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"Wait, don't leave! Hear me out." Yuta grabbed my arm just as I was beginning to walk away. I honestly gave zero s at the moment. Not to mention that he never showed up that night and disappeared for two weeks. Two weeks.   

"What is there to hear? I trusted you, Nakamoto. I knew I was wrong to ever do that, but I did. And what did you do? You were with Jinah all day!" 

He flinched at my outburst, looking down guiltily. His first name sounded too intolerable to say now. I yanked my arm back and flung open the door leaving him standing out in the cold. 

He didn't even hesitate to not come after me. Smart choice, but still an . I knew it would come down to depending on myself, it's just how it always is. 

"Nayoung, nice timing!" Seulmi exclaimed as I entered the practice room. She dragged me over to where she and Mina is. "We were just starting to practice."

We had a schedule for who uses the practice room. At this time, the three of us would use the practice room but after 3 hours, we switch with the next group of three. Though the Nct members would remain until their schedule as usual.

On this 3 vs 3 competition, two teams of 3 were given the same song to perform. It was a competition to see who can pull off the concept better. I pushed the thought about Yuta to the back of my head. I craved to push him out of my head but I know that he will come up in my mind sometime soon.

"Should we pick a leader? Center?" I suggested as we sat in a discussing circle. We and the other group of three which contained the members of Yeonhee, Haeun and Jinah had picked out a cutesy concept from a box blindfolded.

"Center..should be someone who can fit the concept best." Seulmi tapped her chin scrutinizing Mina and I closely. 

"I'd say Mina, she's the youngest out of us." I twirled my pen in my hands marking our positions. The practice door opened and on par, the pen slipped dramatically from my fingers. 

It was Yuー 


His friends greet him and even did a few cool handshakes. His eyes traveled around the three of us until his gaze landed on me.  

"I think it's a good idea." Seulmi says. Thank god I was saved by my fellow member.  

Mina's eyes widen. "I've never been center before."  

I scribbled her name down trying not to glare back and pay attention to Yuta. I couldn't help but take a peek. I was captivated by his eyes as always and I made a personal note to never look above his nose.

 "Nayoung..Nayoungie." Mina waved her hand across my face. "You're spacing out again."  

I finally turned my attention back to my group again. "Sorry, what were we talking about?" 

"We still have to pick out a leader not to mention our ranks are pretty low."  Seulmi responded. "I've been thinking about Nayoung. You've trained the longest out of us." 

I snapped out of my daze. "M-me?" 

"You're a great dancer. I'll think you'll lead us well." They said. 

Our three hours were over after two more hours of practicing. We decided to leave all the singing part to Seulmi while Mina and I split the rap. 

I was on my way to find the rap training section until someone stood in my way. I shuffled to the right, and so did the person. I moved out of the way only for him to block me. He took a step towards me. "Listen, I'm not giving up until we fix this misunderstanding."  

"What misunderstanding? I heard clearly from Jaehyun that you were with Jinah instead keeping your promise in helping me."  


I brushed past Yuta but he reached out to grab onto both my shoulders. "Please, just liste-" 

"Why are you so desperate to make me forgive you? Who am I to you?" I let out a shaky breath. "Aren't I just a regular trainee who wishes to become an idol to find a source of income?" 

Yuta let his hands fall back to his sides. "That's not it." He whispered barely audible. 

"I'm late for my training." I entered the room a few rooms down from where we were standing.  

"Im Nayoung, am I correct? You can call me Mrs. Kim, it's nice to meet you." A lady in her forties greeted with a friendly smile. 

I merely bowed less than 40 degrees  and sat down on a chair as she started ranting on about the basics which I was half listening to. 

"I'm impressed, your rapping is turning out pretty good so far." Mrs. Kim praised towards the end of the training. 

I smiled to myself as I walked out. It's been a while since I've been praised, it feels good.  

There were camera directors everyone when I entered the practice room. It was our turn again to use the practice room

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I like this story
hannahjoma #3
Great story. :)
Xxdreamergirl #4
Chapter 3: Oooo!! Yuta wants to help!! I really enjoy reading this story! Update soon !
lisaowusu98 #5
Chapter 2: Cool story so far.