
Green Hill Academy



Alea came into the room and found her roommates were joking and laughing. “So you’ve made up.” The three turned to her. Haebin patted the place next to her, signaling for Alea to sit beside her.

“You know, at first I thought you were childish for putting those fake stars on the ceiling.” Alea blurted, sit down next to Haebin to enjoy the view she was seeing.

“Tsk, that’s a lot better than a row of celery pots in the corner. My taste really does not fit that witch.” Naeun said in a mocking tone.

Eunji rolled her eyes, a dark cloud seemed to pass over her, “But those celeries have saved our lives, hasn't it?”

“Nah, I know it. If it wasn't for that reason, I must have thrown it away.” Naeun said in an annoyed voice, causing Eunji to pout and the other three burst into laughter.

A ringtone chime interrupted their conversation. Alea had barely recognized the ringtone because it was the first time she'd heard it after she arrived in South Korea. She took her phone from nightstand and her eyes teary when she read the caller name, “Mom.”

“How’s school?” It was the first words her mother said.

“I have not even a month here, but I’m almost dead twice. Can’t I just go to another school?” Alea whined.

“I’m sorry. But there is nothing I can do now. Since the incident at your previous school, there are some people who come looking for you. It’s the only place that’s safe for you.” Alea could hear her mother’s deep sigh, her tone was kinda... sad? “How’s your roommate? Are they nice to you?”

“Not bad. One of them tried to kill us,” She chuckled at Haebin’s pout after hearing her words, and quickly continued her words before her mother misunderstood, “but she didn't intend to do it. Maybe she was bewitched or something?” Alea paused, realizing something, “Mom, did you already know about this school? I mean all the oddities in this school? Are you also a supernatural creature? Or maybe it's Dad?”

There was a quite long pause, “Uh, yeah. I’m a witch. And your father is a vampire.”

“Why don't you ever tell me? Then what about me? Why–” Alea started to ask, but her mother decided to change the subject, letting her question hang in the air, “Does anyone have the same aura as you? I mean a male student?”

Alea rolled her eyes, of course there is none, “None. But why did you ask that? Do you know something? Uh mom, you have not answered my question yet.”

‘I'm sorry, but I can't explain it now. Oh, there seems to be a guest coming. I'll call you back later. Bye dear.”

“Mom? Mom? Hello?”

Alea could only stare at her phone momentarily before slamming it into her bed. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She was upset, but she had to admit that her chest felt lighter after talking to her mother. At least now she knew that her parents have something to do with all this weirdness, so now she doesn’t have to think badly of her mother. Okay, she had thought that maybe her mother hated her weirdness and dumped her in this school of antiquity. Even though her mother couldn’t tell her about her true identity, sooner or later she will surely know.

“So what did your mother say? Is she also a supernatural being like us?” Alea flinched at the touch on her shoulder. She looked up to see Eunji who was standing beside her, patting her shoulder gently.

“She is a witch, and my father is a vampire.” Alea replied without hesitation.

“I see–what? Vampire? Are you sure?’ Eunji instantly take a few step back with her jaw about to drop to the floor, took a breath before said, “I mean if your dad is a vampire then surely you are a vampire. But there is no trait that shows that you are a vampire. You don’t look pale at all and you’re even disgusted to see blood.”

Alea’s face paled, not knowing what to say. She spun her brain a little harder to rediscover her words, “Do all vampires have to drink blood?” Eunji and Naeun were glaring at her, while Haebin who had been standing in front of the window, staring at her with an expressionless face. “I mean, vampires here even snored when vampires in the dramas didn’t even need to sleep.” Alea finished her sentence poorly.

“All vampires must drink blood to survive, just as we have to eat a part of brain.” Haebin replied with an expression that clearly described that she didn’t like the fact that she and the group of fellow kitsunes have to do things like that to survive each day. “Well, except Ravi seonbae who doesn’t drink blood because his mother gave him certain medications since he was a baby, which can suppress his thirst for blood.” She continued.

“Besides, you also don’t have bloodstone.” Naeun added as she walked towards Haebin, turned to the window and gazed out in wonder.

“Bloodstone?” Nah, this is a new thing. What on earth is this?

“A blood-filled glass pendant, which protect the vampires from the sunlight. Without them they will die. Even worse than just dying, they will burn alive.” Naeun replied, still staring at the rain.

“Well, that’s horrible.” Alea’s response was brief. She shuddered at the thought of herself burning alive, screaming – no way, there is no way I’m a vampire. “Uh, I may be a witch like my mother. As you can see, all of my ability is related to magic.”

“But the vampire has a gene that absolutely will be inherited by their offspring. So this is very unreasonable, or ...” Eunji paused, hesitant to continue her words, “Unless he’s not your biological father.” She continued after almost a minute.

Alea, who had just stood, back sat up with a pale face. This possibility is even worse, she thought silently.




“So, she really doesn’t remember anything about us?” Leo asked even though he can predict what would be the answer. He just wanted to make sure – no, he just trying to deny the fact, hoping for another answer would escape from N’s mouth.

“You know the answer, Woon-ah.” N answered weakly.

“She is so mean. Just tell her then.”

“No, we can’t. You know how careless she is. If she knows that we knew who and what kind of supernatural creature she is, she might show it off here and there like when I first met you guys.” The corner of his lips rose to form a smile as he remembered their childhood, and he quickly shook his head. “We’ll tell her when the time comes. For now, keep pretending that we never knew her before.”

“But this is not fair. I want to talk to her comfortably, like what we did back then.” Leo lowered his head sadly. This time his voice sounded louder than usual. Although N couldn’t see his face clearly because it was dark enough, he could tell there was a look of disappointment on his face.

“I knew it. I want it too. But you know the reason. It’s dangerous for her.” N also lowered his head. Her forehead creased by hiding feelings of disappointment and worry.

“Do the Principal know about her?” Leo asked in his normal voice.

“Not yet. He only knows about her background. He doesn’t know about her type and powers. Do you think he will let her to live here if he knows what creature she is? They even think that creature is more dangerous than monsters.”

Leo made a sound that sounded like a snort, “Aren’t they outrageous? More dangerous than monsters? She doesn’t even have the heart to kill an ant. There’s no way she–”

“Oh, Hongbin-ah, since when are you there?” N suddenly exclaimed, followed by Hongbin’s sudden appearance from behind the long bench that used to be Ravi’s favorite place to take a nap.

“Before you two are here, and I heard everything. So explain to me who you are talking about. What did my father not know?”






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It has been 10 months (okay, almost 11) and please forgive me. I need a long time to continue this story. But don't worry, I got my spirits back after Jellyfish ent. announced that VIXX will comeback in April. OMG I can't wait~~~


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AifaaAreena #1
Chapter 11: I can't wait for next update >_<
Chapter 10: your story is great
Chapter 9: I wonder who that 'furry creature' is. And I love the way Alea envied Ravi's attention to Haebin <3 <3
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 9: thank u for the new chapter
please continue soon
Authornim, next update please!!!!!
SehunPony22 #6
This seems really interesting,and I can't wait to get started reading your story :D
greenpeas567 #7
Chapter 8: You're back!! Yaaaas, finally. We have been waiting~ (creepiness not intended). I love this chapter, i love when characters have their badass moment and everyone in the story is just like 'whaaaaa?'. Welcome back!
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^~^
FaSyaNurHa #9
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next update authornimm ..
Good story ^^