I'm Back

A Secret To Be Told


Why is it so hard to find, that fangirl page said that is was right around here. Great I'm lost and I just got back. I can't believe how much the streets has changes since I was here.


-"Are you sure you are goona be alright sweety?"

-"Yes omma, I'm a big girl" I could see my omma was on the egde of crying. I couldn't stand see her like that. "Omma, it's gonna be alright" I gave a big hug and went over to Minnie oppa. "Minnie oppa, I'm gonna miss you the most" I gave him a big hug. 

-"Me to cutie pie. And stop calling me minnie it's embarrassing" I laughed and pinched his cheeks.

*All Passengars for the flight to Paris France, please go to gate 23* 

I hugged minnie oppa one more time then I stared to walk away. I turned around several times to waved at him. It's the first time we have ever been away from each other for so long time... I'm really gonna miss him. "Don't worry oppa, I'm goona make my dream come true, so I can see you again" I walked into the plane and said to goodbye to my happy life, my save home. Goodbye Korea.


Those stupid fangirls don't know where their favorite idols lives. I guess it would be very annyoing for the idols to. I walked around the streets, I have never been in this area before, it looked kinda sad with all those grey buildings. I started feeling a little cold, I shouldn't have left France, it was so much better weather over there. Aish, but I can't go back know, I have nothing to return to and I just can't give up now. I could feel my eyes getting teary. "Hey there cutie" I looked up and saw a bunch of guys looking at me very peverted. I just looked down and started ran away. I don't need any eted guys right now. Not that they can do anything to me but still.

*rawww*(I don't really know how a rumbling stomach sound. "Great, I'm hungry and there is no food any near here" I looked around for any food stall or anything, god i'm soooooo hungry. Great a food stall, I ran over to and brought some chicken. "Uhmmmm, God I love chicken" I haven't tasted it for a god damn long time. "Miss I'm sorry but, I going to close now" I looked and the man who had the food stall, "Wae?"

-"Because it's gonna rain soon and I don't get any customers on rainy days" I nodded and paided for my food. Suddenly it just raining really hard. I quickly ran into the nearst bulding it looked like some apartments. An old lady sat in some kinda office and looked throught some papers. I knocked on her door and asked: "Excuse my Ajumma, are there any available rooms or apartmens left?"

-"Ajumma? Sweety I'm a halmeoni" she laughed at me and then shook her head. "I'm sorry sweety, but may sleep with me tonight, then I can help you to find a apartment tomorrow" I smiled, bowed and said thank to her. She was really nice, I can't believe she is a halmeoni, she look like ajumma. 

-"Sweety, will you give this to the boys who lives at the 6th floor?"

-"Of course halmeoni" I took a bunch of letters and left for the lift. It took a few minutes to get to the 6th floor. I was very surprised to see, that there was only one apartment on this floor. Veyr weird. But I didn't really think about it and went over to ring the doorbell. I heard some voices and then the door opened, the last thing I remember was a pair of beautiful black eyes.


Yunho's POV:

-"Yah, Hyung how can you just take a girl in our apartment that we don't know?" I looked at Yoochun who kept looking at the girl, hyung was staring at her too. Changmin was in the shower so he hasn't found out that I knocked out a girl with a ing door. And Junsu isn't home thank god. "What shall we do?" I looked at Jaejoong hyung and showed my innocent eyes. "Yunho it dosn't work on me, and we have to get her away before manager hyung showeds up. Suddenly the girl started to move and slowly open her eyes.

End of Yunho's POV


My head really hurts, and for some reason I keep hearing voices. But that can't be right. I slowly opened my eyes. Only to see, ing 3 handsome guys infront of me. "I must be dreaming, yes I'm still at ajumma's office" I lay down again and closed my eyes. "Hyung, have you seen me t-shirt I can't find it" I widend my eyes, I know that voice, that voice I miss so much. I jumped of the sofa or what I layed on and saw him. "MINNIE OPPA!" I shouted and ran over to him and jumed into his arms. 

He looked at me shocked. "Yuki, is that you?" I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm back. Missed me?"


Hey guys/readers^^ Hoped you liked to first chapter. I know it's really weird but still:D And sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Thanks you Strawberry_123(http://psashiin.blogspot.com/) for the most beautiful poster and background:D

I'll update soon:D




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CandyKit #1
I will:D
Update soon please
Yuchan #3
Hi there, ahmm... you got it wrong.. I mean the credits.. :)) It's royalAzalea... not strawberry_123... [she's actually a requester... :)]<br />
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BeastFreak #4
Good start! Update soon or im going to hunt u down... And u know the rest of that sentence ^.~ <3
Yuchan #5
Hi there!! Your request is ready for pick up.. :) <br />
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..:RoyalAzalea:..<br />