
A Hard Day

Jackson sighed, reading over Mark's schedule. There was no way in hell he could go to the states next week. His mother had to go back to Hong Kong to see her doctor and Jackson wanted to be there. But he had to do this job for Jinyoung. What was he going to do? He flipped through the packet again. Mark's schedule was free after the end of the live show recording. Jackson watched from the behind the camera. Mark did a good job on TV shows as usual. He didn't lack any confidence, though he didn't speak a whole lot. But that just made up his character.

"We have one more question for you M.T. You are know for having new managers all the time, it's even believed that you chase them away. Are you ever going to keep one for longer than a few weeks?" Mark looked over toward the cameras to found Jackson. He smirked before turning back to the host. 

"Well, I just hope he can handle me." The host laughed softly.

"Let's give him our best wishes." She turned to the camera. "Thank you for giving us your time. We will do our best. Please show your love for M.T and his new album 'Flip Side' and help him prepare for his overseas concert. We well see you next time on 'Our Time.' Have a good afternoon." The camera man counted off his fingers and the on air light went of. The host's smile faded into a small one as she looked at Mark. "Thank you for coming on air. We really do appreciate it." Mark nodded, standing up.

"No problem. I'm always up for some screen time." Jackson sighed, slapping the schedule packet across his face. What was he going to do with Mark?


"What's up next?" Mark asked getting into the car that Jinyoung had given to Jackson. He sat up front, not liking the idea of having to talk to the back of the driver seat.

"There's nothing left. That was the last thing on the schedule." Mark sighed. Thank god, he didn't think he could do anymore interviews today. 

"And what about tomorrow?" Jackson thought about. what was there to do tomorrow?

"You have a meeting with a director for a cameo appearance in a new drama. They want to see if you are up for the part. It's in the afternoon" Mark sighed, looking over at Jackson. The younger was focused on the road. He was a very responsible driver, unlike his other managers who honestly could careless about him.

"Cancel it. I don't like the idea of acting." Mark said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He was checking his fan page to see if anyone had weird or interesting photos of him. He liked seeing what his fans came up with. "Is there anything else?"

"There's a meeting with Jinyoung. He said it was very important and you had to be there." Mark groaned. He already knew what it was going to be about, all those scandals that he had been in the past week. He wasn't looking forward to it, but he couldn't avoid it any longer.

"And after that?" Mark just wanted his full schedule instead of an update everyday.

"That's it for the week. After tomorrow you have to get ready for you overseas tour."' Jackson had to think of a way to tell his mother that he would be in America for a bit. He really didn't want to do that, but it was his job and there was no way he could get out of it. He sighed, taking a quick glance at the older. This was all Mark's fault.

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Deflowerhoe #1
iSimplicityy #2
Chapter 40: I know the deadline passed for this, but I want to gove my own input as well.

1. Markipooh! He caught my attention since I first started liking GOT7. He reminds me of me in so many ways and that just intrigues me.

2. I think so far this is ny favorite story. I love the whole setting and the gradual progression of manager and idol to boyfriends. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops in the sequel.

3. I've been listening to GOT7 all of 2016 after I became their fan in January. I'll have to say my favortie songs are She's A Monster and Forever Young. Although I love a lot of their other songs too. They are always on repeat.

4. I enjoyed reading this story because of the way you describe Mark and Jackson and how you paced everything to bring them together. Even though Mark seemed like a jerk at first, Jackson was able to get to know the real Mark hiding behind all those walls that he built and made him a much better person in the end.
secret_silenterz #3
Chapter 40: Great. I love q&a XD

1) My current bias is Mark but Jackson and slowly crawling to my bias list.

2) I love hearing you out and making you mine.

3) My fav song now is homerun, save me- bts, beautiful liar- vixx, back again- knk, and mostly monster- exo.

4) Why I like (mostly love) this story? Ofc because of the way you portrayed Markson characters in there. I love how sweet was Jackson and Mark's stuttering problem got better day by day. I love when this story is not complicated and the characters knew how to handle their problems. I love how you're not rush this story, you kept it slow from stranger to friends then lover. Tbh, when I reread this story I still squealing at the kiss part haha XD
MinyoPabo #4
Chapter 40: 1: Markie - Pooh^^ Just because of the cuteness he has from aegyo to his giggling self X3

2: Hearing you out - Making you mine. I just love the way how you set Mark's personality and Jackson's want of getting closer with Mark. A beautiful markson story for sure^^.

