Chapter 2: You're The Best

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

Come on hey mommy, Come on hey daddy~” Solar sang as she danced through her kitchen, cooking breakfast for herself and her new roommate. It’s only been a day since Solar took in the small boy who went by the name of Woozi. He had fallen asleep almost instantly as soon as he laid on the couch in her living room, which made Solar wonder how much he had walked to get to her. So far, Solar only knew 3 things about Woozi since the boy was too quiet for his own good: His real name, which was Lee Jihoon; his real age, which was 16 and Solar quickly took it in account as she was NOT keeping a minor in her house for more than 48 hours without his parents consent; and lastly, his soulmates…he had gone to 6 other people before her.

“Good morning…” Woozi’s hoarse voice greeted as she noticed the boy right beside her.

“Hi, Woozi. Did you sleep well?” Solar asked as the purple haired boy nodded.

“Yeah. Your house smells homely, Noona,” Woozi said as Solar smiled.

“I told you that Solar it’s fine. No need for the Noona,” Solar said as she glanced at Woozi, “Yah!” She suddenly called, much to Woozi’s surprise as he glanced at her.

“Y-yes?” Woozi asked, frighten at Solar’s outburst.

“You don’t have any more clothes?” Solar asked as Woozi looked down at his clothes and then back at Solar.

“No,” Woozi said as Solar scratched her head.

“…I’ll have to buy you some on my way back, I guess,” Solar said as she went back to cooking.

“You don’t have to,” Woozi said, much to Solar’s puzzlement.

“And why’s that? Are you going back to your parents?” Solar asked, relief hinted in her voice. It wasn’t that she hated Woozi or wanted him out of her house. On contrary, it was nice to live with someone. The issue was that Woozi was a minor and Solar was in no position to take care of a minor…or herself at that.

“…No. It’s just not fair to you,” Woozi said as he followed Solar, who took the pan and placed the food in the two plates in the small dining table.

“Its fine, I like shopping. I do think, however, that you should go back to your parents,” Solar reasoned.

“They…they would rather not have me around,” Woozi confessed, much to Solar’s concern and curiosity. Where were this kid’s parents? Why were they letting him venture the world for his soulmates?

“Woozi,” Solar called the purple haired boy who timidly look up at her, “Why don’t you want to go back to your parents?” She asked but Woozi remained quiet as he avoided her gaze.

“Woozi, you can tell me,” Solar persisted…but the boy quickly shook his head. With a tired sigh, Solar gave up. The boy was a closed book, Solar couldn’t deny. It had been a trial to get him to talk before, so Solar should had seen it coming when he just shut her out.

Whatever Woozi had gone through…his parents must have ignored it. Solar thought, eyeing the short boy before her.




“Unnie, what are you doing?” Hwasa asked as Solar snapped out of her daze. She had been wiping the same table…for the last 10 minutes. To say the table was clean was an understatement.

“Uh…just cleaning. You know, got to keep the place shimmering clean, right?” Solar said, trying to not let Hwasa see through her lie. How could she tell her that a schoolboy had suddenly come to her door and she had illegally adopted him without his parents consent? In Solar’s defense, Woozi did shut her out when she insisted on knowing why he refused to go back to his parents.

“I know, but you don’t only clean one table. You have to clean all tables,” Hwasa protested as Solar gave her a sheepish smile.

“O-of course! I was going to do that!” Solar said as the bell above the main door of the café jingled, indicating a customer had arrived.

“Welcome to MoonSun Café!” Solar and Hwasa greeted the newly arrived brunette who simply gave them a soft smile before going over to a table by the window.

“Unnie,” Hwasa suddenly call in a low voice.

“What-…Ouch! Hwasa, watch it!” Solar yelped as Hwasa forcefully dragged her behind the counter, much to Solar’s surprise as she almost tripped over a stool and the counter.

“Sorry, but can you go take her order for me?” Hwasa asked much to Solar’s puzzlement as she glanced at the client by the window and then back at her friend. The café was relatively empty with just two other people – who had already been served – there.

“Why? Is she like mean? Yah, if you’re sending me because she was rude to you or something, you handle yourself pretty good. Believe me,” Solar protested as Hwasa raised an eyebrow at her but for the sake of Solar’s accepting her request, she opted to let it pass.

“Can you just go? Please? Please? Pretty please?” Hwasa begged as Solar sighed before taking a pen and a small notepad from her pocket and walking over to their client.

“Are you ready to order, Miss?” Solar asked just as Moonbyul had instructed her to do an hour ago. The woman looked up from her phone and Solar couldn’t help but notice how stunningly beautiful she was. It was like a walking statue…so surreal.

“Oh, are you new here? I’ve never seen you before,” The beautiful woman asked as Solar nodded with a smile.

“Yes, I am. It’s my first day,” Solar explained briefly as the girl returned her smile with one of her own and honestly, Solar was just confused by now. How can someone look so otherworldly? Was she a model of some sort?

“That’s nice. Hope you like it here. It is a very nice cafe,” The woman encouraged, much to Solar’s surprise. She seemed nice…so what was Hwasa so frightened for?

“I’ll get a green tea, please,” The woman said as Solar quickly scribbled down her order.

“Anything else, Miss?” Solar asked.

“Yes, actually. If you could call Moonbyul Unnie for me, I would appreciate it,” Solar raised an eyebrow at the bizarre request but simply bowed and gave the beautiful stranger another smile before walking back to the counter to make the green tea.

