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The atmosphere was gloomy especially after the elimination of Soeun and Mina. Mina stayed in the company whilst Soeun decided to leave and quit becoming an idol. The sudden announcement was heartbreaking and hard to acceptーthough it was probably hard for Soeun to make that decision too. 

Releasing some of the stress and tension, the next episode of 'Fantasy' is shot at the beach. The directors and staffs had set up games and trials for us.

"It feels so nice to feel the fresh breeze once in a while!" Jaekyung stretched her arms over her head. 

I silently agreed before realizing that our group wasn't the only ones here. Nct filled the gaps between us fourteen members. "What are you guys doing here?" I questioned Doyoung who settled beside me. 

"Filming with you guys of course!" He cheerfully replied. I suddenly felt self-conscious as Yuta brushed passed me giving me a slight smile. My heart skipped a beat. What was this feeling? 

The next thing I knew, the staffs had hit the record button. The first game they had prepared for us was the Chicken Fight. I had seen idol groups play this way too often. We had seven groups of fourーJohnny being the judge. 

"Ready..START!" Johnny blew the whistle he had in his hand. I clutched my ankle close to my thigh waiting for anyone to get close. I wasn't one to attack first until someone starts it. 

Looking over to Yuta who was one of my teammates, I could catch him flirting with Jinah who was on one of the other 6 teams. 

"Hey, you should start getting some people out." Lina who was also my teammate, appeared in my vision blocking my view from the "couple". 

She reminded me that I was probably the one dragging our team down. "Right, sorry I wasn't focused." 

She  nodded hopping away on her right foot. I looked back at Yuta teasing Jinah into pushing her out of the square we drew on the sand. I shook my head. I had no idea whatsoever why my gaze kept going back to them. More precisely, Yuta.

"This is chaos!" Yerim wailed as I knocked her out of her stance. There were too many of us as we pushed everyone out, teammate or not. From one of the teams (definitely not mine) Doyoung came hopping over like an adorable bunny who had just eaten a whole bowl of carrots.

He pushed me playfully with his knee. "I'm going to get you out." He said determined. I pushed him back but he wasn't going down without a fight. Doyoung attacked me with light nudges and I couldn't help but laugh. 

For the first time in a while, I was actually having fun. Doyoung's grin widened as he saw my smile. I gave him another light nudge with my knee and he surprising 'lost' his balance and fell out of the square. He did that on purpose.

I gave him a look and he sheepishly scratched his head. 

It was only me and Jaehyun left on our team. Yuta had also went easy on Jinah and fell out of the boundaries. Earlier, Lina had gotten knocked out by the power of two of the younger Nct members.

"Let's do this, we can do this." Jaehyun encourages me as we stood side by side. 

"Go team!" Yuta shouted cheering for us. Who was he to cheer for us when he had gotten out on his own will? Nonetheless, he threw both his  fists up. "Nayoung! Jaehyun!"

I had gotten a decent amount of people out until Yubin and Seulmi ganged up on me and both pushed me out. 

"Nice try." Doyoung patted me on the back as I seated next to him. 

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile. 

In the end, Jaehyun was the last one standing. A warm feeling flooded over me as Yuta pulled me up and dragged me towards Jaehyun and Lina. This was weird, really weird. These weird reactions only occurred recently when Yuta was around. "You should really get a taste of what victory is." Yuta stated never letting go of my hand until he realized the camera was still rolling. 

Puzzled, I looked over. "It's not like we won the olympics or something." 

"Still, it's still good to celebrate." He smiles. My eyes widen when I felt blood rush up to my face. That smile. I took a few deep breaths. I hate this feeling but at the same time..I kinda liked it. 

"Are you alright? Your face is red." Lina asked as we reached them. I could feel eyes observing me from behind. Jinah smiled quickly when I turned over. She scrutinized both me and Yuta throughly jealousy obvious in her eyes. Nonetheless, she smiled through it. 

'But since I trust you, I want to let you know that I like him.'

She had said those words to me two nights ago. She trusts me. I would have to apologize and clear things up with her later on that I had no feelings for Yuta whatsoever. "Nayoung?" Lina waved her hands in front of my face. I snapped out of it. "Are you alright?" She repeated.

"Sorry, I'm fine. Just..tired." I say as she looked convinced enough to turn away not before giving me a worried look but decided to not say anything about it. 

All of us stood in a straight line excluding Johnny. "The winners of the Chicken Fight are Lina, Nayoung, Yuta and Jaehyun." The staffs announced. "The prizes are passes for a free drink at Bubble Brunch." They handed us four each a pass.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are so lucky." Yerim cried. We gave her looks of playful pity knowing that her life was eat, sleep, practice, and bubble tea. Her whining soon ceased when EunB put a hand on her shoulder and shushed her.


"Isn't that great?" Doyoung  said beside me in the next game. We had to partner up with one other person from Nct for the 'Three Legged Race'. Not being close to most of the Nct members, I looked for Yuta but seeing that he was already taken by Jinah, I was alone. That was until Doyoung had popped up and asked if I had a partner. We watched as two pairs went at the same time 

"What is?" I asked in confusion.

"Your team's victory." He replied. The small victory was nothing big but he seemed to have made a big deal out of it. "Honestly I wanted you to win." 

Surprised I turned to fully look at him. "Why is that?"

"I had a feeling that you've never gotten the rush of adrenaline before. The excitement you get when you win. Whether it's a board game or your survival show. Like that time when your team lost to the other on the 3 vs 3 round." 

I didn't say anything and he took that chance to continue. "You seem like someone to grieve over losing and never have experienced the great in winning. You just brush it off and get over it."

I watched as EunB and Taeyong struggled to catch up with the other pair. "I don't care about winning." Truth was, I hated losing. I hated losing against Jinah in the dance battle in the beginning of the show. It was just so...frustrating. "What does the winner get besides some lame prize?"

"Pride." He answered almost immediately. "You feel proud of yourself. And you should carry it around proudly." He exclaimed. "Whether it's a small victory or a huge one, I think you should cherish the happy feeling."

I was quiet for a second. "I wasn't the one who won for the team, it was Jaehyun."

"You were still part of his team. That's what teamwork is."

I looked down and repeated the word 'Victory' in my head. "You really are a posit

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hannahjoma #3
Great story. :)
Xxdreamergirl #4
Chapter 3: Oooo!! Yuta wants to help!! I really enjoy reading this story! Update soon !
lisaowusu98 #5
Chapter 2: Cool story so far.