Chapter 7: Be Calm

Dandelion (Koi No Yokan Series - Book 1)

“Oooh, so you know Moonbyul since she makes music with you?” Solar asked before taking a bite of her white cotton candy. Sooo...the night had not ended like Solar would have expected. To meet Min Yoongi, Alias Woozi’s doppelganger, and accidentally tell her all her worries might have not been the smartest choice, yet Yoongi had simply offered to listen, give a piece of advice and keep Woozi’s secret. The two were now walking along the dim streets of the Decalcomanie Park, talking about music and trivial stuff while enjoying a well deserved cotton candy. Unexpectedly, they found a shared passion over classical music.

“So, you sing?” Yoongi asked as he walked backwards, facing Solar who simply nodded.

“I used to. Not anymore, though,” Solar confessed.

“Why?” Yoongi asked with ease. Solar glanced at the younger guy and simply shrugged.

“Let’s just say it doesn’t pay the bills that well,” Solar replied as Yoongi grinned.

“Point taken,” He agreed before turning around and walking ahead of her. The pair passed by the carousel, which Solar took a quick glance at before she went after Yoongi who kept walking.

“So, why are you here, Yoongi?” Solar then asked as Yoongi turned around and began to walk backwards once again, “Did you come alone?”.

“Hmm…I was looking for someone, but I couldn’t find him,” Yoongi confessed as he took a bite of his blue cotton candy, which comically matched with his hair.

“If you want, I can help you look for him,” Solar offered as Yoongi shook his head.

“It’s alright. I…I have a feeling he didn’t come,” He replied as Solar noticed him grow misty eyed again. Before Solar could give him some very much needed support, she spotted the familiar gift shop she and Woozi had been in just a few hours ago.

“Hyung, I said that’s mine!” A short blonde guy whined as a taller guy with red hair laughed at him. They were fighting over a small sloth doll right outside the shop; the blonde guy kept trying to pry the doll out of the other guy’s grip.

“Call Yoongi and tell him to buy you another one!” At the mentioning of his name, Yoongi quickly turned around and Solar noticed his expression turn grim at the sight of the boys. The blonde guy then mumbled something, which even though Yoongi couldn’t hear, seemed to have ticked him off as he stomped towards them, Solar following after him.

“Yah, Park Jimin! Jung Hoseok!” Yoongi called as Solar noticed the two boys in the store look up at them.

“Whoa, You summoned him!” The red haired guy said with a bright smile, “Legends say that whoever sees him outside his studio is bound to suffer great humiliations as he’ll diss the s**t out of you,” He added as the blonde man began to laugh with glee.

“Yah! Do you want me to diss the s**t out of you, J-Hope?” Yoongi snapped, having had enough of his friend’s joke.

“Nah, I can do that alone just fine,” J-Hope replied as he noticed Solar behind Yoongi, “Oh, hello! I’m Hoseok, but you can call me J-Hope,” He greeted with a bright smile.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Solar,” Solar said with a halfhearted smile as she noticed the blonde had stopped laughing and was now staring between her and Yoongi.

“You came with her but not me?” Jimin asked, feeling dejected and bewildered at the sight before him. Yoongi’s eyes went wide as he quickly shook his head.

“No, no, no. I met her while looking for you,” Yoongi protested as Solar nodded.

“Yeah. I thought he was someone else. For real! He looks just like my soulmate!” Solar explained, but Jimin didn’t seem convinced. His once bright expression had suddenly turned darker as he stared between Yoongi and Solar.

“…Why not call me then? Yoongi, if you didn’t want to come with me, you could have just told me…” Jimin said in a low voice as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, finding comfort in doing so.

“I did want to come with you, Jimin! I just couldn’t find you! I tried calling but my phone died, look!” Yoongi protested, unconsciously raising his voice as he took out his phone, which from the looks of it had gone through a rough life with all the cracks on the screen.

“Yoongi, it’s the same every time,” Jimin said, his eyes fixed on Yoongi’s desperate ones, “We never have time for anything, we just keep making excuses…It’s like…”

“Like what?” Yoongi asked in a stern voice, as Jimin suddenly went quiet.

“Jimin,” He called once, but the blonde boy said nothing as his gaze fell to the ground.

“Jiminnie, talk to me,” He tried again, but Jimin was unwilling to say more as he held his tears back. Yoongi reached out to hold Jimin’s trembling shoulder, giving them a light squeeze.

“Chimchim, please. Say something,” He begged as Jimin shook his head.

“Sooo, the innocent bystanders are going to go now. Excuse us,” J-Hope piped up as he signaled Solar to follow him, which she quickly did. As she and J-Hope walked away, Solar couldn’t help but turn around and glance at them once again.

I hope they fix their misunderstanding. Solar thought as she heard someone suddenly call her name.

“Solar Unnie!” Wheein called loudly as she ran towards her, Krystal following suit.

“Why are you wet? And where is Woozi?” Solar asked as she noticed Krystal’s appearance. From head to toes, Krystal was drenched in water. She looked like she just got in the shower with clothes and everything.

“We…W-we lost him,” Wheein confessed as Solar gasped, almost cursing at her friend out of concern and panic.

“Y-YOU WHAT?!” Solar shrieked gaining J-Hope’s and even Yoongi and Jimin’s attention.

“W-we didn’t mean to! He just ran away!” Krystal explained as she told what had happened during their visit to the aquarium.




“You work here since you were a teenager then?” Krystal asked as Wheein nodded. The two were walking side by side as Woozi walked in front of them, looking at the fishes that swam around them. The colorful aquarium seemed to have mesmerized the boy who kept smiling as he played around with a few fishes that followed his finger with much curiosity.

“Yeah. I’ve been here for a while, taking care of the animals and working backstage during the Mermaids’ show,” Wheein explained with a smile as they went up a set of stairs.

“Wouldn’t you like to work in the show?” Krystal asked as Wheein unconsciously flinched before she shook her head.

“Nah, I’m more of the backstage worker!” Wheein assured as the three of them arrived to the large stadium on the upper floor of the aquarium. People were already gathered in the bleachers, eagerly waiting for the mermaids to appear on their stage, which was a large aquarium that stood in the center of the stadium.

“I’ve got to go, but you guys can stay right here,” Wheein said as she sat Krystal and Woozi on the first row of the bleachers.

“Thanks, Wheein. Good luck on your show,” Krystal said as Woozi gave her a soft smile.

“Have fun,” He said as Wheein gave them a thumbs up before she disappeared backstage. Krystal glanced at Woozi who was looking around with wide and curious eyes.

“Are you excited, Woozi?” Krystal asked as Woozi turned to look at her.

“Uh…yeah,” Woozi said, slightly blushing out of embarrassment. The brunette simply smiled, as she couldn’t help but find Woozi’s antics rather cute. The lights suddenly went off before a lone bright light glowed a beautiful pink light above a beautiful mermaid with red hair that peacefully swam around the tank. Two more mermaids appeared and soon, they were spinning and twirling, displaying colorful and rather magical illusions with their well-made outfits.

“Whoa, this is really pretty,” Krystal said in awe as Woozi nodded. The audience was so immersed in the show that they didn’t notice the backstage crew that had sneaked behind the first three rows in the front. Without a warning, they dumped water at the poor spectators who at first were shocked but ended up laughing at their situation.

“Seriously! You should have gotten wet too!” Krystal protested with a smile as Wheein, who had also dumped water in their heads, chortled at her.

“Unnie, you look like an angry Chihuahua!” Wheein barely managed to say as she fell to her knees, laughing like a maniac.

“And you look like a hyena,” Krystal rebuked as Wheein laughed even harder, “Doesn’t she look like a-…Woozi? Hey, what’s wrong?” Krystal quickly kneed down before the boy who was drenched in water as well. Unlike everyone else, however, Woozi was trembling. He hung his head low, letting his bangs cover his face.

“What-…oh, god, wait my lungs! Ow, I laughed too hard,” Wheein whined as she managed to regain her composure, “Is he okay”.

“I don’t know. Woozi-…” Krystal called as she stretched her hand towards Woozi’s face, but the boy immediately smacked it.

“Hey! What was that for!” Krystal yelped as Wheein looked at Krystal now reddish hand and then at Woozi’s petrified face. Underneath his right eye…a blue mark began to show. Without saying a word, the purple haired boy stood up and ran, much to Wheein and Krystal’s shock as they exchanged perplexed glances before going after him.




“WHY DID YOU EVEN TRY TO GRAB HIS FACE?! NOBODY LIKES THEIR FACES GETTING TOUCHED!!” Solar yelled as Krystal hid behind Wheein, frighten at Solar’s outburst.

“Unnie, calm down! What’s going on?” Hwasa said as she arrived along side Moonbyul.

“WOOZI GOT LOST! THEY LOST HIM!” Solar screamed as she caught Moonbyul’s eyes on her. Anyone could tell Moonbyul was feeling downcast as she simply hung her head low, looking away from her friend. Solar felt more than guilty at this, since she knew it had been her fault…yet, Woozi going missing had definitely made her mind forget all about the fight.

