Shopping With Key Oppa

Guardian Angel Jonghyun

Rolling over in bed, Alina peeked through heavy eye lids to find Jonghyun softly snoring beside her. She smiled, happy to find him still beside her. Cuddling into his side, she slipped her hand over his heart, and drifted back to sleep.


Opening her eyes once more, she squinted as her eyes tried to remain closed before the finally allowed her to open them. Looking around, she found Jonghyun already up, the sounds of him playing a video game in the front room echoing throughout the apartment. Yawning silently, stretched wide, Alina slipped out of bed, and made her way toward the dresser so she could get dressed.


Walking out of the bedroom dressed in her blue jean mini skirt that showed off her shapely legs, accompanied with a white t-shirt, Alina finished wrapping the rubber band at the end of her side "Elsa" French braid. Her bare feet showed off her cute painted toe nails as she made her way toward the living room. 


Turning the corner, Alina came to a stop upon finding not only Jonghyun, but Kibum as well watching a soccer game on television. She smiled, deciding that she shouldn't find it abnormal for his brothers to come over during their days off. After all, they had lived together in one dorm when they first started SHINee. 


As she drew closer to the living room, the boys eyes turned upon her, bringing a light blush to her cheeks as they smiled happily up at her. Jonghyun moved from his position on the sofa beside Kibum, closing the distance between them, and enfolding her in a warm embrace. "Good morning, yeobo. Did you sleep good?" Alina's mind instantly wandered to their passion the night before, causing her face to heat up even more at the memory of their connection. 


"Yes," Her voice came out soft and timid, causing a chuckle to reach her ears. "Did you?" Looking up at him shyly through her lashes, she saw the flush of his own face as he nodded that he had. 


"Ya! What are you to whispering about over there?" Alina jumped at the sudden outburst of the other male in the room, having forgotten that he was still there. It was strange the effect Jonghyun had on her. Anytime she was near him, in his arms, or looking into his eyes, they became the only ones in the room. Leaning up, she quickly placed a kiss on his lips before walking over to the sofa and sitting between Kibum and Jonghyun. "God, yeobo, I thought you and I had something special."  Jonghyun looked over at his friend, who was in fact pouting, and chuckled. 


"Don't worry, Kibum. You and I will always have something special." He watched the younger male role his eyes before looking at Alina and smiling. "It's just, Alina and I have something I've never had with anyone. Something that has me afraid of losing her." Reaching up, he brushed a stray tear from her cheek, her eyes reflecting his own feelings. Just as he was leaning in to kiss her, Alina was pulled off of the sofa and toward the door. 


"Yeah, yeah, I've heard enough."


"Kibum Oppa, what are you doing?" Alina looked at the back of his head as he stormed off with her. 


"If you're so special to my Jonghyunnie, then you and I are going to get to know each other better." Glancing back at Jonghyun, he jogged to catch up with them. "Jonghyun hyung, I am taking Alina on a date, and you are going to enjoy some time alone. We will be back later." Leaning in, Jonghyun kissed Alina softly.


"I'm kind of jealous." he whispered, nibbling her ear as Kibum slipped her bare feet into a pair of her sandals. Wavering a little at having her feet forced up one by one, she looked nervously at Jonghyun before she was being pulled out of the door by Kibum.




[@ the shopping center]


Walking into the cool air conditioned interrior of the shopping mall , Alina relaxed her arm, hoping to slow Kibum down from his frantic walking pace. "I know you and Jonghyun have been friends behind the company's back." Alina's eyes jerked up to stare at the side of his face. "I know that he met you while contemplating his own suicide. That he found you on the bridge that night and stopped you from doing the same." Her heart squeezed tight in her chest as he lead her to a coffee shop. "American blend, medium roast, as well as a black." Alina blinked in suprise to see that he knew what kind of coffee that she liked. He paid the cashier before, turning around and looking for a table. "Go find us a spot to sit, and I'll bring the coffee once its done."  Not trying to put up a fight, she turned away and moved toward a secluded area so that they could continue their talk in private.


Slipping into a chair, she pulled out her phone and unlocked the screen. There, sitting patiently and unnoticed, was a text message. She smiled, already knowing who it was from, and pressed on her messages to open the app. Inside was a picture message from Jonghyun. Clicking on the message, she smiled to see a picture of him holding her favorite Charmander stuffie he had bought her on her last birthday with the words "Charmander and I miss you" typed out across the photo. A grin instantly stretches across her face, her heart fluttering happily as she admires the sweet photo with adoration and love. Quickly saving the photo to her library, she jumps as a hand reaches out to take her phone from her hand. Looking back, she sees him messing with her phone before he leans down until his head is evern with hers. Holding her phone out in front of them, she sees her camera is opena nd smiles. He wants to take a picture with her. 


