Her Never-ending Past




            Six months have passed since I have been a student at Hwa Yang Academy and a boarder at the Hwa Yang boarding Facility. I have established solid friendships among the guys and girls. The persons who I feel the most comfortable around are the girls: Sulli, Amber, Victoria and Krystal; and the guy’s Minho, Key, Onew and Taemin.

            I have adapted to the Korean culture and my Korean has greatly improved since I have been communicating among Korean natives much more than I did when I resided in the States. Occasionally, I revert to English whenever I am overwhelmed with excitement or shuddering with nervousness. I do feel comfortable speaking to Amber and Krystal in English when we are surrounded by the guys because they tend to feel inferior and assume that we are cheekily talking about them.  Amber, Krystal and I find it very amusing.

             I have engaged in numerous extracurricular activities. They are swimming and soccer, and I have become of member of the Pets Club. I have also devoted my time to attend the guys’ dance practices each week .I am glad that I have been involved in school tasks, academically and socially. I am enjoying myself greatly by investing my time in things that I love doing.

            My personality has changed from dull to fun an interactive. I have been experiencing the happiest and most memorable moments in my life for the past three months I have been living in Seoul, South Korea. It feels as if I were missing out on all the wonders of life before I moved here. However, it saddens me that my father has not made an effort to contact me since he drove away from the premises after my registration here at the boarding facility. He still blamed me. I knew it! I become emotional whenever I receive a package from my dad every three weeks that contains the latest technological advanced communicative device/gadget but he has not communicated with me within three months.  How ironic? I have missed him so much but I do not have the courage to call him, due to the immense embarrassment I experience as I reflect on my hostility towards him ever since my mom’s passing.

                        To this very day, my heart flutters whenever I am in Taemin’s presence. I am enchanted by his dreamy eyes, enthralled by his endless charms, captivated by his mesmerizing dance movements and pleased by the ways he looks at me during a conversation. I do spend more time with him than I do with the other guys because I offered to tutor him English. In the beginning I was a bit uncomfortable sitting on the floor in Minho’s dorm, just he and I, engrossed in English lessons I enjoy teaching him; he is very cooperative and diligent.

            I have noticed a remarkable change in my attitude and personality and I am extremely elated. I concluded that I will strive to do my best in school for my mother’s sake, because she would have desired that. With a different mentality and an open-minded approach to my studies, I hope to achieve a lot during my tenor and Hwa Yang Academy.


Lee Hei Ryung




Seems like she’ been having a grand time. Bull! Her reflection; utter trash! I crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash can.

 I stood across the hall, glaring at Hei Ryung conversing with Taemin. Gosh that girl. Why is he even talking to her? Seriously, what do guys find so appealing about her? She is just a normal freak, that’s exactly what she is. Omo? She smiled? Her? Smiling? I was absolutely dumbfounded. I bet she smiled when she did all those horrible things. Ha! At last she is going down the hall. She doesn’t know what I have in store for her. What a spectacle it will be. Mwa hahah!!!!! Heheh evil laugh, I like to get into character.

             END POV


“Hei Ryung-ah. You know that there is an upcoming Annual Christmas Dance on the last day of school before the holidays, right?” Taemin asked coolly.


 A bright smile appeared on Hei Ryung’s face because the highly anticipated event had slipped her mind.


“Thanks for reminding me, Tae, but I am not going. Are you?”


“Mwo? Wae?” Taemin asked completely shocked.


“I do not find such functions appealing. They cater for couples and I am not in a relationship and I do notdate.” Hei Ryung responded acutely, emphasizing the word ‘date’.


Taemin’s countenance fell. “Well, maybe I can change your opinion about dating.” He said cutely.


Hei Ryung was taken aback by his statement. Was he trying to pursue a relationship with her?

Obviously, it would not work because she knew that Sulli was head over heels for him and she would never do anything to harm or hurt a friend.

“I have to go…somewhere. See you at soccer practice.” She said and both Hei Ryung and Taemin went their separate ways.




He should be dying to see Sulli at the dance. Although she has not divulged whether or not she likes Taemin but I surely sense it. I started for the hall but stopped in my tracks when I saw some students sending death glares my way. The air was silent and my footsteps echoed as I made my way with short tentative strides. I saw them, murmuring and whispering in each other’s ears. Some wore scared expressions and others seemed blatantly angry. I noticed that they were all reading a paper or a flyer that they had in their hands. As I prodded further down the murmurs grew louder and the stares became deadlier and more frightening. I hated being the victim of scrutiny. My fist balled up as anger welled up inside me. How dare they look at me like that? All of a sudden it got to me and I screamed ‘What?!’


