Division Sorting

Green Hill Academy



"Welcome to Green Hill Academy. I’m Lee Hyunjoon, Principal of this school," said Principal Lee. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in this Dining Hall, you will be sorted into your division. The Sorting is a very important ceremony, because it will determine your gift spesific classes, which focus on helping you control your gifts. You will have classes with the rest of your division member for your gift spesific classes. And for your normal classes, like math, english, and science, you’ll be with a mix of other student your age. And you’ll be given a tie depend on your aura colour, which can describe what you are.”

"The five divisions are called G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, and G-5. Each division has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding supernatural creatures.Soon, we’ll tell you where you ought to be. You might belong in division G-1, which stand for warlocks, witches, and wizards. You might belong in division G-2, which stand for werewolves and skinwalkers. Or might belong in division G-3, which stand for vampires and kitsunes. Or yet in division G-4, which stand for fairies and cupids. Or perhaps in G-5, which stand for shapeshifters.” Principal Lee continued.

"The sorting ceremony is about to start, and will take place in a few minutes in front of the teachers, councilors, and therest of the students. So when I call your name, step forward to be shorted.” Dicipline Master – Prof. Lee Dongsuk – said.

“Kim Taehyung” Prof. Lee Dongsuk shouted. A pale skinned boy with an old glasses stumbled out of the front seat, and a moment later Prof. Lee shouted again, “Vampire, division G-3.”

The table on the center cheered and clapped as Taehyung tied with red tie, and merrily went to sit down atthe, G-3 table.

“Shannon Williams” a brown winged british girl came forward, and a moment later, “Cupid, division G-4.”The table second from the right cheered and clapped this time, lead by Hongbin.

“Jackson Wang”

“Vampire, division G-3”.Ravi lead the table on the center clapped again, as Jackson went to sit next to Taehyung.

“Moon Bin” was a skinwalker, and went to division G-2. “Park Jinwoo” was a werewolf, and went to division G-2 too. “Kim Sojung” then went to division G-5. She was a shapeshifter.

The sorting ceremony take places for about 15 minutes now. Division G-3 already got 12 new members, G-2 and G-5 got 9 new members, and G-4 got 8 new members, while G-1 got nothing. There weren’t many people left now.  Then Cha Eunwoo went to division G-4, Kim Namjoon went to G-2, Jung Mimi and Shin Bora went to G-5, and then Prof. Lee Dongsuk called the last student’s name,

“Kim Sebin”

Alea awkwardly steped forward, and she could feel everyone in the room staring at her. Whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the dining hall.

“Look! She has a strange aura color.”

“What kind of supernatural creature she is?”

“Is she a vampire?”

“No way. I heard a rumor that she accidentally spell casted before.”

“Then, is she a witch?”


“I’m sorry to say that we don’t know what you are yet. We’ve discussed this and we decided that we would put you in Division G-1, since we know that you accidentally spellcasted before.” Discipline Master Lee said, which meant that Alea became the first and the last new member in G-1. N clapped merrily, followed by the rest of students around the table on the left, while Alea pouted, as thehall full of people craning to get a good look at her. She become the first and the only one who tied with a crimson red tie. She went to the table on the left and sit next to N.

“Yah, fix your expression!” N frowned.

“How am I supposed to smile if everyone keeps staring at me?” Alea mumbled, but still trying to smile awkwardly. People had been staring at her all day long, trying to figure out what she was.

“Don’t look so down,” N told her, trying to make her feel better, “It will go away in time.”

“But I hate it. I really am. I didn’t want to be a novelty to this school.”

“I’m sure people will forget all about it in time. They did the same to me in my first year.” N rolled his eyes, the memory from his first year in Green Hill come to his brain slowly. But he can manage to not showing a mental breakdown. More than anything, he has a new family now. He has five dongsaengs who really loved him. Won’t to remember any further, he tried to change the subject, “don’t you hungry?”

As soon as N said the ‘hungry’ word, Alea’s stomach suddenly felt empty. She just realized that she didn’t eat anything yet. She was too upset to remember about have a meal or even drink some water. All the gossip she’s got was already kick away her hungriness.

“I do. But I have no appetite.”

“Is that so? Even so, take care of your body. You’re still at an age where you’re still growing.” N lectured her, showing an expression like he was lecturing a three year old child.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to eat everything now.” Alea grit her teeth, trying to control her anger. She stared at her empty plate, starting to take a piece of … she don’t know what. All of the foods seemed unfamiliar. Everyone but her seemed enjoying their meal. This situation just made her more and more upset. Just when is this gloomy day officially over? I’m so tired, physically and mentally.