“She asked for the boss, didn’t she?” Hwasa suddenly asked as Solar nodded, “She has been doing that since the first time she came. The boss doesn’t ever show up, though,” She added much to Solar’s curiosity over the strange obsession of the stunningly pretty client to their boss.

“Maybe she wants to date the boss?” Hwasa wondered as Solar turned to look at her.

“Really?” Solar asked as Hwasa shrugged before taking the small notepad from her hands.

“Why not ask the boss what she thinks? You seem a bit curious,” Hwasa teased before she went away to make the green tea. With a loud sigh, Solar decided to go to Moonbyul and ask her about it.

“Byul, can I come in?” Solar asked as she knocked on the door a few times.

“Come in,” Moonbyul’s barely audible voice said as Solar stepped inside the mediums sized office. “So, Byul,” Solar began saying as she took a seat before her boss, “There’s this girl asking for you-…” Before Solar could finish speaking, Moonbyul quickly placed a hand in front of her, almost hitting her face.

“It’s a slim pretty brunette with slanted eyes who just asked you for green tea, isn’t it?” Moonbyul said more than asked, as Solar nodded in awe.

“She must have asked for you a lot for you to know that much,” Solar deadpanned.

“…Why? Does it bother you?” Moonbyul teased, much to Solar’s surprise followed by her melodious laughter.

“Please! Why would it bother me? If anything, I would be happy if you talked to her. She is like a walking statue of a goddess!” Solar protested as Moonbyul’s smile fleetingly faltered.

“So…you think I should talk to her?” Moonbyul asked in a monotone.

“Of course! I’m sure you two can be good friends,” Solar chirped as Moonbyul raised an eyebrow.

“Just friends?” Moonbyul asked as Solar tilted her head at her.

Does Moonbyul want something more than a friendship with Mrs. Walking-Statue-Of-A-Goddess? Solar wondered as she noticed Moonbyul’s gaze firmly on her.

“Do you want something more?” Solar asked as a smile appeared on her lips, “I mean, if you do, who am I to say no? Go for it I say!” She added.

“…Y-yeah, You’re very right. I should try to see where it goes,” Moonbyul said, holding on to her left wrist where her mark was, “Maybe I should go for it”.

“Right! I’ll go call her then! Byul, Fighting!” Solar chirped before prancing out the office. Once the door closed behind Solar, Moonbyul groaned.

“Why can’t I just be honest? I’ll seriously end up losing her at this point,” Moonbyul snarled as she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache at the thought of Solar being with someone else.

“Moonbyul Unnie!” A sudden voice called as Moonbyul looked at the girl before her.

“Krystal,” Moonbyul deadpanned before turning her gaze back to her computer screen.

“Not even to call me a bit more lovingly? That’s not nice,” Krystal sulked as she sat before Moonbyul, her green tea tightly wrapped in her hands.

“Well, I don’t need to act lovingly unless we are with our parents,” Moonbyul protested as Krystal glanced at her and then at the ring in their hands.

“I know you don’t like this arrangement…but can’t you just try? Like, we can just break it off a year or so later,” Krystal begged as Moonbyul sighed. It was always her parents who made her decisions for her. From studying business abroad to marrying Krystal, it was always like this. No one ever asking her what SHE wanted…just what they thought was best for HER.

“I know…I just don’t want for you to get hurt in the end,” Moonbyul explained briefly, holding on to Krystal’s hands.

“I get it…I really do,” Krystal traced off, feeling her cheeks flush at the warm and sudden touch surrounding her hands.




“I can’t hear anything,” Hwasa protested as Solar scowled.

“Same here,” Solar said as the café’s door was heard open.

“Uh…what are you up to, Hwasa?” Solar and Hwasa turned to their left and saw a pretty blonde haired girl with a long sleeve fluffy sweater staring at them.

“Hey, Wheein! Long time no see!” Solar greeted the younger girl, who simply offered them a smile. Wheein and Hwasa had been friends for a long time, which soon led to Solar meeting the fun-loving girl as well. It had been a year or so since she had seen her, though.

“I know, Unnie!” Wheein chirped as the two hugged each other tightly. Hwasa simply rolled her eyes at their dramatic reunion before noticing the boy behind Wheein.

“We have a customer,” Hwasa announced, pointing at the person behind her friends. Solar and Wheein followed her gaze, which soon landed in a familiar purple haired boy.

“Woozi!” Solar exclaimed as she quickly let go of Wheein – who ended up falling to the ground as she had been holding on to Solar quite comfortably – before walking up to her roomie, “What brings you here? Or rather, how did you know I was here?”.

“Uh…you forgot your lunch,” Woozi said as Solar smiled as she took the small pink bag she had made for herself but forgotten about, “And well, I knew…because I just did”.

“So, is he your neighbor?” Hwasa asked as she kept pulling and pushing Wheein back to the ground, much to the other girl’s annoyance.

“M-my Soulmate! Yep, that,” Solar confessed as they all heard a sudden loud SPLASH from behind them. A wide-eyed Moonbyul was staring at them, or rather at Solar and her Soulmate. If Krystal hadn’t been behind her, the liquid would have fallen all over her.

“Soulmate?” Moonbyul asked, trying hard to hide her growing anxiety.

Did she really find someone? Please, say no! Moonbyul begged to whatever higher power was above them…but her prayers seemed to have been heard too late as Solar said with ease, “Yep! He is my soulmate!”.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs