Chapter 12: Um Oh Ah Yeah!

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

The sun was shinning brightly through the blue skies of Jeju City. Anyone would honestly feel happy about such a nice weather…but not the group of 5 tourists who came from Seoul for a 3-day stay at Moderato Hotel.

“This was such a bad idea,” Wheein said as she got her and Solar’s bags from the jeep Moonbyul had rented for her. The wealthy owner of MoonSun Café had taken the liberty to ask for 3 cars: One for Wheein and Hwasa, another for Solar, Jimin and Yoongi and the last one for herself and Krystal.

“Agreed, but we can’t back down now,” Hwasa whispered as she glanced at Moonbyul, who kept talking to Krystal about how cool Jeju was.

“I guess…” The short blonde haired woman agreed as she briskly took a glance at Solar. She had been forcing smiles all day, which made Wheein wonder how her cheeks didn’t hurt by now, “Honestly, my only relief is that at least those two are enjoying,” She added as the two young women turn to look at the two boys who had come along, as Solar had requested it. The pair were holding hands as Jimin kept jumping up and down while pointing at whatever he found interesting. Yoongi, on the other hand, looked like a full on tourist with his floral shirt and a camera around his neck.

“Whoa! I’ve never been here before!” Jimin beamed as Yoongi gave him a soft smile before his eyes briefly glanced at the lone pink haired woman who sat underneath the shade of a palm tree. Unlike blissful Jimin, heedful Yoongi had noticed that whatever Solar and Moonbyul had talked about that day at Spring Day Sound, had probably been nothing good. They had built an indivisible barrier between them, which went as far as to avoid speaking to each other as much as possible. It had been thanks to Solar that he and Jimin had found common ground - otherwise, they would probably not even be here…or together - so of course Yoongi felt a sort of responsibility to help them fix their problem.

“Okay, guys! Listen up,” Wheein called as everyone gather around her and Hwasa, “I’ve got the keys for the rooms. There’s only 3 rooms, so 4 people will get a room while the remaining 3 share the last room”. Before anyone could protest or say anything, Hwasa quickly spoke up.

“But, Wheein and I thought of a fun way to decide rooms,” She said as she took out a cap that had a bunch of papers within, “We all pick a paper and whoever is written there is your roommate”. Everyone glanced at each other, completely taken back by Hwasa and Wheein’s idea.

I don’t like where this is going. Moonbyul thought as she eyed the two young girls.

“Hold on!” Jimin suddenly said just as Solar was about to pick a paper, “Yoongi and I should pass. We’re guys, so it’ll be weird to share rooms with a girl,” He objected as Yoongi nodded beside him.

“Hmm…Okay! Point taken,” Hwasa quickly said as she took out Jimin and Yoongi’s names from the cap while Wheein gave them a key with the number 486-S. The couple cheered as they walked off to find their room with Jimin smiling at Yoongi who returned the gesture.

“Yah! You should take us off the hat too!” Moonbyul protested as Hwasa raised an eyebrow at her. She had expected her Unnie to say this from the start. Of course she would try to avoid rooming with Solar, if they ended up together.

“Why?” Hwasa questioned, her hand busily mixing the papers within the cap, “It’s just a game I’m sure Krystal Unnie doesn’t mind, right?”.

“I mean, I would like be in the same room as Moonbyul,” Krystal said as Hwasa quickly sent a sign with her eyes to Wheein who gave her a subtle nod.

“Really? Oh…well, that’s a shame. Hwasa and I spent all night preparing this and more…but…but I guess it’s fine. All our hard work was not very good anyway. Yeah…why did we even bother, Hwasa? Nobody cares…” Wheein’s impressive acting skills seem to have made Krystal feel guilty as she quickly shook her head with a smile.

“No, no it’s alright. I-I guess it wouldn’t hurt playing, right?” The brunette assured as Moonbyul gave her a bewildered expression, “Right?” She asked once again as Moonbyul slowly nodded, still looking quite confused.

“Great! Then pick!” Wheein chirped as she and Moonbyul picked each a paper. Wheein and Hwasa then went over Solar as she quietly picked a paper as well. The remaining papers were split between Wheein and Hwasa who seemed to not mind who they ended up with but rather who Moonbyul and Solar ended with as they kept glancing at them.

“I’m in room 046-F,” Krystal said as the black haired woman glanced down at her paper.

F**k me. Moonbyul thought as she read the 143-L written cleanly on the paper.

“Oh! You’re with us, Unnie!” Wheein chirped as she peeked at Krystal’s paper. Before Moonbyul could protest, Hwasa and Wheein ranted about how cool Moderato Hotel as they dragged Krystal away to their shared room.

“Uuugh!” Moonbyul groaned as she rubbed her eyes rather hastily.

They just couldn’t make it more obvious that they had planned this all along! I swear when its just us three, I’ll break your 7th rib and feed it to both of you-...Moonbyul’s angry train of thought was abruptly disturb when she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder. The warm hand was so familiar to Moonbyul. It used to make her feel calm and excited. Now, however, it made her fidgety. For Solar to had kissed her just like that…it had been the best and worst thing Moonbyul had ever experienced. She had always wondered what it would feel like. She had wondered about it for a long time, actually. Once it happened, however, it had been anything but sweet and delightful. Moonbyul had given up on Solar. She had decided to become the faithful mate of Krystal, which she planned to be until that happened! In her defense, she did not expect it nor did she approve of it! Although…if asked…she would had probably said yes in a heartbeat…

“Um…Oh…I’m guessing we’re in the same room, huh?” Solar said, quickly removing her hand from her friend’s shoulder as she nervously gripped her bag’s handle.

