Chapter 14: Spring Fever

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“Good morning!” Wheein chirped as she entered MoonSun Café.

“Yah!” Hwasa suddenly shouted as she pointed her finger at the newly arrived girl.

“What’d I do?” The short blonde haired girl asked, puzzled at her girlfriend’s sudden anger.

“Why did you got us to stay for only 3 days? Man, I wish we could have stayed longer! I miss the sea!” Hwasa whined, sulking as she rested her elbows on the counter. The 3 days trip to Jeju City had gone by so quickly that when they had to come back, Hwasa and Jimin had thrown a tantrum about wanting to stay longer. It took Wheein an hour to drag Hwasa to the car…while Yoongi gave up as soon as Jimin began whining. Honestly, many of them had built beautiful and meaningful memories. Hwasa and Wheein being no exception.

“Me too, but it was too expensive,” Wheein explained with a sheepish smile.

“Fine. I’ll forgive you just because you’re cute,” Hwasa said as she poked Wheein’s nose with her index finger, causing said girl to slightly blush at the action. Before, Wheein would have played along, thinking it’s just a game. Now, however, she couldn’t help but feel shy, as she knew that Hwasa’s words carried more meaning than before.

“Hey, you covered you marks again,” Hwasa, noted as Wheein nodded, looking down at her long sleeves. No matter how much Hwasa told her it was fine to carry her marks…it wasn’t that easy for someone who had gone through hell due to those marks. For Hwasa, they might be beautiful colorful names…but for Wheein, well…lets just say she was still trying to accept them.

“I…yep,” It was all Wheein managed to say as she felt Hwasa’s hand on top of her before she intertwined their fingers together.

“You do you, Wheein,” Just that small gesture made Wheein smile brightly.

“Thanks,” The short blonde haired woman chirped until she remembered something, which made her gasp and look at Hwasa with wide eyes, “We totally forgot to help the Unnies get together”.

“…Well, f**k,” Hwasa cussed as the two couldn’t help but feel downhearted at the sudden realization. After they made up, Wheein and Hwasa had completely forgotten about their Unnies. Instead, they spent their time enjoying great seafood, the beach and cuddling. It was now that Wheein remembered the existence of their problematic Unnies.

“Oh, wait!” Hwasa suddenly exclaimed, causing Wheein to look at her with concern, “I think Unnie is marrying this week”.

“WHAT?!” Wheein yelped as the door of the MoonSun Café was heard jingle. Solar smiled at the two girls who returned the gesture with a heavy-heart as they noticed the woman’s appearance. Her face was drained from color as her eyes looked tired and glum.

“I’ll go to the bathroom real quick,” Solar said as the pair nodded, still looking a bit concerned. As soon as Solar arrived to the bathroom, she frowned at her reflection in the mirror above the sink. The pink haired woman knew she didn’t look good…but there was a reason for it. That reason…was called Moonbyul. Solar had found Krystal waiting for her outside the Moderato Hotel…and what she told her…had been the last thing she would had ever wanted to hear.




“…Why do you and Moonbyul have the same bandages on the same place?” Krystal asked - genuinely confused - as Solar stared at her with wide eyes.

“I-I-I…don’t know how to explain it…” Solar replied, feeling absolutely stupid for using something so obvious. She might have as well wrapped a neon lace around her wrist and put on a shirt that read MOONBYUL’S SOULMATE.

“Is it…because you’re her soulmate?” Krystal’s question made Solar’s heart skip a beat.

Deny it. Deny it. You can’t do this to them. Solar’s mind screamed loud and clear, but as soon as she opened , Solar replied with a firm, “Yes”. The expression on Krystal’s face was more than heartbreaking for Solar, as the younger woman didn’t look sad or broken-hearted, but rather mindful and expressionless. It was almost as if Krystal had known all along and yet she somehow was still stuck between them.

“…I don’t know if you know, but Moonbyul Unnie signed a Prenuptial Agreement…” Krystal trailed off as Solar’s expression became unreadable.

“O-oh…I-I was not thinking about getting between the two of you, though! I-I swear,” Solar quickly stuttered as she suddenly felt Krystal place a hand on her cheek.

“Then why are you crying?” Krystal asked calmly, wiping the silent tears that had began to roll down Solar’s cheek.

“Huh? W-why am I crying? T-that is so weird. Sorry,” Solar apologized while taking a step away from Krystal and wiping her tears furiously, “Seriously, I don’t want to get between anybody. I want everyone to be happy”.

“Same here, Unnie,” Krystal quietly agreed, her eyes fixed on the ground as she couldn’t help but feel guilty at the whole situation.




As soon as Solar got out of the bathroom – and tried to make herself look like a decent human being instead of a vampire-zombie hybrid – she halted in her steps when she heard a familiar voice say, “Hello, I’m looking for Moonbyul”.

“Minseok?” Solar called as the said man look at her, equally shocked to see her.

“Yongsun Noona? What are you doing here?” The blonde haired man asked.

“I work here,” Solar briskly answered, “Why are you looking for Moonbyul? I thought you didn’t want anything to do with her,” She added, clearly displeased at Moonbyul’s brother’s presence. While she didn’t know the whole history between the two, she knew that they had grown apart after Moonbyul opened her café. No matter how many times she tried to text him or call him, Minseok never replied back.

“We have some businesses to talk about,” Minseok replied as he flinched when the door to his side flew wide open, revealing Moonbyul on the other side.

“I told you to meet me at home,” The black haired woman said sternly.

“And I waited for an hour but you never showed up,” Minseok replied with annoyance.

“If you had read the text I sent you, you would know I was coming at 4 p.m. not 8 in the morning,” Moonbyul rebuked as Minseok took out his phone.

“Ah, I see,” It was all the older twin said as he quickly shoved the phone back on his pocket, “Well, whatever. I’m here. Let’s talk”. Moonbyul let out a groan as she let Minseok enter her office before closing the door behind her. Her employees and part-timer – since Wheein practically worked at MoonSun Café by now – exchanged knowing glances as they slowly approached the door, their attention glued to the conversation happening on the other side of the door.




“So,” Minseok began saying as Moonbyul sat behind her desk while he sat before her, “Now that you are marrying Krystal, I’m guessing you’re going to be working with me, right?” He asked with ease as Moonbyul slightly flinched at his words. It was true that if she married Krystal, Moonbyul would be joining two of South Korea’s most powerful businesses. She, however, had not thought of leaving her café. It was everything she had ever wanted after all…and by leaving the café…she would also be leaving Solar. Somehow the thought, made Moonbyul feel a fleeting aching as she glanced at her brother who remained emotionless.

“…I suppose,” The black haired woman replied after a moment of silence.

“…Good,” Minseok said as the room fell into an unfamiliar silence.

Why is he so quiet? Moonbyul thought, perplexed at her twin’s sudden silence.

“What’s on your mind?” Moonbyul asked, “I-If you want to talk about it, that is,” She added instinctively thinking her brother would get angry if she didn’t say it otherwise. Minseok, however, simply stared at her with a blank expression. He said nothing…or rather, he looked like he had a lot to say, but didn’t seem to find the words to say it.

“What is it, Min?” Moonbyul questioned once again but her eyes grew wider upon realizing how she had called him, “S-sorry,” She briskly apologized as she noticed her brother raise and eyebrow at her before finally looking away.

“…You haven’t called me that in a long time,” Minseok suddenly said, his eyes fixed on the ground, “Honestly…I know I don’t have the right to tell you anything. I always ignored you, mistreated you…made you feel like s**t…” He trailed off, as Moonbyul couldn’t comprehend what he was trying to tell her. It had all started when Moonbyul decided to open her café and leave all of their father’s businesses to Minseok. Her brother had immediately disagreed with her, but she didn’t care and chose her café over her brother’s ideal. It was this that made Minseok hate her. From pushing her away with rude words to even ignoring her for months, Minseok distanced himself from her. Till this day, Moonbyul didn’t quite get why. Shouldn’t he have been happy that he had more money?

“What are you trying to say, Minseok?” Moonbyul questioned.

“…You are so close to having everything mom, dad and I always wished for you to have. But, I can’t keep lying, Byulyi,” Minseok began saying as he finally glanced at his sister, “If you were not happy before, what makes you think you’ll be happy now? You and I both know you do not love Krystal”. Slowly, the corner of Moonbyul’s lips slowly curled upwards and before she knew it, she was laughing. It was a bitter laughter that soon died down when she felt a salty tear roll down her eye.

“Are you sick or something? Did the spring fever finally get to you?” Moonbyul jeered as she stood up, knocking her chair backwards and letting it hit the ground with a loud BAM, “All this time, I’ve been a disappointment to the great f***ing Moon family and now, you come and try to talk to me about happiness? What do you even know about it, Minseok? Nothing! You know nothing! You never cared! So, why care about mine? If I marry Krystal we will all be happy and dandy with you having more profits and businesses! That’s what everyone wants from me, right?” She snapped with tears threatening to roll down her eyes.

“…Right. I shouldn’t have said those things before. It was…inappropriate,” Minseok agreed as Moonbyul scoffed before walking towards her door and opening it with much force, causing the trio that stood behind it to fall right before her.

“Moonbyul!” Minseok called but Moonbyul simply walked away - Avoiding to step on her employees, who currently laid on the floor in pain as most of them hit their face against the wooden floor - unwilling to hear another word. As soon as their boss was out the café, all eyes fell on Minseok.

“…What do we do now?” Wheein asked as Hwasa helped her and Solar stand up.

“About What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a waitress,” Hwasa protested before walking back to the counter, a laughing Wheein following after her.

“So…it didn’t go that well, huh?” Solar asked, giving Minseok a small, sympathetic smile. Minseok slowly nodded, trying to keep his expression as blank as possible; yet, through the years of knowing Moon Byulyi, Solar had learned that whenever Moonbyul didn’t want to show a certain emotion, she would usually scrunch her nose and bite her lips…just like how Moon Minseok was doing right now.

“…We should both be more honest with her. We have been telling her ugly things for a while now, don’t you agree?” Solar suddenly said as the man looked up at her, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, “Honestly…Moonbyul is afraid of you leaving her again. I’m sure that you won’t make that mistake twice, so…why not talk to her like how you used to? Slowly, she’ll come around, I’m sure of it,” She assured with a smile.

“…Thank you, Noona. I…I’ll try,” Minseok said, offering a small smile which made Solar feel a sudden aching in her heart as she couldn’t help but find Minseok’s smile to have an uncanny resemblance to Moonbyul.

Move…on. Solar thought as she held on to her wrist tightly, feeling how it felt like a thousand needles piercing through it. What just a thought could do…it was scary.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs