Chapter 4: Yes I Am

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“This is frustrating,” Hwasa groaned as Wheein sat before her in a stool in front of the counter at MoonSun Café.

“I know. The one in blue is completely oblivious,” Wheein said as she looked at Solar, who was talking to some customers, “And the one in red is unwilling to say anything,” She added, turning to look towards Moonbyul’s office.

“Couldn’t have said it better,” Hwasa agreed as she went away to make the requested coffee from one of Solar’s customers. It had been a few weeks since – what Hwasa and Wheein liked to call – The Yes-I-Am-Fine-But-Not-Really Incident. While Solar and Moonbyul had talked about it and fixed the misunderstanding, quick-witted Wheein and sharp-tongued Hwasa thought otherwise. There was a lot Moonbyul was not saying and there was also a lot Solar was not even taking notice of.

“Woozi!” Solar greeted with a smile as she noticed the boy sitting by a window in the café, “When did you get here?”

“Uh…a while a go,” Woozi replied in a somber tone, much to Solar’s surprise. Woozi wasn’t the brightest boy around, but he definitely wasn’t one to be in such a gloomy mood. He was mostly withdrawn and slightly perky.

“Is everything okay?” Solar asked as she sat before him.

“Um…well, I…” Woozi didn’t seem to be able to find the right words to say, much to Solar’s concern.

“Did something happen?” Solar asked as Woozi glanced at her and then at his hands, which were closed in tight fists.

“No…well, yes. My parents called me,” Woozi trailed off as Solar raised an eyebrow at him. After having pressured him for days to tell her about his parents, Woozi had never been able to. It was like a taboo for the kid! Solar eventually gave up, feeling that when the time came, Woozi would tell her about it.

“What did they say? They want you back? Oh, I’m sure they must be so worried,” Solar said, a glint of curiosity and concern clear in her brown eyes.

“No…they said it’s fine for me to stay,” That’s all Woozi said as Solar sensed it almost immediately. He didn’t want to talk any further about them.

“Oh,” It was all Solar said before she noticed a familiar brunette enter the café, “Welcome!” She said loud enough for the brunette to look at her and give her a soft smile before disappearing into Moonbyul’s office. While Solar wasn’t entirely sure what was the relationship between the brunette – now knowing she was named Krystal – and Moonbyul, she was sure it was becoming something – friendship or relationship, she didn’t know - since Krystal had began to come by the café more often than before.

“Noona,” Woozi’s voice made Solar snap out of her daze and turn to look at him, “I said I’m going home”.

“R-right. You do that then. I’ll see you later,” Solar said as Woozi bid her goodbye before walking out the café, only for a pair of familiar faces to come in.

“Irene! Chorong!” Solar greeted with glee at the two women who had just come into the café. Both looked shocked at first, but they soon smiled brightly at the friend they hadn’t seen in a few years.

“Hey, Solar. It’s been a while. You work here?” Irene asked, her electric blue mark barely visible as it was below her collarbone.

“Yeah. I tried other jobs but they didn’t work out that well,” Solar sulked as Chorong and Irene simply smiled at her.

“Too bad. I’m sure this one is better than any other, though,” Chorong encouraged as she held on to Solar’s hand, an ebony black X clearly engraved on top of her palm.

“It is! I get a decent pay and I get to work with my friends,” Solar chirped as she smiled at her old classmates, “Seriously, it’s been so, so long! Let’s hang out at my house-…” She halted in her words as she remembered a certain purple haired boy, “O-or anyone’s, really”.

“It can’t be mine. My girlfriend has some friends over for a sleepover,” Irene explained briefly.

“We can go to mine. It’s just me,” Chorong said plainly as Solar nodded.

“Okay. I’ll finish here and we go. Do you guys want anything?” Solar asked with a smile.

“A green tea for me,” Irene said.

“I’m fine, thank you,” Chorong replied.

“I’ll be right back then,” Solar said as she left to the counter while Irene and Chorong went over to a table in the middle of the deserted café.

“Friends of yours?” Hwasa asked as she went to the small kitchen behind the counter to make Irene’s green tea.

“Yeah. We haven’t talked in so long,” Solar said, recalling those days when the three of them would just be together all the time during her college years.

“You sound so old,” Wheein teased as Solar made a face at her comment.

“Ha-Ha. Very funny, Wheein,” Solar deadpanned before she noticed the door to Moonbyul’s office open. Through the corner of her eyes, she saw Moonbyul come out with Krystal. She had a somber look on her face as Krystal kept glancing at her with concern.

