Just smoke and fly

Her Never-ending Past


Ahh!! The things that can happen when you’re bored . Darn, my imagination scared me, got me thinking that I confessed to Taemin. Pfft! Like that was going to happen. Fat chance! Then, to top it off I had a nightmare about those people coming after me and arresting me. Like that was going to happen either. Pffffft!!

“Lee Hei Ryung!”


Everyone turned their heads around to see in me in my semi-conscious state. I mean when I was thinking deeply about something, my hair itches and I end up scratching it like hell. I’d done it so much that I really didn’t realize until Mr. Kwon just had to tell me to go to the bathroom to fix my hair. He was a guidance teacher. What did he know about girl’s hair anyway?


“Hi.” I saw Taemin walked up to me.

“What are you doing here?” Did I even fix my hair? I didn’t remember. Firstly, I was in the hall way bouncing from lockers to lockers and next thing I knew I was outside talking to Taemin.

“Uhhh Looking at the pink flowers looking thing over there.” I pointed at the pink bush for emphasis. Hey, I knew the name of that bush but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Gah! My poor memory.

“The bougainvillaea?” He asked, inching an eyebrow upwards and then chuckled.

“So what? People can’t look at Bogart villas anymore?”


I gave him a say-one-more-word-and-I’ll-cut your-precious-hair look and that shut him up instantly.

“Don’t hurt me” He raised his hands in surrender. And then took a closer step towards me. “What’s that smell?”

“What smell?” I asked taking a step backwards. He then looked around and looked back at me.

“Nothing. Come on, let’s go to class.” He moved his body out my view and “Ahhhhh!” when I saw my reflection in the glass window.

“I’m hideous.” Those bags under my eyes and a bird nest for hair.

“You’re not hideous.” Said the boy with good quality hair.

“You’re just saying that.” Boys. Pfft!

“No, I think you’re beautiful.” I almost died when he said those words. “Come on, I’ll comb it for you.”

“No, thanks” And I bolted it back to class to listen to Mr. Kwon talk about the types of ual relationship, boring me to death.



Sigh! I asked Sulli to accompany me to a whole say of shopping. My wardrobe was getting old and boring and apparently hers was too and since we shared similar fashion style I decided to take her along with me. We were having fun even though we loathed shopping but doing it together made shopping an enjoyable experience. I was feeling slightly tired but a particular department store sparked my interest and I hauled Sulli along.

“Nice!” I took a shirt from the rack and showed it to Sulli who was seated nearby on a plastic chair. It was a black shirt that had “So What??” written in English across the chest area in a shocking red colour.

“What’s so nice about that?” Sulli questioned.

“Ah! Sulli, look! Those sunglasses are AH –mazing.” I said pulling her from the seat and dragging her to the glasses section.

 “I thought you didn’t like shopping”.

“I don’t. What make you think I like shopping? Pffftt! I was ‘pfft-ing’ a lot that day.

“Nothing, Hei Ryung, nothing at all. Just pick something and let’s get out of here.”

I laughed then I remembered I had to buy something at the minimart. I told Sulli I’d be back in a minute and I ran down the street to the min-mart.

“One pack, please.” I pointed to the green and white box.

“Aren’t you a little too young for these?”

“Aren’t you a little too fat for those Twinkies?” I asked incredulously, paid for my goods and trekked it back to the store. “Assjack!”


“Hei Ryung ! You’re back ten years later.”

“I wasn’t gone for that long Sulli.” I smiled.

“What wrong?” Sulli must have noticed that the smile fell off my face.

 Sulli simply saw two middle aged adults speaking happily while searching carefully through a rack of clothes.

“That’s my dad.” I said shakily. I was overwhelmed, seeing dad interacting with a beautiful Korean- looking woman and remembered how he had not even tried to contact me ever since I enrolled in Hwa Yang Academy.

Sulli reverted her gaze to me.

“Well? Let’s talk to him” Sulli said walking off but I stopped her.

“No! I’ll watch from here.”



“ So, Dae Jung, when will I meet her?” the lady asked as she observed a red long sleeved party blouse and matched it against her upper body.

Dae Jung chuckled nervously, a bit astonished by the question.

“Ah , Hei Ryung, is very busy with school and all.” He lied. Frankly, he didn’t even know if I were alive or not.

 “Oh! Dae, I bet she will love me. Well, I have to meet her anyway.” She stated calmly while she walked over to another clothes rack.

Ever so conveniently Sulli decided to sneeze, which caused everyone’s head in the store, with the exception of Dae Jung and the unidentified woman, to snap in her direction. She dropped her head, heavily embarrassed.

“Seriously Sulli? Seriously? You just had to sneeze!” I whisper-shouted.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep it in.”

 “Hei Ryung?”

I stood up and turned around and there was dad and his bleh beside him. “Hey dad.”

“Hei Ryung?!” the lady asked in a surprised and very annoying high- pitched voice. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” She extended her arm to me for a handshake. I didn’t even look at her arm.

“What is she?” I demanded.

“She’s Kim Hye Su.”

“I asked what is she, not who is she?” I was on the verge of swearing multiple sentences of expletives. The intense anger was boiling at a 100 degrees Celsius within my blood, the fury rippled through my veins, which brought about a mild headache. “You’re doing it again. Why? To upset me? To reinforce the guilt?

 “I’m his fiancé.” Hye Su said.

“Hei Ryung-

“You know what dad, forget it!” And I stormed out of that filthy store.



“Good night Hei Ryung.” Sulli said as we ascending the Hwa Yang house front steps.

“Good night.”

“I’m sorry about your dad and all” she began.

“It’s ok, you don’t need to apologize. I’m fine, good night.” And the click of the door signalled that she entered the house.

He was doing it again. He was dating again. He was only meant for mom. Why couldn’t he see that? It hurt every time I saw him with another woman that wasn’t her. He smiled, laughed and looked so happy. He was happy that he was forgetting her. He wasn’t supposed to forget her. Then I remembered the thing at bought at the min-mart. I took it out and marvelled at it longingly.

I hold it gently

My eyes roll back

Arouse by its tenderness

Enthral by its length

Its cylindrical resemblance

I insert it

My tongue engages it in an act

Partially encase in my mouth

My greatest indulgence

Now I it in as deeply

Skilfully; hands free

My head tilts backwards in awe

It fills me with pleasure

Closed eyes


I remove it from my heated lips


No regrets

I’m just smoking a cigarette.





Hello you! It's been months since i've updated. It's becuase i wasn't getting any

inspiration. You maybe think this is a crappy story becuase i kina feel that way. Ughh!


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Thank you all for reading!!
ShawolMBLFT #2
This is fix is crazy awesome~
U should've made a sequel^^
mwah!:* keep up the good work!
banapple195 #4
Me gusta! <--- and no, I do not speak spanish :) But I really like this fic! I shall subscribe!
@Nellie-chan thanks for reading!
this is very nice. i actually felt Hei's sadness for a while.
@lilosuitehart I thin both are fine and thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@tropicalanna thank you so much!
tropicalanna #8
Hey, I LOVE your storyyy !!!! Continueee doing a good job with writing !!!<br />
lilosuitehart #9
isnt it supposed to be appa not oppa?? nice story by the way..update soon!!!