moment she came back till now. After taking his shoes off, the purple haired boy made a beeline for the couch, where he placed his black winged backpack.

“Woozi…” Solar suddenly called as the boy turned around to look at her, “Did you have fun at Yoongi’s?” She was not intending to ask that, but nothing else came to her mind.

“Yeah. He had a really cool studio,” Woozi said with a small smile.

“Good…” Solar said as she placed her phone on the counter and looked up at Woozi, who was looking right back at her, “So…I’ve been thinking…there’s something…how do I say it? I…” Solar felt go dry, as she couldn’t find the right words to say.

“You want me to leave?” Woozi suddenly asked, his voice coming out frighten and small.

“No! No, no, no. It’s not that,” Solar said as Woozi’s expression remained confused and concerned all together.

Okay! Be a woman, Yongsun. You can’t keep these thoughts in your head if you want to remain partially sane. Solar thought before asking, “What…what do you think of me, Woozi?”.

“What I think?” Woozi asked - taken back by the sudden question - as Solar nodded, “That you’re my Soulmate,” He replied as Solar tilted her head side to side.

“Same here, but I mean…what else? Like what else do you think of me?” Solar asked, not satisfied with Woozi’s answer.

“Uh…I don’t…get it,” Woozi trailed off, unsure on how to answer Solar’s questions.

“Hmm…Okay, I’ll start then,” Solar said as she walk over to Woozi and held his hands, much to the boy’s surprise as a slight shade of pink began to cover his cheeks, “I think you are very dear to me and you are adorable and since meeting you my life has been so much more fun and I feel that you deserve-…” Solar suddenly halted in her words as she realized what she was about to say.

“That I deserve better?” Woozi asked as Solar stared at him with wide eyes.

“No…well, yes. I-I mean, I want you to have a better life, Woozi. I can’t give you more than a home and food. There must be so much more that you want,” Solar explained as best as she could.

“…What about you, Noona?” Woozi suddenly asked as Solar tilted her head to a side, “Don’t you want more too?”. Solar tried to speak, say something…but the sudden question had left her speechless. Did she want more?

“…No…” Solar breathed out, shaking her head in denial.

“That’s not true,” Woozi said as he held Solar’s hand tighter, “You want someone who knows you best, someone who waits for you without you even noticing…someone who loves you unconditionally…” Woozi was misty eyed by now as he held back his tears by biting his lower lip, “…That someone…is not me”.

“What?” Solar asked incredulously, “Woozi…are you…are you breaking up with me?” She asked, tears threatening to fall anytime.

“I…I learned to not get attached to anyone. It hurts less when you have to leave…and see them go to their real soulmate, which is okay since that’s how it should be…” Woozi explained as Solar frowned, quickly shaking her head.

“Woozi…stop. I-I wouldn’t leave you! I have no one else, anyways!” Solar protested as Woozi looked up at her. A small smile suddenly graced his face as he turned Solar’s wrist around, revealing the visible indigo mark in her hand. The letters remained unclear…yet the color was clearly there. Solar gasped as she had not even notice the mark appear on her skin.

“M-maybe it’s-…” Solar tried to say but was quickly cut off by Woozi.

“If it was mine it would be Ebony black, Noona,” The boy deadpanned as Solar stared at him, tears now rolling down her cheeks like a cascade as she realized what he meant. It had never been Woozi…he was a Soulful, someone who unfortunately would be passed down from person to person until someone would finally be able to fall in love with him…and that someone was not her. Solar didn’t love him like a lover, she loved him as her little brother, nothing more or less. The name carved on her skin…belonged to someone else.

“Don’t cry. You…did more than other people had ever done for me. You were…like the big sister I never had,” Solar quickly held the boy in her arms, sobbing silently on his shoulder.

“…I’m sorry…” She cried, feeling guilty and sorry towards the young boy, “I promised to take care of you…and yet…”.

“And you did,” Woozi assured as he hugged her back, “Noona…you were…the best Soulmate I’ve had. Thank you,” His confession made Solar hold on to him tighter, unwilling to let go. She had a feeling that if she let go and went to sleep, Woozi would be gone the next morning.

“Noona,” Woozi called.

“Yeah?” Solar asked in a muffled voice.

“Do you know who your Soulmate is?” His question made Solar flinch, before shaking her head.

“I’m not sure,” Solar said as she couldn’t help but think about a certain black haired woman.

…Moonbyul has someone else. She doesn’t see me like that…and I don’t see her like that…right? Solar thought without a doubt.

“Don’t let them wait for too long. I’m sure they are just too kind to say it’s them,” Woozi said with a smile, the brightest Solar had ever seen on him.




“Wheein…Jung Wheein…Yah, Wheein! How long do I have to knock on your door for?” Hwasa snapped as she knocked on Wheein’s door. The said woman – who was wearing a corgi onesie and a cute pink colored facemask- appeared and quickly opened the door for her friend.

“What do you want? It’s like 6 in the morning. I want to sleep since someone made me work when I should had been resting,” Wheein said while fixing her facemask. It wasn’t unusual for Hwasa to find her friend in such style. If anything, she was already used to it.

“You should just quit and work in the café,” Hwasa rebuked as Wheein made a face at her, “Okay, whatever. So, remember I talked to Moonbyul Unnie, right?” Hwasa asked, sitting on Wheein’s comfy bed.

“Hmm…yeah. That was before I got dragged in to that dreaded waitress job,” Wheein joked as Hwasa rolled her eyes at her.

“Sooo, she told me that she might be getting engaged soon,” Hwasa confessed as Wheein’s eyes went wide in shock, “I’m sure it’s Krystal Unnie”.

“No way! Why? What about Solar Unnie?” Wheein asked, concerned.

“I haven’t heard from her,” Hwasa said as she took out her phone, “She hasn’t text me”.

“Man…this ,” Wheein said, falling backwards onto her bed.

“I know…” Hwasa began saying, “That’s why I thought that we should intervene again”.

“No! F**k that! You sold me off last time when it was your idea, you little s**t!” Wheein barked as Hwasa shrugged, already used to Wheein’s outbursts from time to time.

“So, we just let them make the biggest mistakes of their lives?” Hwasa rebuked, “If you can live with that you, good for you”.

“Why are you like this? That’s not cool!” Wheein whined as Hwasa smirked.

“So, are you helping me or not?” It wasn’t even a question since Hwasa already knew the answer.

“Have I ever said no to you?” Wheein questioned, as Hwasa didn’t hold back her excitement and quickly tackled her in a hug, which she quickly broke to jump up and down with excitement.

“That’s what I’m talking about! So, what we’re going to do is-…” Hwasa halted in her words as she stared at Wheein with a frown.

“Is? What, you lost your voice?” Wheein asked, as Hwasa didn’t reply. It felt like hours until Hwasa finally spoke.

“I didn’t…but you seem to have lost your mask,” Hwasa said as Wheein’s eyes went wide in horror as she quickly found it laying on her lap. She could have put it back on and pretend like nothing had happened…yet, the expression on Hwasa’s face told her it was useless to do it now. Hwasa saw it…the bubblegum pink vertical mark on her cheek that read Hyuna.

“A-ah…Hooray, you found out…” Wheein tried to say as cheerfully as she could, but her voice kept shaking out of nervousness.

“…Wheein, why did you…how could you not tell me something like that?” Hwasa questioned, clearly angry for having being left out of her friend’s secret.

“If it makes you feel happy, I haven’t told anyone,” Wheein said as Hwasa narrowed her eyes at her.

“I’m not anyone,” She rebuked rather harshly as Wheein hung her head low, not even daring to glance at Hwasa.

“I know…” Wheein trailed off.

“Then? Why not tell me?” Hwasa persisted as Wheein sighed.

“Is not easy to tell anyone about it,” The blonde haired girl explained weakly.

“It’s just a mark,” Hwasa protested as Wheein finally looked up at her, shock written all over her face.

“A mark…you just saw a mark?” Wheein asked as Hwasa nodded.

“Was I supposed to see something else?” It was almost like Hwasa’s words were music to Wheein as she smiled.

“No! Not at all! It is a mark! A stupid, stupid mark!” Wheein chirped, much to Hwasa’s confusion.

“Uh…what?” Hwasa asked, perplexed at Wheein’s sudden mood change. At first, she was more than guilty…and now, she was smiling brightly.

What’s going on? Hwasa thought as she couldn’t help but question her friend’s mentality.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s just a mark, anyways,” Wheein said with ease.

“Your Soulmate’s mark, Wheein. It is important,” Hwasa rebuked.

“Not if I’m not with that person! So, let’s forget about it! The past is past!” Wheein said, looking as bright as a newly placed light bulb, “Now, let’s figure out how to get the Unnies together”.

Before Hwasa could question her friend further, Wheein began to talk about Solar and Moonbyul.

What…just happened? Hwasa wondered as she couldn’t help but be deeply concerned about Wheein’s state of mind.




Let’s just forget it…She has Woozi, she can be happy with him. I…I would just be in their way. This is for the best…Moonbyul thought as she glanced down at the paper before her. With shaking hands, Moonbyul grabbed a pen and swiftly signed the paper before her, which read “Prenuptial agreement”. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she ignored the aching of her left wrist. It was now official…Krystal Jung…was going to be her wife.


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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs