The Traveler

Different Stories Of Us

I keep wondering when will I ever find something that will interest me. I’ve been traveling for 3 years now, I’ve been in to a lot of countries for the past years, paris, italy,australia, taiwan, amsterdam, thailand, vietnam and a lot more but the thing is. I never want to stay in one place. It’s not that the places are not beautiful, but the thing is nothing interest me to stay. I’ve always thought that I would stay on the first place I will visit.


Here I am now, in Japan. This is my 10th country I visit. I should celebrate my 10th travel.

To be exact, I’m in kobe, japan.

This place beautiful, but I don’t know if I’ll even stay here for a week.


There are a lot of café here, this is my favorite café so far here in kobe even though it’s my first time here.

The name is “stay beside me”

It’s a really cheesy name for a café though, but this café is actually nice. Most of the cafes I’ve visit are noisy and has a lot of people but this café is quiet, very calming, to add that up the coffee is great and the barista is cute.


But I’m not that interested



I sip my coffee, but I can’t help but to glace at the barista while I read my book.

She’s beautiful


I grab my coffee and walk to the counter to order a take out

“Hello again, would you like to order again?” she asked in full english, smiling brightly

She already knows I’m not japanese since I was struggling to take my order earlier. At least I can communicate in english.

“uhm yes, one slice of blueberry cheesecake please. Take out"

I didn’t smile but she still nods and smiled happily.

She must be a really happy person.


I waited for my order.
I glance at her while she cuts the cake.


Well, maybe I am interested of her.


She got back to the counter and gave me my cake.


“Thank you” I said.


I before I exit I heard her
“stay beside me”


I turn around “huh?”

“I said, Come back to stay beside me, ma’am” she smiled

Oh yeah right. It’s the café’s name

I nod and leave.


I’m walking my way to the hotel I am staying, it’s not that far.

Many people always wonder why I started traveling. Well, that’s because I’m so bored with seoul, I’ve been living there all my life. I want something new, I want to find something that won’t lose my interest. They also wonder how I travel without working, to be honest I’m rich. No, actually my parents are rich. We have one of the biggest company in SEOUL. They let me travel, they said do what makes me happy but nothing makes me happy.
I’m not sad though, just not happy.
I wonder what can make me happy.


As I become nearer to my hotel

Oh shoot! I didn’t look at her name tag!


I can come back tomorrow anyways.




I opened my eyes with the ray of sunlight flashing to my eyes


It’s morning already? I didn’t even get to change my clothes.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I shower , I saw the cake I ordered yesterday. I sat on my chair and ate it. This can be my breakfast.


I dressed up after I finish my cake.

I need to visit more places here, but I don’t know where and I don’t have a friend to accompany me.

I sigh and just went to the café again, I need to think what can I do here in japan.

Or maybe I can ask her.

I walk to the counter and saw her.

“hello! Good morning miss, would you like to order?” She smiled

I unknowingly smiled back a little

“yes, one cappuccino please”

She nods and start making my cappuccino.

“how long have you been in japan? Did you move here or just travelling?”

She suddenly asked

“I’m just travelling”

“Can I know why?”

She paused

“I’m sorry for asking too much questions” shy smiled shyly

“no, it’s okay, well… I’m searching for things that can make me stay”


“I don’t know”

She just nods and hand me the my cup of cappuccino

“by the way, my name is mina” she hangs her hand for me to shake.

I reached for her hand and shook it

“I’m chaeyoung” I finally smiled

I grab my coffee and sat on a chair

“enjoy your day chaeyoung” she smiled brightly

She’s really pretty, and kind.
I need to ask her

I turned back and walk towards her

“Do you know where I can beautiful visit places here in japan?”
She smiled again

“I recommend you going to merikken or mosaic, Or maybe akashi bridge and kobe tower for nice views”

“but I don’t know how to get there”

She places her hand on her chin and think

“Maybe I can be your tour guide, You don’t look like a so, yeah I can accompany you since You don’t know how to get there”
I smiled and yes I kinda feel happy

“are sure about that?”

She nods “tomorrow is my day off, where do you want to meet?”

“can we meet here instead?”

I mentally pat my own back. Nice work chaeyoung, real smooth.




It’s only my 3rd day, I’m actually enjoying myself, I hope this will last longer. I usually last 2 week in max when I stay in one country.

I got up my bed. Showered and dress up. I will be meeting up with mina

I went to the café to pick her up and I actually rent a car so we wont be having a hard time commuting.

I saw her standing outside the café wearing a pants and plain black shirt with a shoulder bag.

Why does she look attractive with just wearing that?

I stopped the car and opened the window.

“get in”

She enter
“I thought you’re just travelling? How can you have a car?”

“I rented it”

“you must be rich”

I giggled “no, I’m not”

She looked at me and smiled

“You should smile more, it suits you”

I felt heat on my cheeks, I tried to hide my blush


“so, where are we going first?”



We ended up going to meriken park and mosaic

It was beautiful there, the tower, the park, the surrounding, the atmosphere. I’m enjoying myself here.

Day went so fast, its already 6pm and we’re still in mosaic.

We rode the Ferris whee

“Do find japan interesting?”

“yes, but I haven’t find something to make me stay”
Mina nods

“How come you can speak in english?” I asked her

“well, I was born in Texas, how about you”


“They made me learn it since I will handle our company in L.A if ever I will stop travelling. I don’t want it tho, that’s why I’m trying hard to find what will make me stay other than in L.A”

“Let’s find your luck here” mina smiled at me




I didn’t know how but it’s already been 1 week since I’m here in japan. my maximum days has always been less than a week but somehow I’ve been staying here for 1 week and 2 days now.


It seems like a day is never enough for me to be toured by mina.

Yes, it’s been a week since mina has been touring me here in japan. We’re trying to go to every tourist attraction here.

Well, my original plan is to visit kobe japan's tourism spots but that’s just a small area of japan, my days with mina will be too early to end and I don’t want it. So, I decided to tell mina I want to go to every tourism spots in japan, well she agreed anyways.

But today is our last tour, mina will be busy now, she said she had to much work to do in the café.



A week passed by so easily, it’s so fast. I want more time with mina. Sometimes, I unknowingly stare at her and start to smile, I feel weird, especially inside my stomach, she seems like the most beautiful girl I’ve seen in my life.

It seems like…..

I fell in love with a short period of time.

“Hey” mina waved her hand infront of me and giggle


I snap off my thoughts.

She’s giggling, she’s so cute.

I shyly smiled feeling embarrassed being caught staring.

I bowed my head as I smile widely

“You’re so cute” mina said


“Look who's talking”

“I am not” she slightly pushed my shoulder

“You’re right”

“Huh?” she was taken a back

“you’re damn pretty”

I can see her cheeks having shade of red, is she blushing?

“Anyways, how’s your week here in japan? Did you enjoy it?”

Of course I did, you were with me

“Of course I did, the places are amazing”
She smiled and nods

“are you going to stay?” she asked

I paused and think. No, I’m a traveler, I don’t think I would settle in any country

“I don’t think so”

“ahh” she seems disappointed

“I think this is my destiny, to just travel”

“You know, just follow your heart, if that’s what your heart is telling you, then do it. What your heart is what will make you happy” she told me and smiled

“i'll be leaving in 2 days”




I’m going to board in 30mins, I feel really heavy hearted, I feel attached on japan already because of particular someone, yes It’s mina.

I wish I could stay in one place, But I can’t do it.

I love mina already. I know she does too, with a short period of time we feel like we’ve know each other for years now.

Too bad, I can’t stay. That’s not who I am.

I looked at screen and it’s time already.

I grabbed my bag but I heard someone


“Son chaeyoung!”

I turn around and saw mina.

I stare at her, and it feels like everything went slow motion.

She was already in tears

“I know I have no rights but, I want you”

I feel dumbfounded


She wipes a tear “I love you idiot!”

I didn’t not answer, but gave her a smile

“Stay beside me?” she askeddd

I smiled widely, still not muttering a word.

She sighs, bowed her head and turned around to leave.

“I love you so much”
I said

She stopped walking

I came closer to her.

“flight 328, Japan to India boarding in 5 mins”

I stopped walking

I need to pick, leave or her.

She turn around came close to me.

She cupped my face and slowly lean closer.

And finally kissed me

Her lips are amazing, soft and addictive, I feel like I wanna kiss these lips all day. I’m drowning from her sweet kiss


She broke the kiss.
“I think this is good bye then?”






Ahhh I’m finally here in las vegas nevada.

It really feels nice traveling. It's been 2years since I was in japan, this is my 17th travel now

I inhale and exhale the nice air.

I’m on my way to meet my friend dahyun who settle in las vegas when she met her now girlfriend, sana which is also a Japanese like mina.
Mina. I smiled

I walk my way to our meeting place, a café here in las vegas. I love cafes

I entered the coffee shop and saw dahyun immediately.

I walked close to her and saw me, she stood up and hug me. Sana is also here, we smiled at each other.

“Oh yeah” I remembered

I pulled someone I’m holding my hands with



“This is mina, my girlfriend” I smiled widely as mina greet the two





Mina said to follow my heart, My heart isn’t in japan. My heart is in mina, she stole my heart. And I love travelling, so instead of staying, I made her come with me, to travel. Isn’t it nice? Two things I love, with me. Mina and travelling.

Did I say I wanted to stay in one place? I change my mind. As long as I’m with mina, I’m good. And as long as I’m with her, everything is perfect.

She looked at me and smiled brightly showing her cute gummy smile , I stares at her lovingly and smiled back.

Yeah, I’m staying with her, with her only.




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Chapter 9: Muntik nako umiyak buti nalang may happy ending
Chapter 9: Muntik nako umiyak buti nalang may happy ending
Chapter 2: Cute
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Chapter 4: I love this. You don't get tired of loving, you just get tired of hurting. In the end you give up.
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Chapter 11: Omg so cute
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Chapter 11: this is so cute!
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Chapter 4: ouch ?
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