
Life in the Jung-Min House

Relationships can be a rewarding but tiring thing; crushes can be fun but hurtful; dealing with people can just be difficult in general. And the Jung-Min siblings were no exception to this knowledge, well, maybe. Jimin has had his fair share of relationships from middle to high school, Taehyung has had about a handful; Jungkook had his fair share of crushes, while Mariska and Winter, they seemed indifferent. To be exact, Winter seemed indifferent about it all while Mariska was a little on the player ide so relationships weren’t either of their thing.

“Eomma, I’m going on my date now.” Jimin called as he worked on getting his shoes on.

“Don’t do anything I would do.” Mariska said. Jimin stopped what he was doing and looked at his little sister.

“What would you do?” Jimin asked warily. Mariska merely grinned a Cheshire cat like grin and walked away, leaving her brother to question his sister’s promiscuity and that is something no brother ever wanted to do.

Jimin and dates were a fairly common thing. Few of them turned into actual relationships because usually Jimin and the girl he would go on a date with would both realize that they were probably better off as friends. And when Jimin was in a relationship, he was in it 100%. He was as attentive as he could be and very caring. He’d get gifts for special occasions, would wear couple things if his girlfriend wanted them to wear it. He was the best boyfriend any girl could ask for but because him and all the girls he dated were young, the attention span for the relationships were only so much and they would break up mutually.

“Hey Tae, I heard that Sora thinks you’re cute.” Sun Ji, she’s been friends with Jimin and Taehyung since elementary school, said. She sat across from Taehyung at lunch, Jimin next to Taehyung and a friend they made their first year of high school, Moonbok, next to Sun Ji.

“Oh, Sora’s pretty.” Moonbok noted, Sun Ji nodding her head in agreement. Taehyung scooped up some rice before letting it drop back into his bowl.

“So, what do you think, Taetae?” Jimin nudged his twin. Taehyung looked up at them, almost as if he just woke up from a trance.

“Taehyung? What do you think?” Sun Ji asked again.

“How many grains of rice do you think are in this bowl?” The other three merely sighed and shook their heads.

Taehyung was always in his own world and didn’t notice much outside of his family, school, and theater. Girls weren’t really a priority to him and if anything, he saw a lot of them as friends. When he did notice a girl though in a more than friends way, she would be the only thing on his mind for a long time. He was a very sweet boyfriend, very caring and even if the girl wasn’t his girlfriend, he was still sweet and caring. That was one of the reasons why girls found him cute and tried to get his attention. When he was in a relationship though, he’d visit the girl at her extracurricular activities, get her snacks and drinks and drop them off in her locker, offer his hoodie if the girl was cold, things any girl would want their boyfriend to do. But because of his tendency to zone out, the girls usually got frustrated and would break up with him. Taehyung never really minded since he knew they right girl would come someday and also if he did get, he was worried Ivy and Mariska would go and find the girl that broke his heart.

“Yo, Mingyu, you down to go to the internet café this weekend?” Jungkook asked his best friend as the two stopped by at their lockers after school.

“Sure, I’m down. Get ready to get your kicked in League of Legends. I’ve been practicing.” Mingyu boasted. Jungkook merely laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll just see.” Jungkook smirked.

“Hey Kookie!” Jungkook froze as he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder.

“H-hi, Sun Ji s-sunbaenim.” Jungkook stuttered, finding it difficult to look at the girl. Sun Ji chuckled, shaking her head. The confident boy was gone and replaced by this shy mess.

“How many times have I told you to drop the ‘nim’?” Hi Mingyu.” Sun Ji greeted Mingyu who had a difficult saying ‘hi’ mainly because he was trying not to laugh at his friend.

“I just came to let you know, Kookie, that we’re all going to be a little late so if you, Winter, and Mariska want to leave without, that’s fine.” Jungkook nodded his head quickly, not trusting his voice.

“Alright, see you guys later.” Mingyu waved as Sun Ji hurried away back to where ever she had come from. Jungkook let out a heavy sigh when she was gone and Mingyu burst out laughing.

“Shut up.” Jungkook muttered.

Jungkook hasn’t been in a relationship before but he’s had plenty of crushes. The thing is that, he’s scared of girls. There have been girls that he could talk to but because they acted like one of the guys or reminded him a lot of his sister. It was especially difficult though if he had a crush on a girl. Whenever they would walk in his direction or within a certain proximity of him, he would hide behind someone or walk in different direction. He found it hard to look them in the eye and talk to them so he’s never had a chance to have a girlfriend.

“Winter, please accept these cookies and go out with me.” A girl shyly confessed, holding out a nicely decorated container that he assumed was cookies. Winter sighed before giving the girl a small smile.

“Thank you very much, I’m flattered, but I can’t accept.” Winter said with a soft voice. The girl looked up at him with a saddened expression.

“You have someone already?” Winter shook his head.

“No, but you can do better than me. I’m not…interested in a relationship right now. But you’re very smart and kind and pretty and you will be able to find someone who can fully appreciate that. I’m sorry it can’t be me though, not in the way you want me to at least.” Winter patted the girl’s shoulder before she walked away to her group of friends who were waiting to comfort her.

Dang, that looked tough.” Mariska said as she joined Winter.

Shut up, I feel bad already. I don’t need you to make it worse.” Winter grumbled as he lead the way out of the school.

Winter has never shown an interest in relationships. While guys were stressing over getting something on Valentine’s day, Winter saw it as another day. He knew a lot of girls were interested in him, but he could care less. Winter was always busy hanging out with friends, his siblings, school, working on something for art class, or working on his YouTube channel. He had very good grades and many people assumed that’s why he never has been in a relationship, because his focus was on school.

Ooo, he’s fine. Damn, I’ve never seen someone make a uniform look so good.” Mariska noted as a guy from the high school that Jungkook and the twins went to, walked past them. It had been loud enough for the guy to hear and Mariska saw him blush.

“Sunbaenim, your shoe is untied.” The boy stopped walking and looked down, noticing his shoes were indeed untied. Before he could do anything about it, Marisa was already going over while Winter looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.

“Can I tie your shoe for you because I don’t want you falling for anybody else.” Mariska smirked as she saw the boy blush even harder. She went about tying his shoe before getting up.

“See you around.” She walked back to where Winter was, swinging her hips as she did.

You’re ridiculous.” Was all Winter said, handing Mariska her backpack.

You have to admit that it was pretty smooth.” Mariska grinned. She glanced back at where the boy was still standing, awestruck. Mariska smiled at him and gave him a little wave with her fingers.

“Yah! Stop flirting with people, you 14 year old! Especially with my sunbaes!” Jungkook scolded. He had witnessed the entire thing but had been too far away to say anything.

“Calm down, oppa. You should be getting pointers instead of scolding me.” Mariska giggled.

Mariska was similar to Winter about not being interested in relationships. The difference was though, she was interested in guys but she just didn’t want a relationship. She flirted with guys but mainly ones that went to a different school that hers. For example, her brothers’ high school. Many people at her school saw her as a player but everyone knew she didn’t sleep around so she was never called a but she did flirt…a lot. Mariska was basically friends with all the guys at school so she didn’t flirt with them because she found it awkward but she was popular at other schools amongst the male population because of her flirting. Relationships weren’t her thing at the moment…unless it was with one guy.

“Awww, you guys waited! See Sun Ji, I told you that they loved us!” Taehyung cooed as him, Jimin, Sun Ji, and Moonbok walked towards them.

More like Mariska wanted to flirt and refused to leave.” Winter rolled his eyes.

You’re just mad you had to break that girl’s heart.” Mariska rolled her eyes but in an exaggerated way to mock Winter.

“Is anyone curious as to why Sanghyuk is standing there and gaping like a fish or…” Sun Ji gestured towards the boy that Mariska had been flirting with and some of his friends were trying to snap him out of whatever he was in.

“Mariska did it, noona.” Winter ratted her out. Mariska stuck her tongue out at him and Winter did the same gesture back.

“Yah, save the fighting for home.” Jimin ordered, flicking the youngest of the Jung-Min siblings on the head.

“You should stop flirting, Mariska. What if Moonbok hyung gets the wrong idea?” Jungkook whispered with a smirk. Him, Mariska, and Winter were walking a few paces ahead of everyone else.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mariska simply said. Both Jungkook and Winter scoffed at this.

“Oh yeah? Then I could tell him that-“ Jungkook let out a grunt when Mariska hit him in the gut.

“Open your mouth and I tell Sun Ji eonni. Your choice.” Mariska threatened. For someone who was 5ft exactly, she could be quite threatening, especially to her brothers who were all bigger than her.

When Jungkook didn’t say anything, Mariska grinned a triumphant grin. That’s what I thought, mama’s boy. You’re too scared to even be next to a girl. I just have to bring in Sun Ji eonni and you’re scared less.” Jungkook narrowed his eyes at his sister before getting his water bottle out.

“What are you-“ Mariska cut herself off as she felt the water pour over her. Winter gasped while the others stopped walking and fell silent, shocked over the scene. Jungkook had a triumphant grin this time.

“You were saying?” Mariska glared at him, slowly sliding her backpack off her shoulders.

“You better start running, Jung-Min Jungkook.” She seethed, her hair sticking to her face and giving her an even more menacing look. Jungkook became Jungshook before he began running the rest of the way home, Mariska chasing after him.

Get back here, you little !” Mariska screeched.

“My money’s on Mariska. Girl power.” Sun Ji said as they all began to walk again.

“Same. Not the girl power thing but Mariska doesn’t hold back.” Moonbok said.

“No way. Kookie just needs to pull the eomma card and he wins without having to lift a finger.” Jimin said with Taehyung nodding his head in agreement.

“What do you think, Winter?” Sun Ji called out to the boy who was still a bit ahead of them, carrying Jungkook’s and Mariska’s backpacks.

“50/50, depending on mama being home or not.” Winter said.

“Here, Winter, let me carry Mariska’s backpack.” Moonbok called out, breaking into a light jog so he could catch up with Winter and take the backpack from him.

“They got home and could hear Jungkook crying ‘mercy’ and Sun Ji and Moonbok high-fived, knowing they won. Jimin decided that he better break the fight up before someone got hurt. “Okay, okay, that’s enough you two.” Jimin lifted Mariska away with ease. He handed her over to Taehyung who quickly dropped onto the couch, wrapping his legs around his sister.

“Oppa!” Mariska laughed, trying to break out of his weird hug.

“Thank you, hyung.” Jungkook wheezed out as Jimin helped him up.

“Yah, oppa, I’m calm, let go.” Mariska tried to break out of Taehyung’s hold but found it difficult.

“No.” Taehyung cutely said.

“Aegyo doesn’t work on me, kid.” Mariska stated with a straight face.

“My aegyo always works. Buing buing!” Taehyung cheekily said.

“Agh! Eonni! Help me!” Mariska cried out, too lazy to reason with Taehyung.

“Noona, if you love me, you would leave her there! She’ll attack me as soon as she’s free.” Jungkook said, pulling Winter over so that he was standing next to Jimin and both boys worked as his shield.

“If you don’t shut up, I will.” Mariska bit out before turning to look at Jungkook who stuck his tongue out at her.

Moonbok and Sun Ji worked together to get Mariska free and as soon as she was, Jungkook was sprinting to his room. Mariska just stared at him as he ran and just shook her head. “Big baby.” She tsked.

Let’s go start our homework, brother. I promised Vernon that I’d call him so we can help him.” Mariska and Winter grabbed their backpacks, Mariska thanking Moonbok for hers, before going upstairs.

Taehyung and Jimin just shook their heads at their little siblings before turning to their friends. “Let’s start our homework now or else we won’t start at all.” Sun Ji sighed as she sat down at the coffee table, her backpack next to her. The others followed suit and they began to work on their homework assignments.

Jungkook got to his room in record time. He slammed his door behind him and leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath. “Aish, stupid Mariska.” Jungkook grumbled before walking to his desk. He sat down at the desk with a sigh. Why couldn’t he act tough? No, an even better question was, how was Mariska so scary? Forget it, he thought with a shake of his head. It won’t do him any good to dwell on this.

“I’ll just finish my homework, maybe it’ll get my mind off of this.” Jungkook grumbled as he placed his backpack on top of his desk.

By the time Jungkook finished his homework, what had happened earlier was still bothering him. He let out an annoyed sigh before slamming his book shut. “Ugh! Why can’t you stand up to your little sister, Jungkook?! Especially in front of Sun Ji?! Aish, stupid, stupid, stupid.” Jungkook was hitting his head with his notebook repeatedly. He finally cooled down enough to not need to beat himself with a composition notebook and got up. He got a pair of work out clothes and changed into them, leaving his uniform on the floor. Jungkook was on his way to the basement and passing the living room when something made him stop.