“How was it?” a boy emerged from the thickly growing crowd.

“What did you say?”

“Did you enjoy it?” he pressed on. “All those people you hurt? I bet you got pleasure out of seeing them writhe in pain! What kind of sick bastard does that?” he roared.

“What are you talking about?” I sneered through clenched teeth, anger boiling at a 100 degrees Celsius.

“See for yourself” he hissed and tossed me the paper he was reading from. My eyes widened in shock and I placed my hand over my mouth.


Hei Ryung Lee, a fellow fifteen year old student of Endwam High has been taken into custody for the brutal stabbing of two local teenage Caucasian males. It is alleged that the suspect withdrew a racket from her pocket and repeatedly stabbed the boys in the chest area and the face after they had failed to give her their money , which she had requested.


Jay Harris is currently in the hospital in stable condition, having received deep stab wounds in the left eye which has left him visually impaired and the other, Malcolm Wayne, is battling for life, the knife having punctured one of the main arteries in his chest area.


I was so stunned by the words that ran across the page. “This is not true!!” I cried, turning around in a circling to see all of them glaring at me with no hint of sympathy in their dead, cold eyes.


“Why did you do it? What did those boys do to you, so horrendous that you had to react so violently?” He fumed and the crowd supported him. I felt attacked. It was happening again, the pain, the torture.


“You wouldn’t understand!” I rebutted, tears flooding my face.”This isn’t true!”


“Really? What about the girl you drowned in the pond behind your house six years ago? What happened to teacher who ‘fell down the stairs in your house’? Who could’ve have known? Maybe you pushed her when she wasn’t looking. All those innocent lives crippled and shattered because of you!”


“No, that’s not true! You’ve got it all wrong!” I cried, dropping to my knees and staring at the newspaper article before me. “You’re wrong!!!”


“Now you cry. You didn’t cry when you were injuring those innocent lives? You’re pathetic! You’re a murderer!”


“I didn’t murder anyone!” I hollered and sniffled. “How dare you talk about me injuring innocent lives! They were the ones who injure me! They are the reason why they’re laying in a hospital bed right now! Not me! You wretch!”


“What about your mother?” My eyes widened when he mentioned my mother.” I’m guessing you didn’t kill her, right?You’re a killer! Have you no heart? You murdered her and it’s a shame you’re still living.” he asked. I went numb, my cries we silenced and the tears stopped flowing. Everything seemed to be spinning in a whirlwind as if time had stopped. I saw their lips moving but I couldn’t hear anything but laughter. They jeered and jeered until I couldn’t take it anymore and ran away like a child and left them behind chanting “Murderer! Murderer!” not before bouncing into Taemin.


“Taemin.” I said, my voice hoarse from all the crying. He wore as sad expression. “You believe them?” I asked but he just stared back at me, stunned. “I see.” I hung my head and ran, ran, ran.




Hei Ryung’s expression was priceless; her cheeks were blanched with utter outrage. Sad isn’t it. Wait, I think I was a bit harsh. Nah, she deserved it! That’ll show her who runs “Hwa Yang Academy” and she should know her place from now on. I decided to approach her and offer my ‘assistance’ in any way I possibly can without erupting into an evil laugh. The closer I was the more pleased and accomplished I would feel.



“Hei Ryung ? Is something wrong?” I asked maintaining my composure.


“Leave me alone!” she said and ran away.


“ Silly Child!” I thought. “Got a taste of my medicine. Bitter, isn’t it?”






so, part of He' Ryung's past is revealed

sad!! tell me what you think people!!!!!!


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Thank you all for reading!!
ShawolMBLFT #2
This is fix is crazy awesome~
U should've made a sequel^^
mwah!:* keep up the good work!
banapple195 #4
Me gusta! <--- and no, I do not speak spanish :) But I really like this fic! I shall subscribe!
@Nellie-chan thanks for reading!
this is very nice. i actually felt Hei's sadness for a while.
@lilosuitehart I thin both are fine and thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@tropicalanna thank you so much!
tropicalanna #8
Hey, I LOVE your storyyy !!!! Continueee doing a good job with writing !!!<br />
lilosuitehart #9
isnt it supposed to be appa not oppa?? nice story by the way..update soon!!!