
The Secrets We Keep
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Chaeyoung regretted her words the moment she uttered them. When she was walking away from her, she wanted to turn back and apologize, but somehow her feet didn’t do what she wanted. She was too frustrated at the lack of her talents that she let that cloud her thoughts. She sat, caught up in her own thoughts in her little cubicle as she did her work, finishing up the details of other people’s artwork that were to be used for the new game.


Looking through other people’s work made her envious. She had designs that could’ve made it look better, ideas that would greatly benefit the project, so many contributions she could’ve made. That could’ve been her doing all that. She wouldn’t have been sitting there, making other people’s art look polished. She was better than that. She just needed to prove it. To her seniors. To her colleagues. To Mina.


Realistic… That’s hard… Chaeyoung thought. The little cub pulled up the Illustrator app and stared at a blank sheet of paper on her computer screen. Her fingers hovered over her mouse, unable to move. Where would she even start, she thought. Normally, even without any ideas, her hands would draw on their own and the next thing she knew, she’d have a sketch right in front of her. But now, she admitted, nothing came to her. The last time she had a slump was during her college art project, but thinking about Mina got her through it. But now, thinking about her girlfriend only made her go back to their last conversation, which made her all the more unable to concentrate.


Finally giving up, she closed the application and went back to her work. She spent the whole day in her desk trying not to think about anything but the task in front of her. When she finally finished, she stretched her arms up and let out a yawn.


“Tired?” a voice came up behind her and she turned her head to see her senior standing before her.


She frantically got up and gave a slight bow of greeting.


He smiled at her and gave her a pat on the shoulder, causing Chaeyoung to bring her eyebrows together in confusion. “Come to the project meeting tomorrow. We’ll discuss your part in it.”


“What do you mean?”


“I’m putting you on a trial run. Mina showed me your artwork and I have to say, you should’ve came to me with those instead of the character designs you submitted. I wouldn’t have wasted my time rejecting all of them.”


The younger one tilted her head slightly to one side, “What artwork?”


“Longing. I think your outlook on the world would best suit this project. I’m giving you this last chance, so you better work hard. Come an hour early tomorrow and we’ll discuss more. Okay?” He gave her shoulder one last pat before turning around to leave. But before he could completely disappear, he turned around and added, “You know Mina was just doing what’s best for the project right? Don’t take it to heart. She really believes in you.” And with that, he left.


Chaeyoung was still trying to piece out what had just occurred. First, she had never shown Mina that painting. The only way she would’ve been aware of it was if Dahyun or Tzuyu showed her, or if she went to the University where it was located. She walked out of the building clouded in her own thoughts when she saw Mina standing right before her just outside the entrance.


The Japanese had her hands behind her, looking as if she was afraid to speak up. She stood there playing with her foot, waiting for her to say something.


The two remained silent for a moment. Chaeyoung moved closer to her and both spoke at the same time. “I’m sorry,” they said together.


Chaeyoung shook her head, “No, i’m sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”


“You had a point though. I should’ve been honest with you. I was just afraid that if I spoke my mind, you wouldn’t like what I had to say. I was afraid and was being cowardly.”


“True. You’ve always kept your thoughts to yourself.”


Mina looked down. “I’m sorry,” she repeated.


“Don’t think that your honesty would cause me to hate you. Our relationship isn’t that shallow. I would appreciate it if you told me your honest opinions once in a while.”


The older one nodded and looked up at her. She smiled when she saw Chaeyoung smile at her. She took a deep breath before speaking up, “Truthfully… you shouldn’t talk when you’re chewing. Also, you take too long in the bathroom, and you end up taking most of the blanket at night that I end up waking up from the cold. And you bug me too much when I’m playing a competitive round that I end up losing my concentration and costing us the game… But, then you get really mopey and cute when I don’t pay attention to you so it’s okay. And you taking the blanket just gives me more of an excuse to get closer to you so I guess that’s fine too. Oh, but you really do take way too long in the bathroom.”


Chaeyoung laughed, “Yah, are you complaining or not, I can’t tell.”


“I don’t know. I was but then I realized as I was saying it that I don’t mind it.”


The younger one moved closer to her and took her hand from behind her back, holding it close to her. “Dummy… Thank you.”


“For what?”


“Sunbae told me about the artwork. You showed it to him?”


Mina nodded. “It’s really beautiful, Chaeng. I don’t know why you never showed it to me. I felt so dumb not knowing that you could make something that heartwarming. H-how come you never showed it to me?”


Chaeyoung shrugged. “I guess it never came up. I get so sad thinking about it because you weren’t there.”


“Well, I’m here now.” Mina took her other hand around hers and held it gently. “You don’t have to be sad anymore, I’m here. Always.”


Like a high school girl, Chaeyoung looked up at her and blushed, feeling her cheeks flush and her heart pound. No matter how long they’d been together, how often they saw each other, and how many words they exchanged, Chaeyoung realized that the girl in front of her was someone she loved with all her heart and she never felt her feelings die down. One way or another, Mina always found a way to make her feel like she’s been lifted off her feet. That feeling alone made her happy.


Chaeyoung leaned close to her, still holding her hand. “Let’s go home,” she said.





The Japanese snapped out of her trance and looked up, “What?”


“What are you doing, spacing out like that? What do you think of it?” Jeongyeon pointed at the chiffon cake in front of her.


“Ah. It’s good.”


Jeongyeon clicked her tongue. “Wow, that was so heartless. I’m making it again.” She took the plate away from her and dropped it in the sink. With her whip in hand, she stirred another mix of batter to prepare for her third attempt at it.


Sana leaned on her seat and was kept preoccupied with her thoughts.


Her older friend had invited her to her apartment to try out some of the desserts she’s come up with. Jeongyeon was decked out in her pajamas and apron like she had been working on it the moment she woke up, and frankly, she probably had. Though, the food she’s tried thus far passed through her taste buds, but never made it to her brain. She couldn’t remember what the other two she’s had her tried tasted like.


“Why have you been so aloof lately?” Jeongyeon asked as she whipped the batter. “You’re all over the place these days. Is something wrong?”


“What if that guy she’s working with likes her?” Sana started muttering. “They spend an awful lot of time together in that small room. I swear he gave her that look the first time they met. You know, the kind of look guys give a girl when they want them.”


“Ahh, Namjoon?” Jeongyeon chuckled. “You’re thinking about it too much. I know you’re just afraid of her moving away, so you’re trying to make excuses.”


“But what if he really does like her? They auditioned together, they got in together, which means they’ll be in the same building together. Do

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pompapu #1
Chapter 23: the ending is so captivating authornim.
Chapter 23: Ah, obrigada pela história! Houve momentos em que eu quis bater nas personagens, mas meu SAIDA nunca se separou, então por mim td bem...
saitofu98 #3
Chapter 19: ugh this is getting boring
Hi authornimmm!!!! I just want to say that this is so heartwarming TT ,thank youuu for making this authornimm this is so cuteee.
Trez17 #5
Chapter 12: Hi author! This is your second story that ive read. I must say u are a great writer! Thank you for the story. Keep writing michaeng fanfic!
18 streak #6
Chapter 23: The ending was so heartwarming & put me at ease with all the angst I was feeling at certain points throughout the story I ended up smiling as I read the last few lines <3
Chapter 23: What a heartwarming ending. I enjoyed all the fluff and realistic elements of life and reality you added to the story.

I really want to know why Jimin and Mina broke up. I know Mina said something about Jimin acting different after but I can't help but think there's something more to it. I'm also wondering what Mina was looking for during their kiss. Hopefully someone can clear this up for me! (looking at you author-nim)
dkdldb #9
Chapter 23: Wow the ending was soo good