Chapter 9


"I didn't think minseok hyung had a sister.... I thought he lost his sister when his mom and dad divorced?? and how did he find you??why didn't he tell me??" jongdae asked minseok's little sister in shock and sadness.jongdae knew about minseok's Little sister. They were very close until minseok's parents split. Minseok remained with his dad , while his sister was taken away by his mom. Every year on December 21st minseok would always get all sad and depressed as it was his sister's birthday and he missed her dearly. Jongdae knew that the only reason minseok ever became a private detective was to find his sister and mother.but when did minseok find her??why didn't he tell jongdae?? didn't he trust jongdae enough??.most of all jongdae was now sad because he simply accused minseok of cheating??where did jongdae's trust over minseok go??why did he not trust minseok?? While jongdae thought all about this ,he felt pair of hand move in front of his face. He gave anna a sad but soft smile. "Well!!I met minseok oppa's nearly a month ago. I stumbled across him ,while he was solving a case. Since then he has been spending a lot of time with me. But even if he did spend time with me all he ever talked about you. At first I was really jealous because I had met oppa after such a long time and all he ever talked about was how much he loves you and how much I will love you and how much excited you will get if he told you he found me. But then I realized that oppa loved you dearly but I was greedy so I asked oppa to spend lots of time with me."she said as she rubbed both her knees together totally shy as she was speaking about her jealously towards Jongdae. Jongdae just stared at her still processing all the information he was given. Later he smiled because no matter how his mind was confused right now , anna did look cute. He couldn't help but pinch her cheeks. He was happy...his minseok wasn't cheating on him. He did and totally loved Jongdae and Jongdae was more than happy to know that. Until a thought hit him again ."but why didn't he tell me ?" Thought a bit loud. "I asked him not to" Jongdae heard anna say. "What?"Jongdae asked her in surprise as he didnt know that he had thought out loud. "I was just to scared to meet you...I mean your my elder brother's soul mate..... I really wanted to impress I asked him not to tell you until I was ready" anna said sweetly. Jongdae couldn't help but smile.but then Bursted out laughing. Anna looked at him all confused. But Jongdae couldn't help but laugh...he was relieved he really minseok was not spoiling their relationship he was. The irony of what ever was happening was making him laugh so much. He laughed until he felt tears come out of his eyes.  Were the tears of relief...of happiness...of anger over himself...of his stupidness well he will never know. He stopped laughing , when he heard a familiar voice. "Anna I'm home"but this voice wasn't all cheerful like was filled with Pain....and that pain was caused by non other than jongdae. The sound of the footsteps signaled that minseok was coming more and more close to jongdae. Jongdae could feel his heart beat fast and loud. The moment his eyes met with minseok's swollen and shocked eyes. Jongdae didnt take a second before  taking minseok in a tight hug. He hugged minseok by whispering loudly about how big of an idiot he is for not trusting minseok.. about how big of an idiot he is for not talking it out with minseok and jumping into conclusions...about how big of an idiot he is to hurt minseok so badly.. Jongdae kept mumbling  sorry's as minseok just hugged Jongdae tightly. The closing of the front door signaled that they were all alone in their apartment but no one paid any attention to it . As they were to busy mumbling sorry's to each other.


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Chapter 10: Noice. Really nice. Thank u
Thank u so much !!!!
Chapter 10: I am not a great author myself but I could say, you have a great plot. It's good and you should continue writing. All you have to do is a bit editing here and there. Anyways, great job. And good luck!
Chapter 3: Awww... T.T sad Jongdae is a no no
Chapter 10: You should continue writing.. you are good at this. Good luck
Chapter 10: Hi there, good plot in this story, you should keep on writing more. That's the only way to improve. Also, I was mad at Min for cheating on Jongdae but then everything made sense, you got me there with the twist.
I would recommend you to separe your writing into more paragraphs to make it easier to read.
Perhaps separating the dialogues from the description of the characters like:
It's okay Dae, no one is at fault - Minseaok said and he cuddle next to Jongdae.
#JustSaying #Iwanted2Help #Fighting