About an hour later, everyone seemed to finish with their dinner. The dining hall still fill with banter, laughter, and boisterous. Some gossiping about Alea. N has gone to meet his friends, a group of boys she saw on the train. She recognize one of them with bright orange hair as Ravi, and she doesn’t know about the rest. Alea finished her dinner in silent. No one try to speak to her.  Everyone was noisy until they heard a sound of Principal Lee cleaning his throat, call away the attention back to him.

“So, we’ve placed you in your division.The dress code is mandatory for all classes. And we do not toleratetardiness ever.Your first class start tomorrow at 8 am. If you have any problem, come see me or your president of division.” Principal Lee said, eyes flashed in the direction of the president of each division, as N, Leo, Ravi, Hongbin, and Xander stand up from their seat. All of the newbies can recognize their division president, thanks to their tie color. Principal Lee then introduced them to newbies. Cha Hakyeon or N – a wizard – is president of Division G-1, Jung Taekwoon or Leo – a werewolf – is president of Division G-2, Kim Wonshik or Ravi – a vampire – is president of Division G-3, Lee Hongbin – a fairy – is president of Division G-4, and Alexander Lee Eusebio or Xander – a shape shifter – is president of Division G-5.

“Before you go to your dorm, I have a few start-of-term notices to you. New students should note that Reapers Lake is out of bounds to everyone who doesn’t wish to die a very painful death. All of our older students would do well to remember that as well. And don’t ever try to go around spell casting training grounds without teacher’s permission.”

“He’s not serious, right?” Alea muttered to N who immediately back to his seat after introduced by Principal Lee. Her sweat started to flow, as her fear started to flow through her blood.

“Must be,” N said, frowning at Principal Lee. “He usually has a reason why we're not allowed to go somewhere. Everyone knows that the lake is full of reapers. The reapers has the power to take lives and give life to anyone it chooses. When a life is resurrected, a life must end. It also can alter human perception to make themselves appear any way they want.”

“And how about the spell casting training grounds?” she asked, studying the tan-skinned guy’s face carefully for any reaction.

“It’s located not too far away from the Reapers Lake. They worried that the reapers would mess around spell casting training grounds.” N told her. Alea blinked in horrified. All newbies seems horrified too. And what make them more horrified was the spell casting training ground’s located near the student dormitory. It’s mean the lake is located not too far away from their dorm.

Sounds of Principal Lee cleaning his throat again echoing the whole dining hall, hushing everyone in the room. He was glancing at DM Lee, as he could read his mind. A moment later – after all student sit in silent – he opened about to speak, “Now, go to your dorm. You better take a rest now, because some of you would have training in early morning.”

“Hakyeon, please take the students but Jaehwan to the dorms.” DM Lee instructed.

“Yes, sir.” N nodded, then waving everyone to follow him.

“C’mon dad. Do you already miss me?” Jaehwan questioned with full of aegyo.

“I have something important to tell you. Please meet me in my office. And when do you stop acting like a primary school student?” N burst of laughing when he heard the last sentence from DM Lee, while Jaehwan just run his finger through his hair.

Everyone but Jaehwan – or Ken, it’s how everyone but his father call him – following N to dormitory building. It’s not too far from the main building. The building looked strange, as there are two sorrels, big building stick in a small sorrel building which called dorm hall. Right side of dorm hall – C building – is boys dorm, and on the left side – D building – is girls dorm.

“Go find your room. Your luggage was already delivered to your room. And remember, if you have any problem, come see your division president.” N said once they arrived at dorm hall.




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It has been 10 months (okay, almost 11) and please forgive me. I need a long time to continue this story. But don't worry, I got my spirits back after Jellyfish ent. announced that VIXX will comeback in April. OMG I can't wait~~~


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AifaaAreena #1
Chapter 11: I can't wait for next update >_<
Chapter 10: your story is great
Chapter 9: I wonder who that 'furry creature' is. And I love the way Alea envied Ravi's attention to Haebin <3 <3
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 9: thank u for the new chapter
please continue soon
Authornim, next update please!!!!!
SehunPony22 #6
This seems really interesting,and I can't wait to get started reading your story :D
greenpeas567 #7
Chapter 8: You're back!! Yaaaas, finally. We have been waiting~ (creepiness not intended). I love this chapter, i love when characters have their badass moment and everyone in the story is just like 'whaaaaa?'. Welcome back!
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^~^
FaSyaNurHa #9
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next update authornimm ..
Good story ^^