
The Secrets We Keep
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“You’re not going to tell them?” Jeongyeon asked Nayeon who was measuring grams of salt for their lab experiment. They had a replay of their conversation that morning and the topic of Nayeon’s enigmatic secrecy came into question.


Still focused on her task, Nayeon shook her head. “I’m not ready yet. I feel that the right time will come, then I’ll announce it to them.”


“Whatever you choose to do, just know that I’ll be here to support you.”


“I know they deserve to know, but I’m entitled to some privacy right?”


“Of course,” Jeongyeon nodded as she tried to do the next procedure of the experiment herself.


“I mean, I know we tell each other just about everything, our crushes, which celebrities we liked, our bathroom routines, but it’s not like we’re obligated to reveal every bit of information that’s happening in our lives right? I deserve to have something for myself, something that’s solely for me. I shouldn’t feel guilty covering it up for just a little while longer while I situate myself and grasp the whole thing, and-”


Jeongyeon shoved Dahyun’s chocopie into to stop her from babbling, in which Nayeon whipped her head and smacked her in the arm.

Jeongyeon couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re thinking too much of it. Take your time, and come out whenever you feel you’re ready.”


Nayeon smiled with the snack in and continued on with their experiment whilst munching on Dahyun’s beloved chocopie which she will later regret when Dahyun finds out.


Sana’s long awaited lunch time with her newly found companions came, and she was more than anticipating to be able to properly thank Dahyun for her kind gesture earlier. As Sana started to remove the jacket to give back to Dahyun, the tofu refused.


“Give it to me tomorrow or something. I don’t want you to go home with your chocolate-stained clothes exposed.” Dahyun’s kindness continued to surprise her, leaving the others surprised as well but in a different sense.


Nayeon saw this whole exchange and complained to Dahyun about it. “How come when I had vomit on my clothes during that crazy party we went to, I didn’t get a jacket offer from you?”


“I don’t want Jeongyeon’s vomit on my clothes. This is chocolate, it’s different. And you brought it upon yourself for making her drink so much.”


“I was just trying to get her to loosen up,” Nayeon rolled her eyes.


Jihyo snickered at her comment. “Jeongyeon’s always loose. Too loose actually. Remember that time we watched that really sad movie and she came out looking like Sadako with the white tablecloth wrapped around her and a wig on her head? That was hilarious!” The rest laughed as they reminisce the times Jeongyeon’s goofy personality brightened up the mood. Whenever someone was feeling down or if the atmosphere was even slightly melancholy, Jeongyeon was always there to put a smile on her friends’ face. And no matter how ridiculous her actions were, the group appreciated the effort she puts in making sure her friends were of the happiest.


“That’s one of the charming qualities she has,” Mina said, earning her a pat on the head by Jeongyeon, which only made Chaeyoung cling to her girlfriend’s arm tighter.


Mina smiled at her little cub’s little act of jealousy. She looked so pure, Mina couldn’t resist giving her a lengthy kiss on the forehead, as if to give her the reassurance that all the love in her was dedicated to Chaeyoung only. Groans could be heard from their group of friends, but the two were in their own little world and couldn’t care less of their surroundings. In that moment, they could only see each other.


The group were having their lunch at a nearby ramyeon shop since the school cafeteria was always so crowded and rowdy. They were now joined by Momo, Jihyo, and Tzuyu whom Sana didn’t get the chance to meet earlier at the courtyard. Each of them were more than kind enough to welcome Sana to their circle, and their friendly personalities made it easier for her as to not feel tensed and anxious like she usually does upon meeting new people. Momo and Mina were fellow Japanese whom she could ask questions about Korean terms she didn’t quite understand. Nayeon, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon never failed to make the conversation lively, so there was never a quiet moment with the three. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were usually quiet but every now and then they would speak to her as if they’d been friends

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pompapu #1
Chapter 23: the ending is so captivating authornim.
Chapter 23: Ah, obrigada pela história! Houve momentos em que eu quis bater nas personagens, mas meu SAIDA nunca se separou, então por mim td bem...
saitofu98 #3
Chapter 19: ugh this is getting boring
Hi authornimmm!!!! I just want to say that this is so heartwarming TT ,thank youuu for making this authornimm this is so cuteee.
Trez17 #5
Chapter 12: Hi author! This is your second story that ive read. I must say u are a great writer! Thank you for the story. Keep writing michaeng fanfic!
18 streak #6
Chapter 23: The ending was so heartwarming & put me at ease with all the angst I was feeling at certain points throughout the story I ended up smiling as I read the last few lines <3
Chapter 23: What a heartwarming ending. I enjoyed all the fluff and realistic elements of life and reality you added to the story.

I really want to know why Jimin and Mina broke up. I know Mina said something about Jimin acting different after but I can't help but think there's something more to it. I'm also wondering what Mina was looking for during their kiss. Hopefully someone can clear this up for me! (looking at you author-nim)
dkdldb #9
Chapter 23: Wow the ending was soo good