How much

Short Stories (Former: When Boredom Strikes)

Have I told you how much I love you? Have I? If I didn't then let me tell you how.

 I love how my heart flutter just seeing your name on my message inbox.

I love how you make me nervous when you stare at me.

I love how every touch of yours leaves an effect on every fiber of my body.

I love how you smile.

I love how you trust me.

I love how I can feel home, whem I'm with you.

I love how you understand me like nobody can.

I love how are hands fits togehter and how my hands can't keep off you.

I love how addicting you are.

I love how you lead me to good things.

I love your mature side.

I love your silly and dorky side.


I love that their is still that kid inside of you, that never makes me forget of the kid inside of me too.

I love how we have opposite attitude, yet we blend so well when we're together.

"Fany ah?" 

I love the way you say my name.

I love the way you smile while saying my name.


I love-

"What are you writing?"

"Something about you."

"Something about me?"

"Uh huh."

"Like what?"

"Like how much I love you." 

I love how you pay attention to me.

I love it when I got all of your attention.

"You don't need to write such things."


"Cause your eyes says it all. The way you smile say it all. The way you touch me says it. You really don't need to write it down."

"But I wan too. I want to let you be reminded everyday not just by my actions, but also with words how much you mean to me."

Have I told you how much I love your lips and the way you kiss me? 

I think I am just madly in love with you Kim Taeyeon.



A very cheesy chapter for you. :)

Merry Christmas everyone!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 13: I read it again and still I want moreeeee of this
Kezziebitcrazy #2
Chapter 10: This chapter need another sequel
Airwaste #3
Chapter 1: Great chapter
maemae08 #4
Chapter 13: This story needs more chapter author!!!! Its so sweet and fluffy.
Chapter 5: I think my playlist know whats going on, coz its suddenly change to ty-ur from tts-cater to u
1124 streak #6
Chapter 13: Sweetness overload... I need to treat my taenybetes hehehe
Chapter 7: Cheesy indeed author nim.. : ))
tipco09 #8
Chapter 13: That was the biblical definition of love authorship :)
1124 streak #9
Chapter 13: I'll wait for more Taeny ffs ^_^
ifyouseeA #10
More of your boredom strikes pls! Waaaaa