3: My favourite song in 2016 currently is Block B's Toy, but my favourite GOT7 song has to be magnetic, have you tried listening to it? It's AMAZING!

4: Why I like this story? I LOVE this story! I just love how the connection between the two is so cute. And the moments when Mark actually feels for Jackson (eg. Mark feeling sad for Jackson from having to leave his mother) and the moments when Jackson cares for him (eg. Comforting Mark while he was melting down about Youngjae). Those moments are the cutest. Overall, I love this story because of the connection and bond and how the story was built. A beautiful story <3
Chapter 40: Winners will be announced on the story 'Early access' at 2:00pm EST. Thank you for reading and have a great day! Annyeong!
petshopxoxoxo #6
Chapter 40: 1. Got7 Bias: Mark & Jackson (it was because of Jackson that I am an Ahgase now, and it was because of Mark that makes me getting deeper and deeper into Got7, and it is because of Markson that makes me so in love with these two human beings and all seven of them).

2. Favorite Story of u: Hearing you out - Making you mine. It's just simply because of the story and the Markson u built in it, I love it.

3. Current Favorite kpop song of 2016: Homerun (so cute, and recently because of the Markson moment - chin touching - during performance of this song in FlyInUSA, I just can't keep myself from screaming). And I'm hoping/waiting for WOLO in their next album :))

4. Why did I like this story: how Jackson helps Mark to live better - overcome his past & fall in love - & because the story gets my curiosity.
Chapter 40: my bias is youngjae!!!!!! the most cute person ever, and he is 7 days younger than me!!
this story is my favorite so far :)
homerun from got7 and forever young and never mind from bts i cant get out of my head
because it's markson YAY! and because you write really wel. the story has an interesting plot, and you update frequently :)
Chapter 40: 1. I have two Bias Mark being my top followed by Youngjae. 2. I've read all your stories but A hard day is my favorite cause it was the first one i read and also the way you made Jackson is actually how i see him. 3. Oh god thats a hard one cause Got7 is my favorite group but Exo Monster just has stuck with me and might take my top song which would push error and beautiful liar out which have been tied forever now and Monster might break that tie. 4. It was written really well and I was able to imagine the story in my mind and it had me coming back wanting more. It also helps that i'm a huge Markson fan. Also having Mark have walls and having Jackson break them down was how I imagine it would happen, Jackson is such a caring person and Mark having walls up is like myself so i was able to relate to it so much and always wish I could have someone like Mark has Jackson. :)
blumay15 #9
Chapter 40: 1)My bias is Mark he's just so sweet and adorable

2)This one or making you mine although what's a kiss? Is a really good story as well

3)U-kiss stalker, Nu'est overcome, and Got7 magnetic have all been on repeat for the longest

4)I like how raleal it feels they way you walked us through the story how it took time to progress. I also like the characters personalities and how Jackson made Mark break down his walls at a very realistic pace. How its one of the very few pics that makes Mark the jerk
Chapter 40: I think it's pretty interesting too so I'll answer your questions^^

GOT7 bias: Wang Jia Er aka Jackson Wang. There's no way I'll tell you why because it would take me to write a Bible hahahahah :) but what I can say is: he's the light that bright in the middle of yhe darkness*_* I know is cheesy but I'm speaking about Jackson so... why not? Hahahahah

Favorite story... Hum, I had to go to your list of stories only to remember that "Hearing you out" and "Making you mine". Those were incredibly awesome, and cute. But Ilike this story too D: it's just the others were more like what I like to read hihi

Favorite kpop song right now? I don't know hahahahah I've got the chance to know MONSTA X.... and I can keep listening "Honestly" without getting bored. But I loved the new songs of BEAST. And all of GOT7's songs so... I can't choose!!!!!! -_- (I'm being honest)

Why? Hummm it's a good question. Maybe because the way their relationship make them change for the better, Mark the most, and because it's a Markson fic! (?) Okno I'm rambling right now hahahahah

So... I'll keep waiting for any update :)
See you! ^_