Smiling happily, she poses beside of him, the sound of the shutter catching as the phone saves their image to her library. He moves from beside her, typing out something before he gives her the phone back. She smiles, seeing that he sent it to Jonghyun with the words "coffee date" written in the text bubble. It doesn't take long before she is replied with heart eyes smilies from Jonghyun. "So, as I was saying." Alina closes her phone screen and slips it onto the table beside her coffee. She picks up her coffee, the strong arouma catching her nose as she brings the cup up and takes a sip. "He didn't just save your life, Alina. You saved his, and I am grateful for that. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him. He's been my best friend since we were trainees, always taking my side in meetings, and just being there for me. I know I don't often show that I like you, and maybe that's because I'm a little bit jealouse. For so long Jonghyun was mine, and now I have to share him." He pouted like a small child having to share his toy with a girl, and Alina felt out of place. She had no idea he felt this way. Though, to be honest, she didn't think she cared. She loved Jonghyun and he loved her. She wasn't going to give him up just because his friend was jealouse of their relationship. "So, I have been thinking really hard on this, and I've come to the conclusion that I am willing to share him. He deserves to be happy, even more than the rest of us, but I want us to be friends. As long as your dating my Jongie, then I'm a packaged deal. Got it?" 


Alina set her coffee down, the bitter liquid having scorched her tongue a little. Her mind sorted out everything she had just been told. He was a packaged deal with Jonghyun? Her mind wandered to all kinds of images, but in the end, she knew that she could live with this. "Kibum Oppa, I have never planned on stealing Jonghyun Oppa from you. I love him more than life itself, and I just want to see him happy. Besides, your SHINee brothers. I would never in my life dream of seperating him and you. Honest." She sits there quietly, watching him ponder her words behind his cup of coffee, before his eyes close and he sets his cup down. 


"Fair enough." He pushes his chair out before standing up. "Lets go. If your going to be a SHINee Girl in our SHINee world, then you need to look the part."  Alina picked up her coffee and stood up, allowing the now happy Kibum to slip her arm around his before escorting her out of the cafe and toward the shopping center. "You have really great legs, so we will be getting you a lot of shorts, skirts, and dresses. Not to mention, I'm taking you shoe shopping and we are going to splurge. Then I'm taking you to get your hair done, trimmed because I'm pretty sure Jnghyun likes your long hair, and then maybe we can get it colored." He played with the ends of Alina's hair before turning into a very expensive store that she had never dared to enter. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest as she looked at the price tags of all of the dresses he was piling into her arms. 


The whole day he dressed her up like a fancy doll, buying her dress after dress before buying her ten different pairs of shoes, as well as a dozen of shorts, skirts, and tops to go with everything. She had never bought so much clothes, and felt guilty he was spending so much on her. "Oppa, this is way too much." she fussed, her face flushed in embaressment as staff workers followed them to his car to load everyhting for him. 


"None sense. I told you, if your going to be apart of our world, I'm going to help you fit in." He smiled as if this was nothing new. She felt a warm feeling over taking her. Never had anyone spent so much on her before; next to Jonghyun who had bought her that car. "Now, get in. We aren't done yet."




[9p.m. that night]


Alina walked through the front door, her hair having been trimmed and dyed an ash brown with soft highlights, carrying a few bags with Kibum and their manager behind her carrying more bags. Jonghyun rushed to the door upon hearing her enter, only to stop mid step and gawk at the new woman walking into the room. His eyes sparkled as he took her in from head to toe. Thanks to the spa Kibum had brought her to, her skin was glowing and healthy looking, giving her an auroa of freshness. "Alina. You look beautiful." Taking the bags from her, loving the way her cheeks lit up at his compliment, he put the bags on the sofa before moving back to her and embracing her to him. She hugged his neck, taking in his scent. "I can tell you spent the whole day with Kibum, yeobo. He must have bought you a whole new wardrobe." Kibum scoffed at Jonghyun's teasing words, directing their manager to put the bags into the bedroom. 


"I've missed you, Oppa." she whispered, clinging to him as if she would never see him again. 


"I've missed you too. Did you enjoy your day out with Kibum?" She nodded, smiling as Kibum walked over to them, shaking his head. 


"I have to say, Alina-yah was very pleasant company, even if she did complain about how much I spent on her today," He playfully glared at her before turning to Jonghyun. "You've got yourself a very loving girl, Jonghyun Hyung, so don't go and screw it up, because I may just take her for myself." Jonghyun tugged her closer to him as if he believed with his brother was saying, causing Alina's heart to squeeze in her chest. He was being protective of her toward his brother, and for some reason it made her giddy. 


"Don't worry, you'll never get the chance." Jonghyun embraced Kibum tightly, still keeping Alina hugged to his side, before they walked both Mr. Choi and Kibum to the door. Once they were alone, Jonghyun looked down at Alina with a smile. "Have you eaten yet?" Alina shook her head no.


"Kibum Oppa offered to take me to a resturaunt, but I was ready to come home." Her heart squeezed as she said those words aloud. Home. Her home was where ever Jonghyun was, and she was lucky enough to know that. His lips rose in a bright smile as he lead her into the living room.


"Shall I order in?" he asked, pulling out his cell phone as they sat down together on the sofa. She nodded, sitting quietly as he order them some food while holding her in his arms. She smiled, listening to the rumble of his chest as he spoke. If this was how their life was going to be from now on, then she was happy to live it beside of him.

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I hope everyone likes the book so far. This chapter, as well as the next one, are my ways of celebrating SHINee's 10 year anniversary. Please enjoy and continue to support our shinning SHINee.


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Chapter 11: The story is very well written. I can’t wait for the next chapter! <3 Keep up the good work. :D