Epilogue/Chapter 17: Finally

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

8 Months Later

Seasons had gone by, and so winter had come once again. The streets were glazed with white snow, as everything looked rather spellbinding in the eyes of the dark blue haired woman that paced around her café, looking rather impatient as she kept glancing outside the large window beside her.

“Unnie, you’re going to make a hole on the window if you keep glaring at it,” A girl with short orange hair behind the counter, scolded as the said woman glared at her.

“That’s what you get for telling me that Solar was coming back today,” The blue haired woman rebuked as Hwasa laughed, her laughter coming out husky and wholeheartedly. It’s been 8 months since Moonbyul had last seen Solar; while they did not speak as often as they used to, whenever they did…both of them had stories to tell to the other: Solar talked about the many wonders of the different countries she preformed in as Mary Poppins while Moonbyul shared her daily struggles with a now overprotective Krystal – who went back to study Soulmate Studies – and her blooming siblinghood with her brother. One would think this separation made them grow distant…but it was all the opposite. It made Solar grow more independent and confident in herself while it gave Moonbyul a new perspective about her surroundings. They had grown over the last 8 months into the adults they had dreamed to be. The sound of the door opening made Moonbyul smile with glee…until she realized it was not Solar who had arrived.

“Good morning!” A girl with short black hair greeted with a smile until she noticed the older woman’s frown, “Why the long face, Unnie?” She asked as Moonbyul cursed under her breath before walking away to her office.

“What’s wrong with her?” The brunette asked as the ginger shrugged, cleaning her coffee stained hands on her apron.

“She thought you were Solar Unnie,” The orange haired waitress explained, causing the brunette to chuckle loudly, a pair of dimples visible on her pale complexion.

“Not funny, Wheein!” Moonbyul’s voice screamed from her office, causing the brunette to halt her fit of laughter.

“Boo~” Wheein whined as she went behind the counter to take her apron. After much asking and begging from her orange haired girlfriend, Wheein eventually gave in and quit her job in the Decalcomanie Park to work on MoonSun Café. It took less than 24 hours for Wheein to get used to her new job as a waitress since she had a great memory – being able to remember more than 15 orders at once – and was quick to learn how to make beverages. The door was heard open once again, causing Moonbyul to bolt out of her office to greet her beloved Solar. Unfortunately, the blue haired woman’s excitement was short lived as a familiar face greeted her with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk.

“I’m assuming you thought I was Solar Unnie,” The red haired woman teased while placing her thick black glasses on top of her head while fixing her rather heavy-looking bag.

“…Shut up, Krystal,” Moonbyul snarled before going back to her office, sulking and feeling deceived once again.

“Hi, Unnie. How is life in University treating you?” Hwasa asked as Krystal simply sighed before sitting beside the tawny skinned woman’s girlfriend.

“Tiring and sometimes frustrating, but it’s good. I like where I am now,” The red haired woman replied with a small smile as she recalled all the misadventures she had gone through since going back to University. From getting lost on her first day to having to do homework till ungodly hours, all Krystal was going through now was ordinary…and she liked it just like that. At last, she was making her own choices.

“So, you haven’t met anyone interesting yet?” Wheein suddenly asked.

“Hmm…maybe, I don’t know yet,” Krystal, said as she couldn’t help but crook a smile at the thought of that blonde haired rowdy girl from the Music/Composition Department. While she didn’t even know her name, the friendly blonde haired girl always greeted Krystal with a bright smile before running off to who knows where. The door jingled once more and Moonbyul sprinted out her office once again with a bright smile and eyes filled with hope that this time it was Solar; but once again…she was mislead as before her stood a silver haired Yoongi and a still very blonde haired Jimin.

“Aw~ Noona came to greet us,” Jimin chirped with a smile that soon faded as Moonbyul glowered at him, “O-or not,” He fearfully added before hiding behind his boyfriend who looked unfazed as he watched Moonbyul walk away, slamming the door of her office behind her.

“That is no way to treat a celebrity, Noona!” The blonde haired man protested in a teasing tone, which earned a chuckle from Yoongi. It took time and hard work, but eventually…Yoongi and Namjoon made it. Their songs began to be heard everywhere and soon, everyone was talking about the pair of rappers known as Suga and Rap Monster. The blonde haired man couldn’t be happier for Yoongi, who day after day seemed to get more inspired to make more and more songs, even going as far as to ask Jimin to be in one of his songs. As for Jimin, he was doing great alongside J-Hope. The two were teaching dance at a nearby studio J-Hope rented 3 months ago and named Daydream Studio. The place was small, yet the white walls surrounding it made it look much taller. Their dance classes had begun from 5 people to 10 people and since then, they had kept growing steadily. This made the two dancers dream and aim for higher; maybe some day the two would have earned enough to buy the place that J-Hope had fallen in love with so much.

“Oppa, did Woozi tell you when Solar Unnie is coming? I think she might be on the plane because she is not answering anymore,” Hwasa explained as the pair walked up to the trio.

“No. He just said morning,” Yoongi replied with ease.

“Well, I’m sure-…” Before Hwasa could say anything, the door –once again – was heard open. This time, Moonbyul peeked her head from inside her office and groaned at the person smiling at her, a bouquet of flowers on his hands.

“Minseok, whatever brings you here?” Moonbyul asked, sulking at her twin brother.

“I told you I was coming to see you. Did you not read my text?” The teal haired man asked as Moonbyul took her phone.

“Ah…No, I was saving my battery for Solar. Sorry,” Moonbyul said with a sheepish smile as Minseok lightly hit her with the bouquet on her arm. The relationship between Minseok and Moonbyul had gone through many changes during this last 8 months. While Moonbyul kept a distance at first, Minseok didn’t stop chasing after her. From sending her flowers and chocolates to texting her daily, their former roles seemed to have switched, making Moonbyul the one unwilling to talk to Minseok who kept hanging on to her. It wasn’t until Krystal suggested that the two of them sat down and talked once more that everything began to get better. Moonbyul slowly began to open her heart once again to Minseok who treated her like she was of porcelain, precious and needed to be protected. Now, they were in good terms with Minseok being clingy and bringing her flowers everyday from a nearby flower shop named The Secret Garden.

“Fine, fine. Follow me,” Moonbyul ordered as she guided Minseok into her office. Once the door was closed, Yoongi and Jimin – after having asked Wheein for a cinnamon roll, a hot chocolate and a black coffee - left to sit by the table close to the window while Krystal – who asked for her usual green tea - simply stayed by the counter, examining some of her notes of her previous class. As Wheein busied herself with Yoongi and Jimin’s orders, Hwasa began making Krystal’s green tea. The café was soon engulfed in a soothing silent, with just the easing sound of Re-Bye by Akmu being heard.




“Ah~ Finally home again,” A brunette chirped, breathing in the air of the city she had been longing to come back to for so long. Her now light brown hair was tied in a long ponytail, as her face remained as glowing and pretty as ever.

I’m back, Byul. The girl thought with a bright smile as she began to make her way from the airport…to the familiar café where a girl she had been wishing to see was.




When is she coming? Why hasn’t she come yet? Did the plane have an accident? What if she doesn’t show up? What if she is never coming back? Moonbyul’s mind was panicking as she saw the last customer of the day walk out the café towards the now darkened streets. Solar was meant to arrive earlier that day…but she didn’t. Everyone tried calling her, but the woman didn’t answer, much to Moonbyul’s panic. It wasn’t until Hwasa suggested for Yoongi to call Woozi – as Solar’s phone probably died or something – that Moonbyul felt a little calmer…but not enough. She was still pacing around the room and biting her nails – or what was left of them - as Krystal had almost cursed at her for trying to bite hers.

Hello?” Woozi’s tired voice echoed across the café as everyone had asked Yoongi to put him in speaker in hopes of keeping Moonbyul from biting onto someone else’s nails.

“Woozi, it’s Yoongi,” The silver haired man explained briskly as Woozi replied with a soft “Mhm”.

“Have you heard from Solar Noona?” Jimin asked as he held onto Yoongi’s shoulder as the older man sat in a stool, surrounded by the others.

“Yeah, she visited me this morning,” Woozi replied as Moonbyul could feel relief wash over her…until she realized what the boy had said.

This morning…so where is she now? Moonbyul panicked once again as she tried to now bite onto Wheein’s nails.

“D-did she tell you w-where she was going a-after?” Wheein asked as she and Hwasa struggled to keep Moonbyul from biting her nails.

“Not really. She just said she wanted to visit her all-time favorite place again or something like that,” Woozi’s vague explanation had everyone frowning and glancing at each other, most likely looking for answers to Woozi’s words.

Her favorite place? Where would that be? Moonbyul wondered and as soon as Yoongi hung up, everyone began to name places.

“Maybe a park? She is a kid at heart…and a kid at brain,” Hwasa suggested.

“No. I think it might be her apartment. There’s no better place than home, right?” Krystal rebuked.

“I bet it’s a studio. Noona is a musician now, after all,” Jimin beamed.

“Hmm…maybe a grocery store? Unnie has always liked shopping and food so, maybe she just decided to do both of them,” Wheein said as everyone turned to look at her warily, “What? It could be! You won’t know until you try!” She protested as everyone began to whine and complain that their idea was the one.

At midst the childish dispute between Hwasa, Krystal, Jimin and Wheein, there were Moonbyul and Yoongi. The two elders were quietly thinking about Woozi’s words.

Her favorite place…her favorite place…where could that be? Moonbyul couldn’t think of anywhere. Solar usually didn’t grow attached to anything or anywhere. She had always been free spirited, just enjoying the moment without thinking much about it. It was quite rare for her to take more than one picture of a person or place as she usually claimed she’d much rather enjoy the view with her very own eyes than hide behind a camera all day long.

“Oh!” Yoongi suddenly exclaimed as he turned to look at Moonbyul, “Don’t you and Noona have like some sort of obsession over stars and all that?” He added as Moonbyul’s eyes widen. It was as if the silver haired boy had unconsciously knocked on a door inside Moonbyul’s memories, which suddenly flew wide open and brought back that one remembrance about her and Solar when they were younger.




“Byul! Byulyi, come on!” 15-year-old Yongsun called as she ran through the small planetarium, hidden away in the small meadow behind their old playground. Unlike what it is now as the Decalcomanie Park helped it grow, the Navillera Planetarium was an old lookout tower with few scenic binoculars. The place could fall any minute now due to how old the wood had gotten, but it still maintained a beautiful view of all of the city and sky, nonetheless.

“Don’t run, Unnie,” 14-year-old Byulyi called out as Yongsun rushed up the creaking stairs.

“It’ll be fine! We always come here, so it won’t fall...hopefully!” The brunette tried to assure her black haired friend who didn’t look all that convinced but still followed her friend up the aged structure. Once the two got to the top, they were left awestruck at the breathtaking sight before them.

The skies were covered in dazzling stars as the moon shone bright above them. It was a sight none of them would ever forget.

“Hey, Byul,” Yongsun called as the younger girl looked up at the slightly taller girl who sat beside her. Yongsun’s eyes were fixed on the sky, a bright smile clear on her still childish features, “What do you want to do when you get older?”

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Byulyi replied, “What about you?”

“Mmm…” Yongsun thought for a while before finally glancing at Byulyi, who was still staring at her, “I want to sing”.

“A Singer? Is that even a well-paid job?” Byulyi deadpanned as Yongsun scoffed before standing up before the lack haired girl, who stared at her with curiosity.

“It is and I’ll prove it to you,” Yongsun stated, as she pointed her slender finger at her friend, “I’ll become a singer and you’ll grow tired of hearing my voice since it’ll be everywhere. Got it?” She added, as Byulyi couldn’t help but chuckle at her.

“We’ll see about that, Yeba,” Byulyi challenged as Yongsun gasped, clearly offended at the sudden nickname.

“Yeba? YEBA?! Yah, you brat! How dare you call me, Yeba?!” Solar snapped as Byulyi – sensing the impending danger soon to fall upon her – slowly stood up before running away, a vexed Yongsun chasing after her. The two played around under the starry sky, with Byulyi teasing Yongsun who simply giggled at her friend’s antics.




“Yeba!” Moonbyul called, panting as she had run out of MoonSun Café to get to the planetarium on Decalcomanie Park. The park had only let her in as Wheein – who stayed behind to talk to her old co-workers – had asked them to just let Moonbyul see if Solar was around since maybe they had missed the Pink haired woman somehow.

“D**m it. It’s close,” Moonbyul groaned as she stood before the Navillera Planetarium. The doors were already closed, which clearly meant Solar was not there.

“Yeba, where are you?” Moonbyul wondered until she felt something hit her head…hard, “YAH, WHO THE HE-!” She snapped as she turned around to give the said person - who dared hit her - a piece of her mind. This never happened, however, as the person who had hit her simply smiled at her, making Moonbyul’s anger fade away almost instantly.

“Miss, you shouldn’t be screaming so late at night. People might think the park is haunted or something,” Solar joked as Moonbyul pulled her into her arms, embracing her. From her light brown hair to the radiant smile on her face, Solar was the same…and yet, in Moonbyul’s eyes she looked heavenly.

“Yah, Yongsun! How can you not bother calling anyone? Or why the f**k would you just leave a coded message like that? That was so stupid!” Moonbyul barked as Solar giggled, hugging her Soulmate tighter. From her dark blue hair to her ever so caring words, Moonbyul was the same…and yet, in Solar’s eyes she seemed to have become even more charming than before.

“Maybe I knew you would come,” Solar said as she pulled away to look at Moonbyul smiling down at her.

“Really? How so?” The blue haired woman inquired as Solar took hold of Moonbyul’s freezing hands, intertwining their fingers.

“Because you know me best, Byul,” Solar replied as Moonbyul couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat. It would always be Solar and Solar alone who could make her feel this way, feel loved.

“Same goes to me I guess,” Moonbyul said as Solar nodded before the two began to make their way back to their friends, chattering about all the simple and ordinary stuff. This was all Moonbyul and Solar had been longing for: An Unconditional Love.



“…Star, Wind, Flower, Sun…”


…And You…” “…And You…


- Mamamoo, Star Wind Flower Sun



---THE END---

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs