I Know Secrets

Her Never-ending Past


Taemin’s pov

            I sat next to Hei Ryung in Biology class. She looked very distressed and antsy as opposed to her behaviour the other day. I wonder if it was because of my behaviour. I was being very open and pleasant and she was being very resistant and distant as if she really did hate people. She told me that she hated people the other day but I can’t believe it. I wonder how could such a beautiful looking girl as she could harbour so much hate for the world. I made several attempts to talk to her but she simply ignored me. I also overheard her repeatedly muttering a sentence under her breath whilst she stole occasional glances at the door. I barely know this girl but whenever she is around I cannot take my eyes off her. The way how her forehead wrinkles in confusion or anger and the way how her face beamed at the rare moments when she cracked a smile and the spare times when I actually saw her deep black eyes when they were not partially hidden under the thick coating of her black mascara. I don’t know what’s happening but I think I might be developing some feelings for her.

End pov


Your pov

            Finally class ended and boy was I relieved. Taemin had been staring at me throughout the entire lesson, which contributed to the anxiety I was experiencing after realizing that today is the day. The day of the year I always wish that I never have to experience again after what happened. I was babbling uncontrollably in English as I always do whenever I am on the verge of having a panic attack. I murmured prayer after prayer hoping that it will calm my nerves but to no avail. When I arrived at my locker, I ensured that I looked to the left and right multiple times before I gently pried the door open. I couldn’t afford another adversary to take place on that day.

End pov


“Shh!!!!! You might alert the Headmistress and her minions.”  Onew hushed whilst he laid his hand over Hei Ryung’s mouth, muffling her bloodcurdling scream.

“Gahh!!! What are you doing here? You startled me. Why were you hiding behind my locker you want be hit again?” Hei Ryung said hyperventilating, trying to catch her breath. A thin line trickled down her cheeks. She flicked it away with a finger and muffled a sniffle in the back of her hand.

“Startled?” Who says that anymore? “My nose is doing ok thanks to you.”

“Omo! I’m really sorry for what happened, I –I didn’t mean –“

“What happened?”  Key interrupted as he appeared before Onew and Hei Ryung.

“Uh…uh…..” Onew stuttered.

Another tear began to flow down her face and her sniffles grew louder.

“Hei Ryung, are you alright?” Onew asked, concern ringing in his voice. She sniffled louder and brushed away the streaming tears. Of course she didn’t look alright but he couldn’t help asking. Key also looked at her with grave concern.

“Uh. I have go. See ya around guys” Hei Ryung said , then hurried to the cafeteria  to purchase her lunch. A cup of French vanilla coffee would normally make her feel better. Her mom would buy her a cup every time she was hurt and right now she was in dire need of a large cup of coffee.

            Hei Ryung saw Sulli seated at a table, motioning for her to her to join the lunch group. Hei Ryung approached the group friends and greeted them quietly and emotionlessly, the sniffles had subsided. Sulli embraced her in an affectionate hug and introduced Hei Ryung to the group of friends.  Their names were Krystal, Victoria, Amber and lastly Luna, whom she met the previous night. Hei Ryung relapsed into her murmurs of prayer after she took the last swig of her coffee. The overpowering sweet smell of the coffee flooded her mind of all the times she and her mom had coffee together. Then the memories came flooding back.

“Mom.” An eleven year old Hei Ryung called. Her mother,Elise, smiled as she kept her eyes on the busy road ahead, her eyes squinting in the sunlight that washed the city that afternoon. “I got a hundred on my algebra test today!!” She screamed, waving the flimsy test paper in the air before her mother’s eyes. The paper obstructed her mother’s view and her hands slipped from the steering wheel. The car swerved to the side in a maniacal manner and hit the bump of the side walk. Hei Ryung banged her head on the wound up window next to her and a yelp escaped from her lips.

“Hei Ryung!” Her mother screamed, her voice frantic. She brushed away the lose strands away from her frightened daughter’s face. Only a small bruise was visible. “Don’t ever do that again!” She warned, relief washing over her. Hei Ryung nodded her head as she trembled in her mother’s arms.

Elise stopped at the red spotlight and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. Hei Ryung was still shaken up by the little accident that occurred .She just gazed through the window, her back facing her mom. All of a sudden a vehicle rammed in the rear of Hei Ryung’s mother’s car and sent the car speeding ahead, breaking the stoplight. Screams resounded within the vehicle as a fire truck was driving in the opposite direction. The truck came closer and closer at full speed and she tried to avoid a collision but it kept on coming closer, blaring its loud horn.


 “You’re a Christian?” a concerned voice questioned in perfect English.


 Hei Ryung lifted her head to see Amber gaping at her with eyes full of concern. Hei Ryung was baffled; she had no idea that she was surrounded by an English speaker.


“Uh…Uh” Hei Ryung fumbled on her words.


“What’s  going on?” Krystal questioned also in English.


 Seriously do they all speak English?


“I have to go. Nice meeting you all.” She said nervously and assembled her belongings to leave the cafeteria. Too bad she didn’t make it out of the eating area because Minho held her arm and escorted her to his lunch group.


“Remember my friend, whom I wanted you meet? He’s here today.” He spoke softly and she felt as if she was about to drift off to her happy place where her mother was still alive and well.


“Lee Jinki this is Lee Hei Ryung, the girl, whom I have talked about.” Minho introduced.

The guy who was reviewing his Physics notes lifted his eyes to meet the person Minho presented.



              A small gasp escaped from Hei Ryung once she realized that the guy who she injured was in fact        Lee Jinki, the person whose name she taught was Onew.


“Hiya there, Hei Ryung. “ Onew greeted then reverted to his Physics notes.


“Mwo? You two know each other?” Minho asked Hei Ryung quite confused.


“Ah. Yes actually. She –“


“Long story!” Hei Ryung interjected with a nervous chuckle followed by her cheeks tainted red.


Onew beamed, amused by her sudden nervous behaviour she was displaying and that she was indeed blushing or so he thought.


“Are you feeling better?” he asked, noticing her puffy eyes. Her eyes fell to the floor and she murmured a yes.


“Can you sit with us today?” Taemin requested, mesmerized by Hei Ryung’s pearl white teeth

and supple skin.


“Yeah. Can you?” Key urged.


Jonghyun was too busy ogling his reflection in his pocket-sized mirror; totally oblivious. Hei Ryung unwillingly sat at the guy’s table due to their pleas that she could not decline. She feigned a smile and to prevent them from asking her any questions.



Omg! I cannot believe that girl. After she had abruptly left our table she went over and sat by the guy’s. I noticed her ogling them. How selfish???? Doesn’t she know here place, clearly she doesn’t, but I will definitely show her where she fits in here at my Hwa Yang Academy. Thought she escaped by coming here, eh? Well, her secrets are definitely not safe with me.






Ahhh! Luna knows something ad she's going to tell!!!!

What dos she know exactly???




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Thank you all for reading!!
ShawolMBLFT #2
This is fix is crazy awesome~
U should've made a sequel^^
mwah!:* keep up the good work!
banapple195 #4
Me gusta! <--- and no, I do not speak spanish :) But I really like this fic! I shall subscribe!
@Nellie-chan thanks for reading!
this is very nice. i actually felt Hei's sadness for a while.
@lilosuitehart I thin both are fine and thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@tropicalanna thank you so much!
tropicalanna #8
Hey, I LOVE your storyyy !!!! Continueee doing a good job with writing !!!<br />
lilosuitehart #9
isnt it supposed to be appa not oppa?? nice story by the way..update soon!!!