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Her Never-ending Past


After that crazy event, I thought I’d gotten a wakeup call for about the tenth time of my whole life so far. I was bitter. I skipped school for a few weeks hoping that the rumours would die down but they only got worse. I even heard that they said I didn’t turn up because I was guilty. Guilty, my foot! I wasn’t guilty. I was just scared of them throwing those things in my face as if it didn’t hurt enough already. I still heard them. Purposely talking about me below their filthy, gut-wrenching breaths. I hate people. So what if I did cut my hair. It was thinning out since I wasn’t able to buy my favourite shampoo at the corner store. You know what? I was like what the heck as I snipped at my hair ends. Ahhh. When I was done, I had a messy pile of black hair that stopped at my shoulders. Damn! I looked good. Amd they talked about that too. Down to Sulli and the rest of the gang gave me worried looks but I shrugged it off. The bell rang, signalling the start of lunch. Boy, was I hungry

“Hey”. Onew said when he walked up to me when I was shuffling around some books in my locker.

“Hi.” I glanced at him and saw his sweet smile then continued shuffling.

“Sit with us today.” He said. I slammed my locker and he jumped a little. I bet he was still nervous after our first locker scene. Cute. I chuckled at his silliness.

“Sure, I’ll sit with you.” He beamed which caused me to crack a huge grin as well. It was nice to see Onew smiling so much especially since he rescued me. I was so thankful. How would I ever repay him? Though he said it was fine and that there was no need to reimburse him. How sweet. I respected him ever since and he stood by my side just like thre rest of the other guys and he never dared to ask me about my past. I told everyone that  I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I wasn’t ready. Not yet. I looked abck at him as we walked side by side to the cafeteria. Nice teeth. He should smile more.


“Hey guys!” I chirped and sat at the lunch table between Onew and Key and directly before Taemin, who was eyeing me weirdly.

“Hey Hei Ryung, you’re happy today.” Key said. I guessed he noticed the wide grin on my face. I didn’t have one clue why I was grinning so much.

I blushed and sank my teeth into a succulent chicken leg, the deliciousness draining into my mouth I glanced at Onew who was also enjoying his chicken wings. I snickered and the remants almost fell out of my mouth and Onew saw that and laughed along with me. I took a swig of my Guava juice and looked at the others who were exchanging weird glances, looking at each other with wide eyes.

“What?” I aksed, clueless Key merely curled his lips into a smirk and started playing with his food. “I know that look.” I pointed at Key. “You know something. Please tell!”

“I don’t know anything.” Key quipped, forking through his rice but not taking a bite.”Maybe you should ask Taemin.”

Oh, yeah! I completely forgot Taemin was right in front of me. I took a glimpse at him and to find him staring back at me, but it was more like glaring with dark eyes. “Taemin? Are you ok?”

The others focused their attention on him. “Yeah, fine. Never been better.” He said then stapped his chicken and gnawed on it.

“Well, everybody’s happy today.” I cheered. “Mhhmm, this chicken’s good.”



I enjoyed playing soccer amongst the ‘boyish’ girls in upper school. I loved them a lot since they didn’t’ hold a grudge against me. I was playing for about forty minutes before I took a break. They guys were practicing on the field opposite the girls. Taemin was the captain of the male team because he had some wicked soccer skills and I was the junior captain for the female team. When the guys’ soccer session ended they proposed a game with us which we accepted. We wanted to show them that girls rocked at everything and that boys drooled at everything. Hahah! Sulli was screaming her little head off when the boys were scoring goals after goals. We were doomed but we were having fun. Obviously the boys won and they all retreated to their respective locker rooms. But they did drool so in the end we kind of won.

Everyone left the field and I just stood there staring at the dirty ball that we had abused during our soccer battle. I picked up the ball and threw it as far as I could with my eyes closed. I heard someone yelp and my eyes fluttered open.  From a far I saw brown hair so I thought it was Onew. We’d been hanging out every now and then. It felt like he understood me a little better than the others.  We chickened together. Yep, I just turned ‘chicken’ into a verb. Anyways,the figure came closer and it turned out to be Taemin gently rubbing his chest. Wahh?   He looked fairly hawt in his soccer attire and his ruffled hair do. As he approached me, I became more aware of his attractive physique, his long slender legs, his cute chicken arms (how could I possibly compare chicken to Taemin, he’s not even edible or delicious ahhhhhhhh. I had too much chicken for lunch) and his warm smile.

 “YAH!! You want to kill me?” he asked jokingly. It was good to see him smiling again. I thought I was the only one that felt the awkwardness at lunch.

“Even if I wanted to, I can’t.”  was my cheesy response.

“Sweet.” He said soothingly with that adorable smile of his that made me turn around quickly as I felt my cheeks heating up. What’s happening to me?

“Are you by any chance……..BLUSHING?” Taemin asked, taunting me. He paced a few steps closer towards me and I ran away.