“How do you even lose a sixteen year old boy?” Hwasa questioned as Wheein shrugged.

“Honestly, I thought he would be slower since he is tiny,” Wheein explained as Solar glared at her.

“WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?! YOU ARE SHORT TOO!” Solar protested as Wheein gasped, clearly offended at the mentioning of her height.

“Okay, okay! Enough!” Moonbyul intervened before anyone could say anything else, “Let’s just stop blaming each other and look for Woozi, okay? If we don’t find him we can just tell the park security,” She added as she suddenly noticed the familiar trio from Jin’s shop, “What are you three doing here?”.

“Well, Yoongi-…Hyung, came to play by himself,” Jimin hissed as Yoongi clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed at Jimin’s words.

“Well, that make two of us then,” Yoongi barked as Jimin scowled.

“Is that so? At least I do try to keep our promises!” The blonde boy snapped.

“I try, Jimin! You can’t expect me to always have time!” Yoongi screamed as the two began to argue rather loudly.

“ENOUGH!!” Solar snapped as she grabbed Hwasa’s wrist, much to her friends’ surprise, “We are going to look for Woozi. ALL OF US!! And we are not leaving until he appears!” She added before dragging Hwasa away towards the carousel.

“Sounds good to me. I’ll be around then,” Yoongi didn’t lose any time to escape from Jimin and simply turned around and walked away towards the Planetarium.

“He doesn’t even have a phone,” Jimin sulked as he and J-Hope walked towards the Ferris wheel. The red haired guy patted his friends back in a comforting manner while telling him that everything would be fine.

“I’m sorry,” Moonbyul turned around and saw Krystal looking at her with much guilt written all over her face. Wheein was no different.

“I’m not the one you should say sorry to. Though, I don’t feel that you have to apologize either way,” Moonbyul assured as Wheein sighed.

“We know…it’s just that I’ve never seen Solar Unnie so angry,” Wheein said as Moonbyul gritted her teeth, her lips turning into a thin line. The memory of her and Solar’s fight still vividly playing on her mind like a nightmare.

“Yeah…it is a first for me too,” Moonbyul said as the three girls began to make their way to the aquarium.




“Why did you get so angry?” Hwasa asked as Solar kept going around the carousel, hoping to find Woozi hidden around it. The park was closing down its attractions by now, only having the planetarium, the aquarium – due to it’s mermaid acts – and the circus open.

“I didn’t like how Moonbyul kept asking about Woozi,” Solar deadpanned as she halted in her steps as Hwasa stood on her way, “What?” She asked with annoyance.

“So, you got angry because she kept asking if he was your Soulmate?” Hwasa asked, as Solar nodded, “Nothing else?”.

“No. What else would I have gotten angry about?” Solar questioned as Hwasa frowned.

“Unnie, have you ever thought about Moonbyul Unnie being with someone?” The younger woman asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“It’s none of my business. If she wants to be with someone, she has all the right to,” Solar explained. She had never thought about Moonbyul dating anyone…until Krystal came by. It was then that she began to think about Moonbyul having someone.

“What if she started dating Krystal Unnie? Would you mind?” Solar eyes went wide with shock as Hwasa simply waited for her reply.

…Would I mind? I…I don’t know. I’ve never thought of Moonbyul being with anyone…Solar thought as she tried to answer, but her voice was not coming out.

“Well, what if I told you that Moonbyul Unnie didn’t like you and Woozi together,” Hwasa suddenly said as Solar frowned.

“What? No, she said she didn’t mind. She told me,” Solar protested but Hwasa simply raised an eyebrow.

“Unnie,” Hwasa called in an unusual stern tone, “We say what we need to say, not what we want to. The boss is no different. She wants you happy over anything else. So, of course she is going to say she is fine with you being with someone,” Hwasa explained, much to Solar’s confusion.

Why would Moonbyul care who I date? She cares as a friend, then? Solar thought, as she couldn’t help but feel a greater guilt wash over her as she recalled her fight with Moonbyul over and over in her head.

“…Why would she not be fine, then?” Solar asked, her gaze fixed on the carousel beside them.

“…” Hwasa remained silent as Solar turned to look at her.

“Hwasa,” She called as the younger girl shook her head.

