Chapter 5

Keeping Scarlet
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Valerie had the cat for a few weeks now. With no calls claiming the cat, being informed by a group of school children that the cat had been wandering around the town for a while, she decided to adopt him. Getting him checked out at the vet, food recommendations, tagged, and a new collar, she had made an area of the living room as his play area and put his bed in her room. She named him Geta, after one of her favorite anime characters.

Geta roams the house for a while, getting acquainted with the area. Valerie had noticed that he stayed relatively calm about everything. He doesn’t fuss when she picks him up to hold him, he’s actually sweet about it. Completely different than who he is named after. He sits by her feet when she reads on the couch or lays on her stomach.

Currently, he is in his play area going through his cat house. Though he tends to not sleep on his own bed much, he likes to either keep her company or sleep on the windowsill. His black fur shines in the moonlight peaking through the blinds.

Valerie has just got off the phone with her family: twin brother, younger brother, little sister, little twin brothers, and her two step brothers. She would have conversations with them on the phone or Skype a couple of times a month. Her brothers always worry about her profession being around gangsters, but she would always assure them that it was fine. Val, her twin, was her protector as a child to before she moved. They have a close bond and know what each other are feeling when they talk. He was curious about her new clients and how they treat her. He sounded skeptical, yet was happy that she has customers that treat her well. Drake, one year younger, was happy that she has respectable men to treat her right. That is until she mentions their names. He went wide eyed on camera and began asking a million questions, about if they are as badass as they are said to be and if he could get an autograph from Daesung.

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Should I make drawings for each chapter to get a better idea of what each person looks like in each scene? For instance, in the next chapter, Youngbae will be a little roughed up from torturing one of the thugs. Would you like a visual of that?


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please update soon #baedae #todae
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 12: Hope you can update this soon
Chapter 11: I'm curious about sundae, is it me? they seem to be getting closer? I hope Seunghyun will not blame him self detrimentally
Chapter 9: Oh, someone's gonna get an whooping
Chapter 8: lol, Amanda's Private show video was playing in my head during that last part ;)
Chapter 9: Ooo Valerie!!! .. Daesung better kick their
Chapter 8: Sqquuueeeee I can't wait for daes chapter :)
Chapter 6: I think a FLuffy Sundae fic, but then I sail my sad lonely SunDae ship by myself most of the
Shylia #9
Chapter 6: Do a ToDaeBae Fluff fix. There's so many M rated fics and not enough fluff. You could tie the fix to this one and have Valerie do something special (Not ual) for him.