My Queenka

Short Stories (Former: When Boredom Strikes)

It was dismissal time when I approached Tiffany, our school's queenka, and my current suitor.

"Hey can I talk to you in private?"


"Let's just talk here and wait for the classroom to be empty." I suggested. Tiffany just nodded and sat on her chair, maybe waiting for people to disperse.

I was half leaning, half seating on the chair's head rest that was in front of her. She was looking straight into my eyes once the last person got out of the room.

"So?" Tiffany said a smile tugging on her lips. I can't help not to smile back as I locked eyes with her smouldering eyes.

"You've mentioned before how much you're looking forward to the movie Me Before You, right?" Just like a fire ignited, Tiffany eyes gleamed as she nodded.

"Yes. God I've been waiting for that in the theaters." Tiffany said. "Oh right." Tiffany added.

"Taeyeon ah tonight is it's premiere night!" Tiffany exclaimed. I laughed at her reaction. She's too excited for the movie. Ahh she looks adorable just like this when she's talking about something she really likes. I wonder how does she talk about me with other people? 

A grin has escaped on my lips as I can't contain my own excitement. I fished out the tickets on my pocket and showed it to her.

"So will you go with me on tonight's premiere night of Me Before You?" Tiffany gasped, her hand flying to cover her lips, making my grin wider, if that's even possible.

"Omo! You have tickets for the movie." She said almost just above a whisper, shock was still visible on her face. I nodded. I let her get the tickets and have a good look on it. After she recovered from the shock she looked at me eyes narrowed into slits, a smile was slowly creeping on her lips.

"Wait a minute. Are you asking me out? Is this a date?" I had to stop myself from covering my face. I can feel it the heat that's been rushing on my cheeks. God this is so embarrassing. I bit my lips as I nodded to her question. I can't trust my mouth that I'll be able to utter a proper word without stuttering. Tiffany chuckled then stood up.

"You look so adorable." She said to me patting my ever so hot and reddening cheeks. 


We're now queuing outside the movie theater. Sour n' cream popcorn and drinks in hand and off we enter the cinema. We chose to sat at the middle front row of the cinema. During the movie our skin would brush with each other once in a while as we give and take in getting a popcorn on our shared popcorn. 

Tiffany will squeal quietly (not unlike me when I feel giddy with something I'll squeal all out) on her seat once a cheesy part will happen. She's still elegant as a queenka even though she had been squealing. I feel like sighing at that thought. If you'll look at her in my perspective before when I didn't know her yet this deep, you'll hear me say that Tiffany was close to perfect. She dress so fashionably or maybe she just looks good on anything (yep even in our goddamn school uniform). 

She's not your typical spoiled brat daughter of a rich businessman. She have brains. And man, she's at the top of our class. Plus her beauty? Even before that we're not close I had to agree with others that her beauty is just ethereal. In the years that I've been her schoolmate I also know that she have a good personality. And on the top of that her family is wealthy, not that I'm after her money, but she's a total package. 

That's why it shocked the hell out of me when she said she wanted to court me. It scared me to be honest. I mean why? Why would someone as perfect as her will like me? It just doesn't made sense. There was a time that I feared for the worst what ifs. Just like what if, she's just playing on me or she just had a bet with her friends. You'll never know someone's true intention to you, and it's really scary sometimes to trust. 

The movie finished and my lovely queenka is crying as the after credits rolled. 

"Tiffany." I called for her attention. She was still busy wiping her tears, and didn't look at me. It somehow put a pout on my face. I don't like seeing her sad even if it's just because of a movie. I didn't know what got into me, but the urge to comfort her was just too strong that I didn't even realize i had launched myself into her. Arms wide open engulfing her with my warmth, as my arms wrapped around her shoulders. A gasp escaped her lips as her body stiffened at my sudden contact into her body. I bit my lips as embarrassment and awkwardness started to rush into me. I was about to withdrew from her when she spoke.

"Don't. Just hug me please?" She asked, eyes pleading as it locked into mine. . Holy . Our face is too close. Help. Oh God. I tried to look away, but my goddamn eyes just have a mind on its on as it landed on her luscious plump lips. . Oh my . Excuse for the words, but this is me when I feel giddy. I just tend to let it all out in my mind whether I am swearing or just purely squealing in my head. I mean holy cow her lips looks so effin kissable. OH. MY. GOD. KIM. TAEYEON. YOU. ARE. DOOMED.

Tiffany's chuckle brought me back to my sanity. I almost release a sigh as she withdrew back.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Tiffany smiled. Ahhhhh! Have I told you how much it melts my heart when she's just too attentive and understanding on my part. No words are needed she just know how to make me feel better.

"Thank you." I had to fight back my grin as our eyes locked.

"So let's go now?" I nodded and together we left the cinema. 


We're walking on our way to my house now. Her personal driver will fetch her in our house later, so we take this time to leisurely walk home from the cinema. Everything was quiet and calm as the wind brush into our skin. Once in a while our fingers will brush into each other. I am fully aware of the glaces she had been giving me. She cleared before she spoke.

"Taeyeon ah." I met her gentle brown orbs.

"Can I hold your hand?"

Oh boy. Tiffany Hwang is one of the sweetest person I met. To top it she respects me A LOT. She just asked to hold my hand now. Gosh. After almost seven months of her courting me she just ask me now if she can hold my hand. I had suitors before, but they cannot top Tiffany.

"Okay." I answered sheepishly. I felt warm soft fingers intertwining into mine. Oh . I can feel my ears heating up as she held my hand gently, yet firmly. I can feel the soft, yet unusual thump of my heart as we stroll.

"Tiffany." I spoke. She looked at me as she spoke.


"Do you talk about me with your friends?" My question just came out of the blue honestly. She beamed.

"Of course."

"How? I mean what do you say about me to them?" My curiosity perks up remembering my early question to myself of how does she look if she talks about me to others.

"Hmm I tell them how my courting is progressing. Our dates. Your personality, things like that." I want to see what she looks like. I don't know why I just want to. Just like a bulb lighting in my head an idea popped out. 

"Hmm what did you even like about me Tiffany?" Tiffany grinned, then her eyes gleamed as she spoke.

"I liked you before for who you are, and now that I'm in love with you my reason is still the same. I love you because you are Taeyeon." I stopped walking as those words left Tiffany's lips. I never saw Tiffany as beautiful as that before. Maybe because she was talking about me that she's just glowing. 

Suddenly all the memories we shared flashed right into my eyes. From the concert to where we are now.

"Taeyeon?" She asked. She's maybe confused on why I stopped walking.

"Sorry it's just that you look so beautiful when you talked about me." I had to stop myself from smirking when i saw a tint of red creeping on her cheeks. I grin as I held her other free hand.

"Tiffany.." She met my eyes as I spoke my next few words with pure sincerity.

"I think I like you too." I had to bit my lips as i feel my ears heating up. The grin that escaped her lips, her eyes that turned into perfect happy crescents made my heart thumped harder than before as I continue to talk.

"And I don't want you to be my suitor anymore because I want you to be officially mine, so uhm.." I inhaled some air before speaking again.

"Will you be my girlfriend Tiffany?" She squeals. Not caring anymore about the world around us. Oh well the streets are empty thank goodness. Her smile is blinding as she spoke.

"Yes Taeyeon I want to be your girlfriend." I grinned happily. It's so nice to hear those words from her. I let myself be engulfed by her oh so comforting warmth.

"Thank you so much Taeyeon for giving me this chance." She exhaled maybe it was a sigh of relief and contentment. I grinned feeling jubilant as I hug my dear queenka back.


Tiffany Hwang.

She is our school's queenka. Rich, smart, beautiful inside and out. She's everyone's dream girl. She can easily turn heads on her direction wherever she goes. It was almost seven months since she confessed to me about her feelings. To be honest before, I did find her beautiful, but I didn't have a crush on her simply because she's a girl. Yep I wasn't attracted to girls before she confessed to me. To me, Red Velvet are the only girls that I would be gay for, but then she came into my life and confessed to me in one of the sweetest yet simplest way possible. She just know how to creep into my poor heart.

Thinking back during those months that she's courting me, why and how did I like her? Actually I'm not sure myself. Was it because she loves and just like what she claims that she owns the color PINK?

"Oh God." I exclaimed once I entered her very very PINK room. Everything in it was pink that I need to squint my eyes to adjust to the madness of the color.

"What?" She asked solemnly. That caught my attention. It was the first time her voice change into that solemn and deep, almost growling tone. Usually she was soft and gentle to me, but this side of her? Oh boy. It's really fascinating.

"I think I'm going to go blind with too much pink." I answered honestly. Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at me.

"Well pink is mine. Pink is my color Taeyeon ah." She sound so protective of that color and I think I just find her y (yes damn it) and attractive at how she claims that color to be hers. 

"I guess it can't be helped then. I need to get used to this." I said as nonchalant as I can as I plopped myself into her bed.

Was it the way she eats? Mind you people she has the body of a y woman. Her curves are so alluring and beautiful, but when she eats, she eats just like a pig.

"Tiffany slow down." I reminded her as she eat the chicken leg in her hand. Moments later I saw her holding a burger in her right hand and a fries on her left hand. I almost face palmed. How on earth does she maintain to be so painfully adorable despite her eating like a pig? I mean she was greedily eating her foods, but she looks so cute. How does she do that?? It doesn't make sense.

Or was it because..

Tiffany laughed as Hyoyeon continued with her story. Tiffany invited me and Hyoyeon to join there table during lunch time today. Her friends are very nice and funny. They welcomed as warmly. Both her and my friends are accepting our relationship positively and I can't help not to feel thankful about that. I stared at my dear queenka as her eyes turn into crescents her husky genuine laugh echoing through my ears. Ahh now that's what you call eargasm. 

Suddenly she looked at me and beamed. Oh how I love her crescent shaped eyes when she smiles. I felt her hand creeping into mine and I let her intertwine our hands. In the middle of all the laughter from our table Leetuk came to me. I almost groan when I had to free my hand from Tiffany's. Damn i love the feeling of her hand into mine okay? Can you blame. It's just addicting.

"Taeyeon ssi hello. I brought some chocolates for you."

"Leetuk ssi. I'm sorry, but I can't accept that."

"Why? It's harmless." He said with a smile. Suddenly Tiffany stood up making me looked at my girlfriend with wide eyes. Holy . I am aware that she doesn't like Leetuk coming to me. I mean who would right? I held Tiffany's hand when I sense her solemn aura.

"With all due respect Leetuk ssi haven't Taeyeon declined you so many times before?" 

"I know that Tiffany ssi, but I won't stop pursuing her because I really like her." I can see Tiffany's jaw clenched. I know she's holding back her irritation. 

"Then learn to respect her current partner." Tiffany said her voice deeper and huskier than before. I already stood up holding Tiffany's hand with both of my hands, trying to get her attention, but she didn't looked at me.

"Partner? You mean she's already dating someone?" Leetuk asked surprised. He looked at me when Tiffany nodded.

"Is it true?" He asked me his voice sounding weaker than usual.

"I'm sorry Leetuk ssi, but that's true." 

"I see. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He looked deject as he leave. Once he left Tiffany was breathing hard, exhaling and inhaling loudly.

"Fany ah are you okay?" I asked worriedly. She smiled at me.

"Yeah. Just a little agitated." I chuckled. She looks adorable that I can't help not to pinch her cheeks.

"Calm down now. He's gone now. I'm sure he won't come to me again, my possessive queenka." I grinned when her cheeks was painted in deep crimson red. 


