Chapter 3

He was Sick

I'm back. Sorry the update took so long. I was writing some new stories that you should definitely check out. This chapter is longer at like 6.2k words and very fluffy. Warning there is a little talk and some strong language but not much. I hope you enjoy. Please comment and subscribe and upvote. @(*^*)@


Jaebum cleaned his apartment and pulled out a table. His best friends were coming over for a “bro’s night.” They’d all been exceptionally busy in class and with their extracurricular activities. The nature of the extracurricular activities would be the hot topic tonight. He could remember the conversation leading to this night.


Hyung, we need to hang out.” Jackson had called him at o’clock in the morning to talk about this .


“I see you more than once a week.”


“Only in class and at practice and at study hall.”


“That sounds like you’ve seen enough of me.”


“NOOOO!!! I barely see you and Youngjae at the same time, and you’ve been avoiding us lately.”


“I haven’t. “


“Yes you have. Every time I invite you out with us you bail out for the library, and I know you’re up to something.”


“Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” obviously flustered.


“You’re up to something so we’re gonna have a bro’s night.”


“A bro’s night?”


“Yeah. It’ll just be you, me, and Youngjae with takeout and alcohol.


“You can’t be serious.”


“I am. I miss hanging out with you and Youngjae. C’mon hyung please. Puhlease. Pllllleeeeeaaaasssee.”


“Fine. I’ll do it one day. Just tell me when.”


“How about Friday after dance practice? I’ll get the alcohol and food with Youngjae. All you need to do is provide the place.”


“You wanna do this at my place?”




“Fine. Friday at my place. Bye.”


“Bye hyung.”


That guy was way too chipper. So today was the day. The day he'd have to expose himself and reveal his actions to his friends. He'd been secretly been meeting up with Jinyoung in strictly friends only circumstances. He was anticipating some sort of interesting conversations. If they were good, maybe he’d tell them about Jinyoung. He continued to arrange the seating and table. He brought out the glasses and silently prepared himself for the night. While enjoying the fleeting silence he heard Youngjae’s laugh and Jackson’s voice. Jaebum didn’t want to further bother the neighbors so he just opened the doors.


“Could you two be a bit quieter?”


“Yes. Yes hyung.” Jackson dismissively said. He toed off his shoes and moved into the apartment.  He needed to unload so he placed down the pizzas he’d gotten on the table. He took the alcohol out of the bag. Jackson wanted to get this night along so he could get the details about Jaebum missing out on bonding time. It seems the others wanted to linger by the door. Whatever, he’d start without them.


“Hello Jaebum-hyung.”


“Hello Youngjae. How have you been?”


“Busy. I’ve been at class, doing homework, and going to practice. What about you?”


“Good. English class has been challenging but I’m enjoying it. Vocal practices are fun.”


“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”


“Would you two hurry up? I want to get to the good stuff.” Jackson whined.


“Let’s go join him Youngjae.” Jaebum closed his door, and the pair moved to join their friend.


“Can we eat now?” Jackson already had eaten one slice but Jaebum chose to ignore him.


He walked over at sat himself down on the cushion by the table. “Yes we can eat now.”


The friends chatted, ate, and drank. He’d never admit it but he’d miss this. He’d missed them. Hanging out as a trio was satisfying. Being with them washed away his worries and troubles.

When he was sick, those two were there. They'd been his confidants when he was despairing or weary. They were solid pillars in his life. He loved them like family.


“I think we're significantly intoxicated to start with the real questions.” Jackson said with a mischievous tone.


“Oh really?” Jaebum arched an eyebrow as he poured himself another drink.


“Jaebum hyung, we just want to know why you've been ditching us.” Youngjae said innocently. These two had conspired against him. This was going to be a long night.


“I haven't been ditching you guys.”


“Yes you have. This is the first time we've hung out in like three weeks.” Jackson said exasperatedly. The Chinese man tilted his head toward the ceiling.


“We're in college; I'm busy. I have a lot of homework.”


“Hyung, can you stop with the excuses?”


“They're not excuses; they're the truth.”


“I agree that we're in college and we always have an assignment or two, but that never prevented us from meeting up in the past.” Youngjae longing look in his eye as he said those words.


“We don't go drinking; we don't go out to eat; we don't watch movies; we don't even have lunch together. Hell, you don't even allow Youngjae to cook for us.”


“Why me?”


“Cuz you're the best.”


Jaebum had been neglecting his friends for longer than three weeks. It'd been more like seven. He'd been spending time with other people, well person. Park Jinyoung. Their relationship was sort of a friendship.  It was more like a… well Jaebum didn't know what to call it. All he knew was that he and Jinyoung had something going on that was not exactly a friendship and definitely not a relationship. It was just them.


They'd spend time together in the library. They'd study Economics together. Jinyoung would talk about the things he'd read recently. Jaebum would talk about his photography assignments, and use Jinyoung as a bucket of ideas. Well secretly the younger boy was becoming his muse. Jaebum was always inspired after meeting him and his photography was getting better. Whatever was going on was bringing them closer. They texted at night too. They were usually silly conversations about almost anything. They'd created a bubble around themselves in “their” small, quiet corner in the library on the fifth floor. It was magical.


“Jaebum don't space off like we haven't forgotten the issue at hand.”


“Of course not.” Jaebum rose the glass to his lips to cover his blush. His mind had been wandering to a certain someone lately.


“So, what have you been up to?” Jackson had fierce determination in his eyes as he said this.




“I call bull.”


“How? You have no evidence.”


“That's what you believe. Youngjae, bring forth the evidence.”


Jaebum rolls his eyes. There was no significant physical evidence, probably; they probably had some collection of ridiculousness that they compiled. When those two got together, it was never in Jaebum's favor.


“Evidence 1: For the past seven weeks, I bet you thought we didn't notice, Im Jaebum has sent both Wang Jackson and Choi Youngjae several text messages about being ‘busy’ or ‘working’ or ‘tired.’ These aren't the only text messages that indicate Mr. Im‘s guilt. Do you second these statements Mr. Choi?”


“I second them.”


Jaebum rolled his eyes.


“Evidence 2: Jaebum has been spotted purchasing two drinks instead of one.”


“Were you spying on me?”


“No, I was going to get some ice cream when I saw you at the convenience store.” Of course Youngjae would be the one to spy quietly, even though being quiet was not his strong suit since he laughed at anything at anytime.


“I had a meeting with a group member of mine, and I bought us drinks. You could have said hello.” This was actually the truth. This incident had occurred a couple of weeks ago for the group Economics project. Only one of s had responded to his emergency text, so he'd rewarded the girl with a drink.


“Fine, we have no reason to dispute it. Let's move on. Evidence 3: Im Jaebum has been seen in the library more than once a week for the past four weeks.”


“I second this claim.”


“You two have been spying.”


“Yes, of course we have. We wanted to know what you were up to.” Jackson was really annoying him with his straightforwardness right now.


“Evidence 3.2-”




“The first was 3.1.”


“You didn't say that.”


“Stop nitpicking.”


“Fine. Youngjae continue.”


“Evidence 3.2: Im Jaebum was seen with a smile on his face as he walked with an unidentified man. We even have a picture.” Well it seems they had a little evidence, but not enough to convict him of their “crime.” These two weren't the best detectives so he could get around it.


“I was walking with a classmate. I don't understand why me smiling is evidence.”


“You don't smile around people you don't know or don't like.”




“It's true. It took you forever for you to laugh with your dance teammates.”


“So the matter at hand is that you have a new friend.”




“You could have told us you wanted to make new friends. Were you lonely? Were you jealous of how friendly we are that you decided to be more like us?”


“I wasn't lonely. I definitely was not jealous of either of you. All of your evidence were from instances of me doing schoolwork with other people. Like I said before I've had a lot of stuff on my plate.”


“Since he wants to be stubborn, we have the final evidence. Evidence 4: Kim Yugyeom has anonymously told us that you've been hanging out with one person frequently because he's talked to said person about you. It seems you've been hiding something from us.” Youngjae sighed and brought his can to his lips. Speaking makes him so parched.


