You are McGorgeous !

Magic cant be real

   It's good to meet Jonghun today. He walked me home and say goodnight. I wash my face, brush my teeth , and walk straight to my room , lie on the best-est, coziest, bed in the house. I dont see anyone in the house . Maybe they are all still out somewhere. Only god knows. I close my eyes, try to relax, thinking of nothing. And a fall asleep. 

Im in the middle of nowhere, all white, no trees, no house, no nothing. I am wondering. Where am i ? How can i be a such place ? all of the sudden ? I walk and walk until i get tired of walking. i walk more and at one corner beyond all the whites, i see flowers, beautiful fresh flowers everywhere ! oh, there are swans in the lake ! And a trio playing violins and piano. Everything look so pretty ! not knowing why i'm here, i just enjoy the nice cool feeling and sway to the music. Then i see the man who play the piano stop playing and look at me. i freeze. time stops. Khun. I dont look so surprise , instead i go towards him and he reaches my hand. At that moment, i see myself white wonderful dress, with a bouquet of roses in my hand. Khun looks at me and smile. He touches my hair, feel my freezing cheek yet i feel them warmness of his hand, he lean down and i close my eyes. He lean more and i can feel his warm breath and -

KRRRRRIIINGGGGG! !!!!! who on earth calling me right when Khun is about to ki- goodness gracious ! it was a dream !

'Hello?' I answered, a bit dissapointed to the caller who interrupt my unexpected dream.

'Vicky, can we meet tonight? like now ? '

'Khun? Why do you want to meet me tonight ? We're suppose to meet in another 3 days ? ' shocked to hear Khun's voice.... and he wanted to meet me tonight !

'Im free tonight, plus, not many people will recognize me at this hour.I meet you at the parknear your house okay ? Say, in another 15 minutes ? '

'Err okay' i dont know what else to say.

'Great . thanks Vicky'

I look at the clock . It is 2 in the morning. Hell yeah no one is out at this time ! Its freezing cold ! Khun is crazy. Oh god what have i bring myself into. I take a coat getting readyand i'm out and head to the park. Surprisingly, i dont feel scared walking alone, freezing cold at 2 in the morning.

Then suddenly, I feel like someone is wallking behind me. Following me. okay i took back my words. WHO IS THAT IM SCARED OMG RUN.


'Gee Jonghun ! What are you thinking following me at this night ? are you nuts ? ' I was so shocked to see Jonghun, now in f ront me, standing tall. I calm myself down and ask him 'What are you doing here? Its freezing'

'I should ask you the same question too. Im on my way homejust met a friend' I look at my watch. 2:10AM. I hate being late. Im so punctual when it comes to meeting people. 

'Are you gonna meet someone ? '

'Err yeah'

'want me to come with you ? Its dark, Vicky. Dangerous. ' How should i say this to Jonghun? Sorry Jonghuni kinda meeting a superstar that happens to have my blackberry.

'Yeah, why not ? ' So i walk together with Jonghun to the park. I dont know what will Khun;s reaction be. I am not suppose to bring him along. 

'Jonghun, would you wait there , while i go and meet the person ? ' He hesitated first, but he nodded , agree to wait at the bench, far away.

'Thanks, I'll be back in 10 minutes'


tada ! what will the next chapter be ? Will Jonghun see Vicky and Khun ? or will he not ? How will Vicky and Khun relationship be after they got their blackberry back ? o-ohh 

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yeppeuntohgi #1
khuntoria!!! waaaaah i subscribed! you better update soon... i'm waiting ~ kamsahamnida =]
coolgirlaamy #2
Oooh 3 chapter update!
At first I thought that Jonghyun was acting like a protective older brother but he's just jealous? Woah, if he had feelings for Victoria before then he should have told her that.
Khuntoria is really cute in this. I know they're only friends but it sounds so cute the way that she thinks about him and the way that they are qute comfortable with each other.
I hope Khuntoria's relationship will develop more in the future and I can't wait to read more. Update soon :)
vianna18 #3
oh? hehe thanks. just continue updating and for sure I will always wait for your update
melho91 #4
woot woot~next ..kkk..unni is waiting..kkkk
vianna18 #5
Update Update Update Update!!!! just re read your story, its not boring and i freaking love it
MissLeeCherryBlossom #6
you just have to wait ^^ it's for you to show my appreciation :)
coolgirlaamy #7
is it really for me? I'm just curious since I saw my username. <br />
Yaayy, Khuntoria met again. Does Victoria have feelings for Jonghyun since her heart beat fast when she met him? Or are those feelings for Khun.<br />
I can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for updating. ;)<br />
coolgirlaamy #8
Why did Khun want to meet her in the middle of the night? That's strange. <br />
I'm anticicpating some Khuntoria moments soon, hehe. <br />
Thanks for updating and update soon :)
wen_khuntoria #9
nice,,, waiting u to updates soon =D
MissLeeCherryBlossom #10
i really do hope that you guys like it. thank you :D /its not get enough to me tho >.<