Chapter 3

Taking Care Of 10

Wei wakes up and opens his bleary eyes to the bright blurry world. Blindly he reaches for his glasses and rubs the sleep from his eyes before putting them on. Now that the world is clearer for him he looks at the clock on the bedside table and reads the time. 8:30am. He has never needed a alarm clock to wake himself up his body naturally wakes itself up around this time. He looks to his other side to see his sister snuggled up into the blanket sleeping peacefully. Sighing he decides to let her sleep for a little longer cause the black marks under her eyes are starting to get darker. He slips out from under the blanket and quietly makes his way to the bathroom.  

As quietly as he can he brushes his teeth and washes his face before slipping out from the room. The soft click of the door is the only noise that can be heard throughout the hall when he shuts it. Wei pads down the hall bare footed as always and heads towards the oldest room.


The room houses Jinhoo, Kuhn, and Sunyoul as they are the three oldest boys. There he silently opens the door and sneaks over to Jinhoo's bed and softly he shakes the older boy's arm waking him up. "Wei?" Jinhoo grumbles out confused when he spots the black haired boy. Wei puts his finger to his lips in a shushing motion and points over to Sunyoul's bed. They don’t need to wake up Sunyoul who is a light sleeper unlike Kuhn who is basically dead to the world when he is asleep so it would take a lot more than their whispering to wake him up. Jinhoo nods his head in understanding and gets out of his bed.


He puts a hand on Wei's shoulder leading him out of the room and into the hallway. "What is it Wei?" Jinhoo asks after closing the door to his room. "Well" Wei doesn't know how say it to him. "Um, well sissy. She looks really, really tired and I do not want to wake her up"


Jinhoo frowns at this because even an 8 year old can see how exhausted their sister is. This is why she needs to let Kuhn and him help out with working.


"I wanted to make breakfast so she doesn't have to worry. But sissy said I can't use the stove without adult supervision" Wei says this with a pout because he knows how to use a stove. He's been using one since he was Xiao's age. "Well then, let's start cooking" Jinhoo says patting Wei's head and making him smile.

By the time Jinhoo and Wei finish making a simple breakfast of toast and eggs everyone but Eunkyung has woken up. So while all the others are eating Wei sets up a tray with food so he can bring it up to her. He knows that she is going to love it.


Wei goes to pick up the tray but flashbacks of last night makes him go over to where Kuhn is sitting instead. He pokes Kuhn's arm gaining his attention. "I need help" Wei softly says and Kuhn is confused when Wei quickly walks away without explaining. Kuhn hopes nothing bad has happened because it's way too early to deal with anything. He puts his cup of bitter black coffee down before following after the boy and finds him standing in front of a counter with a tray of food on top of it.


"Can you carry this upstairs for me?" Wei asks pointing to the tray. "It's for sissy" He explains when Kuhn remains silent. Kuhn continues to stare at him and it makes him start to fidget uncomfortably.


All Kuhn can think of is how he raised his voice at his sister who is already dealing with a lot of stress. "I can ask Jinhoo if you don't want to" Wei says starting to walk away to go get Jinhoo but Kuhn stops him. "No it's alright I'll carry it for you" Wei smiles at Kuhn.

Wei carefully opens the door to his and Eunkyung's room and lets Kuhn in. He motions for Kuhn to stay put and heads over to the bed to wake her up. "Sissy" He whispers clambering into the messy bed. "It's time to wake up sissy" He starts to shake her shoulder and to his surprise her arm emerges from under the blanket grabbing at him. Wei starts laughing when she pulls him against her blanket covered body and starts to groggily mutter. "No waking up. Go back to bed Wei"

"But sissy I brought you some breakfast. So no going back to bed" Wei chuckles when he hears her groan. The next thing he knows is that his world turns black as her blanket lands on top of his head. He messes up his glasses and hair when he gets the blanket off, he playfully glares at Eunkyung after fixing his glasses and she just sticks her tongue out at him. "What was this about making breakfast?" She asks confused and now Wei grins at her.


"Hyung you can bring it over now" Eunkyung turns to see Kuhn awkwardly standing by the door holding a tray that seems to contain food. She looks back at Wei who is still grinning. "I had supervision" He says before she can even ask him. Kuhn puts the tray down in front of her and she mutters a "thank you" to which he just nods his head. She is still upset with him and what he did yesterday. The two of them haven’t had a chance to talk yet as he was acting like a child and wouldn’t come down for dinner yesterday.

"I hope you like it sissy. Jinhoo hyung helped me make it"

"Of course I'll like it" She says ruffling his hair. "I'll like anything you make" Wei feels his heart swell at the comment, he hasn't ever heard anybody say that to him before.


"But Wei can you go get me a juice please? I need to talk to Kuhn for a few seconds" Wei nods his head and leaves the room so the grown ups can talk.

"Sit" It leaves the moment the door closes and Kuhn sighs. He should have just let Jinhoo help Wei. But it's better to have a confrontation now than let the problem build up. "I'm sorry" Kuhn says when he sits down on the edge of the bed. "It's not me you should be apologizing to" Eunkyung says before taking a big bite out of the buttered toast.


Kuhn looks up from his hands to give her a confused look. Eunkyung chuckles at the look and the sound makes a shiver go down his spine.

"So you don't even know what you did?" She asks and Kuhn nods his head. He knows exactly what he did but she is making him really confused right now. "Yeah I argued with you about working even though you already said no"

"Yeah that's part of what you did" She says before continuing to munch on her simple delicious breakfast. "I argued with you. I was angry and went up to my room when we got home" Kuhn says the last part sounding like he realized what he did wrong. "I slammed the door" He says sounding upset now.


"Yup you did and Wooshin freaked out" Kuhn sighs running a hand through his hair. "I'm going to go talk to him now and apologize"

"You go do that. I'll be seeing you at dinner tonight. right?" She asks when he makes it to the door. "Yeah" he says before leaving. Eunkyung sighs and her shoulders slump down. She really hates it when she has a argument with him or Jinhoo. But Jinhoo and her rarely get into arguments because he hates it more than her. "Sissy I got your juice" Wei announces holding up a juice box when he walks through the door. She smiles at the black haired boy happy that he seems to always make her smile.

"Xiao stop changing the channel. I was watching that" Hwanhee whines as Xiao changes it from one of his favorite shows. "I don't wanna watch that" Xiao says going back to flipping through the channels. Wooshin sighs when Hwanhee flings himself at Xiao and fights for the remote. They are so immature, even he doesn’t do that. Tired of being surrounded by such loud noises Wooshin gets off the couch and goes to head upstairs but a large shadow blocks him.


    "Wooshin" He instantly flinches at the deep voice not being able to help it. He does not like deep voices because it reminds him of his real father. He stands there looking down at his feet not able to look up at who he knows is Kuhn.


"Wooshin can I talk to you?" Wooshin almost shakes his head no but tells himself that Kuhn isn't going to do anything to him so he nods his head. Kuhn swats down so that he can be level with the boy who will not look at him. Wooshin's body involuntarily jerks away when two large hands are placed on his shoulders. "Sorry" Kuhn softly says before removing his hands. Wooshin nods his head stiffly. His ability to talk has been forgotten because of his fear. But he knows he doesn't have to fear Kuhn it's just his body's natural instinct to shut down.

"Wooshin I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I was mad and  forgot that you do not like loud noises. Yet I slammed a door. That probably scared you" Wooshin finds himself nodding at what Kuhn is saying. It did scare him he thought for a few seconds he was back in that bad place.


"It okay" Wooshin knows it's not proper english but it is all he can force himself to say. He doesn't want to be afraid of Kuhn but his body can't help itself. Kuhn smiles at Wooshin because this is the first time he has said anything to him.


Kuhn knows that the poor kid is terrified of him but he doesn't put it on the kid. Wooshin doesn't have the best past but the future ahead of him is a bright one filled with love and support.

   Wooshin quickly scampers up the stairs when he realizes the conversation in over. He needs to go in his room for a little and calm down.


Kuhn sighs going back up the stairs so he can go up on the roof and think. He at least got to talk to Wooshin without him running away at his sight. He makes it to the top step when he sees Bitto coming down the hall with his face down.


"Hey Bitto" Kuhn calls for him and Bitto freezes. For a brief second he looks up at Kuhn to let him know he heard him. But his head is back down before Kuhn can even see the tears rolling down his face. "You okay Bitto?" Kuhn asks concerned for his brother. Bitto has always been a little weird but most of the time Kuhn doesn't think much of it. But this time he feels like something is wrong. "Yeah I'm fine" Bitto says it only loud enough for Kuhn to hear and passes by him. Quickly he goes down the stairs before Kuhn can ask anymore questions.


Kuhn stands there watching another one of his brothers walk away from him. Why can't anybody in this house just tell the truth? This house is just full of secrets.

Bitto quickly walks up to the sliding glass door that leads to the backyard and opens it. The sounds of birds chirping and smell of grass has a calming affect on him. He closes the door after himself and quietly walks to the far left of the yard where a giant tree sits. He enjoys hearing the sound of the leaves crunching under his feet. The salty tears are still quickly falling down his face when he reaches the big tree.


Almost effortlessly he climbs the tree up to the highest branch that can support him. Trees to him are like home. They don't yell or push him around. No, they bring comfort and peace. Trees are an escape to him. He can hide from all the bad of people within them. They provide him with protection. Trees have been a part of Bitto's life for as long as he can remember. Sometimes he wishes that he could forget about his past though.


He remembers that he used to sit by the tree in his old backyard when his real mom was having one of her fits. Living with his mom made him scared of things, it made him abnormal. Bitto knows he not like other boys his age. Because boys his age don't jump at sudden sounds, they don't lose their ability to breath when someone yells at them. He wishes that he could be normal like other boys.

Bitto feels his breath start to quicken from all the thoughts going through his head. Living with his mother, being yelled at. He can feel a panic attack coming on. Quickly he wraps his arms around the branch that is next to him and he tries to focus on his breathing. This isn't the first time he has had one and it's always terrifying to him. The last time he had one it didn't feel as bad as this one does.


The only reason why he learned about them is because a kid in his class had one during their examing period and the teacher helped the kid through it. Bitto tries to remember what else the teacher said but it's hard to think and focus on his breathing.


His eyes hurt from the amount of tears pouring out of them and down his pale face.

"Bitto?" Bitto closes his eyes tightly when he hears a voice. He can't tell who it is but he hopes it's not Kogyeol. If it's Kogyeol he would never hear the end of it. Thinking of what Kogyeol can do to him makes his heart quicken. "Are you okay?" He wants to laugh at the question but Bitto just sputters out some choppy breaths. It is pretty obvious that he is not okay. A few seconds later he hears someone start to climb his tree and this makes him even more upset. This is his tree nobody else should be allowed in his sanctuary without his permission.


"G-go a-away" He stutters out between gasps for breath. His chest feels like it is about to cave in any second and that he is losing his connection to the tree. The edges of his vision have started to tinge black and that makes him freak out even more."I'll go away after I help you" The voice comes from right next to him and it makes him jump out from his thoughts. He looks to his right to see Wei sitting himself on the branch next to him.

Wei honestly doesn't know what's wrong with Bitto and how to help him. "What's wrong Bitto?" He asks watching as Bitto gasps for air and grips onto the branch like it's his lifeline. "P-panic a-attack" Bitto wheezes out and Wei eyes widen at the word. He can remember reading about something like that in his father's book. He was always bored in his old house and had read all the books on the shelves many times.

"Okay Bitto breath with me" Wei takes a large breath of air and holds it for a few seconds before slowly releasing. He does this a couple more times as Bitto slowly starts to match his breathing to Wei's. What else did the book say to do? Wei tries to remember as he keeps up the breathing. Oh yeah! "You're doing good Bitto" He says softly and starts to Bitto's black hair. Wei knows that Eunkyung does that to calm down Wooshin when he is scared. He continues to talk to Bitto softly and his hair until it seems like he is calm enough.


"Thank you" Bitto softly says when he finally manages to calm himself down fully and removes his glasses so he can wipe away some of the tears. "It's no problem Bitto. I couldn't just do nothing to help"

"How did you know what to do?" Bitto asks softly, his throat hurting a little, when Wei starts to climb down the tree. Wei wasn't lying when he said he would go away after helping.


"My real father was a doctor. It was boring being by myself all the time so I read his doctor books" Wei hops down from the closest branch to the ground and the grass softens his landing.


"Bye Bitto" Bitto silently waves bye to the other and watches as the tall 8 year old runs back to the glass door where Eunkyung stands waiting for him. He can hear from his spot in the tree her scolding him to be careful jumping from tree. Wei's laugh fills the air and strangely it has a calming affect on Bitto. Maybe Kogyeol is wrong about Wei, because he doesn't seem to be so bad.

Bitto stays up in the tree long after Wei and Eunkyung have gone back inside. He doesn't have the will or strength to get out of the tree. If he could Bitto would sleep in the tree, but he knows how Eunkyung is and that she would never allow that to happen. He sighs scooting closer to the trunk of the tree and leans his back against it. Basking in the peaceful atmosphere Bitto doesn't hear the glass door slide open and jumps when his name is shouted, the wind carrying it to him.

"Bitto where are you?!" The angry tone to the voice makes him freeze. He looks towards the ground to see a boy with light brown hair walking through the backyard. "Kogyeol" He whispers almost silently and he nearly has a heart attack when Kogyeol's head snaps in his direction. Why did he do that? He doesn't want to deal with Kogyeol so soon after he was yelled at by him.


   Bitto holds his breath and stays completely still as Kogyeol scans over the tree. He swears that he was spotted but Kogyeol shakes his head and goes back inside. Bitto releases the breath he was holding and slumps against the trunk. Today so far has been an exhausting day for him.

Kogyeol grumbles under his breath about how stupid the people in this house are. I mean how does nobody know where his stupid servant is? He rolls his eyes and walks into the living room to see the retarded 5 year olds arguing about something. He's just glad that he was never like that, he was perfect. Was? Who is he kidding he is still the most perfect person in this disgusting household.


   Strolling over to the couch he takes his remote out of Hwanhee's hand and sits down on his love seat that's next to the large couch. Kid cartoons are annoying it seems like every few seconds somebody is obnoxiously screaming or laughing.  


Hwanhee and Xiao start to whine about something but Kogyeol just blocks it out and changes the tv to his favorite channel. Those two idiots really need to grow up and stop acting like little kids. If only his servant was around he could be enjoying some very nice snacks. He is going to make sure Bitto knows not to try and hide from him.


After watching the scary movie for only a few minutes Kogyeol can feel himself start to doze off. The sounds of horror screams always seems to make him tired. But before he can fully fall asleep he gets awoken by it the Killer Lover.

"Kogyeol what do you think you're doing?" Kogyeol sighs and sits up from his comfortable position so he can look at it. He so does not want to be nagged to death right now.


"I don't know, what am I doing wrong now sister? Because all I know is that I'm trying to take a nap and you won't even let me do that" He slits his eyes at her in pure annoyance. It is always the same thing, everything he does seems to be wrong to her and it severely pisses him off. I mean obviously he is better than her. Because he is a man and she is only a weak women.


"Just give your brothers the remote back. Then you can take a nap" He rolls his eyes at her before tossing the remote at dumb and dumber almost hitting one of them in the head. He scowls upset that it didn't actually hit the idiot. "There. Now leave me alone" Kogyeol can feel it glare at him but he ignores it and turns on his side so he can get more comfortable. The sound of annoying kid cartoons fills the air and he groans before closing his eyes. He is going to have to teach those idiots a lesson later.

Eunkyung glares at the little annoying brat that is laying on the couch. He always knows how to push her buttons and get her all riled up. She sighs running a hand down her face to try and calm herself down. Eunkyung has no idea what to do about his nasty attitude lately but she hopes it's just a phase. Please let it be one that doesn't last that long cause she doesn't know how much of it she can take without blowing up on the kid.


"No Rugrats!"

Eunkyung looks over at the other couch to see Xiao and Hwanhee fighting over the remote that was just returned to them. Those two never seem to agree on anything. Shaking her head at their antics she walks over to them and gently takes the remote out of Xiao's outstretched hand. The two of them stop fighting and look up at her in shock. She wishes she could capture their cute little faces on her phone but she doesn't want to break the moment.


"Sissy put on rugrats please" Xiao begs jutting out his bottom lip and pulling innocent eyes. Her heart instantly swells at the cuteness but she stops herself from caving in.


"No Sissy put on Chowder!" Hwanhee says pulling the same exact face as his younger brother. They always do this to her making it impossible to say no to one of them.


"How about I put on the Looney Tunes?" She asks trying to make a compromise and not upset one of them. "Yay! Looney Tunes" The two of them cheer giving each other hugs and she let's out the breath she was holding glad that she solved that without any problems.


After putting the show on she looks at the clock on the wall and sees that dinner needs to be started soon.

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 11: I wish you will update this stories :)
Fatin96 #2
Chapter 10: please update :)
HakuSaito #3
Chapter 9: I really really likes this story !!! One of the best that I every read about U10T ! Please Update ?
Chapter 9: Please update