“Yes hyung. Even though we're your best friends, and have told you everything, you're keeping a secret from us.”


“It's not really a secret to you.” Jaebum said pointedly at Youngjae. They impressed him with the amount of effort they put in so he'd throw them a bone.


“What? Youngjae what is he talking about?”


“I don't know.”


Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe Jaebum wanted to reward his friends for their mediocre detective work. It'd probably benefit him anyway to reveal his feelings to them. He'd been debating about telling his friends about his crush. It'd been a while since he'd had feelings like this, but they'd never been quite like this. He seriously needed some sage advice from those who weren't even close to being sages.


“I've been meeting up with that guy in the picture. His name is Park Jinyoung and we’re the same age.”


“How do I not know him?”


“I don't know. I didn't know him either until a couple of months ago.”


“Oh, that's him.”


“Youngjae you knew?!”


“Not really… Jaebum just told me he'd met the guy and he was interested in getting to know him better or something like that. It didn't seem serious at the time.”


“Still, why didn't you tell me?”


“Why should he? It's not your business.” Jaebum said simply.


“Jaebum we're best friends. How could you leave me out?”


“Probably because you're a stalker and you'd harass him.”


“I wouldn't.”


“You would because that's what stalkers do, especially ones that already harass people.”


“What are you so mean?” Jackson was faking hurt and tears. Why was he so dramatic?


“So what's he like?”


“Nice. Smart. Caring. A bit petty. He's always concerned about others though. He also works hard. He's got a great smile and pretty lips. His eyes crinkle when he smiles. He's majoring in Literature. He's a few months younger than me.”


“Sounds like he's becoming more than a friend. Is he older than me?”


“No, you're older Jackson.”


“So you guys are friends?”


“Kind of.”


“What do you mean?”


“We only see each other on campus, and we only really talk at the library. We text a bit at night too. It's pretty casual. It's a light friendship.”


“I'm not convinced. If he's your friend you'd introduce him to us. You must have an ulterior motive if you want to keep him to yourself.”


“I'm not keeping him to myself-”


“Yes you are. We want to be friends with all of your friends.”




“Jaebum you're a moody person. There needs to be a support group for those who are recipients of your moodiness.”


“Jackson, can I hit you?”


“Hyung, do you like him?”


Jaebum blushed. He did like Jinyoung. The guy had been in his dreams and on his mind. They talked everyday. Somehow, he'd wormed his way into his heart.


“I think so.”


“NO WAY!!!”


“Why aren't you sure?”


“I don't want to like him. I want to be lonely.”


“Didn't you want to find your soulmate?”


“I did. I do. It's just… everything seems too perfect. We get along. He hasn't seen the ‘moodiness’ yet. I just don't want to get invested if he isn't interested.”


“Why wouldn't he be? You're a gentleman that cares for people. You've got a rich family. You've got hobbies and interests that aren't weird. You work hard. You're handsome. You've got a decent sized . You're the total package.”


“Hyung, you're seriously an awesome guy. I look up to you. You're so mentally and physically strong. You're very sure of yourself, and I know people find that attractive. Jinyoung would be lucky to date you.”


Jaebum blushed across his face and down his neck and to his ears. Most of those comments were appreciated, not the one though. He's glad his friends see his brighter sides. He has a moodiness problem, can get wrapped up in his thoughts, and also has a bit of a temper, but they saw through that which was really appreciated.


“I'm not even sure if I really like him.”


“Well you'll have to find out. We approve of you spending more time with Park Jinyoung.”


“I don't need your approval but thanks for the support.”


Jackson and Youngjae looked at each other and communicated with their eyes.


“Hyung! Fighting!”


The rest of the night dissolved into various topics they wouldn't remember in the morning. They drank themselves silly and were somehow able to climb the stairs and share Jaebum's bed.



Jaebum was at the gym when his phone vibrated.


Practice is cancelled.’


Thank goodness. He loved dancing but he was feeling a little drained. Five practices every week plus independent practice was exhausting and time consuming. Maybe he'd see be able to spend time with Youngjae and Jackson together so he wouldn't be criminalized. He texted them.


IJB: You guys wanna have dinner?


CYJ: Can't Hyung. Study group


WJ: Nope. I'm gonna go to karaoke with some friends.


IJB: Fine. Don't complain when you don't see me.




So he was free. He didn't have too much work looming so maybe he'd be able to have time for himself. It'd been a long time since he had personal time. He could go visit his parents. His grandparents were out of the country at the moment so they were not an option. It was almost six at night so he had a lot of time. As he was walking out of the gym, he was about to call his mother and go eat with his parents but he saw a familiar face sitting on a bench reading a book.


“What’s with your face?” Jaebum joined the other on the bench. He poked his cheek.




“It doesn't seem like it.”


“It's just…a lot of crappy things happened  to me this week.”


“Well it's Thursday so the week is almost over. Why was it so bad?”


“Warning: don’t laugh at me. It started badly because I had a slight cold and I was a bit sleep deprived because I wanted to finish the book I was reading in my free time. It was so good by the way. Anyway I walked to the store to buy medicine, and I accidentally went there with my clothes inside out and wearing my indoor slippers. Then it started to rain. I tripped and fell in the street. I got completely soaked and had to take a hot shower instead of sleeping. My favorite pair of loungewear was ruined.”


“That’s unpleasant.”


“This as only Sunday. I was so sick that I had to skip school for two days. When I came back yesterday to turn in some work, all my classes wanted to give a lot of work since the semester is about to end. I also had to meet with the professors I hadn't seen and they gave me a lot of for being sick. I was stuck in the library all night. I didn't leave until like one in the morning. I didn't have enough money for decent food so I bought some disappointing ramen. I woke up late this morning and missed the bus so I couldn't study on the way to class for a stupid quiz I had for my Japanese Poetry class. I almost got hit by a car because some stupid lady was arguing with her son and was distracted. I had run to class because she wanted to apologize and I skinned my knee when I fell while running. Now here I am. I have so much to do but I'm so drained that I just can't even muster the strength.”


Jaebum had nodded through the rant which became more and more passionate as he'd continued. He seemed to need a break and Jaebum was free so the older boy knew what to do next. Hopefully he wouldn't be rejected or embarrass himself.


“When are your assignments due?”


“Next week.”


“You think you can take a break for today?”


“No. No. I couldn't. I'd be wasting my time doing something else. I need to do my work. If I don't maybe I'll just sleep early and wake up early.”


Jaebum ran a hand through his hair and slouched on the bench.


“Just a couple of hours to do something fun wouldn't be bad. You'd be less stressed if you did something fun.”


“I don't know. I'm not in the mood to just read at home. What would I do?Who would I be with?”


“I'll do something with you. It'll be my treat.”


“Seriously?! You're not busy?”


“I've been in the library so often I've gotten all of my work done early. My dance practice was cancelled too.”


“You don't have friends to hang out with?”


“You think I don't have friends.” He feigned offense. Apparently flirting made him adapt some of Jackson's personality.


“No. No. I… just thought that… you'd have other people to hangout with.”


“Before I saw you, I was going to go mooch food off of my parents, but I’d much rather make you feel better.”


“But what about your parents?”


“They'll be okay. I didn't even call them. They dealt with me for 19 years; one night without me would be to their benefit.” He gave Jinyoung his most charming smile.


“If you're sure… then I'll spend the night with you.”


“Great! Let's go eat first. What do you want?”


“So I was in the front of my class giving this presentation and the professor went into labor. She was walking around and critiquing me harshly and suddenly you heard the splatter. Another person and I ended up bringing her to the hospital. It was such an experience. I thought I'd die before we got to the hospital.”


“I think heard about that. You were considered a hero.”


“If I wanted to redeem my grade then I had to do it. Her nails pierced my skin and I had to get treated at the hospital.”


“Did she name her child after you?”


“No, but I did get an A. I also got an A in the class. Professor Lee loves me now.”


“Oh it was Professor Lee. She hates me. Well not hate. She felt like I didn't give my ‘full effort.’”


“Why? You seem to work hard.”


“I had some bouts of illness and I passed out in her class a couple of times.”


“What bad luck.”


“I'm pretty unlucky. Is the food good?”


“Very. I don't think I've had meat since the summer. Thank you.”


“Well I'm glad to satisfy your cravings. Do you feel better?”


“A bit. This was enough to negate the bad feelings from my illness.”


“So that means I have to do more. I want you to feel completely refreshed.”


“Are you bringing me to a massage parlor?”


“You’re not talking about the illegal one, right?”


“Noooo. What a dirty mind. I’m not trying to go to jail. I’ve also... never did stuff like that.”


The older boy’s head shot up. The food he was chewing on almost fell out of his mouth.


“What? Really. You’re so attractive though.”


Jaebum’s mouth apparently was faster than his brain. He couldn’t help but blush. It crawled up his face, down his neck, and to his ears. . .What the was wrong with him? Crossed his mind. Curse words flew rampantly through his brain. He quickly drank whatever he had in his glass.


“...T-thank you. It never happened because I was always busy with school and acting and other stuff.” Jinyoung had a similar blush across his face.


“Y-you acted?” he couldn’t look the other in the eye.


“Yeah. I did a couple of student films, like four or five plays, and I took some drama classes. It played into my love of literature so how could I resist. How about you? How did you get into photography?” Jinyoung smiled. He was a blessing with his ability to redirect conversations.


“Well I was sick a lot as a child,” there was no need to tell him the nature of his illnesses, “so I couldn’t do too much. I did music and that was fun; I still like it and do it when I’m in the mood. I wanted to dance but I was never really able to until the last five years or so. Photography was something a nurse of mine introduced me to. I liked it because I was able to capture moments and look at the world differently. It was the perfect interest for me because when you’ve spent half of your life in the hospital, not knowing if you’ll see the next year; it was the ideal outlet for my general misery and disdain for life. So I started taking photos outside of my window, then of my family and friends, and of myself when I was healthy. As I got stronger, I was able to take more pictures and I was able to learn more about the subject. It was the first thing I truly loved and could do without being hindered by my illness.”


“That’s amazing. I know what it’s like to find an outlet for your feelings and frustrations.”


“You do? I’d like to know more.”


“Maybe another day. You’re supposed to be cheering me up.” Jinyoung’s clouded but soon returned to their normal brightness.


“You’re right. Promise me you’ll tell me one day.”


“I might if you play your cards right.”


“Are there any other things in the cards?” How could their conversation go from deep to slightly ual? It didn’t matter because Jinyoung had the potential to fulfill all of his desires and wishes. Maybe he could help him live the life, in a relationship, he’d always wanted.




“You’re such a tease.”

Jinyoung smirked. It was such a gorgeous face, Jaebum wanted to take a picture to keep forever.


“So where are you bringing me next?”


“You want me to give you the opportunity for your first ual experience?”


“No. I want to do that type of stuff with someone I love.”


“I respect that-”


“Have you ever done that stuff?”


“... No. I was too busy trying to catch up with school and learning how to dance to find someone to have with.”


Jinyoung lunged across the table and placed his palm over Jaebum’s mouth. It was warm and soft, and it suited the other perfectly.


“Don’t say the word.”


Jaebum chuckled. He doubted he was so innocent but maybe he was. He didn’t really want the hand to be moved from his mouth, but he wanted to stop himself from doing something he’d regret so he the palm. Jinyoung jerked his hand back and stared at it.


“As I was saying, I wasn’t in regular school so I didn’t meet anyone, and in the hospital, there wasn’t anybody I was interested in.”


“So you’re the same as me?”


“Yeah, I’m the same as you” Well he’d never gone all the way but he’d let a few people give him s, but he wouldn’t ruin his happiness.


“So where are you bringing me next?” They had finished their food and were getting ready to leave. Jaebum had received the check from the waitress. He stuck his card and waited for her to return.


“Even though it’s a little cold out, I want to go for a walk.” Jaebum stood up and shrugged his coat on.


“That’s all? You think you’re enough to cure all my frustrations of the week?”


“Well I was going to make a stop along the way but now you’re challenging me.”


“Noooo. I want to go to the surprise stop.”


“You’re challenging me. I am now inclined to do my best by myself.”


“I won’t say anything until you bring me home.” The waitress returned and Jaebum quickly signed the receipt and put his card back into his wallet.


“Am I bringing you home?” He asked with an arched eyebrow. He wouldn’t say no but it would be interesting to see why Jinyoung wanted him to do that.


“Isn’t that what a gentleman would do?”


“Am I gentleman?”


“I think so. You’re trying to make me feel better so I think that’s an indication.” He was buttoning his coat. Even though it was only November, it was unusually cold. Jinyoung pulled on his hat and began to wrap the scarf around his neck. Jaebum thought he look unbearably cute.


“Well if you think so.” Jaebum fixed his own hat. Jinyoung just smiled. Jaebum stood in front of the other. He fixed the younger boy’s scarf. He moved back to Jinyoung’s left and offered his arm. They left with their arms were linked like a couple.


“Where are we going?” They’d been walking for about fifteen minutes and exchanging small talking. They talked about their families, animals, and their experiences at the zoo.


“To my favorite coffee shop. It’s a great place. It’s open almost all day except from like 2-5 in the morning. They have two people who run it but at different times. I like almost everything there, but I usually get coffee and a pastry since I most often go in the morning. I’m bringing you there to get a dessert and a hot drink, if that’s what you want.”


“What if I want more than one dessert?” He looked up at the slightly taller man with a cheeky smile.


“You can have as much as you want, but please don’t buy the entire store.”


“I can’t make any promises.”


Jaebum shook his head. This boy will  be the death of me.


They walked a couple more blocks until they reached the storefront. It was a cute shop with about ten tables on the inside and about four outside. Jaebum opened the door and allowed Jinyoung to step inside first. Their faces were hit with the warm air that smelled of coffee, caramel, and vanilla.


“Jaebum is that you?”




“Who’s that with you?”


“My friend Jinyoung. He’s had a rough week, you got anything to cheer him up?”


“Hello, my name is Seokmin; nice to meet you. College life is tough. I think I have just the thing. You getting the usual?”


“Yup. I’m going to get some desserts too.” He walked over to the glass case and peered in. “I’ll take… the…  two lemon bars, two chewy chocolate caramel bars, four cannolis, two cherry squares, a dozen of your cookies mixed flavors, two slices of the ‘Better than Cake.’”


“Is that all?”


“Before we leave I’ll grab two of the hot chocolates.”


“Alright then. Your total will be… 56,000 won.”


Jaebum pulled out his wallet.


“Don’t you think that’s kind of expensive?”


“No. I’m giving you some to take home. Can we get an extra bag?”


“Any you warned me not to buy the entire store.”


They sat at a small table by the large window. The desserts were on small plates and a bag and the drinks were placed on the table. Jaebum dropped two of the cannolis, a chocolate caramel bar and a cherry square in the bag.


“You can eat these later. I’ll eat mine now.”


They ate cutely as they offered each other bites of the desserts. The two bags sat on the table undisturbed.


“This drink is awesome.”


“Yeah. Mine is good too.”


“Why are the desserts so good?”


“Magic.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes and continued to eat the lemon bar.


After they finished eating, the pair sipped on their drinks in comfortable silence.  


“Uhhhh I’m full.” Jaebum said as he stretched.


“You shouldn’t have eaten so many.”


“Perhaps but I wanted to show you that I’m a good eater.”


“I’m impressed.”


“You should be.” They gathered and stacked their plates. Jaebum dropped six cookies into Jinyoung’s bag and dropped an uneaten cherry square and cannoli into the cookie bag.


“This is my dessert bag. Hyung! We’re about to go.” Jinyoung walked towards the counter and returned the plates. He thanked the man for his delicious creations.


“Here you guys go.” Seokmin slid the large cups of hot chocolate towards them.


“Thanks hyung. I’ll see you soon.”


“Goodbye Mr. Seokmin. Have a good night.”


The store owner waved goodbye to the two as they left.


“We’re starting our walk now. I think we should go to the river since it's such a beautiful sight.”


Jinyoung nodded.


“What was your favorite?”


“Well I don’t know. Everything was good. The cannoli was amazing. The cake was heavenly. The lemon bar was divine. I wish I could have tasted the chewy caramel chocolate bar. I think the drink was the best. It felt like my soul was being warmed.”


“What an interesting statement. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve been going to that place for about six years now. I’d go there when I was sad or lonely. Seokmin and his sister Joosun took care of me. They watched over me.”


“So that place is important to you?”


“Yes. It was the only place I could cry in peace.”


“Somehow that’s both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.”


“Perhaps. Aren’t some things in life bittersweet?”


“Yes, not everything can be clear cut.”


“Especially when it comes to humans.”


They had reached the river and fortunately their drinks were still hot and not empty.


“Do you like the river?”


“Sometimes. Usually I think it’s overrated.”


“Then why did you bring me?”


“I thought that if so many people are able to find solace here then maybe you could as well.”


“That’s sweet of you.”


“I’m glad you think that.”


They walked down the path along the river in comfortable silence while sipping their warm drinks. After a little while, they sat on bench.


“Why is this hot chocolate so good?”


“I used to wonder that myself but I gave up.”


“Maybe it’s the passion they have that makes all their creations good.”


“That’s a theory.”


The sat in silence a little more. It seemed that their conversations kept dying off.


“Jaebum… we’re back where we started.”


“What do you mean?” They hadn’t met here. They’d never been here together before either.


“This evening I was on a bench despairing over my impending future and you washed all the negativity away. You’re powerful.”


“Well I wouldn’t give myself too much credit.”


“But you did. I could’ve eaten meat, gone to a cafe, and walked by myself, but it would not have been as effective as what you did for me today. Its because of you that I’m feeling better. Lighter.”


“You’re too kind.”


“No. You deserve this praise.” Jinyoung was looking straight into his soul. Jaebum blushed slightly. The wind nipped at his face. He wanted to blame the wind.


“It’s so cold. How do people survive?” Jaebum said while shivering slightly.


“They become used to it. It’s all they know so they just power through it and learn to survive. You’re also cold because you’re not moving”


Jaebum looked at his phone. It was a little past ten. He should walk Jinyoung home soon so he could have enough sleep. Jaebum was starting to get drowsy. The warmth at his side was so soothing.


“Jaebum you shouldn’t sleep out here. It’s cold and I need to go home.”


“W-what time is it?”


“Half past eleven.”


“You let me sleep for over an hour?”


“You seemed comfortable and the view is nice.” Jaebum then noticed himself leaning on the other. He also became aware of his shivering. He took the slightly smaller hands in his own. He rubbed them and brought them close to his mouth and breathed on them.


“They’re warmer now. Thank you. We should be going. I don’t want you to get home too late.”


They stood up with their dessert bags and trashed their empty cups. They started walking in the direction they came.


“You live far from school don’t you?” He had a feeling the answer would be yes.


“A little. It’s a twenty minute walk.”


“Mine is ten.”


“Are you bragging?”


“No. I’m just stating a fact. Which side do you stay on?”


“East side.”




“It seems like you’ll have a long walk home tonight.”


“Yup thirty minutes.”


“...You don’t have to walk me home.”


“Yes I do. I need you to think of me as a gentleman.” Jinyoung scoffed. He already thought that.


“I don’t want you to get frostbite.”


“It’s not that cold. It’s not even winter yet.”


“What a tough guy you are.”


Their banter ended like that as Jinyoung led the older boy to the direction of his apartment. The walk was enjoyable as Jinyoung had his cold hand wrapped around Jaebum’s wrist. Any skin to skin contact was good, even if their fingers felt like popsicles. He’d have to buy them some gloves since his own fingers were cold as well.


It took forty minutes to get to Jinyoung’s apartment. It was in a nice area but it was a little far from school. They slowed their pace as both knew their night together was ending. Eventually, the pair did reach the younger’s apartment building.


“This is me.”


“It looks new.”


“It is.”


Neither wanted to say goodbye so they lingered in front of the building a few more moments. Each pair of eyes taking in the other’s body and image as they were at that moment.


“Did you have fun?” Pulling Jinyoung into the building so they’d be warmer.


“Yeah. You’ve replaced all my frustration with pleasant feelings.”


“I’m glad.”


“Are you going to wait until I get inside my apartment?”




“Do you want me to go up with me to my door since you agreed to walk me home?”




They rode the elevator in companionable silence. Jinyoung led them to his door after stepping off of the elevator.


“This is it.”


“It nicer than I expected. More modern too.”


“It is. Where did you think I’d live?


“Some older but well maintained place with lots of character. You’d have a comfortable area to drink tea and read your books by a window with a nice view.


“Well it’s not all that but it’s cheap. You have an active imagination.”


Jaebum chuckled. Maybe he did, but Jinyoung had an image that provoked his imagination.


“Open the door so I can let you sleep.”


Jinyoung fumbled with his keys. Who knew parting would be so difficult? He finally unlocked the door after a couple of minutes of stalling.


“Good night Jaebum hyung. Thank you for today.” Jinyoung turned towards him and bowed. Jaebum reciprocated action. He twisted the doorknob and stepped in. He gave a small wave and closed the door.


Jaebum stood there what felt like a couple of minutes, but was in fact no more than thirty seconds. He was about to leave when suddenly the door opened and Jinyoung stepped towards him. He placed a kiss on his cheek. Hi plump pink lips pressed against the older boy’s cheek. It was so indescribably perfect. It almost felt like a dream.


“Thank you again Jaebum. Get home safely. Text me when you get home so I don't worry. Good night.” Jinyoung smiled and returned to his apartment.


“Good night.” Jaebum was stunned. The moment lips and cheek met was the moment he lost all sense of coherent thought.


Jaebum didn’t want to acknowledge why his heart was constricting. All he knew is that he was getting to know Jinyoung better and it was so blissful. It was like melting chocolate. Completely satisfying. He didn’t want for anything. He was head over heels and he didn’t even know it.


He walked home in a daze. He felt nothing. Not the cold, not the light rain, and not his fingers which were numb and clung to his desserts. He was in a state of bliss. Absolute bliss. He wondered if this was what heaven felt like and if life could get any better.


Hello it's me, again. How did you like it? I hope it met your expectations. It was kind of tricky to write because I wanted it to flow correctly and not make interactions too awkward. Plus transitions are hard to write because I want to rush and get to the good stuff. Once agian, I'm going to ask you guys to subscribe, comment, and upvote. Any sign that you like this story is very much appreciated. Thank you for your support. @(*~*)@

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So, I'm really bad at time management so the next update will be a bit late. I'm going to change the schedule to update on Fridays. So expect the next chapter on Friday. I'm very sorry. Please look forward to the update. Thank you for everything.


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Chapter 2: Cutest JJP story I read so fard dndjjd
jjpforever #2
Chapter 13: Thank you for update authorniiimmm!
Can't wait for the next :)
ahnyoulil #3
Thx for feed me with jjp ff. I'm jjp trash so I'm looking for many jjp ff :))
Chapter 11: FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! thanks for the awesome fic!
blaqahgase17 #5
Chapter 11: Happy Holidays authornim ^^ Thanks for the Christmas gift ~ \°●°/~ Hope you have an amazing day ahead ~ BE MERRY & BE HAPPY ^@^
Chapter 10: Omg... I cried.. TT-TT
Saddest fanfic I have read so far.. It was so sweet too! Omg... Shipping JJP is the best.. TT-TT ... Thank you for writing this. Thank you thank you thank you!! TT-TT I really love you for writing this Fabric that is irresistible and sad and like any Kdrama out there.. TT-TT thank you.. *finger hearts*
hiddentears #7
Chapter 10: I cannot believe this fic is going to end soon. I'm not readyyyyy
Cisoon93 #8
Chapter 10: I'm soooo happy you're back and with such an amazing chapter!!!!!!! #AWESOME!!!!!!
Chapter 10: Haish~~~ it finally over~~ im happy that Jaebum finally wake up..T^T
dunoxavier #10
Chapter 9: Jaebum please wake up already...Christmas is coming and Jinyoung misses you so much already :(