I sat on the bench on our school garden as I was memorizing the dates in our History class. I chose to study here because it's really quiet and peaceful. Arghh!! Damn these dates. Why the hell do I need to study this? Suddenly I felt arms wrapping around my neck, a soft peck landed on my right cheek. I had to grin because of that. I can easily feel my stress going away.

"Hi boo." Husky voice whispered on my ears. Tiffany then sat beside me then our eyes met in comfort.

"What's keeping my princess busy?" She asked. Oh . This sweet mouth she have. I averted my eyes immediately as I can feel my cheeks heating up and giddiness wrapping my sanity. Control Taeyeon. I tried to calm my insides.

"I... Erm I'm studying for h-history." Oh damn it. Why am I stuttering? It's like I'm talking to my crush for the first time, but oh well Tiffany is my one and only crush though.

"You seemed stress." I had to pout cause girl she's right.

"You're right about that. I hate these freaking dates. It's so hard to memorize all of it." She beamed at me.

"I can help you with that, but first you should take a rest." She patted her left shoulders then spoke.

"Lay your head here and take a rest first Taeyeon ah." I happily obliged. Once I find comfort on her shoulder I reached for her hand and intertwined our hands. Everything felt peaceful with her by my side.

I wondered before how, when and why I liked her, but I guess I have my answers now. It was because Tiffany was patient. She was kind. She does not envy, and does not boast. She's not proud.  She does not dishonor others. She is not self-seeking. She is not easily angered. She keeps no record of wrongs. Tiffany have always protect, trust, hope, and persevere. 

In other words..

"Fany ah can i be honest?" I spoke breaking the silence. I felt her nod her head.

"I'm already in love with you, my dearest queenka." I felt her body stiffen before she jolt in her seat and withdrew from me. Her eyes are wide, lips shaking, as I sense she can't utter a proper word right now.

"W-what?" I smiled.

"I love you Tiffany." Her eyes started to glisten then her eyes smiled together with her lips as she spoke.

"I love you too Taeyeon." She cupped my cheeks and our eyes met.


"You know what, i don't care anymore what or how they'll react if they found out about us. I know you didn't mention to Leetuk who I am dating because you're worried about me, right?" She nodded. I have a grin on my lips on how caring she is.


"Well screw that Fany ah. I don't care anymore about them. I know I can carry through every bit of it as long as I'm with you. Right now, I just want to kiss you." After I said those words I know I'm as red as a tomato now. Holy . What got into me why did I said that? Ugh! She chuckled and I averted my eyes from her. God this is embarrassing.


I am about to speak again, but my ability to speak was forgotten as my soul fly high into heaven as her lips crashed into mine. Oh sweet and soft warm marshmallows. Hmm that's how her lips taste and feel like. As if my hands have their own mind I pull her closer as I wrap my arms around her waist. I'm insatiable when it comes to her. I'm so right about her lips. It's so kissable and oh so addiciting.


"I love you." Her breathe tickles my lips as she speak in between our soft lip lock. A smile tug on my lips as I kiss her back with such intensity pouring all my love for her.


"I love you too, my queenka."



This is the last part of our sweet queenka and our ordinary student. Thank you so much for those who love and anticipate with this short story. :D

I'll continue now with writing other short stories to be posted here.


Please do check out my other fan fictions hehe Thank you so much :)

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 13: I read it again and still I want moreeeee of this
Kezziebitcrazy #2
Chapter 10: This chapter need another sequel
Airwaste #3
Chapter 1: Great chapter
maemae08 #4
Chapter 13: This story needs more chapter author!!!! Its so sweet and fluffy.
Chapter 5: I think my playlist know whats going on, coz its suddenly change to ty-ur from tts-cater to u
1123 streak #6
Chapter 13: Sweetness overload... I need to treat my taenybetes hehehe
Chapter 7: Cheesy indeed author nim.. : ))
tipco09 #8
Chapter 13: That was the biblical definition of love authorship :)
1123 streak #9
Chapter 13: I'll wait for more Taeny ffs ^_^
ifyouseeA #10
More of your boredom strikes pls! Waaaaa