A Vampire?

The Last of Us

After sending the laundry to the dobby, she got into the car, still angry.


                “You better give me the explanations. Or else, don’t see me again.”

                I sighed. I’d rather say the truth than to not see her again.

                Driving to my favorite restaurant, the whole journey was silent, not even the radio was . Maybe, by being quiet, instead of rushing her, it would make  her calmer. I definitely didn’t want her to yell at me once she knew who I was.

                I looked sideways and the restaurant, Le Cordon Bleu, was visible at the left side of the road. The restaurant was empty, not that empty, just there wasn’t a lot of people there like a normal restaurant would. That’s why I prefer the restaurant. It’s a lot calmer. Considering the food are much expensive than other restaurant, many people would choose another restaurant. But money had never been a problem for me. I parked at the space provided for the customers and I got out from the car before she could even unclasped her seatbelt and quickly opened the door for her.

                Thanks was the only word she had uttered after what happened between us.

                I went to the usual table I always sat at, and pulled the chair for Areum. Her face soften a little bit, maybe she was touched with my actions. After ordering, we remained quiet, unsure of what should be discussed first.


                “So, tell me the truth. You better be quick, before I lose my patience.” She looked sideways, refusing to even look at me.

                “Okay, first, I want to apologize. I’m sorry for hiding the true identity of mine. I just-“

                “Let’s get straight to the point and I’ll consider if forgiving you is worth it.”

                “Okay, what do you want to know first?” I tried to make my voice calm and soft, even though I could feel my voice wavered slightly. I didn’t even know if this is a right decision of telling her the truth. What if she ended up leaving me? I love her so much already, I couldn’t bear losing her…I’ve experienced a lot of painful moments in my life, and I didn’t really want to add a new one to the list.

                “Who are you in the first place?” She asked.

                I was close to answering when the waiter finally came with our foods and drinks.

                “Thank you.” She said, a smile on her face. How I miss her smile already. I sighed, feeling helpless.

                “So, go ahead.”

                “I…am a vampire.”

                “What?!” She yelled, gaining people attentions. She gave them a regretful look and tried to remain calm again, though her cheeks were tinted with dark red.

                “Are you crazy, Oh Sehun? Vampires don’t exist! You’re intelligent but everything you said is nonsensical.”

                “I’m not even kidding, Areum. I’m telling you the truth. That’s what you want to know right? I’m being honest.”

                “No. that’s not the truth. If you really are a vampire, than prove that you’re one.” Her face was serious. I sighed, hard. Should I really tell her the truth? What if she freaked out?

                “Faster, Oh Sehun. I don’t have much time with your bull.”

               I looked around, still feeling anxious. As our table was a little bit hidden, it was actually safe for me to…tell the truth. I looked at the steak knife on the table, grabbed it and quickly cut my finger, blood was dripping from it. The viscous bright red liquid made me dizzy and there was something pricking my lower lips. Here they are, I closed my eyes. I heard her in her breath so hard. I opened my eyes again and she was pale. Just like a plain A4 paper. Ah, what have I done?

                I glanced at my injured finger, but there was nothing there. Only traces of blood were left behind. I reached for the napkin, wiped my finger and threw it away.

                “O-Oh S-Sehun…” She stuttered. I really couldn’t look at her face, not now. Her pale face clearly told me that she was totally horrified with the idea of me being a vampire. It’s not something that I wanted. I was born to be this way. I was born in the family. I didn’t ask to be born as a vampire. I put my face in my hands, regretting my whole existence.

                A cold hand held mine. It was still warm, considering my hands were colder. I was shocked, purely shocked at the moment. I thought she was-

                “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Oh God, I hate this sight so much. I hate seeing someone I love cry.

                “Shh don’t cry, Areum.”


                I looked down at my feet, unsure if I should tell her my real feeling. But before I could stop myself-

                “I love you, Areum. It’s because I love you. So much.” I bit my lip. There’s really no going back after everything I’ve said.

                She touched my cheeks. And she kissed me? Yeah, she kissed me. I was stunned, if my heart still beats, my ribcage is going to break and my heart is going to explode.

                “I love you too…Oh Sehun.” She smiled, as bright as sunshine.

                She’s my sunshine after all. Sehunshine.



                A VAMPIRE?? Was he kidding me? It’s not funny, I mean, vampires don’t exist right? It’s all in the TV shows. Just shows.

                But after everything he did, I could barely believe if I was breathing or not.

                The shiny ivory fangs. They’re really there. His eyes too. They’re bright red. I blinked my eyes a few times, maybe it was all my imaginations. But they’re there.

               I sighed. Did I really love a vampire all this time? Can vampire be in love with a fragile human? Vampires live forever, they’re immortal. But humans. They’re not.

                Tears rolled down my cheeks. What if I have to stop loving him because of our difference in nature? This was my first time falling head over heels for a man. This was my love at first sight.

                “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” The sentence barely made its way out of my throat. I was scared that his answer might hurt me, might leave me heartbroken.

                “I love you, Areum.”

                Did he really…? I was striving for air. This couldn’t be real.

                “It’s because I love you. So much.”

                Oh God. Is this how you feel when someone you love tells you he loves you too? Butterflies were flying cheerfully in my tummy. I felt as if someone had stolen my breaths, leaving me breathless.

                Without any hesitation, I kissed him. I really kissed him. My love. A man. He was stunned, I could see it in his eyes, clearly in disbelief.

                “I love you too…Oh Sehun.”

                He smiled again. Brighter. A little too bright for my eyes, it’s like looking at a smiling sun. This was what I was waiting for my whole life. To love and to be loved by a man. A loving man.

                “You better not waste my time and first kiss I gave to you, Sehunnie.”

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I'm sorry :( it might be that I changed my mind so suddenly in the middle of writing...thank you for commenting tho! I will do better next time and always check if everything is connected to each other! ^_~
Chapter 5: I dont get this story line at all, it was fine tull chapter 1 .
Chapter 24: Yes you should
Chapter 24: Hmmmm..
Chapter 23: Woah i cant believe it . it's mean sehun just using areum poor areum she didn't deserve this .
Chapter 22: Is sehun is sad or he's happy that areum is death
Chapter 22: Woah plot twist Wendy is so evil how could she killed the babies and areum . she's so sick .
Chapter 22: OMG update soon! Wendy WHYYYYY the heck would you!!! Ughh WHY
Chapter 21: Wendy is so evil.i hope nothing bad will happen to areum and the babies. Sehun need to protect areum from Wendy . she's so evil