“Aish! I don’t want to do this anymore! Let’s take a break.” Sun Ji exclaimed. They were more than half way done with their homework.

“Oh thank god.” Moonbok sighed, closing his textbook but keeping his pen on the page so it’ll be easy for him to find the page again.

Taehyung and Jimin both leaned back against the couch, not even bothering to close their textbooks. “Aish, why do we get so much homework?” Taehyung tsked as he shook his hand.

“Yah, you stopped every time you wrote just one word.” Jimin playfully chastised. Taehyung merely grinned his box grin.

“Oh, Sun Ji, I saw you turn down some guy earlier today.” Moonbok turned his head to look at said girl.

“Oh! Right! I saw his friends trying to cheer him up! Why didn’t you accept his confession? Weren’t you complaining about being single?” Taehyung wondered. Sun Ji rolled her eyes.

“I wasn’t complaining about being single. And I don’t think it’s right to accept his confession if I don’t like him like that.” Sun Ji explained.

“Why didn’t you at least go on a date? You know, like a test run.” Jimin offered.

“Because, Chim, I don’t want to waste my time on test runs. Either I do it or I don’t. Besides, there’s someone else that I like.” Sun Ji informed. That go all three boys’ attention.


“Yah, neither of you can say anything, you understand? Especially you, Moonbok. You’re close with Mariska and this especially cannot get to her.” Sun Ji made the three promise before informing them of her person of interest.

“Jungkook.” Jungkook’s eyes widened at this and he was frozen like a statue before sprinting back up the stairs. He crashed into Winter’s room only to get shushed by Winter who pointed to a beanbag chair that held a sleeping Mariska.

“Winter, I need your help.” Jungkook whispered urgently.

“What is it?” Winter asked as he went back to working on editing a video for his YouTube channel.

“Someone basically just confessed that they liked me.” Jungkook told him. Winter stopped and looked at his brother.

“Who?” Winter asked.

“Sun Ji noona.” Winter’s eyes widened because damn, no one saw that coming.

“So why are you asking me for help?” Winter wondered, going back to editing.

“I need advice.” Jungkook pouted. Winter stopped and looked at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow.

“You need advice…and you came to me why?” Winter questioned.

“Uh, because you’ve been confessed to before and hyungs don’t really know that I was eavesdropping.” Jungkook admitted.

“Winter sighed before turning his chair so he was facing Jungkook. “Hyung, as much as I would like to help you, I can’t.” Winter admitted.

“But, girls confess to you all the time.” Jungkook whined.

“Yes hyung, the do, but have I ever accepted those confessions? No. Unless you want me to give you advice on how to turn down noona’s confession, which I know you don’t want, then you’ll need to look somewhere else for advice.” Winter explained.

“But who?” Jungkook got a little louder than whisper and Mariska stirred. Winter and Jungkook shared a look, only for Mariska to settle back deeper into the beanbag chair with a content sigh. Jungkook mouthed ‘sorry’.

“Try asking day or something.” Winter offered.

“Okay, thanks Winter.” Jungkook said before walking out of Winter’s room. Just as he reached the threshold, Winter called out to him.

“Hyung~” “Hm…” Jungkook turned and saw Winter smiling a sweet smile. “Fighting.” He held up a fist. Jungkook smiled back, putting a fist up as well.


Jungkook hid in his room until he knew that Sun Ji had left and his parents had come back home from work. He waited until he knew his dad was done changing and getting comfortable before going to talk to him. Jungkook found Yoongi in the living room, watching TV.

“Appa, can I talk to you?” Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a nervous expression. Jungkook never went to him to talk, he usually went to Ivy. Was it something so serious that he couldn’t talk to Ivy?

“Sure, Kookie. Uh, sit down. What do you want to talk about?” Yoongi turned the TV off and made room on the couch for his son even though he didn’t need to. Jungkook awkwardly sat down and prepared himself, trying to word in his head his dilemma.

“Appa, what should I do if someone I like, says they like me?” Jungkook asked. Yoongi stared at him for a minute, unsure of the question.

“Uh…then you tell that person that you like them back?” Was this a trick question, Yoongi wondered. Or was his son really just bad with girls?

“But what if she didn’t flat out say it to my face? Like, I had stumbled across a conversation she was having with someone else and I heard her say that she liked me, then what?”

