Spirit of Love

Different Stories Of Us

"aren't you bored?" Chaeyoung asked mina who was sitting beside the window and looking outside with her hugging her legs.

Mina looked at  chaeyoung

"Not really" 

"You're always looking outside when we're here in my apartment"

"Well, I like the outside, I like looking at the trees and chirping birds. it looks peaceful outside, there aren't many people"

Chaeyoung got up

"Do you want to go outside tho?"

The smaller one asked cheerfully

Mina looked back at chaeyoung and smiled








They walk to chaeyoung favorite coffee shop, they walk softly and slowly, they just enjoy walking together.

"By the way mina, are you and angel or a spirit?"

"I really don't know chaengie, all I know is I'm supposed to looked out for you"

"Are you not tired always accompanying  me?

"That's kinda my job, I don't how it happened, but it is. So, I feel happy looking for you actually" Mina looked at chaeyoung and smiled

Chaeyoung looked back and smiled back

"But, I don't think I'm supposed to feel anything at all"

"Why not?"

"I don't know" mina felt suddenly felt sad

Chaeyoung noticed it mina looking sad. Mina always been looked like a girl that can never hurt someone, somewhat like an angel, she looks so gentle and elegant. This is kind of the first time chaeyoung saw mina looking so sad, mina usually looks unreadable.

"I really freaked out when I first saw you looking at me sitting in my chair when I woke up"

Mina giggled "yes, I remember that"

Chaeyoung smiled at mina's giggle.

She felt her heart warm, she feels happy whenever she sees mina smiling.




Chaeyoung and Mina arrived at the cafe, mina sat on one of the chairs as chaeyoung orders her coffee
She sat on the chair infront of mina after she orders, she sips her coffee and opened to talk

"Aren't you wondering who you are or what you are now or who were you before?"

Chaeyoung asked mina who was looking outside the window again.

"I do" mina said, not looking

"When I first came to your apartment, Nothing was on my mind other than I have to look for you. I was just suddenly there sitting beside the window. I don't really know how I got there I just-"

Mina paused

"I just know I'm there because of you"

Mina looked at chaeyoung

"Why are you asking? Don'tyou want me beside you anymore?" Mina asked

"No! Of course not!" The smaller one felt panicked
She sips her coffee again and notice other customers looking at her weirdly.

"I don't think this is a good place to talk, they might think you're crazy"

Chaeyoung nods in agreement, took her coffee and exit the coffee shop.


They walk again, slowly. Not knowing where to go just letting their feet move and take them anywhere.

"Mina" the smaller one called.

"Hmm?" Mina looked at chaeyoung

"Do you know love? Have you felt it?" Chaeyoung asked as she kick a small rock facing down

"I don't know. Have you? What does it felt?" Mina felt curious

"Hmm for me, love is when you keep thinking of a person, day and night. They make you go crazy, not literally tho. They make you happy and you'll be smiling looking like an idiot just by thinking of her, you feel happy just by seeing that person. You'll feel your heart beat going faster than it'a normal pace, some butterflies on your stomach, a weird feeling. The thing is, you won't know why you love that person, you just start to feel it, of course you won't know it at first, you'll feel confused but then eventually you'll realize that-"

Chaeyoung paused

Mina looked at her

Chaeyoung looked back

"That you already love her"

The younger girl looked down again and continued kicking the small rock

"Have you fall in love?" Mina asked

"I think I do"

"Who is it then? I've never saw you other than your close friends, is it one of them?"

Chaeyoung snorts "nahh, none of them"

"Is it from the past then?"

Chaeyoung kept silent

She haven't notice. Chaeyoung thought.

Mina actually thinking chaeyoung doesn't want to talk about it, she just kept silent and didn't ask her twice.

Chaeyoung doesn't know how she fell in love with mina, although she's not supposed to since mina is not even a human. But one day she felt her heart beating fast the moment she opened her eyes seeing mina. But Not the day she met mina. She've always been welcome by a smiling mina whenever she wakes up, it's just that the day came when she fell in love.
But mina is unreadable, chaeyoung doesn't think she feels the same way.


Chaeyoung opens her eyes and met mina's smiling faces as she wakes up.

"Good morning chaengie" mina smiled

What an angel. Chaeyoung thought

She rubs her sleepy eyes and yawn.

"Good morning minari" chaeyoung smiled cutely.

"You should wash up now and eat breakfast"

But chaeyoung kept looking at mina while smiling, not hearing what she said. She just want to stare at mina to make her day wonderful

Mina felt something weird. Her heart skip a beat. She's feeling a strong emotion other feeling slightly happy and slighly sad.


Chaeyoung did not answer and got up from her bed to go to the bathroom

After she washed up she went to the kitchen, as mina follows her.

Chaeyoung tied her hair, got her black apron, opened the fridge, grabs 2 eggs.

She grabs a pan and heat it up. She cooked her eggs while mina is watching her.

"How old are you again chaeyoung?"

The smaller one looked at mina sitting in the counter swaying her legs

"I'm 18"

"Umm" mina hums. " how old do you think I look like?"

"Hmm" chaeyoung thinks for a second before answering. " maybe 2 years older than me?"

Mina nods in agreement, she doesn't know her age tho.

Chaeyoung finished cooking and started to eat.

"Have you wondered how long will you be here? Not that I don't want you anymore" chaeyoung paused

"In fact, I don't want you not being here"

" I don't know, chaeyoung. But I don't have plans on leaving you anytime soon"

That's true, mina doesn't know anything other than her being there for chaeyoung and her first name.

Chaeyoung felt happy of what mina said but a part of her is still scared.




Mina's POV

Looks like chaeyoung is going out with her friends today.
She's dressing up, she wore her ripped jeans, her black plain v neck shirt and combing her hair infront of the mirror.

"Are you going out with your friends" i asked softly

Chaeyoung turn around to look at me and smiled.

"Yes, are you coming with me?" She said as she not removing her smile

Hmm, I think I need to think today.

"Not today chaeyoung, I'll stay here"

Chaeyoung pouts "why not?"

"You need to have fun without me even just for a day"
I just gave her a smile

"I don't mind you tagging along"

"No, I insist. Have fun but make sure to be careful, ok? I don't want you getting hurt. Ever"

I know chaeyoung is sulking but I really think we need a day for our own even she's for once.

"Ok, I need to go now" chaeyoung smiled at me and bid good bye.

I waved my hand at her.

As soon as chaeyoung got out, I sat again beside the window, wondering.


Who was I before? Will I ever get an answer? I wonder who sent me here. Did I ever had a family? Where was I from? Is mina really my name?


The longer I stay here in earth, the more question I have.
Until when I'll be here?

I looked around the room and saw chaeyoung's photo framed, smiling.

All I know is I need to protect her. I don't want to ever leave her.


But these days, I'm starting to feel weird towards her. Although I don't think I'm supposed to feel anything, but I feel happy when I see her. I unknowingly smile when I'm with her. I don't know how or why but I can feel my heart skipping a beat everytime she smiles.

Is this what she said about love? Am I inlove with her? But she's a person, and me? I don't know what I am, I just knkw she's the only one seeing me, I don't have super powers, I can't even hold anything, I can only touch her.

Yes, I unbelievably can touch her. Only her tho.
Can I fall in love? Can I be in love with her?




Chaeyoung got back to her apartment.

She opened the door and hide something behind her. She had a big smile.

"You're back" mina said

Chaeyoung didn't answer and reveal what's on her hand, a dozen of red roses.

Mina felt incredibly happy, she felt her heart skip a beat again.

But she suddenly frown

"You know I can't hold that"

"It's ook I can put it in a vase so you can look at it"

Chaeyoung walk to the tables and grabs the flowers on the vase and threw it away.

She placed the roses on vase and put some water.



"Chaeyoung" mina said as she's looking at chaeyoung eye to eye, laying on the bed.

"Yes" chaeyoung just kept staring

"I don't know how and why or if I'm allowed to, but I think I love you"

Chaeyoung didn't respond

She just leaned closer, they both closed their eyes slowly and kissed mina on the lips.

She felt glad, she's the only one that mina can touch and nothing else.

The kissed lasted for 5 seconds as they part away.
they stare at each other

"I love you" chaeyoung said



These days, mina is feeling really weird. Not about love but her existence.

Sometimes she sees her hand fading.

Chaeyoung haven't notice, mina kept it since she noticed it. She doesn't want to scare chaeyoung, she doesn't want chaeyoung beeing afraid of losing her because she doesn't want to either.

Here they are again looking at each other, lying on the bed.

Chaeyoung held mina's hand and intertwine it.

She brings it up and stares at their hands perfectly fitting each other.

But they she noticed mina's hands fading, she furrows her eyebrows .

Mina noticed it and took her hands away and hid it behind her.

"What was that?" Chaeyoung asked


"Your hand faded"

"No, I think you just feel sleepy" mina tried to convince

"No, what's happening?!" Ghe smaller one started to panic
Mina got up and sat beside the window

"I don't know, but I'm starting to think I'm fading away"
Chaeyou stood up, walk to mina and hugged her.

"I don't want you to go" chaeyoung started to tear up.

"No, I won't go. I won't leave you" mina cups chaeyoung's face and kissed her.


Chaeyoung opened her eyes as she wake up but did not see mina in her usual place, chaeyoung panicked and immediately got up.


Mina walked to the room "yes?"

Chaeyoung felt relieved as soon as she saw mina
She let a heavy exhale.



It's been weeks since the last mina's hands start to fade it stopped.They felt relieved.

Chaeyoung went to her parents for a while to visit her but mina didn't want to come. All mina said is she's gonna think for a while.

Chaeyoung got back to her apartment and opened the door

"I'm back" she said as she's searching for her phone in her back.

Chaeyoung looked up

And saw mina on beside the window with the moon light hitting her.

Chaeyoung got shocked, mina's whole body is starting to fade.

She run infront of her not knowing what to do.

"No no no no no! Don't leave me" chaeyoung is panicking and starting tearing up

"I'm afraid this is my last day chaengie" mina said sadly but still calm

"No! Please don't!" She cried

"Please remember I love you, so much"

"No! Please!" Chaeyoung plead and tried to reach for mina's face, unfortunately she can't touch mina anymore.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" She cried louder

"I love you mina! I love you!" Chaeyoung kept repeating it as mina is slowly fading away.

Until nothing's left of mina's existence.

Chaeyoung cried harder as her knees hit the ground.

"Mina" she whispered while she cries



The next day chaeyoung felt empty, she feels dead  inside. She's in denial that mina is gone.


Her eyes re very swollen. She woke up exactly the same spot mina had faded in front of her eyes.


She got up, and immediately saw the roses' petals gone, the roses already died.






Comments and upvotes please! :)

I got my motivation when chaeyoung said she'll date mina if mina was a guy :3

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I can't write :(


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