Chapter 3: Worthless/Love and Hate

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“…” The Café fell in to a heavy silence as Moonbyul stared at Solar and then at Woozi, not uttering a word. Her expression remained between nothingness and just pure anger as she simply walked past the pair and out her café.

“Unnie! Unnie, wait!” Krystal called as she went after her. Solar raised an eyebrow at the sudden scene before glancing at Hwasa and Wheein.

“Did I miss something?” The pink haired woman asked as Wheein and Hwasa exchanged glances, a silent conversation going on between them.

“Beats me,” Wheein finally said.

“Not my problem,” Hwasa followed as Solar couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions. Moonbyul was usually coolheaded, not thinking much about a problem unless it was a matter of life and death. So for her to react like that, it definitely had left Solar concerned.

“Was it my fault?” Woozi’s small voice asked, waking Solar up from her train of thought as she looked at him. The boy kept his gaze on his fidgety fingers, making him look smaller than he already was.

“Nah! I think it was nothing,” Solar assured as she sat Woozi before the counter, “Now, what would you like? It’s on me,” She added as Woozi’s eyes suddenly gleamed with excitement.

“Anything?” Woozi asked as Solar nodded.

“Anything, so go for it,” Solar eagerly replied. There was no point in thinking too much about Moonbyul right now. Maybe later, she could ask her what had happen.




“Unnie, can’t you just listen to me?” Krystal begged as she kept chasing after Moonbyul who was walking through the crowd, holding back her tears and anger.

“Unnie! Just forget her!” Moonbyul halted in her steps as she turned around to face a frowning Krystal.

“I don’t want to,” Moonbyul protested without hesitation. It wasn’t that she was spoiled, on contrary, Moonbyul rarely ever asked for anything since she would rather get it herself with her hard work; yet…when it came to Solar…she just wanted to be selfish, just once…

“For all you know, this might be one sided,” Moonbyul gritted her teeth as she lowered her gaze.

“You think I don’t know that, Krystal Jung?” Moonbyul asked bitterly.

“You don’t,” Krystal said, “Or rather, you don’t want to know. So, why not give up? I’m sure you would be better off doing what your parents want,” She added, knowing quite well how much Moonbyul disliked the mentioning of her family. As a silence indulged the two girls, Krystal wondered what had been going on through Moonbyul’s mind this whole time she had been chasing after Solar. The girls had met as teens, grown up to be senior and junior and now they worked together. It was no surprise that they became soulmates…well, one of them at least. Wealthy families like Moonbyul and Krystal’s, however, cared very little about soulmates and such. It was all about money and businesses, so why was Moonbyul running after Solar – her current suffering - if she could easily let go and be happy?

“I do know…I’ve always known,” Moonbyul finally spoke as she finally raised her head, her eyes glinting with determination, “But I won’t give up on her unless she says no. That’s a promise I made long time ago”.

“To the waitress? Solar, right?” Krystal asked.

“Yeah…” Moonbyul said with a nod.

“Well,” Krystal began saying as she took out her phone and waved it in front of Moonbyul’s face, much to the elder’s surprise, “I have to get going now, even though I really want to stay with you. So, I’m letting you know I’ll be 24/7 in my phone if you need me, so…need me, okay?” Krystal said in a soft tone as she – even though couldn’t completely understand Moonbyul’s point of view – wanted to just be there for Moonbyul, who had always been there for her.

“I will, Krystal. Thanks,” Moonbyul said as she gave Krystal one last smile before running away to her safe haven. It wasn’t a luxurious beach house or her home, but a small music store around her childhood neighborhood. The familiar rainbow sign soon greeted Moonbyul who quickly went inside.

“Hey, if isn’t Byulyi!” Moonbyul smirked as she noticed the owner’s son Spring Day Sound sitting lazily behind the counter, buried in CD’s and comic books. In bold navy blue letters, below his left eye, was the name Namjoon.

“Yah, Seokjin! Can’t you clean this place more often? I swear something must have died around here,” Moonbyul protested as she walked through the small store towards her friend who simply shrugged at her comment.

“Well, it’s not like living with 5 other guys makes cleaning any easier. Honestly, this floor is the cleanest,” Jin said as Moonbyul rolled her eyes before he gave her a key with a blue star charm attached to it, “I think it’s just Yoongi there, so no problem,” He added as Moonbyul replied with a quick nod before walking upstairs. The faded blue walls of the building’s hallways still were the same and so were the glass doors that led to the small dance studio and the music studio. There was music echoing softly from the Dance Studio.

Maybe Hoseok and Jimin. Moonbyul thought as she went into the music studio and greeted the blue haired boy by the keyboard. Circling his neck, a bit closer to his right shoulder, in cursive ivory white letters was the name Jimin.

“Hey, Noona. What brings you here?” Yoongi asked as Moonbyul sighed.

“Just wanted to…breath a little, I guess,” Moonbyul replied as Yoongi nodded.

“Yeah. I get that a lot too,” Yoongi said as he took out a paper and pen and placed it in the table before Moonbyul, “The place is yours since I’ve got somewhere to be,” He added as Moonbyul raised an eyebrow at him.

“Somewhere or someone?” Moonbyul teased as Yoongi shrugged, scratching his nape as he usually did when felt a bit shy.

“Let’s just say both. See you around, Noona,” Yoongi said before he left the studio all to Moonbyul. Music had always been an escape for Moonbyul. It was her safe haven…from feelings and problems.




“Is she not coming back?” Solar wondered out loud as Hwasa had begun to close the café. The day had gone by as if nothing had happen…well, for most of them. Solar had been unable to focus at all since Moonbyul went MIA, it was just distressing for her. The two had been close friends since they were teenagers, so the fact that she had just gone off and not even bothered to call was making Solar wonder if she had been responsible for her attitude.

“Relax, Unnie. I’m sure she just went somewhere to take a breather,” Hwasa assured before going back to counting the profits of the day.

“I hope so,” Solar mumbled as she turned her gaze towards the purple haired boy that was busying himself with a small bluish notebook. He was immersed in whatever he was writing.

“Can I ask something?” Wheein began saying, as Solar turned to look at her, “Is he really your Soulmate?” The question made Solar frown. Did she and Woozi really look that mismatching?

“Uh…I mean, I am his soulmate. Why?” Solar asked as Wheein simply shrugged.

“I don’t know. I just don’t see you guys together,” Wheein confessed with ease.

“What do you mean?” Solar asked, but before Wheein could reply the door was heard open and close.

“Byul! Where have you been?” Solar shouted as she ran to her best friend who simply gave her a soft smile.

“I needed some air. The office and Krystal were giving me a headache,” Moonbyul lied, but of course Solar would believe her. The pink haired girl had never been able to tell when Moonbyul was lying. She claimed it was her talent.

“Are you sure?” Solar asked as Moonbyul nodded.

“Positive,” Hwasa and Wheein exchanged glances at Moonbyul’s reply. They might be younger than Solar and Moonbyul, but they were definitely not as naïve. They knew a lie right when they hear it, see it and feel it.

“So, you found your Soulmate,” Moonbyul began saying as Woozi glanced at her, offering a small smile which Moonbyul returned, “That’s crazy since I thought you would end up living alone with forty cats and a fish, Yeba,” Solar gasped as she began to punch Moonbyul’s ribcage in a not so playful manner.

“Yah! I told you to not call me Yeba!” Solar whined much to Moonbyul’s delight, “And if anything, you’re going to end up alone with forty cats and fishes!” Moonbyul’s smile slightly falters at Solar’s words.

“I-I guess so, Yeba!” Moonbyul agreed as Solar and her kept goofing around the café since Hwasa – With help of Wheein - had finished closing up. Unaware to them, however, were the small eyes of Woozi that stared at them curiously.




“Is she your friend?” Woozi asked as soon as he and Solar arrived back to their apartment.

“Yep. We’ve been friends since way, way back,” Solar explained as she recalled her good times with Moonbyul. The two used to be so free and carefree about life; well, that is how the life of a teenager always is, after all.

“Does she have a Soulmate?” Woozi asked as he and Solar went inside the apartment.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so since she would tell me if she did,” Solar said with ease while taking off her very thin jacket since even at night, the weather was still pretty hot.

“…What if she does and hasn’t told you?” Woozi’s question made Solar turn around and face him. He was playing with the hem of his sleeve, his eyes glued to his fingernails.

“…N-nah! There’s no way she wouldn’t tell me something like that!” Solar reassured, but deep down, she wasn’t all that sure anymore. Moonbyul and her drifted apart when Moonbyul went away to live with her father when she was 17. They met again when they were 22…so in that gap of two years, Solar felt that distrust had grown between them. There were things she didn’t tell Moonbyul…and she was sure, it was the same for the raven-haired girl.



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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs