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My face goes slack. Everything returns slowly as the shock fades away. A water fountain wasn't even found from our sight unless we turn the corner a few feet away. To make things worse, Yuta's hand was still on my wrist.  

I defended myself because that's the most logical thing I could do. "It's not what you think, I really was going to the wate-" 

"I can't believe you." Mina glanced up at me, her eyes glossy with a flash of disappointment. She and Seulmi were just as upset as they described they would be if they caught me doing something else.

I boldly opened my mouth to speak but my voice got caught in the back of my throat. Will they even believe me at this point?

"I don't know what happened with our team but we have to fix this somehow. Especially you." Seulmi turned to me with an expression that seemed demoralized. 

They both their heels and withdrew from the conversation that I barely took part in. I shut my eyes tightly for a few seconds before glowering at Yuta. "I really hate you right now."

I ripped my arm free from his grip and tried to walk as far as I can to prevent him to grab onto anywhere on my arm. Instead, he pulled me by the hood of my hoodie and I stumbled back. "I hate misunderstandings and I want to clear it now." 

I look at him and sneered. "Forget it." 

He sighed with irritation. "Why are you so stubborn?"

"At least I don't lie like a jerk because once a drug dealer, stays with a bad reputation." I say without thinking much that I must've hurt his feelings.

I could see the anger in his eyes now. The way he clenches his hands into a fist and his face puffs up while his body shakes. If looks could kill, I would've been killed long ago. I step back feeling a whole new aura out of him. Before he could do anything, Doyoung shows up between us looking back and forth. 

"You guys good?" He asks while munching on a cookie. He moved his head back and forth at us having a mini staring contest. 

"I'll go first." Yuta strolls past us and whispers loud enough only for me to hear. "I'll get you next time and prove to you that I'm not like that kind of person anymore." 

I flinched as he knocked his shoulders against mine. "Are you guys all right?" Doyoung frowned at the tension that settled down a bit after Yuta left. 

"Just..fine." I answer. He didn't seem convinced and I desperately wanted to continue the conversation before I would be left alone in my own problems. But he decided not to push it any further. 

"I see..by the way I'll be rooting for you and your team in the audience tomorrow." Doyoung gave a thumbs up with a cheeky smile. "I have a schedule so I'm going first." He waved. 

I uttered a soft "thank you" and waved back but he already disappeared around the corner. Doyoung's a really sweet guy, his future girlfriend would be really lucky. 

I sighed back to reality. I made my way to the restroom and cupped my hands together to form a bowl-like shape while watching it fill up with water.  

How should I fix my team up? 


Seulmi and Mina both sat across from me in a small, cute cafe that was gradually filling up with more people. We sat in a vacant four-seated table in the corner of the cafe.  

Seulmi had suggested that we talk things out. But they were sitting with their arms crossed for the last 10 minutes out of the 11 minutes we arrived. They spent that 1 minute basically roasting me behind my back and stayed silent until now. 

I sipped quietly on my drink feeling lonely that the seat next to me was empty. The awkwardness was too overbearing and their solemn faces didn't help one bit. 

All I could do was listen to the bell on the door signaling when someone enters. The bell jingled and I glance up slightly to see a guy and a girl with masks covering their faces. I narrowed my eyes. I could remember that bear hair tie anywhere. It was a personal handmade gift that I had given it to Jinah on her 17th birthday. 

Next to her was none other than Yuta. I recognize those piercing eyes that were peeking above the mask. Keep in mind that I was never mad at Jinah for anything that has happened, I was rather angry at Yuta for ever distracting her away from us. 

"So.." Mina broke the silence. "Care to explain?" 

"That's what I was planning to do in the first place." I responded. I decided to leave out the whole part about what was happening with Yuta but explained everything else. 

It was silent again. "I'm sorry about your dad, I understand that you needed to be left alone but you could have at least told us." Seulmi said in a soothing voice.  

"Why was Yuta sunbaenim holding your hand?" Mina raised a brow. I knew one of them would bring it up.  

"He..told me that..he recently just learned palm reading so he just wanted to test it

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I like this story
hannahjoma #3
Great story. :)
Xxdreamergirl #4
Chapter 3: Oooo!! Yuta wants to help!! I really enjoy reading this story! Update soon !
lisaowusu98 #5
Chapter 2: Cool story so far.