“Ah, Yeh-yeah…” Moonbyul replied as she stared at the key on her hand, “W-we should look for our room,” She stammered as Solar nodded before the two began to make their way to their room. Solar could barely breathe due to how awkward things were between them. It was suffocating. Moonbyul couldn’t even look at her in the eyes as she kept running away by staying close to Krystal. Solar was no better, as she kept a distance from them. It had been her fault, after all. She ruined everything between them.

“What…happened to your wrist?” Moonbyul asked as Solar realized they were standing right before the door of their room.

“My wrist?” Solar asked as she glanced at her bandaged left wrist. It had been a shocker when Woozi first showed her the indigo blur on her wrist. The purpled haired boy had told her that he hoped for her to find her Soulmate soon and Solar did…unexpectedly, she did. When she came home from Spring Day Sound…there it was: Moonbyul’s birth name written in elegant cursive letters. Anyone would be proud and more than happy to show it to everyone…but Solar didn’t had the luxury. The name carved on her skin…was not meant to be there anymore so, she had to hide it. It was not her who would marry Moonbyul, live with Moonbyul, take care of Moonbyul and be beside Moonbyul for many years…it was Krystal.

“Oh…I cut myself while cooking. Nothing serious, though,” Solar assured with a smile as Moonbyul opened the door for her, still slightly concerned.

“Okay. Whatever you say,” Moonbyul brushed it off as she and Solar entered the room, “…Lovely,” She added bitterly upon taking one glance at the room. Much to Moonbyul’s dismay, the 143-L room turned out to be a LOVE themed room with a small red sofa in the corner of the room, the red walls that matched the white wooden floor, a beautiful balcony with a view of the beach and a large heart-shaped bed.

“…I guess, I’ll just sleep with Jimin and Yoongi,” Solar said as she was about to leave, but Moonbyul quickly held her wrist, preventing her from doing so. Their eyes quickly met for the first time in a while as Moonbyul quickly let go of her while looking away.

“I-I…it wouldn’t be fair for them,” Moonbyul explained as Solar simply stared at her with an unreadable expression.

“…Right. I shouldn’t bother them,” The pink haired woman agreed as she walked away to put her bag on the couch. A sudden aching in her heart made Moonbyul frown but she quickly dismissed it, as she knew it probably was nothing…or rather…it was something she knew she had to deal with but would rather not to right now.




“Alright, Unnies, Yoongi Oppa and Jimin! Here is our agenda for the day,” Wheein – Alias the enthusiast tour guide – began saying as everyone had gathered in the lobby to decide where to go, “First we go to the beach from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. then-…” Before Wheein could keep talking, Hwasa sternly cuts her off.

“You even included hours? Can’t we just decide when to leave after being there?” Hwasa questioned as Wheein sulked.

“Yah! I stayed until ungodly hours to make this list! So, it SHOULD and it WILL be followed as written!” The blonde haired woman snapped as Hwasa rolled her eyes at her before snatching the list from her hands and examining it.

“So, basically what we are doing today is: Beach, restaurant and free-time, got it? Let’s get moving, people,” Hwasa stated as everyone began to move to the cars that Moonbyul had rented for this trip.

“Aish, I worked on this for nothing!” Wheein groaned as they began their 3-hour trip to the beach. It was a small beach right around the corner that had become quite famous due to Moderato Hotel promoting it so often.

“So, Noona,” Yoongi’s voice suddenly called, causing Solar to look at him through the rearview mirror, “Who did you end up with as a Roommate?”.

“Moonbyul,” Solar deadpanned as Yoongi held back a small chuckle that almost escaped his lips while Jimin simply smiled at the comment.

“How…ironic, I guess,” The blue haired boy said after a moment of silence.

“Not really. I’m sure Wheein and Hwasa had something to do with it,” Solar replied with a forced smile as they finally arrived to the beach.

“Is that so? Well it doesn’t matter, Noona. I’m sure this trip will be good for both of you, anyways,” The always-optimistic Jimin chirped just as Solar parked the car beside Wheein’s.

“We’ve got nothing to fix. We are fine,” Solar rebuked calmly.

“Uuuh…Sure. Whatever you say,” Jimin said as he got out the car and sprinted towards the beautiful teal colored sea. With her eyes fixed on her faded pink nails, Solar’s smile slightly faltered as she could feel her tired cheekbones already aching.

“…Noona,” Yoongi called once more as Solar turned around to look at him. His eyes fell on her strained smile and then on her glassy eyes, before simply shaking his head, “Never mind,” And with that Yoongi got out the car and leisurely began to take out the bags filled with snacks and dry clothes in Solar’s car.

What did he want to say? Solar wondered but quickly dismissed the thought as she got out of her car and approached Krystal and Moonbyul who wore matching bathing suits: Krystal’s being a blue and white bikini while Moonbyul’s being a white and blue one-piece.

“It’s been so long since we have gone to a beach,” Krystal beamed, “Remember that trip where we got to swim in the sea of Greece?” She added as Moonbyul simply nodded before taking a quick glance at Solar, who had walked past them to go help Wheein put the big colorful parasol above their towels.

“Y-yeah. I do…Hey, let’s go help them,” Moonbyul briskly said as she darted over to her two friends. Wheein cheered at the arrival of her friend…while Solar’s expression remained the same: a feigned smile that hid the empty look in her eyes. Unaware to either of them, however, was the perplexed expression that soon appeared on Krystal’s face as her gaze remained fixed on the matching bandages on Moonbyul and Solar’s left wrists.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs