Chapter 10: Blissful Confession - Pt. 2

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“Good-…why do I even bother?” Wheein said as she walked towards Hwasa, who was cleaning the counter of the MoonSun Café to GFriend’s Rough. It was a catchy song, which Hwasa didn’t usually listen to out loud but since there was nobody around yet, she took her chance to do so.

“Where are the others?” Wheein asked as she noticed Moonbyul’s office was wide open and empty while Solar was nowhere to be found.

“The boss said she would come later and Solar Unnie called in sick,” Hwasa explained as Wheein nodded while taking out her phone and handing it to Hwasa, a cheeky smile playing on her face.

“So, I’ve got everything ready,” Wheein chirped as Hwasa looked up at her, “3 days in Moderato Hotel”.

“Moderato Hotel? Never heard from it. Is it good?” Hwasa asked as Wheein shrugged.

“It’s a new lodge in Jeju City the CEO of Decalcomanie Park opened,” Wheein explained as Hwasa nodded, unconsciously glancing at Wheein’s cheek. She still hadn’t forgotten about the whole Soulmate mark on Wheein’s cheek. It had been a real shocker for Hwasa to discover that her friend had a soulmate since Wheein never really said anything about it. She usually said she had nobody but Hwasa…

“…What do you think?” Wheein asked as Hwasa simply shrugged, having completely zoned out on her.

“I wasn’t listening,” Hwasa confessed with ease as Wheein scoffed.

“Yah, you’re the one who wanted to get them together,” Wheein protested as Hwasa narrowed her eyes at her.

“Well, I wouldn’t be so distracted if it wasn’t for you,” Hwasa said as Wheein flinched. She knew exactly what her friend meant.

“Aww~ I’m flattered!” Wheein teased, but Hwasa’s frown didn’t seem to falter in the least,

“Hwasa~ Hwaaasaaa~” Wheein called, using that annoying little voice Hwasa hated so much, “Hwasa, just forget it~ Wheepup doesn’t like thinking about that~ So forget it before Wheepup gets mad~”.

“Stop. You are making my ears bleed,” Hwasa snarled as Wheein simply shrugged.

“I won’t until Hwasa stops thinking about it~” Wheein said as Hwasa groaned before glaring at her friend.

“Fine! Just don’t do that. It makes me want to vomit,” Hwasa said as the door of the café was heard open. Moonbyul came in alongside Krystal. Their hands were clasped together, which made the younger girls in the room exchange confused glances.

“Good morning,” Krystal greeted as Wheein and Hwasa noticed the matching rings the two of them were sporting around their intertwined fingers.

“Uh, Good morning…” Hwasa replied awkwardly while Wheein simply offered a smile.

“We’ll be in my office if you need anything,” Moonbyul said as the younger girls could clearly see that she was downcast. Her eyes were dull while her expression remained empty, no sadness or joy showing in the slightest.

“Okay,” Hwasa replied as the couple disappeared into her boss’s office.

“Are we too late?” Wheein asked, fearful that they might have ran out of time to help their friends realize their mistakes.

“No…this is good,” Hwasa suddenly said as a smirk made it’s way to her face, “We can work with this”.

“What are you thinking?” Wheein asked as Hwasa signaled her to get closer as she began to whisper her devilish plan to her friend who soon smiled in agreement.




The apartment was silent as Solar simply stared at Woozi going back and forth, placing a few items in his small backpack.

“A-are you sure you don’t want a bigger bag? I-I can give you one,” Solar offered but the boy simply shook his head.

“It’s fine. My friend has most of my stuff anyway,” Woozi replied with ease, closing his backpack that was looking rather chubby by now. Solar felt a lump on as she watched the purple haired boy all set to leave. After last night…Woozi had decided to go back to his best friend and first soulmate, Yoon Jeonghan. Solar had a feeling he would…yet she somehow wished he wouldn’t. Even if she couldn’t feel the same way as him, she still cared and felt like Woozi had left his own – small and timid – mark on her heart as a friend and family.

“Y-you got everything?” Solar asked as Woozi nodded whiled holding on to the doorknob, “Hmm…that’s good”. A silence fell between them as Solar knew she had a lot to say…yet didn’t find the courage to say it anymore.

“Noona,” Woozi called as Solar looked at him, “Let’s stay friends for a long time, okay?”. With tears filling her eyes once again, Solar nodded.

“Aish, I told you to call me Solar,” Solar protested before pulling Woozi into a tight hug, “And of course we have to stay friends forever! I wouldn’t have let you go otherwise!” She added as Woozi’s rare but sweet laughter filled the air.

“I hope you find them, Woozi. The one who will love you unconditionally,” The pink haired woman said as Woozi nodded as he let go of his 7th soulmate.

“Yeah…me too,” The younger boy replied as he finally opened the door and without turning back, he began to walk away. Solar couldn’t help but feel her heart ache, as she had never liked goodbyes.

If he feels it’s for the best…Solar thought as the sudden ringing of her phone made her go back into her apartment to pick it up.

“Hey Hwasa,” Solar greeted as she sat on one of the chairs before her counter.

You don’t sound very sick,” Hwasa protested on the other line as the faint buzzing of the cafe could be heard.

“I am sick,” Solar began saying, “Lovesick,” She joked much to Hwasa’s annoyance.

Unnie! That’s not funny!” Hwasa protested as a sudden crash was heard loud and clear, “Yah, Jung Wheein! You better clean that up!”.

You’re not the boss of me!” Wheein rebuked, making Solar smile. Those two young girls – even though they fought like cat and dog – were anyone’s friendship goals. Through thick and thin, Wheein and Hwasa had been there for each other. This made Solar wonder if she and Moonbyul would have been the same if she hadn’t left. If there had never been that two-year gap…would they be close…together?

Did something happen?” Hwasa’s voice and question made Solar snap out of her thoughts as she stood up and began to walk around her apartment. Everything felt so much different without Woozi around.

“…Woozi left,” Solar confessed, absentmindedly playing with her curtains.

He left? Where?” Hwasa asked, concern clear on her husky voice.

“…To where he thinks he belongs, I guess,” Solar replied.

“…So…he left you?” Hwasa asked, cautious of her words. After a few minutes of silence, Solar smiled.

“Yeah. We thought it was best for us to be friends,” The pink haired woman claimed, feeling much lighter after having given such a blissful confession. It wasn’t everything, but just this much made Solar feel much better.

I see…Unnie, I got to go but lets meet up. I’ll go to your house,” Hwasa hurriedly said as Solar simply agreed.

Okay. See you later,” And with that Hwasa hung up. The sudden suffocating silence that filled the air made Solar frown as she quickly took her jacket and left to find somewhere filled with voices, sounds…music. She could now see why some people disliked quiet places. When there were no sounds…your thoughts would run wild.




“Welcome,” Jin greeted the newly arrived customer who simply gave him a smile as she began to look around the store.

She looks familiar. Jin thought but quickly dismissed the idea when he heard a door slam above the shop as a few voices could be heard arguing loud and clear. The pink haired woman – who had knelt down to see a couple of vinyl records that were on the lower shelves - was frighten so badly that she accidentally smacked her head against a pile of CD’s above her.

“Ow…” The woman whimpered while rubbing the sore spot on her head.

“Oh, my gosh! So sorry! Does it hurt?” Jin asked as the pink haired woman quickly shook her head.

“It’s fine. I’m okay,” She assured with a bright smile as Jin quickly apologized before rushing upstairs to see what the ruckus was about. As expected, Jimin and Yoongi were at it again.

“I said I’m busy!” Jimin screamed, trying to pull away from Yoongi’s grip.

“No, you’re not! I know you’re free now, so let’s talk!” Yoongi rebuked as Jimin raised an eyebrow at him.

“Are you a stalker now?!” Jimin questioned, clearly judging Yoongi’s actions.

“No, I’m just a concerned boyfriend!” The blue haired boy protested as Jimin lowered his eyes, unwilling to let Yoongi see his flushing cheeks.

“Whatever! I don’t want to talk!” The blonde haired boy shouted.

“Seriously? I’m trying to fix this and you keep running away!” Yoongi yelled back.

“I wouldn’t run away if I knew it’s worth it!” At these words, Jimin suddenly felt Yoongi’s grip on his wrist loosen.

“…I’m not worth it?” Yoongi asked, his voice barely audible. From all the mean and rude things they had said to each other these past few days, not once had they ever mentioned not being worth it or not loving each other. For Jimin to have said those words…it clearly seemed to have hit Yoongi hard as his eyes began to fill with perplexity, dejection…but mostly, anger.

“No…no, I just…Hyung, I didn’t-…” Before Jimin could finish speaking, Yoongi swiftly cut him off.

“Then what did you mean, Park Jimin?” Yoongi asked through gritted teeth.

“Hyung…” Jimin called weakly, on the verge of tears. Jin quickly rushed to his side, holding on to him.

“Yoongi, breathe. You don’t want to do this,” Jin tried to reason but Yoongi had enough. Jimin…had finally awakened Yoongi’s wrath, which many already knew and tried to avoid, as it was a fast bullet right to the heart.

“Honestly…I’m tired too. I’m tired of working till ungodly hours for MY dreams to just spend one whole day with you. And I know most of the times I couldn’t go, but did you ever try to be in my shoes? No! You never f***ing tried. All the time, I kept trying to fit into YOUR agenda, Jimin. Everyday, I tried so hard to be there for you…but even though I couldn’t, I thought you would still get it. But no! No, you had to come and get jealous or act like everything was okay! Man, I feel like I should have also being more honest since apparently we are all needing a f***ing wake up slap to see that you are right, maybe THIS is a mistake! Congrats Jimin, you were always right! You dated an a*****e not worth your time!” Yoongi snapped before walking away into his studio and slamming the door behind him. A somber silence filled the hallway before Jimin ran downstairs. He halted in his steps, however, when he saw a familiar pink haired woman right before him.

“Oh!” Solar exclaimed, pointing her finger at him, “Yoongi’s boy”. Jimin lowered his eyes as he began to cry.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Solar asked, deeply concerned about him.

“I-I screwed up!” Jimin sobbed as Solar frowned. If there was one thing she could have gotten an award for, if there was one…was the award for getting involved in everything.

“Come on,” Solar said as she pulled Jimin upstairs, a determined look clear in her eyes.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs