He Likes Who???

Internet Café

"Hunhan? That's cute". Baekhyun smiled at Luhan, who folded his arms. "No it's not". Jongdae smiled at him. "You enjoy that Latte". "I will". Minsoek kissed his cheek, making Baekhyun smile. "Aww. That's so cute guys. You're goals". "Thanks Baek". Luhan elbowed Baekhyun in the back. "Ow". "Ops. Hey Jongdae-". Jongdae looked up at him. "Don't choke". The three watched Luhan dissapear into the storage room. "What was that?" "He's in love. So he's taking it out on everybody else". Jongdae nodded. "Nice". Minseok turned to Jongdae, reaching for his hands. "So.." "So?" Chanyeol caught the eye of Baekhyun. "I gotta go". "So?" Jongdae smiled. "What are you doing tonight?" Minseok thought for a second. "I'll probably watch more Running Man. Or Return Of The Superman. We'll see what I feel like". "What do you feel?" Minseok looked at him. ? Crazy? Ill? "I feel... hungry". Jongdae smiled. "When's your break?" "Now. His break is now". Luhan untied Minseok's grey-ish/blue apron. "What?" "Get lost". Minseok mouthed a 'thank you'. Luhan only rolled his eyes in respons. "Where you wanna go?" "Spain". The wtwo laughed. "No, anywhere our feet take us". Jongdae nodded. "Let's go then". He held his hand out for Minseok, who looked at it blankly. "What?" Minsoek took it slowly. "Let's go". 

Luhan watched Misneok leave with Jongdae, hand-in-hand. "Son of a ". "What?" Baekhyun passed him. "Where'd you wanna go? Uh, I don't mind. Give me a ing break". "Uh oh, somebody's jelly". Luhan looked at Baekhyun. "Nobody says that". "Says what?" He crossed his arms. "ing, 'jelly'". "Yes they do". Baekhyun placed a crate ontop of the counter. "What are they?" "Yifan said, something about, bunting? I don't know". Bunting? Luhan thought for a second. 'Why would Yifan need bunting?' "He's a baby-daddy!" The café went silent, as everyone looked at him. "Yifan's a baby daddy". Baekhyun smield at the customers. They resumed to eating. "Wanna be any louder? Yifan's not having a baby". "You don't  know that. Maybe Jessica's prego?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "He's not into Jessica, he's gay". Luhan blinked. "Yifan's gay? Are you sure?" "Yes". Luhan itched his head. He turned, jumping when he saw Sehun sitting at the counter. "ing Jesus". "Excuse me," Baekhyun and Luhan looekd at the customer. "Can I ask you to stop saying those words". "Shh woman. Eat your pancakes". Baekhyun nudged Luhan. "I'm sorry about him, he's got anger problems". "I'm going to classes". Baekhyun smiled at the lady. "I'm going to call the authoritie's. This is disgusting behavior". "Don't do that". The lady pulled her phone out. She walked away as she dield a number. Baekhyun and Luhan looked at eachother. "Ops". "She's calling the authority". Luhan nodded. "And it's all your fault". "Son of a ". Baekhyun threw a spactuler at Luhan. "Missed". The two started having a cat fight. "I'm outta here". The lady walked out of the café. "!" Luhan shouted. "That's not helpfull".

Minseok pulled away from Jongdae. "What's wrong?" He smiled. "Nothing. I was just, wondering..." "Yeah?" Minseok kissed Jongdae again. "Do you want to stay over?" Jongdae smiled. "I'd like that". The two continued kissing. "What about Luhan and Baekhyun?" "I don't live with them". Minseok lied. Jongdae smiled. "That means we can be loud". Minseok giggled. He kissed Jongdae slowly. "Let's go there now. So we can... you know..." Minseok nodded. He took Jongdae's hand and laughed as they headed for the apartment. "Thanks for dinner, by the way". "Anytime, babe". Minseok and Jongdae laughed. Minseok knew he was getting layed, but how was he going to keep Baekhyun and Luhan from coming home? Maybe he should call, say there was a flood? Nah. He's smarter than that. Smarter than them. But he didn't have long to think of a plan.

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park_bora_ #1
I just cant follow the story:,)