Omo, They are so CUTE!

A Secret To Be Told

I can't believe,  my brother is actually in a band. And they are so famous, people call them "the five rising stars from the east" I can't belive it. He got everything he ever wanted. But me, I had to give up my dream, because of that. I don't know if I can handle it.

"Yuki-sii?" I closed my, well my brother's wardrobe and turned around. Only to see Yunho-sii in the doorway. "Yes?" woah he looked hot, even through he was only wearing training clothes. Seriously I'm gonna died living with those guys. One hotter then the other. Omo I need to pull myslef together. 

"We are off, we have dance pratice today, we may be long gone, but there is food in the frigde"

"Araso, have fun. Uhh and Yunho-sii kill my brother"


"Because It's 5 am now and he woke me up at 4 am, 4 AM!"

He giggled, why is it so funny, it's not. I'm up even before the birds. I'm seriously gonna kill minnie oppa sooner or later. And know one will find out. *Evil laugh* "Yuki-sii what is so funny?"

Crap he heard me. "Oh nothing nothing, Good luck at work. And don't overdo yourself" *Showing agoyo* he giggled again and then walked out of my/my brother's bedroom.



Changmin's POV:

"Your sister is kinda funny"

"Yeah, my wife is so cute"

"Shut up hyung, SHE IS NOT YOUR WIFE"

"Why is she your wife duck ?"

"Because, she is cute and care about people around and..."

"You have known her for a day"

"Guys we are here. So shut up"

What is wrong with Jaejoong hyung. He has been mad ever since this morning.  He is really weird sometimes. When we stood out of the car, Manager Hyung came over to us. And told us today schedule like he always would to. 



What to do. I could read a book...NO.

I could watch some TV...NO.

I could clean...NO.

Aish I don't know what to..... Uh now I know. I'm gonna take a shower and then go shopping. Maybe by some sweet. I love korean chocolate. 

After the shower I changes into my favorite outfit and left the arpartment to take the bus too the mall.

*graww* I guess it's breakfast first. Damn that minnie oppa jerk. He is so gonna get it for waking me up at freaking 4 am. I'm gonna..... yeah I'm gonna do that. *Evil Laugh* crap people are looking at me. stupid oppa, it's all your fault. I walked around the mall, there weren't really many around at this time.  I walked inside a shop to get some break fast. When I saw a poster with DBSK, the group my brother was in. 

"Omo, they are so CUTE" The waiter came over to me, "May I take your order miss?" I nodded and ordered some pancakes. While I waited, I noticed that the waiter kept looking at me.  'Do I hvae something on my face' 




Wiii:D third chapter^^ I hoped your guys liked it, and I hope more readers/Subscrip will come:D

Sorry for any grammar mistakes:P And comments<3 

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CandyKit #1
I will:D
Update soon please
Yuchan #3
Hi there, ahmm... you got it wrong.. I mean the credits.. :)) It's royalAzalea... not strawberry_123... [she's actually a requester... :)]<br />
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BeastFreak #4
Good start! Update soon or im going to hunt u down... And u know the rest of that sentence ^.~ <3
Yuchan #5
Hi there!! Your request is ready for pick up.. :) <br />
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..:RoyalAzalea:..<br />