Demons vs Angels

Different Stories Of Us

I just reposted it here, I deleted the original post.










Demon vs Angel

Mina was talking to her father, the king of hell. He was discussing to mina how they despise angels, how they should kill them. Mina was only 8 years old but she needs to learn how to kill every angel she sees. But her father mention a particular angel that she needs to kill, she needs to train herself so she can kill that angel.

"Mina, you're my only child and you'll soon rule hell. I need you to train, after 10 years I will send you to the earth, you need to kill the angel that the heaven will send.

You need to find that angel and kill it. I don't care how long it'll take, you just need to kill the angel. I NEED YOU TO KILL HER" the king devil said firmly

For the past 10 years Mina was training hard, she had killed a lot. And the only thing in her mind is obey his father, kill that angel. They are demons, everyone in hell are bad and killers but they had loyalty, she could kill her father and rule the hell but she didn't because she has loyalty, same as the demons who work for her dad.




Mina was finally 18 years old, it's the year she will be send to earth and find the angel, the angel that the heaven said 'the guardian of earth'. There will be a war, a big war that can whip everything in the universe, demons, angels, humans, earth? Everything is included in this war, but the humans didn't know anything. Only the heaven and hell knows.

Mina was preparing herself to be send in earth. She was in her room, her red, hot room.

Her father came.

"My child, you need to be sent to earth, remember what we talked about, kill the angel. The angel will also find you to kill you also; they know I will send my only child. you need to be the first one to kill that angel" her father firmly said.

"Yes father"




The first time Mina came to earth was really hard for mina, since she need to act like a human. How can a demon possibly act like a human, after months she got used to it. Mina realized that other humans are not that different to demons, but she have seen worst though.
It's been 5 years since she left hell to search for that particular angel. She had killed many angels in this human world but she didn't have her luck, none of those angels was the one she was looking for.

Mina is now 24 years old. She had been in earth long enough that she started to feel human, she was living on earth as a human, what to expect? But she never forgot her mission. She lived her life in earth. She's starting to feel mercy, every time she kills, she thinks twice. But she does it anyways.


In a white wall apartment, mina laying in the bed but she's not alone.

Mina is cuddling with a girl in the bed, she was cute, and she’s tiny. Mina loves to cuddle with her.

It was mina's 8th year in earth, as much as she hate it, she felt human for the past 3 years. She fell in love with this girl named Chaeyoung.

They met in a mall 3 years ago, where Mina bumped into Chaeyoung. She’s about to kill her, but Chaeyoung smiled apologizing to mina when a matter of fact it's mina's fault. As mina saw the girl apologizing, she felt weird, she felt something weird in her heart. And it all started there.

Mina didn't plan to love; Mina didn't even know what love is. But now she felt it, she felt it with a human. She didn't expect this to happen, it just did.




Chaeyoung was out of the bed to cook foods for them. Mina was sitting on the edge of the bed thinking.
It's been 8 years but I haven't found that angel, there's no day wasted just to find that angel. I need to find that angel and kill it. Time is running and the war is getting nearer.
And then she thought of Chaeyoung, what will happen to them when the war starts, she can't lose Chaeyoung Mina loves her but she knows the entire human race will be gone after this war. Mina thought she needs to spend all her time with Chaeyoung, they've been together for 3 years, she didn't it would be that short.

Mina got up and walk to the kitchen. She slid for hands around Chaeyoung 's waist and kissed the top of the crown of her head.

"I love you so much; you don't know how much, I've never love someone other than you"

That was true, she never loved anyone or anything other than Chaeyoung, demons are not allowed to love.

Chaeyoung turn around to face Mina and gave her sweetest smile. "I love you too, so much, even if it's end of the world" Chaeyoung 's hands reached for mina's face and mina knows it's time for her to lean. Mina kissed Chaeyoung with love, with everything she got. She had no regrets loving this girl in this world she does not belong to.


Mina and chaeyoung was cuddling in the bed but Chaeyoung was asleep. She was in mina's arms, secured. Mina was playing with the smaller girl's hair on her face, she was staring at her, she smiled all of a sudden when she remembers how much she loves her but the smile faded when she remembered her mission.

"Hey Mina" there's a demon talking inside her head, it was her father's army. They talk to her in her head for updates. They talk to mina in her head but they never know what's she's thinking. So there was no problem for Mina in that case.

"What is it?" Mina said

"We know now what the angel looks like"

Mina started to listen carefully.

The demon continued. "The angel is formed as a girl in earth"

"Keep going"

"She's currently in korea"

"That's good, it will be easy for me to find her. Describe what she looks like"

"She's small and what I mean small is her height. They tend to make her look cute, as I remembered she had a short hair and she looks really young, maybe even two years younger than you" Mina suddenly felt her heart stop for a while.

"Ah! I remember! She's named as Son Chaeyoung in earth!" The demon said happily.

Mina was caught off guard in what the demon said.

"Now go and find her, it would be easier now, torture her, ok?" And then the demon got out of her head.

Mina didn't know what to do; the girl in her arms was the angel she was looking for, for the past 8 years, the angel she needed to kill badly. Mina stared at Chaeyoung.
I can't, I can never kill her. Mina thought.

Mina decided to be selfish. Every time she talks to the demons or her father all she says is she never found the angel. She denies it every single time. No one should harm her angel. A demon's angel. Chaeyoung never knew either. She's afraid Chaeyoung will kill her.

The king devil decided to take her back in hell since she never found the angel and the war is going to start in 2 days.


Mina just disappeared from the apartment they were living in. Chaeyoung was in panicked, she tried to find Mina for days but Mina was gone she never knew why, so she headed back to heaven.


Mina was finally in hell after 8 years, she was in her room thinking of what will happen.

All of the demons prepared for days for that big war. It was going to happen in earth. Demons vs Angels.

The time came, it was the day of the war. Every demon came to earth and every angels came down to earth from above.


Everyone started to kill each other, the red skinned demons charged on the angels. The angels had wings, other angels were flying as they fight the demons.
Mina only stood there, she doesn't want to fight, she searched for chaeyoung.

The whole earth was so chaotic, you can see crashed buildings, fires everywhere and also dark gloomy surrounding.

Mina was hiding, she saw Chaeyoung, and she was in the right side of a big man. Mina was still formed as her human body, she was beautiful. Chaeyoung was still formed as human also.

"MINA! KILL HER NOW!" she heard her father screamed from a far. She got up, Chaeyoung and the man saw her. But the big man left, she saw him going to her father, she knew they will fight. 


Mina was walking to Chaeyoung.

"Mina? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mina got teary eyed; she doesn't know what to do anymore.

"I love you Chaeyoung, I don't want lose you. I'm afraid" Mina paused. "Because I'm a demon"

She reached Chaeyoung, she placed her hand on Chaeyoung 's cheeks and caress it.

Tears were already falling in Chaeyoung 's eyes.

"I love you so much, till the end of the world" Chaeyoung said
Mina leans forward and kissed Chaeyoung, they didn't care about what's happening in the world right now. They only cared about is each other.

"Mina, what are you doing?!" Her father screamed.

They stopped and turn around.

"Father, I cannot kill her, I love her!" Mina was crying still holding Chaeyoung 's hand.



The king demon was so angry; he was holding his sword so tight. He threw the sword aiming for Chaeyoung. It was fast, Mina and Chaeyoung were shocked. But Mina moved fast, before it could stab Chaeyoung, she moved in front of Chaeyoung. Mina was stabbed by her father's sword; the end of the sword was stabbed from mina's back to her stomach.

The only thing mina thought in that time is, she must protect chaeyoung with all her life.

Chaeyoung was shocked; Mina's knee hit the ground. Everything went slow motion. She also kneeled for Mina; panicking. When she glanced at the demon, she saw that God already killed the king devil. It was victory for heaven, the war has ended.

But Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung was crying. The girl she loved, the demon she loved. Demons were supposed to be bad, but Mina saved her life.

Mina was coughing hard.

"I love you, you're the only one I loved and I will ever love."
Chaeyoung was crying hard. She's an angel but she can feel the pain, the pain that feels like stabbing her heart. It hurts so much.


Mina was slowly turning into dust, the wind was blowing, and she’s starting to get blown away little by little. She was still in Chaeyoung arms, until nothing was left in mina. Mina was gone, Chaeyoung was still crying hard.

God hated to see Chaeyoung cry.

"My daughter, it's better this way"

Chaeyoung can't stop crying, she didn't say anything but she believes in her God.

That was the day the whole world witnessed that "EVIL CAN NEVER DEFEAT LOVE"



They were already in heaven, celebrating their victory from the demons.

Everything in heaven is great, everyone is happy, everything they need was there, it's a promised paradise. But Chaeyoung is still feeling pain from mina's death.

She was just sitting on a a big rock from a far. Heads down, still crying.

"Are you alright?" Chaeyoung knew it was one of the angels, she sees the angel's feet.

Chaeyoung looked up.


Mina smiled at Chaeyoung.


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I can't write :(


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