Yoongi sighed because, well, he can’t say he’s been in this situation before so he wasn’t too sure what to say. Guess he’s going to have to pull stuff from his .

“Well, if you’re not sure about confessing to her, then I guess live with the relief of knowing that she also returns your feelings. Now you know that your feelings aren’t one-sided so you don’t have to worry about getting rejected if you confess to her. If you’re really serious about her, then tell her how you feel.” Yoongi advised, patting his son’s shoulder. Jungkook grinned at the answer, giving his dad a hug.

“Thanks, appa! I’ll go and talk to eomma, see what she says!” Jungkook said with a grin, deflating Yoongi’s bubble as he pranced away to look for Ivy.

“Tch, why ask me if you’re just going to talk to your eomma in the end.” Yoongi grumped, leaning back and grabbing the remote, planning to drown his wounded pride with television only to be interrupted by another child.

Dad! I need help! I talked to mama but I want your advice! Moonbok is making my heart feel funny and I don't know what to do!” Mariska whined, jumping on to the couch next to Yoongi and clutching her phone to her chest. Yoongi couldn’t help but grin at the fact that Mariska went to him for advice after going to Ivy, like she always did.

“What happened, princess?” Yoongi put the remote back and turned to his only daughter, ready to dish out any advice that he could. The best advice came from the Jung-Min house anyways.

A/N Sun Ji is a character from the story Zeal and that is an amazing story! Rani and I both recommend it! We got permission from the author to use Sun Ji as a character for our story and she gave us the okay! Sun Ji doesn't belong to Rani or I and I portrayed her as best as I could but it was a bit difficult. Anyways, make sure to leave a comment on Zeal if you check it out! You won't regret it! Hugs and kisses from Rani and me!

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allmyloving #1
Chapter 10: omg guys this is so cute <3 it's so cool to see Sun Ji in a different story, i love it!
Chapter 10: Waw~ this chapter summed up all the feelings a person who has a crush goes through and let me tell you Jungkook is so freaking lucky to have a crush who likes him back XD
The chapter was entertaining as usual specially the Mariska and Jungkook, Tom and Jerry fight hehe.
'Jungkook became Jungshook and ran away' - Lol this line had me laughing so bad hahah
And I can clearly visualize the smirk Yoongi would have on when Mariska came to ask him for an advise here
Good Job both of you hehe, Fighting ! :)
Chapter 9: Good to have you back in this story hehehe
I enjoyed every bit of it XD
Ivy is the same as my mom when my friends come home lol
And Suga's role would be played by me by telling my friends to pick something to eat hehehe
Poor Moonbuk I can imagine how much uncomfortable he would be feeling there hahaha and on top of that everyone kept confusing him by telling him 'you are the one'
Anyways I'm wondering what sort of adventure would the new Jung min sibling bring hehehe
Fighting ! ^^
Chapter 8: hahaha the usual kids thing XD
The chapter was adorable, anyone can fall in love with those kids hehehe
They have super awesome uncles too, thank god Namjoon was careful with the kids heheeh
It's good to see that Jin is slowly getting over his depression :)
Chapter 7: This chapter was heartbreaking :(
It's hard to see people pass away due to cancer after a long fight with it, specially when it's your best friend.

I can imagine how heartbroken everyone would have been plus they would have to handle the kids who did be crying too :(

Fighting author-nims!
Chapter 5: Lol the international boy part really got me kekekekek I was actually missing Rapmonster there heheh XD

Reading this chapter was basically a nightmare to me too as I never ever had a good experience with my dentist.
6 years with braces because I fell off my bicycle and broke my front 4 permanent teeths, which barely managed to hang in there (¯―¯٥)
This chapter was very relatable to me hehe
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 4: OMG, I swear I havent seen anyone like Ivy before kekekekek.
She is one of a kind and the kids are just too adorable, specially Kookie and Mariska.
I can't imagine Yoongi entertaining the kids the whole day, at some point I swear he would have questioned himself -'What in the world was he doing.'
But seriously Ivy and Yoongi are too cute!
Jung- Min household is Jjang~! (≧∇≦)b
Chapter 1: Lol I first sentence itself cracked me up, specially the Halloween in feb because Thug life XD
The chapter was hilariously kekeeke
When you have kids like Jung-Kook,Winter and TaeTae, life can become hell for Jimin and Mariska
I can't wait to know what else happens in the jun-Min household ^^