“…Just like you said it was not for you to say why Woozi is or isn’t your soulmate…it’s the same with the boss. All I can say…is that you two should really fix this problem,” Hwasa replied before she walked away, calling Woozi’s name. Solar stood there for what felt years. Her mind and emotions felt like a canvas that someone had throw paint all over; a mess that was too intricate for Solar to get.

Unaware to her, however, was the blurry outline of indigo that appeared on Solar’s right wrist.




“Kid! Solar Noona’s kid!” Yoongi called as he regretted to not have asked what Woozi looked like. Then again, he didn’t care about finding Woozi. All he wanted was to be away from Jimin. He didn’t want to hear what the blonde guy had to say about them.

“F**k!” Yoongi cursed as he tripped and ended up falling to the ground face first.

“Ugh…What the h*ll?” Yoongi wondered as he turned around and found a small boy curled up in a ball. The purple haired boy was sitting by the planetarium’s door, almost as if he was waiting for someone to come out and pick him up.

“Uh…are you Solar Noona’s kid?” Yoongi asked as the boy nodded, hiding his face with his hoodie. Much like the brunette Yoongi had seen before, Woozi was just as wet from head to toes. His jeans and hoodie were dripping with water.

“Hey,” Yoongi called as he noticed the boy was not willing to look at him, “Yah, if someone older than you is talking, you should look at them,” He demanded as Woozi shook his head.

“I don’t want to. Go away,” Woozi mumbled as Yoongi noticed that on the boy’s cuffs, there were cream-colored stains.

“Hey,” Yoongi called as Woozi eyed him through his bangs, “Take that off and use this. You’ll get sick if you keep using that,” He added as he took off his hoodie, revealing a black shirt underneath. It didn’t take long for Yoongi to connect the dots of why Woozi had run away. He had been covering his marks – which Solar had stupidly revealed to him by accident - with makeup, which ended up washing away due to the water.

“…Did Noona tell you?” Woozi asked as Yoongi shrugged.

“Maybe,” He confessed as Woozi sighed before taking off his hoodie, finally revealing his face to the blue haired boy.

“Well, d**n…I don’t blame her for confusing us,” Yoongi, said as he could see why Solar had confused him with Woozi. The boy looked a lot like him when he was younger. From his eyes to their lips, there were a lot of similarities between the two.

“Thank you,” Woozi mumbled as he had changed his wet hoodie with Yoongi’s.

“It’s cool,” Yoongi said as two of them stood up, “Whoa, you’re tiny,” He added as he noticed how small Woozi actually was.

“No…need to tell…I know…” Woozi groaned as he pulled his hood to cover his face.

“There’s nothing bad in being short, though,” Yoongi assured as Woozi turned to look at him with curiosity, “I mean, my boyfriend is short and I’m short. We are still f***ing awesome no matter the size,” He added with a smirk as Woozi slightly grinned at that.

“Ah! Yoongi!” J-Hope’s loud voice called as he and Jimin ran up to them.

“You found him? Are you Woozi?” J-Hope asked as Woozi nodded, unconsciously hiding behind Yoongi.

What the-…does he know the kid? Jimin raised an eyebrow at this, but opted for silence, as he didn’t want to talk to Yoongi at all. He was still angry and not ready to forgive and forget.

“Let’s just go. I’m hungry and f***ing tired,” Yoongi protested as he pulled Woozi so he would walk in front of them.

“Alright! Hey, I want some chicken. Can we buy chicken?” J-Hope went on and on about wanting to eat chicken, with Yoongi on the verge of killing him just to shut him up. Jimin was walking beside J-Hope, partially listening to him, as he couldn’t help but stare at Yoongi’s hands, which were tightly placed on Woozi’s shoulders.

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Last Chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and read Dandelion!



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michey #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fic! I love how youve got little details like how wheein was mainly brought up by her grandparents!
Chapter 18: I like this story.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Awww the end! I loved it!
This was a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I absolutely adore Moonsun and of course Wheesa and just Mamamoo in general, they got me into Kpop, and this story was perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece!!! ♥

P.S: I'm excited to see future stories!!!
pleasedeh #4
Chapter 15: So sad , hope happy ending for everyone
pleasedeh #5
Chapter 11: Why this two always run away..huft
Waiting for next chapter author ;)
Chapter 6: Always looking forwad to your update author nim! :)
Chapter 4: This story getting more and more interesting! Loonging forward to your update author nim :)
Chapter 3: Just go get ur girl Byul :(
Ooohh so they’re apart for a few years :0 that’s why we feel some distance between them..
Thank you for the update! Good luck for the next chapter!
14 streak #9
Omg the title reminds me of one of Iida Riho’s songs