“Hwasa, Solar,” Moonbyul called making the pair look at their boss, “I’ve got something to do, so close the place for me, okay?” Solar would have liked to ask what she had to do…or rather if she was okay; but she knew that when it came to expressing herself, Moonbyul was an open book. Whether she was mad or sad, one could tell rather easily; yet, it was because she was so easy to read that Moonbyul disliked whenever people asked her about it. She would rather be angry a whole day without giving any reasons than have people ask her if she was okay for a whole hour.

She also has Krystal. So, if she is not feeling well, she can just talk about it with her…I mean, that’s what I would do. Solar thought as she saw Moonbyul staring at her. There was a glint in her eyes that Solar couldn’t tell what it was no matter how much she really wanted to know.

“Got it, Boss,” Hwasa said with ease.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” And with that Moonbyul left hand in hand with Krystal.

Whoa…they’re moving fast. Solar thought, as she couldn’t look away from where Moonbyul had left through.

“Unnie,” Hwasa called as she noticed Solar’s eyes glued to where Moonbyul had just left through. The older woman quickly shook her head and turned to look at her.

“You can go ahead with your friends,” Hwasa said as she handed the green tea to Solar, “Wheein and I will take care of the place”.

“What? No, no, no! I’m going home!” Wheein protested but Hwasa quickly ran after her before she could run away.

“You’re staying! We haven’t been best friends since forever for you to ditch me today!” Hwasa rebuked before dragging Wheein behind the counter.

“Are you guys sure? I can stay a bit longer,” Solar offered but Hwasa shook her head while putting an apron on a very reluctant Wheein.

“It’s fine. We’re closing in a bit anyway,” Hwasa assured as Solar gave them a smile.

“I promise I’ll come early tomorrow! Thanks!” Solar chirped before walking to her friends and out the café.

“Yah!” Wheein barked as she turned around to face a smirking Hwasa, “Why drag me into this? I have a job too, you know! And may I say, I don’t get paid enough for it!”. Hwasa smirked as she took out her phone, almost hitting Wheein’s nose in the process, if the girl had not backed away in time.

“Hwasa!” Wheein scolded as she took her friend’s phone and examined what was displayed in her screen, “No way! Is this what I think it is?” She asked as Hwasa nodded.

“This is our way for Mrs. Blue to notice something and Mrs. Red to say something! This is it!” Hwasa cheered as Wheein stared at her and then at her phone with a blank expression, which soon became a silly smile.




“I seriously hate this,” Moonbyul groaned as she stood before her parent’s luxurious white and black mansion.

“I know. Just bear with it a bit, okay?” Krystal begged as Moonbyul reluctantly nodded before the two walked inside and were soon greeted by a party. It was not rare for Moonbyul’s parents to throw a party or two every month. They loved parties more than they should, actually. What was rare was for them to invite Moonbyul. They had given up a while ago, so for them to have invited her once again…it didn’t sound too good for her.

They probably suspect that Krystal and I are in good terms. Moonbyul thought rationally as she saw a woman in a beautiful red gown walk up to them with a bright smile.

“Byulyi, sweetie!” Moonbyul’s mother chirped as she ran to hug her precious daughter, almost poking Moonbyul’s eyes with her rather spiky jewels.

“Hi, mom,” The raven haired woman greeted weakly as her mother gasped, pushing her aside to hold Krystal’s hands.

“Oh! Krystal, dear! Long time no see!” Moonbyul rolled her eyes at her mother’s excitement as Krystal offered her a soft smile.

“It has been, Mrs. Moon,” Krystal said as politely as usual.

“Byulyi-…” Moonbyul’s mother began saying but was swiftly cut off by her daughter.

“Mom, I’ve told you to just call me Moonbyul,” Moonbyul protested as she found her birth name – Byulyi – a bit bothersome by now. She would rather be called a name she chose herself than her parents; not that she hated it, but she preferred her name now.

“…You will always be my Byulyi, so no,” Moonbyul’s mother rebuked as she signaled them to follow her. The pair did as told, one more reluctant than the other.

“I’m happy you two are getting along,” Mrs. Moon said as she took two cups of wine and handed one to each girl, “I was hoping you would eventually agreed with us, Byulyi,” Her mother added with a smile that hid more than she showed.

“It’s not like that,” Moonbyul deadpanned, sipping the rather strong scented wine.

“Whatever you say, dear,” Mrs. Moon said as Moonbyul was suddenly lifted off the ground in a tight embrace.

“My dearest child!” Mr. Moon chirped as Moonbyul let out a groan. Unlike her mother’s cunning nature, Moonbyul’s father was anything but cunning. He was childish, naïve and quite unpredictable. It was probably these qualities that her mother took into account when marrying him and building all the innovative businesses they have today.

“Yes, dad. Great to see you,” Moonbyul said as her father finally let her go, almost causing her to collide against the ground if it wasn’t for Krystal catching her.

“Hey, Krystal. You look great,” Mr. Moon praised with a big goofy smile playing on his lips.

“Thank you, Mr. Moon. Likewise,” Krystal replied as Moonbyul felt a sharp gaze on her. It didn’t take her long to figure out whom it was, since Moonbyul sort of expected it.

“I’ll be back,” Moonbyul excused herself as she walked towards the man who simply raised an eyebrow at her, “Min…it’s been a while,” Moonbyul said, trying to hide her dejection. Her older brother – Moon Minseok – had never liked Moonbyul’s antics. He had always been against her for not marrying Krystal and just going away to have some shabby business instead of taking half of their father’s business. He thought it was a waste of money, talent and just plain stupid.

“Byulyi,” Minseok snarled, not to Moonbyul’s surprise, as she knew he would not welcome her as warmly as her father or mother.

“How…how have you been?” Moonbyul asked as her brother scoffed.

“Do you really want to do this?” Minseok asked, annoyed at the blonde bangs that had fallen all over his eyes.

“I…what do you mean?” Moonbyul asked, unconsciously grabbing on to her fingers like a child would to their mother’s.

“Seriously?” He asked, almost unfazed at Moonbyul’s incredulous expression, “I’m talking about us acting like siblings”.

“What?” Moonbyul breathed, her heart slightly aching at his words.

“I don’t want to have a sister who can’t see what really matters,” Minseok said as he took a step closer to his sister, eyes showing no mercy for her, “Get this in your head, okay? Next time I see you, act like you don’t know me. I’ll do the same. I don’t want to have anything to do with you, got it?”. Moonbyul’s lips were slightly parted as she tried to protest or just say anything…but she couldn’t. Her mind had gone as blank as a canvas, empty and lacking of any thought.

“…Okay,” Moonbyul managed to say after a few minutes in silence before walking away, much to her parents and Krystal’s shock as they called for her but she kept walking. Once outside, however, Moonbyul took off her heels and began to run. Run away from her parents, from Krystal…from a brother who didn’t love her.

I don’t want to cry! I won’t! Moonbyul’s mind screamed as she kept running without a clear destination…or so she thought. Without realizing it, her heart had brought her right before Solar’s apartment.

I don’t lose anything talking to her. We’re friends after all. Moonbyul thought as she - with much hesitation - softly knocked on the door, hoping for her friend to come out, bring her inside and tell her that it would be okay, that she was always going to be there; but to Moonbyul’s dismay, no one came.

…She is not here…Yongsun…where are you when I need you? Moonbyul lamented as she suddenly notice the door slightly open, revealing a familiar purple haired boy.

“Yes?” He asked while rubbing his tired eyes. Moonbyul could just run for it and it would be okay since the boy looked anything but awake. He wouldn’t even realize she had been there, yet…Moonbyul couldn’t move. She was trying to…but her legs were not listening.

“Is…is Solar here?” Moonbyul still asked, even though she already knew the answer.

“No,” Woozi said, staring at Moonbyul with a somber expression, “But can I…can we talk?”.

No…I don’t want to…Moonbyul’s mind said, but her body thought otherwise as it gave a quick nod.




“That was so crazy! I was shocked when he said that!” Chorong exclaimed as Irene and Solar kept laughing at her anecdote. The trio had been pleasantly talking about their college days and how they were doing now. To Solar’s surprise, Irene had stopped pursuing a music career and instead had focused on charity work and teaching. Chorong, on the other hand, had gone to join a choir and was currently working at a small music school as the vocal teacher. It was amazing for Solar to see her friends so grown up, while she…she was still trying to figure out what to do with her life.

“I’m really surprised that you didn’t looked for any jobs involving music, Solar,” Irene said with a soft smile on her lips. It was true that the three of them were musically talented, yet it was always Solar who would stay late to practice her piano skills and singing. It was her passion, after all.

“Well, I kinda gave up on it,” Solar confessed as Irene and Chorong stared at her with bewilderment.

“Really? Why?” Chorong asked.

“I…I want to study something else. Something more realistic, you know,” Solar explained vaguely while rubbing her nape. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell her friends the whole truth as to why she never pursued a music career, but the memory of her parents’ telling her how she would never become anything in the future through music…it was just something she would rather not remember.

“That’s too bad. I’m sure you would have been great as a singer,” Irene confessed.

“You have a very unique voice,” Chorong added with a smile.

“Thanks,” The pink haired woman replied before Irene began to talk about the orphanage she would be working at in a few years. Even though Solar was staring at them, her mind was lost somewhere else, somewhere darker. Even if it was true that Solar had such a beautiful voice, it seemed to have never been enough for her parents…or herself.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs