Epilogue Part 3

He was Sick

~Time skip 6 months~


Jaebum closed his eyes as he waited for the subway to come.  In less than 24 hours, he’d be in Canada with Jinyoung. It was the summer, which he was looking forward to. The pictures and weather would gorgeous, but especially the pictures. Jinyoung had created an itinerary that was perfect for any tourist in Toronto. Honestly, Jaebum just wanted to spend time with Jinyoung, not really being a tourist, but whatever Jinyoung wanted, he could have.


The characteristic music of the subway arriving forced Jaebum to open his eyes. As the doors opened, he stepped on. He pushed the biggest bag he had on the rack and found a space for his carry-on that he could stand next to. He fished his earbuds out of his pocket and as he was about to plug them in, unexpectedly his phone rang. He immediately answered.


“Are you at the airport yet?” Jinyoung asked without saying hello.


“No, I’m on the subway.”


“How many bags do you have?”


“A backpack, a carry-on and a large checked bag.”


“Did you bring everything I asked for?”


“Yeah, I didn’t even bring a pair of pajamas so I could fit all that stuff on your list.”


“And that’s why I love you. I’ll make sure to buy you some sleeping clothes.”


“Don’t spend your money on me.” Jaebum shuffled his phone to the other ear. He made sure he had his passport for the hundredth time. This was his first time traveling internationally alone. “I’ll sleep in my underwear and a tank top. Just make sure you feed me well-”


“That costs money!”


“The only thing free in this world is air, so you’ll have to spend money on something.” jinyoung chuckled. “I’m excited to see you. What’s first on the agenda?”


“Meeting my advisor and maybe a couple of friends, if they’re still in the office.”


“No. I don’t want to,” Jaebum said cutely.


Jinyoung rolled his eyes even though his heart fluttered. He couldn’t believe his boyfriend was being cute for such a ridiculous reason. “You know we already discussed this.”


“I know.” Jaebum paused. “I just want to spend time with you.”


“I know. I do too, but my advisor really wants to meet you.” Jinyoung waited for Jaebum to say something. “ I’ve told her so many things about you, and she’s seen our pictures. I really want to bring my life in Toronto and my life in Seoul together. Plus, I want you to see my office.”


“So you basically just want to show me off? I’m not a trophy.” Jaebum mumbled cutely. He couldn’t help but preen. “But fine. Buy me lunch though.”


“I would, but… myadvisorwantstoeatlunchwithus.”


“What did you just say? It sounded like you said we’re eating lunch with your advisor. Is that what I heard?”


“I love you.”


“How did you rope us into that?” The sign on the subway blinked telling him they’d arrived to the airport. “Actually, tell  me when I arrive. I have to go. I’m getting off the subway. I’ll text you when I take off. I love you.”


“Okay. Love you. Get to your gate without too much fuss.”


“Yes love.” he replied in a patronizing voice. “See you soon.”


Since he had about fourteen hours to kill so Jinyoung decided to pay some bills, mostly so he would know how much money he could spend during Jaebum’s trip. Strangely, he was excited to pay his car note. This was his first car and had been his first big purchase. He’d consulted Jaebum, who also did not have car buying experience, relentlessly.


“I’m saving up for a car.”


“What? Why?”


“Turns out Toronto is larger than Seoul. It just makes going around easier. I probably won’t drive it to school everyday, but sometimes I have to travel around to places that are kind of far for research. I also think I’ll feel more established and settled since I’ll be here for about four more years. What do you think?”


Jaebum thought it was strange that someone who was on a tight budget would spend their money on a car, which would just be an added expenses. He did understand that it was a different, much larger country, and if Jinyoung wanted to travel, it’d be better if he had a car. Plus, he didn’t get a driver’s license for nothing, so it’d be better if he used it  while he was in Canada. “Well, if you think you need one, then I won’t object.”


“I totally thought you would. What’s with this rational thinking?”


“Well… unfortunately, I’m not really in the position to tell you what to do since we’re in two different continents, let alone country. I’ll probably get a car too, but later when I have more money, and you’re with me. We wouldn’t have to rent a car when I come, but that’s not that often… From what you’ve told me, you’re in a place where it is convenient to have a car. Although I’m worried about the added expenses associated with a car, you’re capable of balancing your budget. Just make sure your advisor goes with you since this is your first experience.”


“Definitely. My goal is to purchase it in March. I should have enough saved by then. I’ll probably have to do some serious budgeting.”

~A couple months later in April~

Jaebum could hear ringing that seemed far away. The sound became louder and louder as he was roused from sleep. The ringer seemed like Jinyoung's but Jinyoung never called him this early. Jaebum was always awake when he called. 

With his eyes still closed, Jaebum answered the phone. "Hello?"


“I bought a car!” Jinyoung exclaimed. Jaebum pulled the phone back from his ear. 


“You do know it's..." Jaebum looked at his phone," seven in the morning?”




Jinyoung didn't seem to be tampering down his excitement, so jaebum tried to seem engaged. “Which one did you end up buying?”


“The Mini Clubman. It was so cute. It was super quirky so it totally suits the aesthetic you think I have. They even came with snow tires, which I’ll probably keep in the car most of the time. I’m really excited.”


“What sold you on it?”


“Honestly the space. The backseat of the Ford Focus wasn’t enough, and I don’t know who I might carry in my backseat. The Mini has the right amount of space and good handling which is the most important to me. My professor helped me negotiate it down a $1000 so i got it $10,500, so with the down payment, I will probably have my car about $200 a month.”


“Too many numbers.” Jaebum rubbed his eyes. “I’m happy for you though. My baby is a big boy now, buying his own car. What color is it?”


“Dark blue with a white top. It’s freaking gorgeous. It has leather seats and a sunroof and a fancy screen and all the other cool stuff cars have these days. It’s really nice.”


Jaebum couldn’t help but smile listening to Jinyoung. “I can’t wait to see it when I get there.”


“Me too.”


“As much as I would love to talk to you more, it’s 7 a.m. on a Saturday. I’m going back to sleep. Congrats. I love you. Have a good night.”


“I love you too. Sleep well. Give Nora a kiss for me.” Jinyoung let Jaebum go back to sleep.


In the end, Jinyoung bought a used 2012 Mini Clubman Cooper. It had everything he wanted: good, versatile cargo space, small-size, and unique. He didn’t regret his choice, even as he paid his car note. Luckily, it was only $10,550, which was only due to his advisor’s great negotiating skills.


Jinyoung turned off his laptop. He closed it and put it on his desk. He flopped on his bed. Jaebum was coming soon. He’d be able to see his boyfriend for the first time in nine months. Jaebum was the reason he’d been able to get through late nights, difficult work, homesickness, and the loneliness he felt every once in a while. Jaebum’s love, and obviously his parents’ as well, was a the strongest motivation he had during this difficult time.


His phone dinged.


IJB: I’m on the plane. See you in about 14 hrs.


PJY: Are you comfortable?


IJB: Yeah. There’s a complimentary blanket. I’ll probably just watch movies and sleep. I’m in an aisle seat, which should be okay.


PJY: Make sure to sleep a lot. I’ll be sleeping during your plane ride. We’re going to be busy before we get back to my room.


IJB: K. Love you. See you soon.


PJY: Love you too. Travel safe.


Jinyoung waited patiently for Jaebum right outside the arrival area. He hoped he looked okay. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. Jaebum was probably wearing something similar.


He was so nervous. What if their feelings had changed because of the distance? It’s wasn’t that big of a worry, but it was a worry. Jinyoung knew he’d held back about things he was dealing with so he wouldn’t worry Jaebum. He was sure Jaebum felt the same way.


It had been nine months. Nine months of not kissing. Nine months of not hugging. Nine months of not sleeping in the same bed. Nine months of not seeing a camera on almost every flat surface around. Nine months of no eye smilies. No Jaebum to rub his nape when he needed comfort. Nine months of no early morning pats as Jaebum got out of bed. Jinyoung basically missed everything physical about Jaebum.


Suddenly the doors opened and the travelers from Seoul exited. At this point, Jinyoung was a bit  annoyed that Korean people dressed similarly. Of course he’s know his boyfriend anywhere, but like he kept getting his hopes up. As the crowd thinned, Jaebum emerged.


When their eyes connected, both of their faces lit up. Jinyoung reeled in his emotions so that he wouldn’t cry or run and tackle him. Instead, he calmly walked to meet him. Unbelievably they were face to face. Without warning, Jaebum kissed him. Jinyoung wrapped his arms around his neck. They broke apart before they created too much of a scene. Normally, they weren't very fond of PDA.


“Hello.” Jinyoung said first.


“Hello.” Jaebum smiled. This smile was the most beautiful Jinyoung had seen in a while. It wormed its way into his heart and made him beam even more. “You look beautiful.”


“Liar.” Jinyoung just smiled and brushed Jaebum’s hair out of his face. “These are nothing special.”


“Still… you look beautiful all the time.”


“I’m tired of your lame lines. Let’s go. GIve me a bag.”


“Which one?”


“The big one. You’re tired.” Jinyoung was surprised when Jaebum let go. They definitely weren’t in the honeymoon stage anymore. With the bag in his left hand, Jinyoung wove his fingers into Jaebum’s now free hand.


“How was the flight?”


“Fine. My neck hurts a bit.” Jaebum said as he stretched his neck. “Are you going to give me a massage? Get all the kinks out of my neck?” He said with a leer and a lascivious tone.


Jinyoung bumped his shoulder. “Maybe if you’re good.”


Jaebum laughed.  “Did you sleep well? You probably had to get up early.”


“No, I got up at my normal time.”


They walked in companionable silence until the got to the car.

JInyoung pulled away as they made their way to the car. “This is it.” He opened the trunk and laid the seats down. He hefted the luggage into the trunk while Jaebum placed the backpack behind the passenger seat.


“It’s nice. Very clean,” Jaebum said as he slid into the passenger seat. His knees were up against the dashboard. He struggled to push the seat back.


“Sorry, Skye’s car is in the shop and we went grocery shopping yesterday. She’s a bit shorter than you.” Jinyoung leaned over his lap from the driver’s seat. “Push back.”


“I like this position.” Jaebum said as he began to push backwards.


Jinyoung glared at him and then pinched his outer thigh. Jaebum yelped.


With the seat successfully positioned, the couple got on their way. The ride was peaceful as they listened to one of Jaebum’s playlists. The scenery was gorgeous and new. Jaebum’s urges to take photos, even though is camera was in the backseat, forced him to use his phone.


Before he knew it, they were in the city. The tall buildings and the bustling city warmed Jaebum’s heart for he was a city boy, at least he was eighty percent of the time.  He’d make an album and turn it into a gift for Jinyoung’s parents who probably wouldn’t be able to visit him while he was in Canada.


Jinyoung effortlessly navigated the streets of Toronto. He had the feeling of an experienced traveler. The sunlight highlighted all of his features. His sunglasses concealed his eyes. It was a scene out of a movie where they drove in a Mini Cooper instead of a convertible and they were in the city instead of a deserted road. Jaebum was feeling like the female-lead, except he was a dude and he wasn't straight.


Before he knew it, he was filming Jinyoung driving. The tension in his muscles. The smile he directed towards him every once in a while. The way his fingers tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the music. Everything was right, and Jaebum was in love. In a moment that was as unromantic as possible, driving to meet a professor at her office, Jaebum couldn't help but be enamored.


They were now at a traffic light “What are you doing?”


“Filming you.”






“You're embarrassing me.”


“Why are you embarrassed? It's just the two of us.”


“Because your stare is too focused.”


“I'm not even looking directly at you.”


“I know but I can see your face and it's telling me too much.”


“What's it telling you?”


“It's telling me that you love me and how beautiful you think I am and how lucky you are, correct?”


Jaebum look genuinely surprised. “How did you guess?”


“I'm an actor and a reader. It's my tendency to interpret things in front of me, especially on your face.”


“I'm definitely dating a genius.”


“You're too much.” Jinyoung turned. “We're at the university.


The campus was beautiful. There were buildings that looked liked castles. Amazing architectural style masterpieces. There were too many people out since it was summer time and a majority of students were on break. Jaebum could tell how lively it probably was during most of the year. With thoughts of winter and fall, Jaebum eagerly wanted to come back for those times.

Hello my lovely readers. Thank you for reading again. I'm back in school now so the updates will probably be shorter, and occassionaly infrequent.  I hope to establish and maintain a regular scdule. Slowly but surely we will finish this journey.  Thanks for reading, subscribing, and voting. Please comment. I read and love all of them.  Seriously, comments are my lifeblood. Thank you once again.


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So, I'm really bad at time management so the next update will be a bit late. I'm going to change the schedule to update on Fridays. So expect the next chapter on Friday. I'm very sorry. Please look forward to the update. Thank you for everything.


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Chapter 2: Cutest JJP story I read so fard dndjjd
jjpforever #2
Chapter 13: Thank you for update authorniiimmm!
Can't wait for the next :)
ahnyoulil #3
Thx for feed me with jjp ff. I'm jjp trash so I'm looking for many jjp ff :))
Chapter 11: FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! thanks for the awesome fic!
blaqahgase17 #5
Chapter 11: Happy Holidays authornim ^^ Thanks for the Christmas gift ~ \°●°/~ Hope you have an amazing day ahead ~ BE MERRY & BE HAPPY ^@^
Chapter 10: Omg... I cried.. TT-TT
Saddest fanfic I have read so far.. It was so sweet too! Omg... Shipping JJP is the best.. TT-TT ... Thank you for writing this. Thank you thank you thank you!! TT-TT I really love you for writing this Fabric that is irresistible and sad and like any Kdrama out there.. TT-TT thank you.. *finger hearts*
hiddentears #7
Chapter 10: I cannot believe this fic is going to end soon. I'm not readyyyyy
Cisoon93 #8
Chapter 10: I'm soooo happy you're back and with such an amazing chapter!!!!!!! #AWESOME!!!!!!
Chapter 10: Haish~~~ it finally over~~ im happy that Jaebum finally wake up..T^T
dunoxavier #10
Chapter 9: Jaebum please wake up already...Christmas is coming and Jinyoung misses you so much already :(