Chapter 5


It's been 3 days since jongdae last saw minseok or heard from minseok. Minseok's image of enjoying with that girl was printed in his mind. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get it or the pain out if his head and heart.he couldn't.what pained him more was that minseok didn't try to contact jongdae even Pained him to think that even before they had official broken up ,minseok already forgot about him. For the past 3 days jongdae was living with baekhyun and baekhyun's boyfriend chanyeol. For the past 3 days, jongdae would get up to see the happy couple laughing and playing around just like how he and minseok used to . Even if his heart Pained from the sight , he put a happy smile and acted like it didn't hurt but it did. It hurts. It hurts bad.he feels bad for the couple as they try their best to  keep the act as non-couple in front of jongdae ,but their efforts always failed. What hurt more was what he  heard last night! Last night jongdae went to bed early because he couldn't stand the way the couple was cuddling to each other. It reminded him alot of his happy the middle of the night he felt thirsty. While passing the living room , to reach the kitchen he heard a small conversation which he was sure he wasn't suppose to hear. He heard chanyeol whisper ," so when is he going to leave??" "Idk....and he can stay here as long as he wants" he heard baekhyun whisper back. "But baekhyun I'm tried of this keep your hands to your self and all the other rules you have set so that he won't feel sad. I mean it was fine for the first day but now it's killing me to not be soooo close and all lovey-dovey with you" chanyeol whispered back in annoyance. Jongdae instantly felt bad for chanyeol.he instantly felt guilty.  "Chanyeol.... I know it's hard..but please try to understand .....jongdae really needs me now..... I can't let him be alone now. He has always been there for me when ever I needed him. It's my time and I want to be there for him." he heard baekhyun say in a low sad voice "but... I ..",he heard chanyeol try to answer.. but then he heard sigh "fine...I get it...but please just know I'm doing because  I love you" he heard chanyeol say "I love you too" he heard baekhyun say back.jongdae felt his eyes getting warm. The signal of the tears that was going to come pretty soon.he was touched by his friend's love towards him.but he couldn't help but feel that he was middle of his friend's happy relationship.he went back to the cold and lonely bed. As soon as his body hit the bed he let down his tears. It felt like that was pretty much what he was doing recently. Crying......
This morning when he got up , jongdae decided to move out of baekhyun's apartment and find a place of his own. Maybe he could live with his cousin for sometime.jongdae tried to smile at chanyeol's jokes while his mind kept thinking about how to tell baekhyun that he was moving out without making baekhyun feel sad ."we are here" he suddenly heard chanyeol's voice say. He gave chanyeol a thank you ...with a faint smile while he mentally  apologized chanyeol for getting in middle of his and baekhyun's relationship. He got out of the car and entered the company gate , giving the love birds time to say their goodbyes. He sighed as he looked at his feet as he walked towards the entrance of his company. "Jongdae" jongdae suddenly stopped. Not only him...but he felt his whole body stop especially his heart and mind when he heard certain voice call him. Before his mind could properly realised what was happening he felt himself being pulled into a hug. Jongdae felt the warmth his heart was longing for all this time.jongdae felt his Pained and broken heart fix and pain again as he heard the voice he missed so much. He felt a bit live again when he heard the voice call his name. No matter how much he hated him reacting that way he couldnt help but feel happy. He could help but feel at home ,he couldn't help but feel that he was finally where he belonged... being in the one and only his minseok arms.


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Chapter 10: Noice. Really nice. Thank u
Thank u so much !!!!
Chapter 10: I am not a great author myself but I could say, you have a great plot. It's good and you should continue writing. All you have to do is a bit editing here and there. Anyways, great job. And good luck!
Chapter 3: Awww... T.T sad Jongdae is a no no
Chapter 10: You should continue writing.. you are good at this. Good luck
Chapter 10: Hi there, good plot in this story, you should keep on writing more. That's the only way to improve. Also, I was mad at Min for cheating on Jongdae but then everything made sense, you got me there with the twist.
I would recommend you to separe your writing into more paragraphs to make it easier to read.
Perhaps separating the dialogues from the description of the characters like:
It's okay Dae, no one is at fault - Minseaok said and he cuddle next to Jongdae.
#JustSaying #Iwanted2Help #Fighting