Butter Fingers

Internet Café

Luhan woke up at 4:00 AM. It was to early for him, but he could'nt go back to sleep. His alarm was'nt going to go of until 5:30 AM. He sat there in the dark with the sun streaming through the curtins. He picked up his phone, unlocking the screen. He had 4 missed calls from Baekhyun? He looked through his texts, but Baekhyun had'nt sent any. Strange, was'nt Baekhyun in his room? Being curious, Luhan climbed out of bed to check on Baekhyun. When he got to his door, he nocked gently, there was no awnser. He quietly opened it to see Baekhyun gone. Luhan panicked, would Baekhyun call him? He went into total panic. "MINSEOK! MINSEOK!" He sprinted to Minseok's room, barging through the door. "Minseok wake up". Minseok moaned in annoyance. "W-w-w-what? I'm tired Luhan". "Minseok, Baekhyun missing". Minseok rolledover to look lazily at his friend. "What?" "Baekhyun's not here". Minseok rolled his eyes. "Well, he is 24 Luhan, he is allowed to leave the appartment". Luhan shook Minseok. "NO, he could be in trouble, look". Minseok looked at Luhan phone, he could see how many missed calls and unread texts there was. "What the hell?" He sat up, taking Minseok's phone. "We need to call him". He dialed Baekhyun's number. "Hello?" "Baekhyun, where are you?" Baekhyun huffed. "I'm at the café, why?" Minseok sighed in relife. "You had us worried, you did'nt leave a note or anything?" "You don't need to worry about me, I'm an adult". Luhan laughed a little. "Suure". Baekhyun hummed in sarcasim. "Well, I guess I better get back to woork". Luhan huffed. "OK, we'll be in soon, bye". "Bye". Luhan hung up. "Man". Minseok was already dressed. "Well, I'd wait for you, buut, I can't be asked". Luhan flapped his arms in annoyance. "You guys a pains in my ".

Minseok winced in fear as he watched one of the plates he was holding, fall from his hands and hit the floor. CRASH! He peeked to look at the china on the floor. "Uuugh". He rubbed his neck, Yifan was sure to kill him. "Hey, what are you doing?" He looked up to see Kyungsoo and Yixing looking at him confussed. "Nothing, I just dropped a plate, thats all". Kyungsoo smiled at him. "Accidents happen". He smiled slightly, bending over to clean the china on the floor. He sweeped it all into the dust pan, only to notice a pair of black adidas superstars infornt of him. He looked up slowly, praying that it was'nt Yifan. "Do you need help?" He was suprised to see a cute boy with a cat-like smile across his face, looking back at him. "Uh, no thanks, it's OK". The boy smiled, leaning down to help him clean the glass. "It's such a pain when you drop somthing expensive". Minseok chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so". Minseok reached out fot the last pice of china. The boy reached over aswell. Their hands touched, making Minseok look up at the boy. "I'm sorry, here". He placed the glass in the dustpan before standing up, reaching his hand out for Minseok to take. "Oh, t-t-thanks". Minseok stood up and faced the boy. "Oh, I'm Jongdae, I work round the corner in the pharmasist's". Minseok smiled. "Minseok, I'm one of the waiters here". Jongdae laughed. "Well, I won't keep you, have a good day". Jongdae turned to leave, but stopped when he felt Minseok still looking at him. "Is there somthing else?" Minseok shook his head. "N-n-no, I'm sorry to keep you". Jongdae smiled. "Not at all, I'm not at work right now". Minseok blushed a little, he caught feelings easily. "Well, I better get back to work". Jongdae nodded. "Well, have a nice day". Minseok smiled at him. As Jongdae reached the door, he turned around. "Minseok" "Y-y-yeah?" "Try not to brake anything else". Minseok laughed as Jongdae left. He'd never met anyone like that before, he could'nt wait to see him again.

The rest of the day was pretty crazy, Minseok kept dropping things and everytime he did, he thought of Jongdae. Luhan messed up most of the orders, due to lack of sleep and Baekhyun burnt half the food. Things could'nt get anymore worse. Finnaly the last unsatisfied customer left without paying, Luhan sighed in relife. "What a day". Minseok nodded. "Yeah, I kept dropping things". "Butter Fingers". Minseok and Luhan nodded to Baekhyun's comment. "Yeah, I guess". Minseok rubbed his forehead. "What's happening?" Baekhyun shrugged. "No idea, I need a nap". Luhan sighed. "Well, I'm gonna go home".  Baekhyun put his coat on and stood from his seat. "Anyone coming?" Luhan dodded, grabbing his jacket and following Baekhyun to the door. "Minseok, you coming?" Minseok shook his head. "Nah, I'm gonna clean up, you guys go ahead". Luhan smiled before folowing Baekhyun out the door. Minseok was alone. He had Jongdae on the brain. It could'nt be love, they barley knew eachother. He was lost in his own thoughts, he did'nt hear the knock on the café door. "Uh, excuse me?" He jumped looking towards the door. "Uh, sorry, we're closed". "Yeah, I know, I had a question". Minseok rolled his eyes. "What is it?" "Um, I bumped into a member of staff here, a few nights ago and I was wondering,if maybe you could, let him know I stopped by to see him". Minseok smiled sweetly. "Of course, what's your name?" The boy smiled. "Chanyeol". Minseok smiled. "Do you remember what member of staff it was?" Chanyeol thought for a second. "Uh, he was small, with dirty blonde hair?" Minseok nodded. "Yeah, thats Baekhyun, he's the chef here, I'll tell him you stopped by". Chanyeol bowed thankfully. "I really appricate it, thank you". Minseok smiled. He sat at the bar for a few minutes, before deciding to head home. It had been a day of smashed plates and mugs. It's quiet funny when he thought about it.


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park_bora_ #1
I just cant follow the story:,)