Chapter 6

Keeping Scarlet
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Valerie made it home safe that night with the help of the gangsters. The whole thing with Sohye is starting to get out of hand, so she will put it to rest next time. Seunghyun is only her client, nothing else going on outside of work other than a few chats. Her rival is taking it all way out of proportion and is making things odd.

Before they broke up, Sohye was still arrogant but did not have any animosity towards Valerie while they worked. They were just rivals in the Fire room and gave some advice. Now, she’s out of control and making everyone uncomfortable with her obsessive behavior.

That night, Valerie asks the girl to dinner. Sohye looks at her skeptically, but accepts. They go to a small restaurant that had very few people in it. Sitting down in a booth seat in the corner, they order their food and begin to talk.

“So why did you bring me here? We haven’t been out like this in a long time.” Sohye asks confused.

“That’s why I brought you here, to go back to how things were before you started to hate me.” Valerie replies.

“Really, we’re going to talk about-”

“Yes. Yes we are going to talk about how you’ve been after me for no reason at all. You know damn well I don’t care for other peoples relationships or how they turn out. Seunghyun is just a client, a customer I dance for. I do not have any romantic interest in him, or entertaining him in spite. I’m just doing my job.” She interjects.

Sohye stares at her slack jawed. She didn’t expect Valerie to respond like that. Thinking it over, she never really saw any loving emotion in her eyes when she speaks to her ex or when he is mentioned. She sighs deeply, leans back and crosses her arms.

“I know…I’m sorry. When I get jealous, it gets out of hand…” She conceded.

“Truce then?”

“Truce” Sohye agrees.

The tension in the air around them thins out, going back to a reasonable vibe. Valerie was happy that the problem was solved without a hitch. Sohye still looks grumpy, but it isn’t towards her anymore.

“How he looks at you when he sees you, it was how he used to look at me. Curiosity, lust, and pride. Those were what I saw in them. Now it’s with a different person. Worse, it’s with my dance rival.” Sohye explains.

“Let’s just put this behind us, okay? I’m sorry and I was just still recovering from the breakup.”

Valerie nods and stands up from her seat.

“I forgive you, lets go back to how things were before. The Fire Queens, that’s what they used to call us. We would make everyone hot equally in our own ways.” She smirks.

Sohye grins and nods.

After that encounter, things began to settle down and return to normal. Their popularity increased after the squabble was settled between the girls, bringing more customers with the tense feeling gone. Valerie went home that night relieved, unaware of a certain group glaring at her as she left.


Two days later, she was on her way to the apartment of one of her good friends, (Y/N). (Y/N) was a friend of hers during middle school. They stuck together and dealt with their own bouts of teasing and bullies. They sat together at lunch everyday and were being picked up by her mom after school. (Y/N) is one of her biggest supporters of her profession, always knew that she was best at dancing her

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Should I make drawings for each chapter to get a better idea of what each person looks like in each scene? For instance, in the next chapter, Youngbae will be a little roughed up from torturing one of the thugs. Would you like a visual of that?


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please update soon #baedae #todae
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 12: Hope you can update this soon
Chapter 11: I'm curious about sundae, is it me? they seem to be getting closer? I hope Seunghyun will not blame him self detrimentally
Chapter 9: Oh, someone's gonna get an whooping
Chapter 8: lol, Amanda's Private show video was playing in my head during that last part ;)
Chapter 9: Ooo Valerie!!! .. Daesung better kick their
Chapter 8: Sqquuueeeee I can't wait for daes chapter :)
Chapter 6: I think a FLuffy Sundae fic, but then I sail my sad lonely SunDae ship by myself most of the
Shylia #9
Chapter 6: Do a ToDaeBae Fluff fix. There's so many M rated fics and not enough fluff. You could tie the fix to this one and have Valerie do something special (Not ual) for him.