My Lucky Strike


Mark looked at his cereal.

“She has been so..unstable the past few days.” Jennie said as she joined them.

“What did she decide on?” Johnny asked the male.

“She doesn’t want the police to know yet.” Jaehyun replied before picking up his coffee.

“Today’s her first day as president, should we be worried?” Johnny murmured.

“We should.” Jennie nodded, then the doors opened.

“Yeah, we should.” Johnny nodded quickly as his friend stepped out of her room; Eunbi was dressed in all black pantsuit that fit her frame perfectly, she was wearing a pair of Jimmy Choos and her hair was in a tight ponytail.

There was something about her aura that worried Jennie a little bit.

“Good morning,” She smiled as she approached Eunbi.

“Thanks for being here with me, you lovely idiots.” Eunbi said heartily before hugging Jennie.

“I worry about you, Eunbi. You seem to be taking this so well, no panic attacks, no sudden bursts of anger...” Jennie trailed off as the girl joined them.

“Panicking will do me no good,” She commented, Jaehyun just pushed a cup of coffee towards her.

“The audit team you sent said they found something,” Eunbi spoke.

“That’s good then.” He smiled at her, Eunbi just exhaled.

“Noona,” Mark said.

“I wont let her survive this. I will crush her.” She smiled before taking a sip of her coffee.

“Good, I expect nothing less from you.” Jennie nodded proudly, Johnny balked at the two.

“Ya, it’s too early to be violent.” Johnny murmured, Jaehyun just touched her hair before picking up his fork. Jennie’s brows rose briefly.

“Shut up, sugar daddy.” Eunbi grinned at him.

Mark choked on his food.

Eunbi, don’t~

I not only have one, but two sugar daddies.” Eunbi winked at him and clasped her hands proudly.

Ugh, get her away from me.” Johnny muttered before leaving the table with his sandwich, Jennie chuckled.

“I have to be at home before heading to work,” Jaehyun spoke, Eunbi looked at him.

“You won’t leave without your guards again, right?” He asked.

“I won’t. Go on.” Eunbi shrugged at him.

“Good, I’ll see you later.”

“We have plans?” She blinked.

“I will see you later.” Jaehyun touched her chin before leaving the unit.



The black Rolls Royce Phantom pulled over in front of HanShin’s main office, reporters started to press in as the door opened.

Eunbi slid down from the vehicle with a small polite smile on her face.

“President, how do you feel about taking over?”

“How did this happen? Were you expecting this sudden promotion?”

Her guards blocked the reporters as she started to move.

“Ma’am, this way please.” The male urged her, but Eunbi turned back and faced the crowd.

“Don’t focus on me too much,” She said pleasantly, her tone cold.

“What do you mean, president?”

“Something big is about to come out, please watch closely. And thank you for coming here to see me.” She bowed politely before entering the building.



Jaehyun looked at his mother.

“I already spoke with the Hwangs, they were a little offended, but it’s fine, son. You don’t have to worry about it.” She smiled.

“Thanks, eomma.” He said as he set aside the newspaper.

“Is something bothering you?” She asked worriedly.

“Eunbi is taking over today, but...it’s that woman. I’m worried she might do something.”

“Ah, that..Na Jinhee?”

Jaehyun nodded, he checked his phone.

“Your father left earlier for the stockholders’ meeting at HanShin, why don’t you go?”

“Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?” Jaehyun grinned.

“You’re always conflicted when it comes to Eunbi. Go there; she’ll be glad if you attend.” She patted his hand.

“Just weeks ago you were encouraging me to go with Jisoo,” Jaehyun shook his head.

“Son, it’s Eunbi. Your Eunbi.”



“Those are like her little...pockets.” Eunbi leaned back on her seat, the three employees from JBG nodded back.

“I don’t understand, how could something like this go by undetected? This has been going on for months.” She spoke, her eyes on the screen before her.

“It could be that she has someone to cover this up, or somebody in the company has been working with her, president.”

She exhaled and shook her head.

“President, the stockholders’ meeting,” Her secretary said carefully.

“Will Na Jinhee be there?” She asked.

“Most likely, your father is a stockholder still, ma’am.”

“I want this released today during the meeting.” She stated.

“During the meeting, but~”

“Let’s attack while she’s busy, that’s better.” She stood up.

“But, the employees working with her, they might be~”

“Fire them. It was their choice to work for her.” She smirked.

The three employees just looked away.

“I’m sorry if I’m being rough, but I have to do this.” She smiled at them.

“I ordered lunch for the office, it will be delivered soon.” She patted her secretary’s hand before walking out of the room.

“She seems..a little on the edge today,” One of the JBG employees spoke.

“She has so much on her plate, but our young miss has always been firm but kind hearted.”



Eunbi sat down and set her tray before her, her three bodyguards watched on, not knowing what to do. Apparently, their boss, HanShin’s new big boss didn’t feel like going out for lunch, so she decided to dine at the cafeteria.

She even refused to skip the line and also queued with the employees. She picked up her spoon and stared at her bowl of kimchi stew.

“President, director Lee has just left the campus; he will be here in an hour.”

“Arasso, you guys should eat too.” She urged them, they just decline politely.

“You know,”

She looked up; Jaehyun was walking towards her, clad in a black suit and a white shirt inside it.

“I miss cafeteria food too.” He said as he sat across her and pulled her tray towards him. Employees started to stare at the two, it was well known that the two were once a couple, but seeing Jung Banking Group’s heir eating in the cafeteria with their boss was something unexpected.

“That’s mine.” Eunbi said flatly as he started to eat.

“I know your stomach doesn’t sit well with spicy food,” Jaehyun said as he put the spoon down and placed a brown paper bag on the table.

“Sushi?” She blinked as she took out its contents.

“How was your day, Jung?” She was smiling as she popped one slice in , Jaehyun just grinned at her.

“I had a meeting earlier, and I was a little bothered by the reports I received from the audit team.”

“I know. She has three fake subsidiaries under her name, ghost payrolls too.” She muttered.

“And, we don’t even know why she killed her husband six years ago.” She continued and started to chew again, Jaehyun nodded and just pushed the can of cola to her.

“You know, you strolling in here, bringing me food will start rumors, Jung.” She whispered to him.

“What kind of rumors?” He mused, Eunbi unthinkingly picked up a napkin and wiped the bits of kimchi from the side of his lip, and then her eyes widened as she realized what she just did.

“Hmm, that kind of rumor?” Jaehyun chuckled before taking the napkin from her.

Well, it.” She mumbled before transferring seats, she sat down beside him and sighed.

“What’s bothering you?” Jaehyun asked before opening one arm to her, she shook her head and just leaned against him.

“What if I’m bad at this? What if I fail HanShin?” She murmured.

“Hey, nobody is good at being president on their first day.” Jaehyun nudged her softly, she shook her head.



“I’ll be at the meeting later so, don’t feel too burdened. You’re doing great.”







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22 streak #1
Chapter 38: such a refresher!
Chapter 39: wow this story is amazing ..love it so
22 streak #3
Chapter 38: ‘Some’ relationship 😂
14 streak #4
Chapter 39: Na jinhee deserved all that and more smh
morphine007 #5
Chapter 39: Congratulations authornim on being featured. You deserve it. Love all your story...😍
Jamess #9
congrats on the features
Chapter 39: Congrats ! :) and just wondering when will u continue "what's your secret?"