“Yah!!!!Where are you going?” Taemin cried while he chased after me. He caught me by the waist when and spun me around to face him. I flinched a bit and I was panting heavily, beams of perspiration appearing on my face and his too.

“Do you hate me that much?” he asked sadly.

“Hehehe” I chuckled nervously because his hands were still on my waist.  Why would he think that? I brushed his hands away and raised a hand to my head to ruffle my hair. “I don’t hate you” Was it possible to hate Lee Taemin, the boy by the window?

“So you like me?” he shot up.

“Huh?” My eyes widened. He smirked and looked back at me. I ruffled my hair even more so they hairs would fall before my face and conceal my eyes. “What?”

“It’s simple logics, Hei Ryung. You said you don’t hate me, therefore it is implied that you like me, which is the opposite of hate.” He explained.

“Uhhh….” I hummed and started to ruffle my hair even more.

“Hey.” He grabbed onto my arm. “Your hair is fine.” And he lowered my arm. I felt my heart racing inside of me. Why me? “I like to look into your eyes.” He smiled and parted my untamed fringe. I bet he saw my beet red face too. How embarrassing.

“Thanks.” I murmured and began to walk off.

I heard his footsteps coming closer behind me. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Hei Ryung.”

“No, I’m not upset Taemin.” Why was I so hot? Aissh! Babo you just played soccer, that’s why you’re sweating. But no we stopped playing over 15 minutes ago. Babo! You’re sweating because you like Lee Taemin. No I don’t! Babo! What the hell is wrong with that stupid head of yours? Did you, by any chance cut away part of your brain while you were snipping at your hair ends? Ahhh!I’m wasting brain cells by arguing with myself! Hahah1 Admit it! You like Taemin, you like Taemin! Nannanana!!!!!!

“Stop!” I shouted.

“Stop what?” Taemin turned.

“Uh, nothing.” My stupid bickering.

“Ok.” Taemin turned back around and paced ahead.

Tell him Tell him Tell him Tell him Tell him!!!!!!!!! No, why would I lie? But you won’t be lying Hei Ryung! I know, you’re right but I’m odd, he’ll just reject me. Ha! So you admit it that you like him! Wait, what? Ha-ha! You like Lee Taemin-sshi! Wait. Hold up a minute. I was just set up and tricked by my own self? Ahhhhh! You’re so silly Hei Ryung.!! And yes you were so tricked by yourself.

“Taemin?” I called when we reached the entrance of the gymnasium.”Would you still like someone as a friend if they’re not pretty or cute if she confessed to you?” I stated hypothetically.

“Of course!”

“Really, you would?”

“Sure, especially if that person is a girl.”

“Ok.” I said in a disappointed tone. I looked like boy now that I’d cut my hair. I was a boy! No you’re not a boy, silly! Yes, I am! Stop complaining with yourself, it’s not healthy! I know, I know. Geesh! I’m so miserable. Hell yeah you are! What??!! Nothing,nothing. * She’s so miserable* I heard that! Hahahah! Hei Ryung, if you don’t tell that cute handsome fella that you like him, we will do it for you. What do you mean by ‘we’? If you didn’t know, you’re still me. I own y’all. Hahahah, funny! I mean it!

“Taemin!” I heard myself call. Ahhh, they’re doing it to me. He wheeled around and padded towards me. “I-I like you.”

“What? I didn’t hear the last part of you sentence.” He said.

“I said.” *Sigh!!!” “That I like you.”

There was silence. I knew it! I’m a freak.” Ok then, I’ll-”

“I like you, too.”

“Whaaaaaaa?” I looked up to meet his eyes. Was I hearing right? “You really do?”

“Yeah.” He admitted shyly. “ like a LOT.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Taemin liked me too? I love myself! You’re welcome, Hei Ryung. Aishh! Go away, I’m having a moment.

“What do we do now?”  he asked, after we both confessed that we liked it each other.

“Let’s change and go home. I’m starving.” I said. Taemin laughed and ruffled my hair.

“Sure, let’s go before all the chicken legs are finished.”





so this chappie may seem mediocre 

but i was just in the mood to write!

and i'm talking to nobody again.

*cries* Nobody reads my work

Sorry about. *I'm a failure!*

Anyways if you're reading this, thanks a bunch!!!

oooh and btw this chappie has a lot of dialogue!

Okie bye! laugh


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Thank you all for reading!!
ShawolMBLFT #2
This is fix is crazy awesome~
U should've made a sequel^^
mwah!:* keep up the good work!
banapple195 #4
Me gusta! <--- and no, I do not speak spanish :) But I really like this fic! I shall subscribe!
@Nellie-chan thanks for reading!
this is very nice. i actually felt Hei's sadness for a while.
@lilosuitehart I thin both are fine and thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@tropicalanna thank you so much!
tropicalanna #8
Hey, I LOVE your storyyy !!!! Continueee doing a good job with writing !!!<br />
lilosuitehart #9
isnt it supposed to be appa not oppa?? nice story by the way..update soon!!!